About happiness and heartaches…

Wishing on a Star

Taehyung woke up the next day , with the worst headache he ever had , to his phone vibrating , he barely managed to open his eyes to check the caller and it was his mother

"Taehyungie good morning love "

"morning mom "

"still with Jimini ? You're not coming home?"

That's when yesterday's event came crashing his mind , he remembers drinking like it was his last day on earth and then leaving with Jimin , Yoongi and Mina ... MINA !!!!

" !!" he jumped out of the bed

"watch your language young man " his mom said

"oh sorry mom I just remembered I have something to do, I have to go now I'll call you later mom okay ?"

"okay son be careful , I love you "

"yeah mom I'll , love you too"

He threw the phone before jumping over to Jimin's bed


"Wtf Tae ?? What are you doing ?!!"

"please wake I need you to tell about what happened last night I'm not feeling good about it and I don't remember anything except drinking my off and leaving "

"alright stop jumping over the bed I'll tell you but first you need to drink some painkiller because your headache will go stronger and go take a shower you smell awful tae"

"yah Jiminii tell me already please !!"

"no tae , now move I'll wash up really quick and leave the bathroom for you , take a shower and I'll tell you over breakfast" said Jimin before standing up and heading to the bathroom

"aiiishh park Jimin I hate you"


Taehyung was in the shower when he remembered what happened with Jungkook last night *I really tried so hard Taehyung , there is nothing left I can do , I'm done trying... I'm leaving ..* that's what the younger said and that's when Taehyung lost him before even having him . He stood there , under the water , tears streaming down his face mixed with hot water and quite sobs , he knew he could've never had Jungkook , he knew it would never work out , why did he fall for him in the beginning , why did he let him get closer , if only he pushed him away the first time things would've been better. He stepped out of the bathtub , reached for a towel and putting it around his waist , he stared at himself in the mirror , eyes puffy from crying , he bit his lips stopping another sob from escaping and said to himself


"It's over Taehyung , he said it , he left and everything will be okay now , you just need to find a job away from here and away from him"


When he got out of the shower and headed to kitchen , Taehyung found Jimin already waiting for him with a table full of pancakes , cereals  , juice , strawberries and coffee of course , his jaw dropped and he asked

"what are we celebrating Jimini ? What is all this ??" 

"nothing special taetae we're just celebrating your third kiss  that's all"

"what are you talking about Jimini" he said pretending to be surprised while sitting next to Jimin and eating some strawberries "what kiss ?"

"I don't know what kiss Tae , you tell me !"

"I really don't know what you're talking about "

"yeah you don't of course... spill it , what happened between you two last night ?"

After a long pause Taehyung knew there is no way he would get away from Jimin now so he managed to speak "I don't want to talk about it Jimin please , it's just ... it's over now okay ? "

"what's over Tae ? does it even started for it to be over ?? and plus I think nothing is over yet , knowing that Jungkook would probably kick your the next time he sees you!"

"it's over Jimin please let it go I really don't want to talk about it please!!" he said before standing up to leave the kitchen

"yeah try telling him this when he asks you why the hell did you have to tell Mina about it !!"

Taehyung stopped , sat again and moved his gaze back to his friend "what ? what did I tell Mina ??!!!"

"yesss dickhead !! you were so drunk and desperate last night that you basically told the poor girl that her boyfriend kissed you !"

"Jimin stop messing with me !! when did I even say that !!! "

"let me show you taetae" Jimin stood up and started acting being drunk , copying Taehyung's action from the night before "oh baby don't worry about Jungkookie he's fine , he's great actually , but let me tell you something dear Mina , JUNGKOOKIE IS A GREAT KISSER" , he sat back and took a sip of his coffee before continuing "that's what you said yesterday taetae"

Taehyung couldn't believe what Jimin was saying , how could he be so stupid ,why did he even get that drunk ! He was trying not to mess Jungkook and Mina's relationship but he ended up messing it

"what the hell did I do Jimin ! OMG why didn't you stop me !"

"I tried to Tae believe me "

"what should I do now ?! how can I fix this mess !! she must be really heart broken now "

"yeah ... but in my opinion , I think you should stay out of it and let them work it out by themselves , after all it's Jungkook's fault not yours"

" man this is so frustrating !!! aaarghhhh " Taehyung groaned before standing up to leave " I have to go now Jimini mom called me earlier I need to check up on her and tell her that I'm staying with you just pray that he won't be home"

"okay Tae don't think too much about it yeah ?! just let it go , go talk to your mom and call me after you're done so we can go on with our job hunting mission"

"kay Jims I'll call you later" and he was about to stand up but Jimin stopped him

"not now Tae , not now ... " he said pointing at the table in front of them full of food "now we need to finish this , you're not leaving without breakfast ".

*At the Jeon's ;

Jungkook woke up earlier than usual ; well if you count, laying in bed the whole night staring at the ceiling, sleeping , but for real Jungkook couldn't sleep the whole night , when he got back from the bar, he took a shower and straight to bed avoiding any conversation with his parents but he couldn't sleep, all he could think about is what happened between him and Taehyung , every little detail is still sound and clear in his mind and he kept thinking to himself how is he going to get over it , over Taehyung and over this sudden change in his uality. He's not regretting anything he did or he felt for the guy but he suddenly felt guilty, how could he do this to Mina , the poor girl did nothing but loving him and this is how he's paying her back. He unlocked his phone to call his girlfriend but he noticed the amount of missed calls and messages he got , there is Yoongi checking on him and the rest are all Mina being worried at first but extremely mad in the last two messages :

From Baby Girl :

Jeon Jungkook you better have a good explanation to this mess tomorrow !!!

From Baby Girl :

I can't believe you really !! aren't you done already !! ! there is no escape this time Jeon !"

"what is she talking about " Jungkook whispered talking to himself "is this because I left early without talking to her ?" He sighed locking his phone and continued to himself "I lied to her enough… I really should talk to her about this mess I'm in" then he stood up ,noticing that it's already 7am , he headed to the bathroom , washed up and got dressed before going to the kitchen looking for something to eat but instead he found Taehyung's mom already making breakfast

"Good morning Mrs. Kim" He greeted politely

"Good morning sir Jungkook" Taehyung's mom answered with smile that immediately reminded Jungkook of Taehyung's smile

"please just call me Jungkook , Jungkookie, Jungkook-ah or anything unformal  "

"Oh ... as you wish Jungkookie" she kept smiling making it harder for the poor boy "5 more minutes and breakfast would be ready and set in the garden" she continued

"thank you so much but I really need to go out right now " he replied with a sincere smile "can you please just make me some coffee and I really need some painkiller, the headache is killing me"

"sure Jungkookie , here take this" she handed him a cup of coffee" your coffee is ready but can I ask the reason of your headache ? hangover maybe ?"

He took the coffee cup and tasted a sip of it and answered shyly "I wish it was hangover at least I would've slept all night but no , I couldn't sleep all night long so I'm having this awful headache"

"thinking too much aren't you ?" she said before handing him a plate with a glass of water and the painkiller "you're still too young for sleepless nights son"

he was about to say *it's all because of your coward son* but he didn't and for some reason ,Jungkook swear he could stay with Taehyung's mom all day long talking to her about everything and he won't feel awkward about it , she has this kindness in her tone when talking that could soften storms and Jungkook loves it to a point where he almost forgot about going out to meet Mina. He gladly took the medicine thanking her before saying

"yeah I really am still young for this " He flashed her a smile before finishing his coffee and standing up to leave

"let things go with he flow son okay ? don't think too much Jungkookie everything will be okay in the end if you just have some patience" she said while handing the boy a water bottle "here take this and drink a lot of water it'll help reduce your headache"

"okay thank you so much Mrs. Kim I'll " Jungkook answered taking the water bottle and leaving the kitchen thinking he finally knows from where Taehyung gets all the kindness and the softness he's drowning into.

He got into his car and started the engine , he dialled Mina's number and waited , he had no idea what to do or what to tell her , he just should tell her the truth and let her decide the next step. But to his surprise Mina didn't pick up, so he figured she must either still sleeping or busy at work, he stared at his phone for a while , not knowing what to do any more , staying at home wound make him think too much, then he remembered today was supposed to be his first day at work, so he decided to head to the company and there he would meet Yoongi, maybe his cousin would give him some advices.


By the time Taehyung made it to the Jeon's , Jungkook was long gone , he sighed in relief when his mom told him that there's nobody home

"so how are you Taehyungie ? I've been missing you so much " his mom said while hugging him for the 5th time since he arrived "you've been avoiding your mom lately"

"how can I ignore the reason of my existence , the sun of my life , my whole world" he answered hugging his mom back " I'm so sorry mom... it's just that I don't like staying at this house... I can't take it... also I'm a little busy looking for a job , that's why I've been staying with Jimini and his brother"

"It's okay baby boy , don't apologize , I know that you hate the idea of us staying here ... but what can I do son...I promise you  we're not staying here for a long time , I'm trying to save money so we can move out...I'm sor- "

Taehyung cut her with a crushing hug , burying his face in the crook of her neck and whispering "don't you ever say sorry to me mom... ever again.. and I promise you the moment I find a job I'll look for a suitable house for us and we'll move out of here"

"I love you so much Taehyungie , you know that right?"

"of course I know mom and I love you even more" he kissed his mom's forehead saying "I'll be leaving now princess , I'm meeting Jimini for a job hunting session "

"alright love good luck , but please pass by later at the evening , I'm going to prepare some nice and healthy meals for you boys , make sure you come take them"

"okay mom thank you so much , I already miss your cooking , I'll pass by before going home , take care of yourself love , okay ?"

"you too sweetheart and call me sometimes , I get worried easily you know" she said kissing her son back and watching him leave.


Arriving to the company, Jungkook knew well Yoongi will be there, and indeed he was there already getting ready for a meeting. He knocked on the door of his cousin's office and entered after hearing a low "come on in" from the other side.

"Good morning hyung" he started

"oh... look who we have here… well good morning little playboy, I was sure you'll be visiting me today " Yoongi greeted back with a smug look.

"and why is that again ? what made you so sure ?"

"well I guessed you'll be in trouble with Mina and you'll eventually come to me for help"

"wait… how did you know about Mina and I hyung ?" said Jungkook's confused voice

"in the beginning I thought I would be the one asking you about it but then knowing Mina, I figured she wouldn't wait for the morning to call you"

"Okay Yoongi hyung, cut the crap already and tell me what are you talking about!" He snapped at his cousin frustrated "Mina didn't say anything she was just upset I left early I guess, she left me tons of texts asking hat wrong with me and when I called her this morning she didn't pick up,  that's it"

"alright young man first of all watch your ing tongue" Yoongi said pointing at the now sitting in front of him Jungkook, " and second ! no Jungkook you guessed wrong, that's not why she was upset" He sighed before going to sit facing his cousin and continued "tell me kookie, where did you disappear last night before going home ?"

Jungkook's eyes widen at that and his breath hitched "I... I was just …" he stuttered not knowing what to say next but before he could make up a lie, his cousin cut him

"Don't stutter and let me tell you where you were" he rubbed his palms together before looking right in Jungkook's shocked eyes "You were making out with Taehyung, weren't you ?"

"what ?! Hyung what are you talking about ?!! are you crazy !!!" He stood up trying to hide his shocked expression "stop kidding with me I'm not in the mood!!"

"oh no Jungkookie I'm not crazy and I'm definitely not kidding with you! stop denying it!!! Taehyung already betrayed you and made it clear to Mina too"

Jungkook almost lost his mind, how can Taehyung do this to him ! He's the who rejected him so why going around talking about them making out ! This can't be true, Taehyung won't do this to him. He sat back trying his hardest to stay calm "Hyung... what are you… I don't understand… how did it happen?"

"Well after you left suddenly, Taehyung almost lost his mind and he was drinking like his life depends on it so we decided to call it a night and we were about to leave when Mina asked about you and that's when your boy burst out laughing and said, I quote *oh baby don't worry about Jungkookie he's fine , he's great actually , but let me tell you something dear Mina , Jungkookie is a great kisser* " Yoongi smirked to his shocked cousin before continuing "yeah that's how it happened "

Jungkook couldn't say anything back, he just sat there staring at Yoongi in shock, he couldn't believe it, this time he really messed up, Mina won't ever forgive him. But what was going through his mind was why the would Taehyung do that, he made it clear to him that he didn't want to hurt Mina so why ruin it now. But then he remembered Yoongi telling him the other was drunk as hell. He knows damn well it's not an excuse but he can't help but feel sad about the whole situation, Taehyung must've been hurt for him to drink that much. He sighed dropping his head in his hands before looking back at his hyung not knowing what to say.

"Come on Jungkookie, talk to me buddy… you know I won't judge you, we all can make mistakes" Yoongi spoke feeling Jungkook's hesitation "I had a feeling something was going on between the two of you but I wanted you to tell me about, and it's time already kookie, I can't help you if I don't know what's going on"

Jungkook's eyes softened at his cousin's words, Yoongi was always so supportive towards him. So he looked back to him, trying so hard not to let the tears slides down his face "I don't know what happened to me hyung… it was like a magnet, since the first time I met him, I couldn't get him out of my mind and he kept appearing everywhere I go and we kept being in troubles together and alone and we had a lot of time together and somehow I found myself attracted to him, whenever I saw him I felt weird and I couldn't stop myself from wanting him… that's not me hyung… no offence seriously, but you know I'm not…" he paused, taking a breath " I'm not gay… I have a wonderful girlfriend… what did he do to me hyung" he broke down crying looking at Yoongi desperately  " what should I do hyung help me please"

Yoongi couldn't help but feel sorry for his little cousin, Jungkook was a brother to him, his best friend, he's not used to seeing him sad like this, Jungkook was always a strong young man, and he never let his weakness show but now here he is crying his eyes out for the first time in front of his cousin and for that specific reason. Yoongi didn't know what to say or what to do, so he did the first thing he thought of, he stood up and sat next to his cousin bringing him for a hug that tightened when Jungkook buried his face in the crook of his neck and cried even more.

"shhhhh Jungkookie come on man don't do this to yourself please…" came Yoongi's comforting words while rubbing his cousin's back slowly "it's gonna be alright kookie I promise, come on buddy don't do this"

"But I don't know what to do hyung…" Jungkook sniffled trying to stop the flowing tears "I even tried to convince him hyung can you believe it! I tried pulling him to me while I'm already tied up ! how worst can I get Yoongi hyung! I was about to hurt the both of them, Taehyung and Mina, how could I even think about doing that!"

"stop kookie please, this is not the right place to talk about this " Yoongi shook Jungkook's shoulders trying to bring back " come on Jungkook get a hold of yourself, come on please, go wash your face while I inform the others about skipping the meeting"

"No hyung you don't have to do that, I'm fine it's oka…"

"no it's not, go do I as tell you and we're leaving in a minute come on"

"fine..." answered Jungkook letting go of his cousin and standing up to go to rest room "thanks hyung really I appreciate it"


30 minutes later, the two men were sitting in a quite coffee shop and Jungkook told Yoongi the whole story from the beginning

"wow Jungkook-ah... I never thought you could turn out to be gay… well let's say bi" Yoongi laughed trying to lighten the mood a little "but seriously man… this is messed up…"

"Not any longer hyung…" Jungkook sighed "I told him I was done trying and that I'm leaving for good, so it doesn't matter anymore, I just need to convince Mina to forgive me, I'm not going to lie to her, she deserves the truth after all"

"that would be better Jungkookie… even though Taehyung is a good man and Mina might act so weird sometimes but she's a good girl… don't let her go…tell her the truth and let her decide, if she choses to let go it's her right but try your best to convince her"

Jungkook didn't really want to let Mina go, he's know her for ages and she doesn't deserve this, she's been always there for him; he really hopes she will forgive him. But before talking to Mina he needed to let his frustration out… he needed to talk to Taehyung one last time and then he's done. So he asked :

"Yoongi hyung can you do me one last favour please" he paused "can you ask Jimin for Taehyung's number please, I need to talk to him one last time"

Yoongi hesitated for a minute before he gave up and called Jimin asking for Taehyung's number, he couldn't lie about it of course, Jimin has finally forgave him so he's not messing it up again

"Jimin-ah hello" he said when Jimin picked up "how are you baby"

"Hi hyung good morning" came Jimin's soothing voice "I'm fine, how are you? you at work ?"

"yes baby Im fine" he paused "listen Jimini I need to ask you for a favour really quick "

"yeah hyung go ahead, anything for you "

"I know it's weird and you might already know the reason, but can you please text me Taehyung's phone number?"

"oh...I don't know hyung…" Jimin hesitated for a while before asking "it's for Jungkook isn't it ?"

"yes baby it is… he said he needed to talk to him one last time… I don't know Jimini… he might be mad at him… but I think they need to talk this through"

"I don't know hyung… I think I have to ask Taehyung first… I can't do this to him… he's already hurting, I'll ask him and then I'll get back to you"

"okay baby thanks I really appreciate it" he added before hanging up " I'll be waiting…"

Jungkook was lost in his thoughts when Yoongi sat back in front of him "Jimini says he'll ask Taehyung before sending the number, we should wait a little…"

"yeah of course.." for some reason Jungkook was nervous, what if Taehyung didn't want to give him his number but then he remembered that he shouldn't be caring about this

That's when his cousin's phone rang and he handed him his phone to save the number, "Jungkookie listen I'm not trying to change your mind or anything" Yoongi hesitated before speaking again " just don't be harsh on him, Jimin told me Taehyung's already hurting… I don't know just don't make it worse"

*Taehyung was hurting* why would he be hurting, this was his choice, he wanted this so why is he hurting now but Jungkook will make this stop, will make it easy for both of them.

"Don't worry hyung I won't… I don't think I can either…"



Taehyung was standing in front of the Jeon's house gate looking for a cab to go meet Jimin after he visited his mother. His phone rang, Jimin was calling him

"hey chim I was just about to call you, where should we meet ?" he said picking up the call

"euh... tae… hi" Jimin hesitated before asking "not yet… there is something urgent I have to ask you"

"what is it Jimini? what's wrong ?"

"Yoongi called asking for your number, he said it's for Jungkook and that he want to talk to you for the last time"

At the mention of Jungkook's name, Taehyung's heart drop, he knew after what he did, Jungkook will be mad at him and will definitely try to talk to him, he too thought that they need to talk one last time, he's also been wanting to apologize to both Jungkook and Mina so he didn't think twice before speaking

"it's okay Jimini you can text him my number, I think we need to talk one last time… I need to apologize"

"okay sweetie, I'll text him and I'll be waiting for your call, don't make me worry too much okay ?"

"okay chim don't worry I'll, you can go ahead and start the hunting session and I'll catch up to you later, yeah ?"

"okay taetae, I'll call you later then, bye bye"

And like Jimin hang up leaving Taehyung to struggle with what he's going to tell Jungkook once he calls.


Right after leaving Yoongi to return to the company, Jungkook called Taehyung's number who picked up after the first bip

"Hello" came the elder's hesitated deep soothing voice

"Hello Taehyung" answered Jungkook "where are you ?"

"I'm leaving your house right now, I was visiting my mom…" he paused "listen Jungkook I know why you're calli…"

"can we meet now ?" Jungkook's voice cut him "we need to talk, like right now"

Taehyung sighed, because he wasn't planning to see Jungkook but now he's asking to meet him and who's Taehyung to deny this "okay… should I wait for you here or…"

"No I'll text you the adresse come meet me there"

"Okay I'll be there soon" .

And like that they hang up both feeling nervous and anxious about this meeting.


When Taehyung got the text with the adresse, he was confused because he couldn't recognize the place, so he searched his map app and found out that it's not too far from where he is so he decided to walk there not knowing what the place is. 20 minutes later, he found himself standing in the middle of nowhere, an empty place near a park. When he first checked the adresse on the map app, the park appeared so he thought they'll be meeting there, but where he's standing now staring at the beautiful man sitting there, is a  far away from the park. It was a large field with some trees here and there and under one of them was Jungkook sitting on a bench. When the younger noticed his presence, he stood up offering him a look he didn't get, of course Taehyung wasn't expecting the younger to welcome him with a smile on his face. He approached the bench hesitating at first but then offering Jungkook a little smile and to his surprise Jungkook smiled back

"Hi tae…" Came the younger's sweet soft voice "come on have a seat" he gestured to the place in the bench next to him

"Hello Jungkook… " answered Taehyung while siting next to him "what is this place?" he asked then

Jungkook fell in silence before lifting his head staring at the empty field laying in front of him "This is my escape… " he hesitated before continuing "you can say it's my secret place… well it's not secret anymore so… "

Taehyung didn't find words to say, why is Jungkook telling him about his secret place after all he did "Jungkook... why di.."

"what did I tell you about it if it's my secret" the younger's voice cut him "believe it or no, I don't know either… I mean after what you've done, I should've brought you to a dark alley and kicked your …" he chuckled

"yeah and I would've deserved it for sure…"

"I just think this needs to be discussed in a calm place and I couldn't think about any other place… so yeah now you know…"

They fell in an awkward silence for few minutes, just staring at the empty space before them. Taehyung didn't know what to say anymore, he was coming here full of apologies to spill to a mad Jungkook, but here he is now sitting next to him, in his escape place, a little smile plastered on his lips, a soft look in his eyes with no hint of madness, so Taehyung decided to let Jungkook guide this conversation because he's not sure what's really going on here and that's when the younger's soothing voice interrupted his thoughts

"stop staring at me like that tae, I might get the wrong idea"

"I'm just confused… why aren't you mad at me? I don't get it…"

"believe me I tried… I just couldn't" he looked back at Taehyung "I mean how could I after knowing that you drunk like there is no tomorrow after I left yesterday"

"Listen Jungkook.. what I did has no excuse, I should've known better then to get so wasted , it was so childish of me and I really am sor…" Jungkook cut him as usual

"it was childish yeah I can't deny it… but don't apologize tae… really, if nothing I'm the one who should be apologizing… it's all my fault… I drugged both you and Mina in this mess because of my selfish attitude and now I should take all the responsibilities"

Taehyung sighed defeated "God Jungkook why are you doing this… it's not helping"

"I know I know I'm sorry Tae" He said quickly turning his body toward the elder "I said I was done trying yesterday… and I am done, I just didn't want things to end that way, I wanted to apologize for everything, you lost your job because of me twice, and now you're hurting because of me too… " He grabbed Taehyung's hands in his, giving it a little squeeze before continuing "I am hurting too but I guess there is no other way than to get over it.."

"I... I don't know what to say… what about Mina, I was thinking about apologizing to her but I wanted to ask you first"

"don't worry about Mina, it's my fault you don't have to apologize for anything… I'll tell her everything, she deserves the truth after all"

His grab tighten around Taehyung's hands when he heard the next words escape his mouth "I just wish we've met in other circumstances… I really do kook…"

Hearing Taehyung calling him that isn't helping either, but he knew deep down that it's not going to change anything so he let go of the elder's hands standing up

"yeah me too tae, me too…" he offered him his hand to shake, titling his head to the side and smiling at the other "friends then ?"

Taehyung couldn't help but smile back at the cute boy in front of him, he stood up "thanks kook… I really didn't want things to end in a bad way" he shook his hand saying " friends it is"

And that's how they ended up staying there for little longer, chatting about everything and nothing until Jungkook remembered he has to go to the company or his dad won't be so happy. So he offered a lift to Taehyung who accepted it after texting Jimin and asking where are they meeting. The drive was silent but the comfortable type of silence, the one that doesn't make you shift in your place every seconde. When they made it to where Jimin was, the two of them stepped out of the car, Jungkook making his way to Taehyung's side

"I'm really glad we worked this out the best way tae, I really enjoy your company, be it just friends, I'll still enjoy it"

"me too kook, I'm really happy we did this" He was about to leave "so see ya later new friend, yeah ?" but Jungkook stopped him by grabbing his wrist

"one last thing Taehyung" he hesitated for a while "can I just… can I hug you one last time?"

Taehyung heart dropped at that "why are you making it sound like a goodbye? we basically live at the same house kook" but he stepped closer anyway offering Jungkook a nod and the cutest smile ever. It didn't feel awkward at all when their bodies met, Jungkook wrapping his hands around Taehyung's neck while the elder held him close by the waist. It was so familiar, the way they fit just right in each other's arms made it feel almost like they're used to it.

"I don't know hyung.. I just felt like hugging you" whispered Jungkook in the crook of his neck "I promise I have no intentions, friends can hug, can't they."

Taehyung  pulled away smiling at the younger still standing close "of course they can kook, you should see me at home with Jimin, we don't seem to let each other go like never" he chuckled and turned around looking for Jimin, when he saw him standing on the other side of the road waiting for him, he looked back at Jungkook "I have to go now Jimini is waiting … but one last thing, can you promise you'll call me if you needed anything regarding Mina's case ?"

Jungkook took a step back "that won't be necessary but okay I promise hyung" he smiled back at Tae "see you around new friend"

"see ya later kook" came Taehyung's answer before he crossed the road.

Jungkook got back inside his car, he watched Taehyung leave with Jimin who was clinging to him and shaking him in a way of asking what happened and Jungkook smiled at that, the idea of him and Taehyung being friends is quite amusing, he sighed dropping his head on the wheel, "it's going to be hell being next to you without holding you close tae… but if it's the only way I can keep you then I'll make it happen", he then drove to the company knowing well his father will be welcoming him with a mad face.


Crossing the road to Jimin's side and getting far from Jungkook, felt like a goodbye to Taehyung. Walking away after agreeing on being just friends meant that he lost Jungkook before even having him. He didn't know if he'll be able to do this friendship thing, but if it meant he can keep seeing Jungkook and enjoy his company, he's going to make it happen as long as he don't see him with Mina.

"What was that about Kim Taehyung!!" Came Jimin's high pitched voice

"what was what Jimini ?"

"THAT" he gestured to where Jungkook's car was parked few seconds ago "coming in Jungkook's car all clingy, hugging and smiling !! what's going on"

"oh... he offered to drive me after we talked and he insisted so I couldn't do anything"

"yeah it's like you didn't want it so bad " Jimin said as he threw his hands over Tae's shoulders bringing closer " come on taetae tell me what happened? how come he's not kicking your ?!"

"well weird enough, he was so gentle and he didn't even let apologize for what I did, he kept saying it was his fault.." and like that both of them started wondering around while Taehyung told Jimin everything he talked about with Jungkook in details . "So we decided on being friends… and the hug you saw was a closure I guess… or a new beginning… I don't know, it just didn't feel awkward at all Chim…"

"well taetae, I'm so glad you worked it out this way, I didn't want you to get hurt even more, I just hope this friendship thing don't turn out in the bad direction"

"me too Jimini I really want it to work out…" Taehyung sighed "Jungkook is really a good guy… "

"hey !!" Jimin hit his best friend's shoulder playfully "I'm getting jealous now! he's so not stealing you from me ! do you hear me !!"

"aaaww chimchimiii , as if anyone can do that!!" he hugged Jimin tightly and continued "thanks for baring with my annoying desperate all this time"

"shut up dickhead , there is nothing to thank me for, I love you" he hugged Tae back before pushing him away saying "enough with this drama now let's find a ing job, we have until 5 and then I'm ditching you to meet Yoongi"

"ouch… that hurts but I'm so happy for you that I would never mind it"


When he made to the company, his father was indeed waiting for him in his office. He walked in already having in mind millions of lies to tell to his dad.

"welcome son, we're so honored to have you here with us" His father joked but Jungkook knew better than to fall for the joke, he knows what's coming so he decided to talk before it's too late

"I'm sorry father, I came here early in the morning you can ask Yoongi hyung, but then something urgent came up, I got out for a while and here I am back here"

"and what's so urgent that had you leaving like that?"

Jungkook paused for a moment thinking if he should say this or not but then he thought that it could be a way to bring  his and Taehyung's new friendship to his family, since he's planning on hanging out with him regularly, so he took a deep breath and said

"you know Taehyung dad ? Mrs. Kim's son ?"

"what about him ?"

"Well we seem to get along so well, we're becoming friends…and he needed a lift so urgent so I went out to drive him"

"now that's a new information young man… would you mind telling me what got into you befriending our servant's son ?"

*Taehyung was right after all* Jungkook thought to himself, his father got mad about them being friend, let alone boyfriends. So he added

"Nothing got into me dad, it's not that deep, he's  a good guy and we're just hanging out, nothing for you to worry about" he paused "plus, what's wrong with befriending our servant's son? is it forbidden or what?"

"no it's not actually, it's just not typical from you to befriend normal people like them… that's why I asked"

"well dad now you can see I'm changing for the better, no ?"

"keep fooling me Jungkook, I'm sure there is something behind this new friendship of yours but I will let it slide, just pray for your mother not to find out, he's calling to kill you"

"no she won't, why would she ? it's not that big of deal dad"

"I warned you son, do as you wish" he paused before making his way to leave the office "as long as you come to work on time, there's nothing else I care about"

When his father left, Jungkook tried calling Mina again, this time as he was in deep thoughts about why would his mother kill him for being friend with Taehyung, Mina answered the phone

"Hello" she said

"Oh hi Mina good morning"

"good morning"

"how are you  ? what are you doing ?"

"I'm even surprised you asked Jeon ! how can I be after last night .. " she replied sounding uninterested "I'm at work, what do you want?"

"oh...  you're at work… listen Mina can we meet ?"

"I'm working I can't right now"

And that was the first time ever in their whole relationship years where Mina turn down a request from Jungkook , he couldn't say anything back, sitting in his office shocked, he managed to speak finally "o.. okay .. what about later ? we really need to talk Mina please"

There is a quite sigh on the other side of the phone and then she said "what are we going to talk about Jungkook huh ? how you cheated on me AGAIN and this time with a ing boy!!!"

"Mina please just let us meet, let me explain it to you please, I know I messed up this time but please let me talk to you" He begged her for the first time ever

"No Jungkook, there nothing to explain, I heard what I heard and you don't seem to deny it so it really happened and I'm done forgiving you " she yelled through the phone " I don't deserve this Jungkook, I really don't "

he sighed defeated "I know you don't Mina… I'm really so sorry… I just want you to hear me and then you can leave me if you want, it's your right after all" he continued "my parents aren't home for the night and we really need a calm place to talk , please let us meet baby, I promise I'll be honest with you" Jungkook asked hesitantly

"oh no Jeon, I don't know about that… that's all you ever do, try to woo me so I can forgive you but not this time and don't you dare call me baby again, I'm not your baby anymore" she laughed as if she's making fun of him "I can't even stand talking to you on the phone, let alone see you, I'm already disgusted"

There, she said it, the word Jungkook was waiting to hear, *disgusted* so he sighed accepting the fact that he just lost Mina, his girlfriend and his childhood friend

"I didn't want thing to get to this point Mina… but I really am disgusting… and I'm so sorry for hurting you…" he paused "... I don't want to lose you Mina"

His girlfriend's silence made it already clear that she made her decision but then she sighed and said "you already lost me Jungkook…" and all that's left is the sound of the phone bip.

He's not going to lie, Jungkook knew this was going to happen, he didn't expect Mina to forgive him, she's had enough already. But something about losing her was making him feel anxious. He was sure Mina loved him why did she gave up on him so easily without even listening to him, he knew he messed up but he at least deserved to explain himself. He was so lost in his thoughts trying so hard to accept the fact that Mina just left him, when Yoongi opened the door to his office

"Hey kid! what's up ? how did things go with Taehyung ?" his cousin asked making his way to sit on the couch in front of Jungkook's desk

"Oh hi hyung… I'm … I was about to come see you…" he sighed standing up and throwing his body on the couch next to Yoongi and burring his face in one of the pillows.

"what happened kookie? tell me already ?"

"nothing bad hyung don't worry" Jungkook answered his voice barely audible "I didn't make it worse" he continued looking up at his cousin

"well that's good to hear but I think I need more details"

"well we talked quietly somewhere, I apologized, he did too…" he paused "we agreed on starting new and we made a decision, we're going to be friends"

"well… I don't know about him, but are you ready to be Taehyung's friend ? I mean wouldn't you want to his face every time you see him?"

"well obviously" he chuckled before sitting straight "but it's the only way to fix this mess… "

"do you mean it's the only way to keep him close to you, right ?" Yoongi sighed "I don't know kookie, just don't mess this up again… for me please…" he paused before continuing  "Taehyung is Jimin's best friend, much more they're brothers… and… I kind of feel guilty too…"

"oh my God hyung, it never crossed my mind!!! I'm so sorry really!!! I promise nothing is going to happen between Tae and I, we made it clear, it's over"

"it better be… I don't think will ever accept Taehyung being around you"

"well… that's what I was going to talk to you about…" Jungkook didn't know how to say it out loud, he still can't believe it but if he wanted to get Mina back, he sure needed Yoongi's help, so he continued "I was on the phone with Mina before you came… and… well first of all she thinks I'm disgusting… and second she dumped me… she didn't even want to listen to me…"

Yoongi seemed to think about it for a while "well that's not surprising… it really is a lot to take in… but I didn't expect her to reject even listening to you… that's weird"

"yeah hyung that's what I thought too… ' he paused looking at his cousin as if asking for something

"don't look at me like that Jeon, I was already planning to talk to her"

"you're the best hyung" he hugged his cousin "I swear I don't deserve you"

"yeah you sure don't kid, now move your and let's get to work, let me show you what you need to do"


The day went out smoothly, Taehyung and Jimin wondering around looking for a job that doesn't seem to exist. When the clock hit 5, Jimin left Taehyung to go home and get ready for his date with Yoongi and Tae did as his mother told him, he went to the Jeon's to pick the food she prepared for both of them. Now Taehyung always felt nervous and anxious about going to the Jeon's, but now that he cleared things with Jungkook, it didn't feel that way, instead he felt relieved and comfortable, he also wanted to ask Jungkook about how things turned out with Mina, but he guessed the younger won't be home anyway. He unlocked the door to the extension house,

"MOOOOMM! " he yelled like he always did when he was a little kid coming back from school. He heard his mother's laugh before she spoke

"Taehyungiiiiiee !! come here angel, I'm in my room"

The first thing he did when he got to his mom's room, was throwing himself on top of her, hugging tightly like he didn't see her for ages "I missed you mom really ! I miss sleeping with you like this"

"oh baby, you're always welcome to sleep here, I just don't want to force you" she traced her fingers through his hair "you know I miss you too tae, don't you ?"

"of course I know mom" he held her hand kissing it softly "I'll make sure this missing thing ends soon I promise"

"I know you'll Taeyhungie " he pecked his forehead before pushing him away playfully "come on, get up son, there is food for you and Jimini in the fridge inside, and please don't make me go there myself, I'm so tired"

"don't worry mommy I'll go get it"

He stood up heading the other house with a spark of hope growing in his chest, a hope of meeting Jungkook inside. But it was almost 6 when he got there and Jungkook never made it home around this time. So he was about to take his food out of the fridge and leave, when someone cleared their throat.

"are you sneaking out so you won't meet me Kim Taehyung ?"

Taehyung let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding "well actually it's the other way around… I was hoping to see you" Of course Yoongi was with Jimin so Jungkook will definitely  be home.

"and why is that " Jungkook asked stepping closer to the kitchen table to grab a chair and sit down

"I... I don't know if it's alright for me to say this but … " the elder continued hesitantly "I just wanted to ask you how did things go with Mina ?"

Jungkook sighed sitting, not knowing what to say, he knows Taehyung will sure feel guilty about this mess and that was the last he wanted but for some reason he needed to talk about it to the elder. Don't get him wrong; it's not because now that Mina is gone he'll get to be with Tae ( that's not a very bad idea actually) no he knew very well that was not going to happen. But he sighed again watching Tae get closer to sit in the chair facing him on the other side of the table.

"I... I don't know Tae… she refused to talk to me… but before you say anything, don't you dare feel guilty, this is not your fault, not even 1%... he looked at the elder with pleading eyes "please Tae don't feel guilty"

Taehyung just listened in a full shock, how could he ruin someone's relationship and don't feel guilty about it "Jungkook... om my God, I'm so sorry… what did I do !" He said eyes wide and hands fidgeting looking for something to hold and just like that Jungkook held his shaking hands

"please tae don't apologize please I'm begging you, it's not your fault I promise… " he squeezed the elder's hands in him tighter "I'm the one who ruined this and I'll try to fix it, please don't say you're sorry again"

Taehyung couldn't help but soften at Jungkook touch and his words, he didn't know what to answer, he squeezed the younger's hand in return and smiled fondly at him

"what are you going to do now ? do you want me to try and talk to her?" he asked

"definitely not tae, don't even think about it please" came Jungkook's rushed answer

"oh... okay … what was I thinking, it'll mak… "and Jungkook cut him with a soft "no tae" he looked hurt and Taehyung was ready to do anything in order to bring back his smile "that's not it tae, it's not because you'll make things worse" he paused again, Mina's words still ringing in his head *disgusting* "she already think I'M disgusting, I don't want her to talk down to you like she did with me, you don't deserve it"

"neither do you kookie… you're not disgusting, don't believe her… she must be just angry and didn't know what she was saying"

"well I hope so… I just don't want you to talk to her, please promise me Tae" he begged reaching with his pinky finger for Taehyung. The elder chuckled before intertwining their fingers

" I promise kookie, I won't, not because I'm afraid she'll talk down on me" he smiled fondly "but because I really don't want to make things worse" his eyes searched for Jungkook's own and when they met, time seemed to stop, he kept stating at the wonderful man sitting in front of him, he smiled softly, reaching with his free hand to move some of the younger's hair from his eyes, "I really want you to be happy you know… "

"Tae..." Jungkook's heart was racing, how could he stand not reaching for Taehyung and bring him to his chest, it's so ing hard, he thought to himself, "I know you do… but happiness is not that easy Tae… sometimes it's related to certain things, certain places and…" he leaned forward cupping the elder's cheeks "and sometimes it's related to certain people…"


I really am so so so extremely sorry!! oh my god it's been over a year...
well life wasn't going well so ... I just had some issues and a whole year of author block ... I even tried writing other things but nothing worked. I hope whoever was reading this will find the new update somewhere.
Here it is chapter 10 and this time I promise the next update is not going to take forever, it's already there but I want to finish writing all the fic so I won't make promises I can't keep.
Anyway, I talked too much... I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I love this fic so much and I hope you do too.
I will be happy to receive your kudos and your comments, I'll make sure to answer all of them and don't forget guys: Taekook is love, Taekook is life !!

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Thank you for the 44 sub , I'm sorry I haven't been updating but really thank you for subscribing , I appreciate it


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BpDdududdudu #1
For some reason it isn't loading on my browser. But I will read this soon!!! I have it bookmarked :D
Ehpark #2
Chapter 10: I need an update pleaseeee
Chapter 9: Im so excited for next chapter love u :*
kookieofmylife #5
Author-nim please update or at least tell us that u didn't give up the story. I really like the plot so fighting!
lianaidayu #6
Chapter 7: OMG, I love this!!!! Please update please.. i cant waitttt... great storyline authornim :')
hourourou #7
#1 fan
Bae <3 <3 <3
keep goinggggggggg !!!!!!!!
Tikaii #8
Chapter 3: Kyaaaa...it's really cuteee ^.^
Fighting author_nim...
Can't wait for you to update...