Going to the Chapel

Where Did It Go Right



I walked out my room about 30 minutes later and ran to Kevin. I stood behind him quietly, making silly faces at him. SooHyun, who was standing in front of him, started laughing. Kevin stopped talking and I stopped making faces. I poked him in the back and giggled at him screaming.

                “YAH! What are you doing girl?” Kevin asked me.

                “I’m happy!! Plus you were soooo vulnerable at that moment.” I said before hugging him and running away. The sound of footsteps made me run faster. Suddenly I was lifted off the ground.

                Kibum looked down at me and gave me a look. “Maybe you don’t remember, but you are pregnant. You can’t run like this.” He said before carrying me to the living room. He dropped me on the couch and then sat next to me. DongHo and Eli were sitting across the room laughing.

                “So wait, I can’t run, but you can drop me on a couch?” I asked before curling up and leaning into him.

                “Yup!” he said with a smirk.

                I thumped the back of his head and laughed a little. Xander came into the room and walked over to us. He picked me up, sat down and had me sitting on his lap.

                “Why do you guys always pick me up?” I complained.

                “Because you are the smallest here.” Bummie said.

                “I’m 5’7 and 145 pounds. How does that make me the smallest person here?” I said before attempting to get out of Xander’s lap. He held me tighter and then kissed my cheek.

                “Well everyone here is lie 6’0 feet and above. And with the exception of Kevin and Kibum we all weight at least 165. Therefore you are the smallest here.” Eli said before going into his kitchen. “Hey can you guys leave my house. The person who is gonna make the marriage license thing is coming over.”

                “THAT’S TODAY?!” I yelled before jumping off of Xander and running towards the back of the Penthouse, where our rooms were. “I need to change!” I yelled again, before running to my room and ripping off my clothes as I ran. By the time I got to my room, I was only in my bra and underwear. I slipped on my Eli’s sweats again and put on a silky cami.

                I slammed my door and walked quickly to my closet. I stood in the middle of it and glared at all my clothes. Then I saw it. The perfect outfit!


                I ushered the guys out my house and shut the door. I walked to the back of the house to take off my pajamas and stopped. I looked down the hall and I could see Blix’s clothes strewn on the floor. A shirt in one spot, a cami in another and then her jeans right in from of her room. I rounded them all up and put them in front of her door.

                I went into my room and ripped off my shirt, standing in front of my closet shirtless. I grabbed a nice pair of pants and dress shirt. I heard Blix’s bathroom door open and the suddenly my bathroom door burst open. I stood there staring at her with a very confused face. She had two different shirts in her hands.

                “Which one goes best with black?! Wait... you’re shirtless.” She said before snapping her eyes back up to my eyes.

                “Yes, I am.” I said before stretching in a way that I knew would make all my muscles flex. Her head tilted a little to the side and I started laughing. I turned around and slipped on my dress shirt. “The blue one.”

                “Thank you!” she squeaked as she raced out my room. I heard a thud. I leaned over and glanced in the bathroom. My sweats were too long for her and covered her feet. She was rolling around the floor, attempting to stand up off the floor, but my sweats wouldn’t unwrap from her feet. I walked over to her and picked her up off the floor. I stood her up and helped her to her room.

“Ouch.” She said rubbing her hip as she shut the bathroom door. Suddenly it flew open. “I forgot to say thanks. So Thanks Eli!”: she said before shutting the door again.

I went back to my room and slipped my sweat pants off and went to my closet again. I tossed the sweats in the dirty clothes bin and slipped off my underwear and put them in the bin as well. I put on a new pair and then put on my pants. I looked in the mirror and slipped on my favorite watch. A gold Rolex watch that I bought for myself after my very first paycheck.

The doorbell – intercom started buzzing. I walked to the door and opened it to see my friend Jin Ho.

                “Hey man, how are you?” I said while he walked in.

                “I’m great! So … where is this girl?! I didn’t get a chance to look at any newspapers.”

                “She’s getting dressed. So you remember why we are doing this right?”

                “Yup, her ex her, and she is pregnant.” He said softly. “So instead of her being the that hangs out with U-KISS, she is your wife.”

                “Yeah, that.” I said before leading him to the kitchen. “Thirsty?”

                “Just some water.” Jin Ho said before laying his briefcase on the table.


                I smoothed down my skirt and smiled at the fact that it still fit perfectly. I had on a black pencil skirt with the dark blue blouse that Eli chose on, tucked into it. I put my hair up in a bun and put on some mascara.

I walked into the kitchen and smiled. Eli was talking with his friend and he looked so happy to see him. He turned around and smiled. “Blix! You look very nice.”

“Thanks.” I said with a cute grin.

“So go on an introduce yourself while I go get something.” He said before disappearing to the back.

“Hi. How are you?” I asked before bowing.

He stood and bowed back “Hi Blix, I’m Jeon Jin Ho. If you don’t mine me asking. How old are you?”

“18.” I said before sitting down.

“Oh cool,” he said dropping all formalities. “I didn’t want to speak formally with you.”

I laughed and nodded, “Okay!”

Eli came back with his glasses on and then sat down. Immediately Jin Ho got very serious.

“Since this is an illegal process, I need you both to sign a confidentiality agreement and a commitment agreement. Both of these state that no matter what happens, you guys were married on May 5, 2010 while Blix was still 17. If anything every gets leaked to the press, her parents were okay with it and she turned 18 a few weeks later. Even though the license is Korean, you were married in the states and have a license over there too. But no one will dig that deep.”

“Well if we want to make it more legit, my birthday is July 4, which is American Independence day. So can we get married June 15?” I asked while scanning some stuff on the contracts.

“Oh that’s good.” Jin Ho said. “You’ve got a smart one.” He said to Eli before pulling out the actually license and writing in June 15th. I signed my contracts and watched as Eli signed his. He took mine from me and handed them both to Jin Ho.

He placed them in a yellow clasp folder and then slipped it into his briefcase. “In case of any type of emergency do I have your permission to place these papers in a burn bag?”

Eli nodded and then looked at me. I said yes very softly.

“Here is the actual license. Since this is again illegal, we are going to fake witness. So Eli, who do you want to write down?”

“Well I told my parents everything that was going on so we can use their names to make it more legit.” He said before writing down his parents names.


“Well I don’t have a father anymore, he passed away a few months before I turned 16, but we can use my mom’s maiden name and my godfather’s name.”

“Okay,” Eli said before sliding the paper over to me. I signed my mom’s name like I’d seen her do a billions times before for school trips and whenever she signed for her credit card. I signed my godfathers like he did a bunch of loops and scribbles that somehow spelled John Karther.

“Here you go!” I said.

Jin Ho stamped it and signed in a few places. Then he pulled out another piece of paper and wrote some things off of our license.

“This is my copy and here is the official copy right here. If I were you, I would find a very trusted photographer and have him or her do some pictures from ‘your wedding’. Something that can be ‘accidently leaked’ by someone in the agency so that it seems much more legit. I’m going to leave now. Enjoy the married life.” He said before letting himself out of the Eli’s house.

Well my house now… I looked at my husband and smiled. How many times had I dreamed that I would be married to Eli from U-KISS? Now it had really happened and I didn’t exactly know what to do or say.

“Well, wife… want to go get some ice cream for little Min?”

“You named her?”

“SEE you think it’s gonna be a girl too.”

I sighed “Whatever, and answer me.” I said with a laugh.          

He laughed a little with me and then nodded. “Yup but I’m not sure that I like that name. I want to give her an original name that’s still really ethnic for both cultures. But I just wanna call her Min for now.” He said looking deep in thought.

I laughed and grabbed his hand. “Come on husband! Let’s go get changed, Minnie and I are hungry.”

“Minnie? Like the animal? No my daughter will not be named after a rat.”

“She’s a mouse!” I said before leading him to the part of the house where our rooms were. “And she’s cute!”

“She is still an animal! Speaking of … I didn’t feed my hedgehogs today.”

“Can I do it?!” I squeaked.

Eli laughed and nodded. “Sure, if you don’t mind.”

“Yay!” I said before hurrying to his room. I went in and went to their cage. “Hey guys! Dad said I can feed you!”

They sat up and looked at me like they knew exactly what I was saying. I picked up the big bottle next to their cage and started to twist it.

“WAIT!” Eli screamed. I dropped the bottle and watched it roll under the desk. “Sorry to scare you,” he said as he walked over to pick it up. But there are live crickets in here and once one got out… I had to let the boy out to find it and eat it.”

I looked at the cage and was surprised. “You have them living together?”


“You’re not supposed to do that. “ I said before grabbing the bottle from Eli.


“Don’t exactly remember why but I wanted one when I was about 7 or 8 and so I did a TON of research on them. Then my mom got pregnant with my brothers and my dream of owning sonic went down the drain.”

Eli started laughing. “Well they haven’t attempted to kill each other and for some reason, they are awake. It’s around 1:30 they should be asleep.” I dropped 4 crickets into their cage and giggled at the way they cornered the insects.

They ate them and I went to change into my original outfit and let my hair down. I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. A smell hit me and all of a sudden I was hovering over the trashcan puking my guts out.

I could hear Eli walking to the front of the house and I’m guessing he heard me because all of a sudden he was there rubbing my back and holding back my hair.

I started dry heaving and coughing. Eli helped me to the floor and I sat between his legs and curled into him. “I hate this feeling” I said before grabbing a napkin off the counter to wipe my mouth. We sat there for a sec and then he helped me up. We walked to the bathroom and then he watched me rinse my mouth out. I brushed my teeth again and then smiled.

“Okay. I’m ready for that ice cream now.” I said. “Can I have a piggy back ride?”

He looked at me and then squinted a bit. “Sure.” I smiled and hopped on him back. He carried me all the way downstairs and to his car. But sure enough while he was carrying me, we forgot to get my shoes. So at the ice cream place, I stayed on his back.

We were sitting in traffic eating our ice cream when I asked him about shoes.

“I’ll buy you some.” He said before eating a huge spoonful. “You like heels or flats?”

“Have you seen my closet?”


“Well then you will see that 45 of my 50 pairs of shoes are indeed heels. I own 10 pairs of Chucks and 5 pairs of Uggs. I don’t get how warm they are…”

“Okay so you are about to own 41 pairs. I mean all you need is a pair of flats right? That won’t be difficult.”  He said.  I sat there quietly, eating my frozen treat.

“RIGHT?” he asked again.

“I adore shopping and I love shoe shopping more than anything.” I said as the car moved forward.

“It’s gonna be a while.” He said before shoving more ice cream into his mouth. 

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unusual_dreamer #1
@queen you can have while pregnant. the baby is fine. because the baby is so far up and no matter how far deep he went, he wouldn't be able to touch it.
Source - pregnant family and I wanted to be a doctor for a while so I did research lol
QueenOfKyaa #2
Ick. She's pregnant.
And he could damage the baby.
QueenOfKyaa #3
Aww~ , they're so cute!
~ chu <3 to the cute couple. <(n . n)>

Can't wait for the next update! Please type quickly eonnie!
QueenOfKyaa #4
Makes her skin look bright and happy???
Uwah~ !? (@ x o)
kkk, wierd boy - making my head spin with his wierdness, lol. (((@ . @)))
QueenOfKyaa #5
Fufufu, she's so greedy! XDDD
QueenOfKyaa #6
Lol! That was great! I'm enjoying this fic so much!
unusual_dreamer #7
@queen lol that part was based off of me in the mornings ... yeah I'm really mean lol plus she is pregnant so all types of crazy hormones lol
QueenOfKyaa #8
kkk, she's psycho! <(n . n)>
QueenOfKyaa #9
uwah~!!!! Major plot twist!!!
QueenOfKyaa #10
Wah! Paparazzi are scary! <(O.O)>