New Side

Where Did It Go Right


            Eli spit out what was in his mouth and started coughing. “You want to do what?” he said, before rinsing his mouth out.

                “I want my mom to think I’m dead.”

                “Why? Where the heck did that come from?” he asked before going to sit on the edge of the tub. “You want your mother to think you are dead? Why?”

                “Because if she thinks I’m alive and I never visit her, she’ll be really confused and think that I hate her or some dumb idea like that. She might try to visit me and see me with you and the baby. Then she’ll want to disown me. She’ll think I came here, got knocked up and then got married because I got knocked up.”

                 Eli snorted. I glared at him and he ignored me. “Why don’t you tell her the truth?”

                “And let it break her heart? She’ll die at that thought. My mom isn’t strong. She had to be hospitalized when my dad died because her heart literally started to give out or at least that is what our doctor said.”

                “Blix you aren’t making sense. If that happened when your dad died, what do you think will happen if you make her think you died?”

                I hadn’t thought about that. I needed another plan. “Help me. Please?”

                “Come on; let’s go talk in my room.”  Eli said as he stood up. We walked to his room, and I sat on his bed as he started to pace a bit. “So what are you going to do? She needs to know.”

                “Ummm… I don’t know. But I refuse to tell her. Maybe I can just stop talking to her. After all I haven’t actually called her since I’ve been here. And now that I think about it she hasn’t called me.” I sat there thinking deeply. “ Why hasn’t she called me?”

                “Maybe you should call her.” Eli suggested.

                “Maybe I should,” I said before jogging to my room and grabbing my cell phone. My aunt paid for international on it for me.

                I hit 2 on my speed dial and waited as it rang.

                “Dooooo doooo diiinnng I’m sorry this number has been disconnected. I’m sorry this num-“ I hung up and stared at my phone. I manually dialed the number and frowned when the same message was played to me.

                “That’s weird. It says the number is disconnected.”

                “Do you have siblings?”

                “Yeah twin brothers.” I replied.

                “Call them. Maybe something happened to your mom’s phone. Call them.”

                I dialed Chris, the oldest number. “Please work.” I begged silently.

                The message played in my ear and I groaned and threw my phone across the room. It made a cracking sound and I flopped back onto Eli’s bed.

                “I think you broke your phone.” He said.

                “Well thank you captain obvious. Are you going to let me know that I’m black next?” I asked sarcastically.

                “You are the only person I’ve met that is so sarcastic yet still so sweet and nice. I don’t understand you.” he said as he walked over to my phone.  He picked it up and stared at it. “There is a crack on the back panel but other than that its fine.”

                “But my family had their numbers changed. What the heck?! “ I exclaimed. I rolled over onto my stomach and laid there. Suddenly I was being lifted off the bed and Eli was holding me.

                “You’re pregnant. You can’t do that.” He said before carrying me to my room.

                “I just realized something. I never took a test.”

                “Yeah, but your face is bloated and you’ve been throwing up for the last week. Plus you get dizzy randomly. And your tummy has a slight little bump. You’re pregnant.” He said before laying me on my bed.

                “My face is fat?!” I cried out. I rushed to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. Sure enough my face was fatter and my stomach was a tad rounder. ‘How did he notice that when I didn’t?” I wondered. I washed my face and used the bathroom.

                I went back to my room and smiled. Eli was stretched out on my bed, with his face buried in a few of my pillows. I poked his side, but he didn’t move. He must’ve been really tired. I climbed under the blanket while he slept on top of it.


---- ----- -----

I stretched and rolled over onto my side, it got relatively warmer, so I snuggled into the warmth. I was going back to sleep when something kinda heavy flopped on me. I yawned and closed my eyes. Then they popped open. I looked over at Eli and then attempted to sit up. His arm got stronger as I tried to move so I flopped back down.

                I had forgotten that he fell asleep on my bed last night. A loud and aggravating buzzing came from the front of the penthouse. I tried to get out from under Eli to go answer the door, but his arm couldn’t budge. Suddenly it stopped.

                It was really, really quiet after that. I lay back down. “When he wakes up I’ll tell him someone stopped by.”  I thought to myself.

                Then, out of nowhere , Kevin and Kiseop burst into my room.

                “WHAT THE HECK?” Kevin screamed. Eli lifted the arm that was on me and then slam med it down, really hard.

                “WHAT THE HELL?” he screamed back. I sat there whimpering and holding my shoulder. Eli glanced over at me and then smiled guiltily. “Sorry” he said much softer. I waved it off.

                “Why are you guys sleeping in the same bed?” Kevin said.

                “Why you jealous?” I said before standing up and walking to the bathroom. I stopped at the door. “Remember Kevin, he’s married to me now. You can’t have him anymore.”

                I shut the door to Eli and Kiseop’s loud laughter and Kevin’s complaints. After I used the bathroom I looked in the mirror. I stood there for a second, making sure I didn’t feel the need to vomit and then I walked out. Kevin threw my toiletry bag at me and then stuck his tongue out at me.

                “Go brush your yucky teeth!” he said.

                “Go be childish elsewhere.” I said before stalking off back to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and jumped into the shower. I looked down at my stomach which had a small bump. If it weren’t for the fact that my stomach was super flat to begin with I probably wouldn’t have noticed. I gently touched it and smiled. Even though I’m getting this baby through one of the worst ways possible, I would love it and take care of it to the absolute best of my ability.

                BANG BANG BANG

                “What?” I screamed.

                “I gotta pee!” Eli yelled back.

                “Umm ok?” I said to myself. “Come in!” I screamed back. The frosted glass around the shower was so thick that I couldn’t see out and Eli couldn’t see in. I could hear the door opening and shutting. Eli shuffled across the room and to the toilet. I stuck my head under the water and started washing my hair. It was also because I didn’t want to hear him peeing. Suddenly the water became freezing and I squealed kinda loudly in shock.


                “hehe sorry!”

                “Sorry my foot.” I complained as the water heated back up. I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair and applied my conditioner. I washed up two more time and then rinsed it out of my hair. I wrung it out and whipped my head around some. I got out and wrapped myself in one of Eli’s huge towels. I went from my chest all the way to my knees. I walked out the bathroom to my room and smiled at my suitcases. I dried off, put on lotion and my underclothes and started loading everything into my closet. It took about 30 min but I was done with the clothes. Then I looked at my shoe truck.

                Yes I had a truck just for my shoes. I owned a good 50 pair. Don’t’ judge me (A/N I own A TON of shoes not 50 pairs though =D lol )

                I was standing in my closet (I had a walk in!) staring at the different options. Most of my clothes were oversized shirts, really cute pants and jeans. I owned skinny jeans in like every color of the rainbow. I grabbed my pink skinny jeans and paired it with this black shirt that fell of my shoulder. My bra was pink, so everything just tied together perfectly.

                I went to the kitchen and was met with all of U-KISS, who were all giving me weird looks, with the exception of Eli.

                “What is wrong with you guys?” I said before getting a glass of orange juice.

                “Noona, you guys slept in the same bed. And you aren’t married yet.”

                “Well we didn’t sleep together so get your out a knot.” I said before taking a small sip.

                “Why are you so mean?” Kevin asked, completely flabbergasted.

                “I’m not a morning person. My sarcastic side comes out with a vengeance. Sorry.” I said with no real regret in my voice.

                “Great I get to live with a pregnant woman who isn’t a morning person.”

                “I wouldn’t be like that. I could make these next nine months enjoyable for me and torture for you or happy for the both of us.”I drank a little more juice and made sure it stayed down. “Your choice.”

                The boys started laughing. “Don’t laugh because this applies to you too.” Their laughter quickly dropped off. “In about 45 minutes I’ll be nice again. Bye for now.” I said before throwing back the rest of my juice and skipping happily to my room.


                “I’m slightly scared of these next nine months now,” DongHo said.

                “So am I.” we said in unison. 



Italics is Korean ... didn't do the purple today =] 

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unusual_dreamer #1
@queen you can have while pregnant. the baby is fine. because the baby is so far up and no matter how far deep he went, he wouldn't be able to touch it.
Source - pregnant family and I wanted to be a doctor for a while so I did research lol
QueenOfKyaa #2
Ick. She's pregnant.
And he could damage the baby.
QueenOfKyaa #3
Aww~ , they're so cute!
~ chu <3 to the cute couple. <(n . n)>

Can't wait for the next update! Please type quickly eonnie!
QueenOfKyaa #4
Makes her skin look bright and happy???
Uwah~ !? (@ x o)
kkk, wierd boy - making my head spin with his wierdness, lol. (((@ . @)))
QueenOfKyaa #5
Fufufu, she's so greedy! XDDD
QueenOfKyaa #6
Lol! That was great! I'm enjoying this fic so much!
unusual_dreamer #7
@queen lol that part was based off of me in the mornings ... yeah I'm really mean lol plus she is pregnant so all types of crazy hormones lol
QueenOfKyaa #8
kkk, she's psycho! <(n . n)>
QueenOfKyaa #9
uwah~!!!! Major plot twist!!!
QueenOfKyaa #10
Wah! Paparazzi are scary! <(O.O)>