First and Last

Where Did It Go Right

 This is gonna be a long opening chapter... but I need it to be longer so that I can bring in U-KISS next chapter!



I looked at my English room and smiled. This would be the last day I would be in this room involuntarily. After today I wouldn’t have to come back Rancho Cucamonga Valley High (A/N not sure if this is real) until graduation which was in 2 weeks. The clock on the wall read 2:55. I got my best friends attention and smiled. We were finally done with high school. After 4 years of drama, bratty girls and boys that were jerks just for the fun of it, we were finally done.

We survived high school! Now we just have 4 more years for college and we are officially done with school. For the rest of our lives. Speaking of colleges I haven’t told any specific college that accepted me that I will be attending. If I get the one acceptance letter that I’ve been praying about since I discovered k-pop in 8th grade. I sent my transcript to Seoul Uni about 2 months ago. I’ve been praying every night and Sunday at church that they will accept me.


You could hear the screams of the entire 12th grade class throughout the school. We all left our things in the classroom and ran into the hall for the celebratory running of the square. You see our school is set up in a huge square, so on the seniors last day we run around it making as much noise as possible.  I grabbed Micah, my best friend, and we sprinted out the room screaming at the top of our lungs. I saw my boyfriend Jacob or Jakey as I called him and grabbed his hand. We ran through the halls, celebrating our last day as High Schoolers.

Tomorrow we were adults!

                          ----------------- about 4 hours later -------------

My clock read 7:30 but it didn’t feel like night yet. Micah and I were putting the finishing touches on our outfits. We were going to this teen club in LA which was a good 2 hour drive. Jakey got us a party bus and we were going to stop at In and Out before we got there. I slipped on my favorite pair of heels and smiled in my mirror. I had on a pair of neon green skinny jeans with a black see-through cutoff shirt with a green cami underneath. My hair was down in its natural curls. Micah convinced me to grow it out Junior year and now it was a little below my bra when wavy and to the middle of my back when I flat ironed it.

I put in my gold hoops and slipped on my favorite necklace. My daddy bought me a necklace from Tiffany’s when he went to New York on business my last year of middle school and I have loved it ever since.

I looked at Micah and grinned. She had on a tight pair of black skinny jeans with a bright yellow shirt that said “Smile”. Her long red hair was bone straight and touched right below her . We looked in the mirror and I started laughing.

“What’s so funny?” she said before putting on some mascara.

“We do this same pose every time we do something new. Our first day of Middle School, first dance, first day of high school, last first day of high school, first time hitting a teen club, prom.”  I said before grabbing my lip gloss.

“OMG you are so right! Just wait. Prom was going to be AH-MAZING! And so will this club, I just know it!” she said with a huge grin.

“Knock Knock!” My mom said before she came into my room. “Guess who has a letter from a college that is overseas?!” she said with the excitement spilling from her voice.

“Oh my gosh! Really?!” I ran across my huge room and stopped in front of her. I ripped open the letter and ran my eyes quickly over the words on the page.

Only one word stood out and that word was “Accepted”.

I looked up at Micah and my mom and started screaming. “OH MY GOSH MOM IM IN ! THEY ACCPETED ME!!”

Suddenly they both started screaming with me and my twin brothers came out their rooms to see what was going on.

“What the heck?” they said at the same time, doing that freaky same time talk thing that only twins can do.

“I’m going to Korea,” I said before taking a huge breath. “Seoul University accepted me!”

“Whoa that’s so cool!” They said simultaneously. Then they rushed forward and wrapped me in a huge hug. I was going to miss them. They were only 13 and were going to start High School next year.

“Your father would be so proud of you sweetie.” My mom said. I smiled softly and looked the picture on my desk. We took it only 2 days before my dad died in a car crash on PCH (Pacific Coast Highway). He was checking out a really cool place for my Sweet 16 in a few months.

Diiing doong diiinnng doonng

“Oh I think Jakey is here!” I said before running out my room and down the stairs to the front door.  I opened the door to see my handsome boyfriend and his best friend, Nick, on my porch.

“Hey you guys. Micah and I are almost ready. We’ll be down in like 2 minutes.” I said before going back upstairs to get her.

“Nice !” Jakey said as I walked up the stairs.

I ignored him and went to grab my purse and Micah so we could leave.

“Bye mom I’ll see you later!” I called out as we clomped down the stairs in our heels.

“Bye sweetheart!”

Once on the bus, we went to pick up our other friends and soon we were on our way to LA.

                “Oh guys!” I shouted over LMFAO’s “y and I Know It”, “Guess who is going to Korea for college!”

                Screams of congratulations filled the small area and I smiled so hard my cheeks hurt.


---------------------------------- Don’t need much more of the bus ride lol ------------------------------

Once we got to the club, I just knew I’d have a great time. A super good remix of a song was playing and there were couples everywhere, dancing on each other and holding cups.

“Hey, they don’t sell alcohol right?” I asked Nick who was standing next to me making googly eyes at this cute blonde.

“They aren’t supposed to but somehow it is sold on certain nights. I think we are here on a good night.” He said before walking over to dance on her. The way they were moving, I was positive that he was gonna get laid tonight in one of the back rooms.

Jake and I started dancing and soon I lost track of my friends. The only thing my mind was on, was the fact that Jake was dancing with me and that I was loving the feeling of his hands on my body. The song stopped, but we didn’t stop dancing. He was pressed against me and it was getting really hard for me to push him away.

“Hey, let’s get something to drink.” He said to me before leading me off the floor. I fanned myself and sat down at the bar as Jakey ordered our drinks.

“Here babe!” he said before drinking a blue drink. “Don’t worry it isn’t alcoholic.”

I smiled and drank mine quickly, ignoring the weird fizzy thing at the bottom. I mean we are at a club all drinks are fizzy right?

As we danced, I started to feel dizzy. I felt detached from my body as Jake started to lead me from the floor. I feel onto something soft and tried to curl into it. But a pair of strong hands held me down.

“No no no… shhh sweetheart. It will only hurt a little.” Said Jake. I blinked and tried to push him away as he straddled me but my limbs felt like they were made of lead.

I tried to form the word ‘no’ but my tongue wouldn’t even cooperate. I could feel my jeans being pulled down and my underwear being ripped off my body.

And after that…. Nothing. 

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unusual_dreamer #1
@queen you can have while pregnant. the baby is fine. because the baby is so far up and no matter how far deep he went, he wouldn't be able to touch it.
Source - pregnant family and I wanted to be a doctor for a while so I did research lol
QueenOfKyaa #2
Ick. She's pregnant.
And he could damage the baby.
QueenOfKyaa #3
Aww~ , they're so cute!
~ chu <3 to the cute couple. <(n . n)>

Can't wait for the next update! Please type quickly eonnie!
QueenOfKyaa #4
Makes her skin look bright and happy???
Uwah~ !? (@ x o)
kkk, wierd boy - making my head spin with his wierdness, lol. (((@ . @)))
QueenOfKyaa #5
Fufufu, she's so greedy! XDDD
QueenOfKyaa #6
Lol! That was great! I'm enjoying this fic so much!
unusual_dreamer #7
@queen lol that part was based off of me in the mornings ... yeah I'm really mean lol plus she is pregnant so all types of crazy hormones lol
QueenOfKyaa #8
kkk, she's psycho! <(n . n)>
QueenOfKyaa #9
uwah~!!!! Major plot twist!!!
QueenOfKyaa #10
Wah! Paparazzi are scary! <(O.O)>