Chapter 14

Who Owns Jeon Somi's Heart?
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Chapter 14


Sejeong's POV


"Mina and Sohye and were inseparable! Hahahaha! They won't go without each other. When you see Mina or Sohye unnie, you always see the other pair. Hahahahahaha." Somi happily told us.


She's been telling us stories about what happened that peaceful summer. And guess what? We all can't believe that we all met each other in the past but can't remember anything on what happened that summer. Weird right? It feels weird too.


"Hey. Isn't today monday?" Somi suddenly asked making us all turn to her.



"RACE YOU TO THE DOOR! LAST ONE HAS TO TAKE CARE OF SOMI FOR THIS WEEK!" Yeunjung suddenly blurted out and quickly ran to the door.


I was left there. Dumbfounded. God those dorks. Even the unnies?


"Byebye Unnie~ take of vita-somi!" Mina said before waving goodbye to me.

"Yeaaahhhh! Bye unnie! " Said Sohye Who suddenly appeared and then vanished with Mina. It made me giggle a bit cause of what Somi just said earlier about that two. They are inseparable.


"Why are you laughing alone unnie? Don't tell me you've become a crazy person and just escaped from a mental institution?" Somi jokingly said with matching giggle at the end.


It made me smile. I went and sat on the chair beside her and rested my head on the bed. I then felt her hand playing with my hair. I closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep again. I'm just really tired.


"Hey unnie. I remembered when we first met. You saved me when I was about to carelessly fall off a cliff. Hahaha. I remember you always save me from the results of my carelessness. After that, we would hang out in our little world in the forest. I remember you saying that I was your Queen and we'll be together forever. hahahaha. Then I met Chaeyeon unnie..." She said. I can sense in the way she talks that she is really happy. But why did she paused?

I heard her sigh as she stops playing with my hair.


"Chaeyeon unnie. When I first met her, she was crying under a tree when I was wandering around the woods. I approached her and handed her my towel. She refused and turned her back on me but I insisted. I made look my way and I myself, wiped the tears off her face. I can clearly see that she was blushing that's why she covered her face with her two hands. I remember asking her what was wrong and why was she crying. She answered that she was being bullied at school and she got tired of it and decided to run away. I thought of things to make her smile: I

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Chapter 24: What friends????? T_T
myself09 #2
Chapter 24: But i like your story...
myself09 #3
Chapter 24: What happen to Somi and Chaeyeon? And Jieqiong? Its feels like this should have part two tho..
fice11 #4
Chapter 24: should i be happy? sad? hahaha don't know anymore but i llike it... i also want a sequel!!!!
nicz04 #5
Chapter 24: I'm gonna miss this!!! I'm also looking forward to your fanfics especially if it's SeSom!!! fighting!
tawangwagas #6
Chapter 24: New beginning!! :D arasseo authornim im ready for your next fic! As long as it has Sejeong im good!! You can practically ship her with anyone you like ㅋㅋㅋ
Marcela101 #7
Chapter 24: Wait what....?
Marcela101 #8
Chapter 22: You know what this my heart can't take Sejong's pain anymore, look I want sesom but juts let my baby be happy and make sechung or KNayoung happen, its just not fair D':
tawangwagas #9
Chapter 22: "...but only yeunjung came back. Mina and Sohye got hungry." Of course ㅋㅋㅋ

Omg I feel so confused for Sejeong!!!