"I don't regret it..."

Wishing on a Star


Taehyung wakes up to the sound of a loud laugh to find himself sleeping on Jungkook's lap and a strange guy laughing at them :
"aawww Kookie this is so cute , you two are cute sleeping together like this"
"Hyung stop laughing , it's not funny " Jungkook got up making his way to Yoongi "let me introduce you , Taehyung this is my cousin Min Yoongi , Hyung this is Taehyung..remember ..the car wipe accident.."
"oohh I finally met you famous guy , well Hello nice to meet you "
Taehyung gazed at Jungkook saying :
"what a great introduction ... Thank you so much.." moving his sight to Yoongi and smiling brightly "Min Yoongi nice to meet you too "
On their way back to the hotel , the atmosphere was quite awkward , Jungkook kept thinking about how beautiful Taehyung was , when Yoongi snapped him out of his thought suddenly saying :
"OH right Jungkookie I almost forgot to tell , we might find someone waiting for you in the hotel "
"Waiting for me ? who ?"
"Since your phone was out of reach , Mina was worried so she called me and I told her that I couldn't reach you too which made her more worried and she decided to come visit..."
"WTF man !! why would you tell her that ! OMG , what time is it now ? is she almost here ?"
"I think she might be on her way from the airport and the time is 5:15PM"
"WHAT !! already 5 !!! This means that me and Taehyung , we were lost and walking around for the last 3 hours !!"
"No doubt you were sleeping like dead bodies when I got to the gaz station "
Taehyung was silent all the way back to the hotel , listening to Jungkook telling his cousin about the adventure they had , actually Taehyung is not that much of a social guy , he likes to keep his distance especially when it comes to rich people but he had to say something :
"Sorry for interrupting you guys but my suitcase was left in the car"
"Don't worry we will have someone bringing it to you" Yoongi replied while smiling at Taehyung's reflexion in the mirror
They made it to the hotel and were getting of the car only to be greeted by a hot blonde girl hugging Jungkook tightly saying :
"Baby I was so worried something bad happened to you , thank God you're okay , I miss you so much"
"I'm fine Mina don't worry come on let's go inside"
Jungkook misses his girlfriend , or that's what he thought at least but somehow he couldn't manage to say it . He's been together with Mina for the last 4 years without counting the rest of their childhood ... Mina was his childhood friend.
while going in , he turned his head around only to see that Taehyung already left .
"Chimchiiiiimm !!! look who's back !!"
"Taehyungiiiieee !!OMG thank God you're okay I was going crazy for not being able to reach you ! "
Jimin hugged Taehyung tightly "Why are you here man?!! is there anything wrong ?"
"No Jiminie there's nothing wrong , you just won't believe  who got me my job back"
"No way ! He's all over the place man , this guy is so much "
"His name is Jungkook..." Taehyung paused after saying Jungkook's name and then started telling Jimin about what happened and Jimin couldn't be any happier knowing that Taehyung is back working with him but his expression suddenly changed and he held Taehyung's hand wanting to say something
"What's wrong Jiminiie ?"
"euu..nothing actually... It's just that..I ... eehh never mind Tae , my shift is over now , let's go change and head out for some fun"
"Taehyung grabbed Jimin's wrist making him sit in front of him
"Spill it Park Jimin , what's the matter ??!"
"Fine...how could I tell you this ..it's .. I.. "
"Take a deep breath and just say it "
"I met a guy , a very cute but also hot guy , we talked for a bit , he's so sweet and he wants to go out with me tonight and I couldn't resist saying no !!"
"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaww chimmchiimmm this is so cute , I need to meet this guy too"
"You will , wait I'll call him to inform him that I will bring a friend with me"
Taehyung and Jimin got ready and went out making their way to the place Jimin's date has indicated , it's a night club that seems to be very clean , they were there first , they ordered two drinks while waiting for the mystery guy. Taehyung left for a while going to the rest room and when he got back , Jimin's date is already here , he just got here and Taehyung was shocked , he made his way to the table where the two are sitting :
"Yoongi ? what are you doing here ?!"
"Taehyung ?!! I should ask the same question"
"wait you guys know each other ??"
"Yes Jimini , Yoongi is Jungkook's cousin.. we met earlier "
"aahh ... that one kind of a coincidence.. Yoongi actually Taehyung is my best friend the one I told you about earlier "
"I see .. well Taehyung don't be surprised but when Jimin said he will bring a friend , I thought I should bring someone too so Jungkook is coming in a minute with his girlfriend"
"Great , it's a double date... Jiminiie I'm leaving man don't stay too late "
A hand was suddenly pressed on Taehyung's shoulder pushing him back on his seat
"You don't have to leave" Jungkook standing there with Mina said while pressing on Taehyung's shoulder harder and looking at his with a soft smile " we came here for some fun so don't feel awkward and ... stay..please..."
It was a night to remember , they were really having fun and Taehyung didn't feel awkward at all...until they were sitting in a more private and calm corner... Jimin and Yoongi were already holding hands and cuddling on one couch and Mina was pressed against Jungkook's chest kissing him passionately that anyone could hear her little moans ...Jungkook was kissing her back like any other guy would do if he had a hot girl on his lap but for some reason he's not feeling any pleasure...
Taehyung got up , leaned to reach for Jimin telling him that he's leaving and asking him to be careful , and headed to the rest room before leaving. He was washing his face trying to get rid of the slight dizziness the 5 drinks he had caused , when the image of Jungkook making out with his girlfriend crossed his mind and he suddenly feels bad
"What's wrong with me ?! why am I thinking about that guy ! it might be from those drinks I had , wake up Kim Taehyung you're being ridiculous " he blabbed to himself while looking in the mirror before getting out of the rest room . He was going out of the club when Jungkook stood up ,called him and made his way to him :
"Hey Taehyung ! where are you going ? leaving already ?!"
"Yeah I think I should go , I'm tired from all the walking we did today"
Jungkook was about to answer him but Taehyung suddenly screamed :
"YAA YOU THERE!! TAKE YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM HER !!!" He ran to where Mina was standing with some drunk guy trying to hit on her "YAA JUNGKOOK HOW CAN YOU LEAVE YOUR GIRL THERE"

When Taehyung tried to pull Mina away from the guy , he pushed him to the floor and Taehyung couldn't control his self , he stood up , pushed the guy back and punched him in the face . Mina terrified ran to where Yoongi and Jimin were , the drunk guy punched Taehyung before Jungkook came from behind hitting the guy's head with a glass bear bottle , the guy fell on the ground and Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's wrist and headed out of the club running , they grabbed a cab heading back to the hotel .
"Hey thanks man for what you did there for Mina , I really appreciate it"
"No problem I just did what I should do but I really can't understand how can you leave a girl like that standing alone in a place full of drunk guys"
"I left for 5 seconds only , I didn't know this would happen "
"Call her man , she must be worried , tell her that you left"
"I will call her later I don't have a phone now,  but wait let me see" Jungkook reached for Taehyung's chin checking his face "yaa Taehyung your face !! your lips!! You're bleeding !! "
"I'm fine I'm fine don't scream !"
"No you're not ! OMG man I'm so sorry "
"Don't worry about it really I'm fine , beside I started getting used to being in trouble because of you so ..."
"I... You... You know what , forget it , it's my fault for worrying about you dickhead"
"hahahaha I'm joking man don't take too personnel "
They arrived to the hotel and Jungkook couldn't leave Taehyung with a bleeding lip like that , he insisted to take him to his suit room so he can clean his injury
"Jungkook you really don't have to do this , I'll just wash my face "
"Can you be quiet for a moment !! I will just clean it and put some medicine on it , come on"
They entered the room and Taehyung was fascinated by the luxury room :
"Go sit down and wait for me , I'll be right back"
"WOOOW man your room is really huge... I didn't call you rich for nothing then "
Jungkook is back with the first aid kit in his hand :
"I told you that it wasn't funny now let's get this thing over"
"I can do it myself you know..."
Deep inside Jungkook knows that Taehyung can clean his injury by himself but he just wanted to do it for him
"Stop talking Kim Taehyung and come here !"
It was awkward for the both of them standing that close to each other , Jungkook grabbed a wet towel putting it slightly on Taehyung's lip cleaning the blood , then he opened the kit and took a bottle of rubbing alcohol and some cotton , he poured some alcohol on the cotton and went closer :
"It will hurt you a little... "
"It's okay , I have experienced pain before"
Actually the rubbing alcohol didn't hurt because Taehyung was distracted by the lavender smell that came from Jungkook's fluffy hair
"Does it hurt ...?"
"N.. No.. It's ... it's fine"
Jungkook then took some cream and started applying it with his finger on Taehyung's lip.. He likes the way the boy's lip feels and Taehyung seems to like the touch of Jungkook's finger too because he was staring at him with soft eyes. Jungkook couldn't stop his finger from moving from the boy's injured bottom lip to his upper lip , touching it softly when Taehyung murmured :
"Why do I like this...What are you doing to me Jungkook.."
Jungkook leaned closer pulling Taehyung's chin and things were about to get serious before a knock on the door snapped the both of them back to reality
"Oppaaaa  open the door , it's me Mina !!"
They stared in each other's eyes for a while before Taehyung pulled back and made his way to the door
"OH Taehyung ? what are you doing here ? Is everything okay ? OMG look at your face ! it's because of me I'm so sorry !!"
"Hey I'm fine Mina don't worry , Jungkook was just helping me cleaning my wound" he smiles shaking her hand "I have to go now , he's waiting for you inside , see you later"
And he ran over to the elevator covering his face with his two hands talking to himself:
"I must've been out of my mind...Why did I said something like that to him.." He entered the elevator "But for some reason I don't regret it..."

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Thank you for the 44 sub , I'm sorry I haven't been updating but really thank you for subscribing , I appreciate it


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BpDdududdudu #1
For some reason it isn't loading on my browser. But I will read this soon!!! I have it bookmarked :D
Ehpark #2
Chapter 10: I need an update pleaseeee
Chapter 9: Im so excited for next chapter love u :*
kookieofmylife #5
Author-nim please update or at least tell us that u didn't give up the story. I really like the plot so fighting!
lianaidayu #6
Chapter 7: OMG, I love this!!!! Please update please.. i cant waitttt... great storyline authornim :')
hourourou #7
#1 fan
Bae <3 <3 <3
keep goinggggggggg !!!!!!!!
Tikaii #8
Chapter 3: Kyaaaa...it's really cuteee ^.^
Fighting author_nim...
Can't wait for you to update...