Married Life

Where Did It Go Right


I finished my ice cream before we even got to the shopping district and convinced Eli to give me his.

“Why are you eating it like that?” he asked. “And give me a little bit.” He was facing forward but had his face turned somewhat sideways. I laughed and shoved the spoon in his mouth.

“Open for the train!” I said before making a face that would make only a baby laugh.

“Practicing?” he asked before chewing the brownie piece and swallowing.

“Yup! You just need to play your role better.” I said before filling my spoon with the dairy goodness that is ice cream. “You are babyish enough.”

“I could always have you hold me 24-7 and make you change my underwear…” he said before stopping at a red light and looking at me.

“I think that you should stop playing and we go buy me some shoes.”

Eli started laughing. “I figured.”

I smiled and ignored him for the rest of the ride. He made a right turn and suddenly we were in the shopping district.

Louis Vuitton, Kate Spade, Chanel, Juicy Couture and tons of other designer stores stood in front of me, just begging me to buy something from them.

“So where do you want to start?” he asked before rolling down his window and giving the valet some Won.

“I don’t even know. But I need some shoes.” I was quiet for a second. “Honey!”

“Oh dear, yes Blix?”

“Let’s make this a shopping trip!” I said before bouncing in my seat a little. “Please!”

He looked at me for a second. “Well, I do have more than enough money on my debit card and I should spoil you one good time before the craziness of the paparazzi hits 100%... I don’t know what I’m agreeing to but sure why not.” He said before leaning over and kissing my cheek.

I smiled and kissed him back. He got out and opened my door. He squatted in front of me again and I climbed on his back. He carried me to Kate Spade. Once inside, I stared at the gorgeous handbags on the walls.

“Excuse me, I need her feet to get measured and for those black flats in her size.” Eli said, still holding me.

“Yes, sir. Would you like us to clear the store so you can shop in peace?” she said, obviously a fan of U-KISS.

“It depends on what she wants.” He said.

“Oh, I don’t really mind. There can be people in the store.”  I said before glancing back at the wall. “Can I see that red purse please?”

She bowed and quickly walked over to the purse. She lifted it off the shelf and smiled as she walked back towards me.

“Is this what you were looking for?”

“Put me down.” I said to Eli. He put me on a small couch near the shoes and then sat next to me. “Yes, thank you so much!”

I looked at it, held it and then turned to Eli. “Do you like this?” I asked before hooking it on my shoulder and looking in the mirror.

“Yeah, the color makes your skin look all … hmm bright and happy.” He said before leaning in closer to me. “Yeah, it makes you look prettier.”

I laughed and then kissed his cheek. “Thanks babe.”

“She wants this purse.” He said before taking it from me and handing it to the lady. She nodded and as soon as she moved, someone was in her spot measuring my feet.

She nodded and then walked away only to return with my shoes. She slipped them on my feet and smiled when I said that they fit perfectly.

I walked around in them and then faced Eli. “How do I look?” I said before spinning a bit on my toes. He walked over to me and grabbed one of my hands and spun me a bit more.

“You look beautiful.” He said.

I smiled and followed him to the cash register. She was putting my bag into a box-bag (ya know one of those bags that is basically a box just with strings at the top?). Eli grabbed it and paid for everything, and then led me out the store.

Once my bags were in the back, and we were buckled into the car, Eli grabbed my hand. He just held it, and started driving.

“I thought you were really pretty when I first met you, and since we are already married, in a way there is a lot that I don’t have to do. But I still want you to find love again. So let’s make this a date.” Eli said, rubbing his thumb over my hand.

“Oh… Okay. Yeah, let’s make this a date!” I said. I thought about all the nights I went to sleep dreaming that I would marry him or date him or something. And here it is, finally reality except it’s not like we love each other yet. Yet I really want to love him.

After we left Kate Spade, we drove to a mall. It was relatively empty and there was a group of girls near the entrance with tons of bags. As we walked pass, one of the girls stopped me.

“Where did you get your jeans?” She asked in English. ‘They are soo cute!” she said to her friend in Korean.

“Thank you! I got them in America.” I replied in Korean.

The girl just smiled and then all pulled out their phones. I shrugged and kept walking. We walked into one store and I gravitated towards the jeans.

I picked them up off the rack and held them up. Eli walked up behind me, and pressed his body against mine. A slight shiver ran down my body. “You like them?” he said softly in my ear. I nodded and he took them from me. He backed away from me and then held them up to me.

“To have such a curvy body, you have a really little waist.” He said before grabbing a smaller size pair of  jeans.

“I’m what American’s would call ‘a brickhouse’.” He looked at me confusedly. “A black guy would get it.” I said jokingly.

“A Brickhouse?”                                                                                                                          

“Yeah, my measurements are 36, 24, and 36. That’s a brickhouse”

Eli took a step back and looked me up and down. “Well, aren’t I lucky?”

I laughed and walked away towards shirts. I strayed towards the maternity section and grabbed a cute black dress. It was snug at the bust and flowed out in ripples. It had a cute crocheted halter and had varying lengths at the bottom. The size was for people all throughout their pregnancy. I looked at Eli and smiled. He grabbed about 20 baby shirts, pants to match and had a cute little baby dress in his arms.

“Hey, aren’t these cute! We should dress her like super cutely and preppy!”

I walked over and looked at all the clothes he had. “Someone is excited to be a daddy.” I said before grabbing a purple shirt out the bunch.

“My mommy is a cutie!” The shirt read in English.

“That is cute,” I said with a laugh. He smiled and started towards the cash register.  The cashier looked at Eli with awe and then gave me a rude glance.

“Hello!” I said softly. She snorted and quickly turned to Eli with a smile on her face.

“Hello Mr. Kim!” she said before completely ignoring me. She stared at him with huge doe eyes.

“Do you not see my wife standing beside me? Why didn’t you acknowledge her?” Eli said fiercely.

She blinked rapidly and looked at me. “S-sorry sir. I didn’t see her.”

“How did you not see her? She is standing less than one foot away from me. I saw the rude look you gave her, so you can’t lie about it.” He said rudely. “Finish out things and show me to your manager. I want to speak with them.”

“Y-yes sir.” She said before quickly finishing with our things. She packed them into bags and paged the manager over the intercom.

A tall woman with long legs and honey-blonde hair came towards us.  “Hello Mr. and Mrs. Kim, is there an issue with Ms. Choi?”

“Yes, she ignored me wife and gave her a rude look. Then she lied to me. When I shop here, I expect the highest customer service. Not what Ms. Choi gave my wife and I.”

“Go pack your things. I will not tolerate that type of behavior towards celebrities or common people.” The manager said. Ms. Choi bowed and walked away quickly, her cheeks a bright red color.

“I’m so sorry Mrs. Kim that you had to deal with that.” She glanced at our things. “Oh my! Are you expecting?! That’s so exciting!”

Eli smiled hugely and nodded. “Yes I will be daddy in a few months! But we are having a press conference tomorrow to explain everything.”

“I’m so happy for you! Just for being pregnant and for dealing with Ms. Choi, I’ll take 40% off your total.” She said before giving me a huge grin.


We got home that night with bags full of baby clothes and maternity clothes for me. Eli had ransacked every baby store he could find and got just about everything for the baby. Who, may I mention, shouldn’t be arriving for another 7 ½ months.

I walked to my room and ripped off my clothes, put on my (Eli’s) sweats and climbed into bed. “So sleepy,” I mumbled. I heard Eli moving around in his room as I tucked myself into my blankets. Suddenly my door burst open and Eli stood there with just some pants on.

“Blix!” he said before walking over to my bed.

“What?” I mumbled.

“We’re married, we have to sleep together.” He said before picking me up. I was so tired that I didn’t feel the need to complain. He laid me gently on his bed and I curled up. Eli tucked himself around me and pulled the blanket up over us.

He wrapped his arms around me and I fell into a peaceful sleep. 

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unusual_dreamer #1
@queen you can have while pregnant. the baby is fine. because the baby is so far up and no matter how far deep he went, he wouldn't be able to touch it.
Source - pregnant family and I wanted to be a doctor for a while so I did research lol
QueenOfKyaa #2
Ick. She's pregnant.
And he could damage the baby.
QueenOfKyaa #3
Aww~ , they're so cute!
~ chu <3 to the cute couple. <(n . n)>

Can't wait for the next update! Please type quickly eonnie!
QueenOfKyaa #4
Makes her skin look bright and happy???
Uwah~ !? (@ x o)
kkk, wierd boy - making my head spin with his wierdness, lol. (((@ . @)))
QueenOfKyaa #5
Fufufu, she's so greedy! XDDD
QueenOfKyaa #6
Lol! That was great! I'm enjoying this fic so much!
unusual_dreamer #7
@queen lol that part was based off of me in the mornings ... yeah I'm really mean lol plus she is pregnant so all types of crazy hormones lol
QueenOfKyaa #8
kkk, she's psycho! <(n . n)>
QueenOfKyaa #9
uwah~!!!! Major plot twist!!!
QueenOfKyaa #10
Wah! Paparazzi are scary! <(O.O)>