
Wishing on a Star

When Taehyung left Jimin and headed to the Jeon's to stay the night with his mother, he had nothing in mind except having dinner and some fun with his mom and maybe go see Jungkook for a while. And that's what happened actually, his mother welcomed him with the brightest smile he's ever seen, she was so happy because he's staying the night with her. They had dinner together in *their* house and stayed there chatting and talking about some stuff, they didn't even notice the time was already so late, so Taehyung cleaned the table and got out to take the empty plates to the kitchen inside the Jeon's. He was about to open the door and for a moment he forgot that Jungkook was supposed to meet Mina tonight, so he got inside not bothering checking if there is anyone there. To his surprise, the first thing he saw was Mina's smirk and a devilish look before she's latching her lips to Jungkook's, not giving him any time to turn around and see Taehyung coming in. Taehyung stood there frozen, speechless not knowing what to do, Jungkook was kissing Mina back, enjoying the kiss and not giving any attention to anything around him. Jungkook slipped his hand under Mina's shirt and that's when Tae knew he won't be able to handle it, he run out of the kitchen not minding the shutting sound of the door being slammed harshly behind him. He couldn't believe what Jungkook was doing, how can he do that… Mina wasn't supposed to be kissing him like that and neither was he, she's a cheating and Jungkook doesn't deserve her so why was he making out with her in the kitchen… the same place and the same way, he kissed Tae before… didn't the place remind him of Taehyung, he can't be that thoughtless. Taehyung dropped the empty plates on the table in front of his mother and sighed before grabbing at his hair and breathing in and out quickly, to prevent the tears from forming. Why was he angry? it's not like Jungkook was his after all, he's the one who pushed Jungkook away, he's not jealous, he's so angry, because how could Mina be this type of person, how could she do that to Jungkook, her childhood friend, her best friend. But what pissed Taehyung off the most is that now he knew he have to show that video to Jungkook and by doing that he'll hurt him and it's the last thing he wants. He was having a crisis when he felt a gentle touch on his shoulder and soft voice whispering

"what's wrong baby boy? what happened?"

Taehyung couldn't talk, couldn't breath, hell he couldn't even look up at his mother. It's not that she doesn't know about his uality, she knew and she had no problem with it, he was just ashamed of himself for falling for a person like Jungkook, a person so out of his reach, and he knew damn well that his mother will say the exact same thing if he ever managed to tell her. But for some odd reason, Taehyung couldn't handle it any longer, he needed to let it out, he needed to tell his mother the truth, why was he so upset about being in this house, why was he suddenly changing his mind and actually spending time there, why was he  crying right now after going to the Jeon's kitchen for a minute, he needed to tell her everything, she's his mother, the only person he have left, (add Jimin because he's his soulmate), so he couldn't lie to her anymore. He sighed, rubbing at his eyes to wipe away to ugly tears that were staining his face, he looked up and when he saw the look of concern and fear in his mother's eyes, he burst out crying ever more. His mother quickly came closer and engulfed her much taller son in a warm comforting hug, in which he kept crying and letting out uncoherent words. She shushed him gently, pulling away and cupping his cheeks:

"Taehyungie, baby come on let's sit" and they did exactly that, "come on son, you're scaring me, will you please tell me what's wrong, what happened there, did anyone say something to you?"

"I'm so tired of this mom, why is it always happening to me!! why should I go through the same hurtful bull all over again!!! why am I the only one always suffering mom why ???!!!!" and he cried even more pulling at his hair, losing control of his own body as he started hitting his chest harshly in an attempt to stop the deadly pain he's feeling there. His mother tried so hard to grab at his hands and to stop him from hitting himself harder but he was so out of it, she couldn't get a hold of him, the only thing she could do to stop him was to push him back and yell as she cried her eyes out


And that's when Taehyung, after being pushed back, snapped out of his rage as he reached for his mother and pulled her close to him hugging her tightly

"Mom I'm so sorry, please forgive me I'm really so sorry" he said as he pulled away wiping away her tears "please stop crying mother please" he cupped her face so she would look at him straight "look at me, see I'm not crying anymore, I'm okay mom please don't you ever cry again, I'm so deeply sor--"

His mother interrupted him with a crushing hug as she whispered into his chest "don't you ever do that again son please, you scared me" she pulled away and returned the gesture he did before, she cupped his cheeks and said "talk to me baby, you used to tell me everything, what's upsetting you this much, what did you mean by go through the same hurtful bull ?!"

He sighed, dropped his head down and said "I... I'm sorry mother… for disappointing you every time, I'm such a waste…"

"Taehyungie, baby will you please stop saying non sense and talk to me, what do you mean disappoint me? you're my son, my world, my everything, how can I be disappointed in you? you would never disappoint me baby boy"

Taehyung sighed before he started telling his mother everything from the start. She listened to him carefully, her eyes sometimes wider than usual. Tae reached the part where he got in the kitchen minutes ago, he held his head in his hands and took a deep breath before he continued

"... and when I made it in the kitchen earlier, she was kissing Jungkook and he was kissing her back, like nothing happened"

"oh poor baby boy, you had to go through all of this by yourself, why didn't talk to me about it before?"

"I just couldn't mom, at first I didn't think it would get to this point, but now I'm stuck and I don't know what to do, Jimini thinks that I have to tell Jungkook about it, but I can't…"

"well son, if you want my advice, I'm on the same side as Jimini, Jungkook deserves to know about this, especially if he's really trying to go back to her"

"mom please how can I tell him something like that? it'd ruin him! I could never do that to him…"

"Tae baby listen to me, I know it's hard, and I don't know what are your feelings towards Jungkook, but would you be able to stand aside and watch him getting hurt by it in the end…" she paused and hesitated for awhile before she sighed and continued "just like Hoseok did…"

Taehyung knew his mom was going to bring that story again, he dropped his head down as memories of 5 years ago came crashing down at him…





Taehyung pushed the door of the studio open as he made it inside. It was the end of octobre so the weather was starting to get cold, autumn leaving, cozy atmosphere no longer washing the streets with brownish leaves, everyone was wrapped in thick scarfs and coats, as the sky colour changed to grey every now and then. Taehyung was wrapped in a thick beige scarf and a black long coat, his gold lock covering his eyes and keeping his ears warm. It's was a Friday, and he just got out of school and headed to Jimin's dance studio, they agreed on meeting there because Jimin still have 30 minutes of practice before they can enjoy their week-end. He didn't want to interrupt the practice so he sat down quietly and plugged his earphones on as he sunk deeper into his scarf although it wasn't cold inside. He closed his eyes and swayed his head to the music feeling almost asleep. He didn't notice 30 minutes passed until he felt someone unplug his earphones, he looked up and was met with no one else but his best friend, Jimin.

"Oh Jimini, you're done already…" he held his hand up to his friend in attempt to get pulled up and when he was on his feet, he threw his hands around Jimin's neck and hugged him lightly "I didn't even notice the time, come on let's go"

As they were about to leave, someone called from behind them

"Excuse me?"

Both of them turned around at the same time only to be met with a smiling young man looking at them with the brightest smile ever. before they could react, the boy spoke again

"I'm sorry of interrupting your way out" he hesitated for a while then "I'm just new here and I've been waiting for someone to come out so I can ask them something, if it's possible"

Jimin smiled back at the cheerful boy in front of them and approached him

"Hello, it's okay no problem, you can ask me anything you want"

"thank you so much, actually today is my first day here in the city, I just moved here, I go to the art school down the street and I wanted to ask about this dance studio since I'm… a... kind of a dancer so…" he blushed and looked down

"Oh My God you're a dancer!!!" asked Jimin in an overexcited tone "Finally !!!! I've been dying to have a new dancer here!!" He held his hand out for the boy and said "Hello again, my name is Park Jimin, you can call me Jimini, chimchim, chim, anything you want as long as you're a dancer or my best friend" he laughed at himself and continued "also I'm a regular dancer here and somehow a coach too so, welcome on board fellow !"

The smiling boy looked up, shook Jimin's hand back and his smile grew bigger and he spoke "Hii, I'm Jung Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi… I guess… that's what everyone calls me"

"Hobi it is then, welcome Hobi, so what where you going to ask me about" Jimin asked

"Just some stuff about the rules here and the memberships"

Jimin was about to answer him when Taehyung cleared his throat and cut his attention. While the two boys were talking and introducing each others, Taehyung just stood there staring and the new guy without saying a word.

"oh... I'm sorry Tae" Jimin looked back at his friend as he held his hand and pulled him closer "this is my best friend Kim Taehyung" and Jimin's eyes suddenly widen before he continued "Oh my God you guys go to the same school! this is such a great coincidence!"

Taehyung smiled at Hoseok and held his hand out for him "Hello Hoseok-shi, I'm Taehyung but you can call me Tae, or Taetae or anything you want"

Hoseok shook Tae's hand as he smiled at him brightly and Taehyung never ever in his entire life, have ever seen a brightest smile, it's like this Hoseok guy was absorbing the sun as he smiles. He had to pull his hand away quickly before his stare gets weird "So we go to the same school, you can always ask me anything if you ever need help"

"Thank you so much really, It's so nice meeting you guys, I'm so happy I get to meet people like you in my first day here"

"we're happy to meet you too" Jimin said back smiling and continued "actually we were about to head out and go somewhere, enjoy the weekend, maybe grab some dinner or something, would you like to join us?"

Hoseok nodded shyly as he looked at Taehyung "If it didn't bother you, I would really like to"

When Hoseok looked at him, Tae was already staring at him, wondering if someone can ever have this bright aura around them, he titled his head smiling at the boy and nodding "of course you can join us, there is no problem"

"Okay guys but before we start this, we need to figure something out" Jimin said as he pointed at Hoseok "how old are you? you seem older than us am I right? we're 17, both of us"

The smiley boy chuckled and nodded to Jimin "yes Jimini I'm older than you, not much older but still… I'm 18"

"Niice then, come on Hobi Hyung, we're treating you today because it's your first day" Jimin answered as he grabbed Hoseok's arm and pulled him out of the studio door. Both of them were walking side by side laughing at something Taehyung couldn't hear but he found himself smiling with them, for some odd reason, this Hoseok guy made everything around him cheerful and Tae found himself admiring him, he didn't even notice when the two boys stopped in front of him and he bumped into Hobi's back.

"oops , I'm sorry, I was lost somewhere"

"no problem man, you okay though? you seem thoughtful" came the elder's happy voice

"I'm fine hyung don't worry about me, I'm just tired" he answered with him boxy charming smile, and suddenly he was pulled by the neck, Jimin threw his arm around him and said

"then stop walking behind us like a creep and move faster, we have so much to do!"

And like that the three of them spent their after noon wondering around the streets, talking, laughing and getting to know each other. When it was time to leave, they came out of the bus and right before they split apart, Taehyung was pulling his phone out of his pocket and giving it to Hoseok, who looked at him confused

"Can you register you phone number Hyung so I can call you tomorrow and we can go to school together if you want?" Tae asked with the sweetest voice he ever had

"Oh my God yess thanks taetae I was in deep thought about how to get through the first day there!!" Hobi got excited as he typed his number on Tae's phone and dialled it then gave the younger his phone back "here, now I also have your number, I'll text you tomorrow morning"

"wow!!" came Jimin's voice "you guys are the worst really, already planning things and leaving me out, it's not fair!"

"Chim baby, no drama please" Tae said as he stuck his tongue at his friend and continued "I'll give you Hobi Hyung's number and you can text him for your dance practices together"

They all agreed on meeting tomorrow and said their goodnights before the two best friends left and Hoseok went to the other direction.

" Tae flirty from the first day; give the boy some space, would you?!" Jimin said playfully as he hit Taehyung's arm

"what are you talking about Chim!! who's flirting!! I'm not !!" Taehyung panicked and his cheeks changed to a light shade of pink.

"yeah yeah right you're not" his friend laughed it off as each one of them made into his house.


Taehyung was about to turn the light of his bed stand off and drift to sleep when his phone buzzed

From sunshine Hyung:

*It was so nice meeting you Taehyung-ah, I have a good feeling about this, thanks for today

G'night Taetae*


To sunshine Hyung:

*Don't mention it hyung, It was really nice meeting to you too, I'm happy we got to hang out together

Nighty nighty Hyung*


And like that Taehyung drifted to sleep with a weird feeling in his stomach.





Taehyung woke up the next day, wrapped up in his mother's arms, like he's a kid again, he slowly opened his eyes only to find his mother already awake and staring at him as she his hair slowly


"Good morning sunshine" he said with his raspy morning voice

"Good morning handsome" she said back dropping a kiss to his forehead

"I feel like I slept like a baby, aaaagghhh" he stretched his arms as he yawned "I wish I can stay here and like this forever"

"Come on son, as much as I like that too, you have work to go to, don't you? and I think your phone was buzzing few minutes ago" his mother said as she stood up from the bed and headed the kitchen "get up quickly son, take a shower and meet me inside in the kitchen, I'll make some breakfast for you and then you'll leave."

"alright mom, I'll be there in a minute" He said back as he checked his phone to find a missed call from Jimin and a text from the one and only Jeon Jungkook


From kookie:

*G'morning Hyung, I wanted to wish you a good luck for your first day at work and also to let you know that maybe I'll be visiting you for lunch later, Yoongi hyung and I, we have some friends coming over, and they wanted to go to the club. So I guess I'll see you later? fighting Tae Hyung <3*


Taehyung dropped his phone on the bed and groaned pulling at his hair, how was he supposed to act normal around Jungkook now? How was he supposed to shock him with the ing video when the guy is this excited about having his friends over. So Taehyung decided that the best thing to do was to act like he didn't see anything, even lie to Jimin about it. He grabbed his phone back, dialled Jimin's number to inform him that he'll meet him at the bus station in 30 minutes and he hang up, he stared at Jungkook's text before he started typing


To Kookie:

*Morning kook, thanks for your text, also text me when you come over, maybe we could treat your friend to something special.

See ya friend ^^*

20 minutes later, Taehyung was leaving the Jeon's kitchen after he made sure to tell his mother not to mention anything to Jimin if he happen to pass by. The bus station was so close to the Jeon's house, and when he made it there, Taehyung found Jimin already waiting for him. They took the bus and like that their first day at work started. It was a busy first day actually, the bar at the pool was full and luckily Jimin had someone to help him. He did a good job and no complaints came about him. In regard of Taehyung, he was so much busier, since Jungkook told him they would be expecting some guests, he decided to make some desert, and why not his delicious strawberry cake. He was putting the last touches on the cake when his phones buzzed with Jungkook's name on the screen, he answered it and put him on speaker


"Hello Hyung, how are you?"

"Hi kook, I'm fine, kinda busy but getting through it, what about you? are you here yet?"

"Actually yeah that's why I called, we're here, can I come check up on you?"

"Yeah that'd be great, you know where to find me"

"Alright hyung give me sometime because Yoongi hyung went to see Jimin hyung and I can't leave our friends alone, I'll be there when he gets back, yeah?"

"yeah okay kook, no problem, see ya"


When they hang up, the cake was ready and set in its decorating plate, ready to be served and Taehyung couldn't be any prouder of his work, he smiled as he grabbed the two plates he prepared for him and Jimin, he knew his friend would kill him if he didn't leave some cake for him. He started cleaning his work area and when he was washing his hands, the door to the kitchen swing open reviling an image Taehyung could never get tired of seeing, it was Jungkook is a tight ripped but in a classy way, black jeans with a white shirt tucked inside the jeans, his sleeves were rolled up reviling the younger's muscled hands. The two first buttons of the shirt were left open to show Jungkook's collar bones and Taehyung found himself imagining things he shouldn't. So he shook head to get out of his daze as he smiled to Jungkook when the younger said

"hello hyung! how is your first day so far?"

"it's not bad actually, It's been so long since I baked something, so it was really fun doing it again" he titled his head in the direction of the beautiful pink cake sitting on the table

"WOW HYUNG!! you did that??!!" came Jungkook's excited voice as he approached the cake

"careful kook, don't touch it, I made it for you guys, first to thank you and Yoongi hyung for the job you gave us and in the same time to welcome your friends, so I really hope you like it"

"Hyuuunng !! you really didn't need to do that but thanks a lot I'm sure it's great!"

"well then kook, you can go back to your friends, someone will be there to take your orders, and after your lunch I'll send you the cake, is that okay?"

"yesss hyung it's perfect thank you chef" Jungkook answered as he stuck his tongue out and bowed to Taehyung who started laughing and kicking Jungkook out of the kitchen.




Jimin was busy filling shots of liquor when he heard a familiar voice behind him

"hey there bar tender" came Yoongi's sweet voice

Jimin immediately stopped whatever he was doing and turned around to find Yoongi standing behind him and not on the other side of the bar. Jimin approached his boyfriend and whispered

"Hey there boss" and even though they agreed on not showing any signs in places like this, they couldn't keep their hands to them selves, they hugged and held hands under the bar.

They moved back a little so no one can hear them talking

"How's your first day going so far?"

"It's hella busy hyung but it's fine don't worry about me, I can handle it"

"I know you can babe" said Yoongi while squeezing Jimin's hand "you look so good in this bar tender outfit Jimin I'm barely holding myself"

Jimin chuckled and looked down to prevent anyone from seeing the light pink shade that tented his cheeks "Hyyyuuuung stop! not here please, I'm barely holding myself too"

Yoongi smirked and whispered "you'll have me to yourself soon babe" as he let go of Jimin's hand leaving him breathless and eyes wide, he stepped back a little and continued "now come with me I want to introduce you to our friends"

Jimin hesitated looking down again "I don't know hyung… I don't th--"

"Come on baby don't think too much, and they know about you and I if that's what worrying you, they are our closest friends and they won't judge us don't worry"

"you sure hyung? I don't want to cause you any troubles"

"Oh my God Jimini you're the last person to cause me trouble, I promise baby they won't judge and they knew about us since the beginning, they were dying to see you so you don't have to worry I swear"

"okay Hyung, I'll get things done here and I'll join you in a while, okay?"

"okay Jimini, I'll be over there by the restaurant, we're going to have lunch, come join us quickly"

"I'll check up on Taetae, we were going to have lunch together, don't wanna leave him alone, you know with Jungkook here, it's not right"

"yeah that's right Jimini, okay then I'll tell them you'll be there for desert, is that okay?'

"okay hyung, that's perfect"



Few minutes later Jimin was sitting on top of a table in Taehyung's kitchen eating the most delicious strawberry cake he ever had

"aaahhhh Taetae how can you do this !! aaghhhh it's tae, pure , the most delicious one you get after a long time with no !"

"I know right!!! I'm even surprised in myself, this is sooooo good"

Both of them were enjoying the cake when a waiter came inside and told Taehyung that the boys are ready to have desert.

"Okay give me a minute, how many of them are outside?"

"Four chef" answered the waiter

"ooooooo you're a chef now" Jimin teased his friend

"I can't even believe it myself" said Taehyung as he laughed while preparing four beautiful artistic cake plates and handed them to the waiter.

"Tae babe I'm sorry I'll have to leave you now, Yoongi is waiting for me… something about introducing me to his friends"

"it's okay chim, I still have some things to do here anyway and then we're done for the day"

"Alright tae I won't stay long, okay?"

"God Jimin!! go already, don't worry about me" he said while pushing his friend out of the kitchen "I'll be fine!"

As Jimin left, Taehyung sighed and dropped his head down, thinking to himself *stop being overdramatic Taehyung, it was your own decision not to be with Jungkook, so it's still your fault, you're hiding in the dark while they are out there having fun*

Taehyung was about to take off his apron when the door of the kitchen swung open reviling a confused Jungkook being dragged away by a shocked Jimin



"What's going on here? why are you guys fighting?" Taehyung asked as he stared confused at the two boys in front of him. Jimin hurried inside and grabbed Tae's arm

"nothing Tae, come on we're leaving, you're done right" he said while pulling Taehyung with him "we have to go immediately!"

"Jimin hyung what's wrong with you, Jin hyung just loved his cake and wanted to ask him about the recipe, why are you making a big deal out of it!!" said Jungkook while trying to pull Taehyung out of Jimin's hold. Poor Taehyung was stuck between the two of them, screaming at each other so he snapped

"YOU TWO STOP IT FOR GOD'S SAKE !!!!! STOP PULLING ME !!!!" the two of them let go of him "now what's going on? what's all this fuss about? and only one of you is allowed to talk" he looked at Jungkook and continued "so Jungkook what's going on ? who wants to meet me?"

Jimin dropped his head defeated as Jungkook spoke "Jin hyung, one of our friends, he own a restaurant and when he tasted your cake, he got crazy and wanted to meet, I quote, *the most talented, amazing, artistic chef in the whole wide world*, but Jimin hyung was preventing me from getting you I don't know why"

Taehyung turned his head to look at Jimin "what's wrong chim, why did you do that?"

"I'm… I can't… Tae just…  please don't go outside please" Jimin begged him as he held his hand tight

"oh my God Jimin why?!" asked Taehyung confused by his friend's reaction

"just don't go please…" Jimin hesitated for a moment looking for a lie to prevent his friend from going "it's… it's your own personal recipe Tae, you can't just give it away, come on let's leave pleeeaaase"

Both Jungkook and Taehyung bursted out laughing "are you serious Jims?" said Taehyung between laughs "man chill it's nothing big, just a recipe" he continued as he got rid of the apron, grabbed his personal stuff and gestured for Jungkook to go outside as he followed him "come on bro let's go, we'll talk to him quickly and then leave"

Taehyung was approaching the table with Jimin clutching at his arms and whispering that they really need to leave, he was dealing with Jimin when he heard Jungkook say

"here he is hyung, the most talented, amazing, artistic chef in the whole wide world, Kim Taehyung"

Taehyung looked up only to be met with the real reason why Jimin didn't want him to come here. His eyes widen as he made eye contact with no one else but Jung Hoseok sitting next to a very handsome young man. He froze there, not able to move or say anything. Hoseok stood up in shock as he said quietly "that's why the cake tasted so damn familiar". He was about to approach Taehyung when the younger moved back, taking slow steps and shacking his head before turning around and getting out of the restaurant. Hoseok was about to go behind him but Jimin's strong grip stopped him as the younger said with anger bubbling in his eyes "don't even think about it Jung Hoseok, don't!" and like that he followed his friend out of the restaurant leaving a shocked Hoseok and the rest of them confused. Jungkook followed Jimin and was about to ask him what's wrong when the elder turned around and stopped him with a hand on his chest "go back there Jungkook, I got this… if only you listened to me in the first place"

"Hyung just let me talk to him"

"no Jungkook not now, if he's ready to talk to you about this, he'll call you, don't worry just go back there, don't let that Hoseok guy catch us and please tell Yoongi hyung that I left with Tae and I'll call him later"

"okay hyung, just please make sure he calls me later, please"

"fine kook, just go back" Jimin nodded as he turned around and started running to catch up t his friend.

When he got out of the restaurant, Jimin looked around searching for his friend but to his surprise, Taehyung was no where to be seen, he panicked and quickly grabbed his phone dialling Tae's number. He waited for him to pick up but his friend didn't. He stood there as fear washed over him, he knew how much the other suffered in the past, and the sight of this certain guy would crash Taehyung again. Jimin didn't know what to do, he kept calling him over and over again but with no answer. He tried jogging faster in hope for catching his friend but Taehyung was gone, no sight of him. Jimin got back into the restaurant and headed straight to where he left the guys.

"Yoongi hyung!!" he shouted and Yoongi's head snapped back as he stood up fast

"Jimin!! what's going on?! what's wrong with Tae? where is he?"

Jimin grabbed his boyfriend's arm saying "I don't know hyung I can't find him, come with me please, I couldn't find him I really need you to drive me around"

"what do you mean you couldn't find him?!!" Jungkook snapped as he stood up quickly "I'll go look for him!"

"for God's sake Jungkook I told you to stay right here! I don't think he'll talk to you for now! please!!" said Jimin

As Yoongi was collecting his stuff, Hoseok stood up, fetched his car keys and was about to leave when Jimin stopped him "where do you think you're going?"

"let go of me Jimin, I need to talk to him, I'll go find him!" and suddenly the handsome guy sitting next to Hoseok stood up and grabbed his hand

"would you quit it already and tell me what's going on babe?"

Jimin dropped his head as he gave Hoseok a pitiful laugh and said "babe… " he laughed as his looked up to meet the elder's eyes "you know what hyung, why don't you just stay here and tell you babe what's wrong? huh? it'd be better, because in no hell of a way I'm letting you getting close to Taehyung! never!!" he snapped as he grabbed his boyfriend's hand and dragged him out of the restaurant, not even noticing that Jungkook was already gone while he was talking to Hoseok.



Taehyung was sitting on a bench, facing a view of the large crystal blue sea, shinning underneath the sunlight making it seem covered with little pearls glowing. He stared at the beautiful view as seagulls flew around the sea with their melodic voices, he was wondering what would it feel like to be a bird, flying up there, not giving a about what's happening down here. He closed his eyes to clear his mind but couldn't help thinking about the past and how much it ressembles to his present…



Months flew fast as Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok became inseparable.


Jimin dropped out of school years ago when his family couldn't afford it any longer, but since then he's been dancing, making it his own profession, he grew better at it as years gone by until one day he was assigned a coach at the dance studio he was dancing in. From then until now, that was all Jimin did, it was his dream so nothing mattered as long as he kept dancing. And when Hoseok came, it became even more exciting, his two friends would go to school together everyday and after they're done, the three of them would gather in the studio. Taehyung would normally sit in a corner as he watch his friends rehears but sometimes they would drug him to the dance floor and make him learn some steps which ends up by them laughing at him for being awkward. Time flew fast and Taehyung grew closer to Hoseok, the only time the two of them wouldn't be together is when they have to separate for classes. Hoseok was in his last year in school, he's graduating soon and leaving for college. And for some reason, it was making Taehyung sad, sure Hoseok was their friend, they were going to miss him. But something else was bothering Taehyung. And it's the same feeling he gets whenever Hoseok was getting closer to anyone else, especially when it comes to girls. Because unlike Tae, Hoseok was a straight guy. He would go around and date girls and without even knowing Taehyung was getting jealous. He kept the awkward feeling for himself until one night, he was staying at Jimin's while Hoseok was out with some girl from the dance studio. He was so frustrated. The elder always had nights out with girls, but never on real dates. So when he told Tae and Jimin that he was asking this girl out on a date, it meant something and Tae's jealousy grew ten times bigger. It was almost midnight, and he was shifting on the bed, checking his phones every now and then, looking out of the window for any sight of the elder, when Jimin suddenly spoke

"Tae? is there something wrong? why do you keep checking your phone?"

He looked back at his friend and stuttered "huh? what? No, I... I wasn't… nothing's wrong? why do you ask?"

Jimin approached him, put a hand on his shoulder as he starred into his eyes, "Tae baby, you know you can tell me anything right? I won't judge…"

"what do you mean chim? there's noth--" he was interrupted by his friend

"come Taehyung-ah, don't do this, no one knows you better than I do, you know that…"

Taehyung's head dropped down between his shoulders as he sighed not knowing what to say but before he could think, Jimin continued

"you know he's straight as hell right?"

Tae's head snapped up at his friend's words, indeed, no one knew him better than Park Jimin but he couldn't admit it yet "what? what are you talking about chim?"

"come on bro, don't do this, you know you can't lie to me…" he got closer and for a second he could see Taehyung's eyes starting to water, he brought him closer and Taehyung immediately rested his head on his friend's lap as he sniffled "I don't know Jimin, it's getting awkward… and I can't stop thinking about him even knowing he's straight as hell… I can't help it" he sniffled again and Jimin brought him closer and he kept his hair while saying

"Taetae why didn't you tell me earlier, we could've figured things out together… I don't know man, it just hurts me knowing that you had to go through all of this alone"

"I'm sorry Chim, I just couldn't… I can't even admit it to myself… It's my first crush ever and it happened with a straight guy who thinks of me as a little brother… it's frustrating… I feel guilty every time he touch or hugs me, he do it for brotherly love but I can't help to think about it in another way…" he buried his head in Jimin's thigh as he continued "God Chim ! I can't believe I'm thinking like this, he's a so damn sweet guy! why am I ruining it by being childish!"

"shhhh Tae baby don't say that! it's not like you did it on purpose! things like these happens with no reason, they came to us suddenly and when they hit you hard you won't be able to control them…"

"What am I gonna do now? he asked Jisoo out on a date, it's a first for him, she must be important to him"

"Tae, listen to me" Jimin said as he brought his friend up and made him face him "Jisoo being important to Hobi hyung or no, is not for you to think about, as much as I know it's gonna be so hard for you, but you have to try and forget about your feelings for him…" he cupped his cheeks and his eyes soften and saw Taehyung sigh and drop his head down "I know it's difficult Tae, but please you can't do this to your self… Hoseok hyung is straight, he'll never look at you the same way… you can't risque loosing him, can you?"

"Of course no Chim…" he looked back up at his friend and continued "I'll try, really I will, if he's gonna be happy with Jisoo, I'll be happy for him too"

And like that, the two friends drifted to sleep hugging like they usually do when they have a sleepover.


Weeks gone by and Hoseok started dating Jisoo, his time with the boys started to be shorter now that he has a girlfriend, and as much Taehyung missed him, he was starting to think it's good for him, maybe if he got away from the elder, his feelings would change. And it did help indeed, he started to be happy for Hoseok, seeing how the elder's eyes sparkled every time he was with Jisoo made Tae think that it's what matters the most.

It was a Friday afternoon when the three of them and Jisoo agreed on meeting in the dance studio for a quick practice before they go out for dinner together. Jimin was going to be a little late because of some work thing. So Taehyung got to the studio alone and to his surprise he was the first one there, at least that's what he thought… As he pushed the door to the inside open, he heard a familiar voice coming from the lockers, it was Jisoo's voice so Tae thought that she and Hoseok were already there, he got in the locker room only to stop his feet from moving as the view in front of him shocked him. There she was, Hoseok's girlfriend, the sweet and innocent Jisoo, pushed against a locker as a guy kisses down her neck and grabs into her making her moan in pleasure as she pulled the guy face up to press a wet and hangry kiss to his lips. Taehyung couldn't believe what he was seeing, Jisoo was making out with a guy that's not Hoseok, a guy that was touching her everywhere without her protest, she was enjoying being touched and kissed by a guy who's not Hoseok. He didn't know what to do, he stood there, eyes wide and throat dry before he mustered the courage to speak

"Jisoo? what are you doing?"

The girl's head snapped to his direction, she pushed the guys away from her as panic grew into her eyes

"Taehyung? what are you doing here! no one was supposed to be here until an hour later!" she said moving closer to Tae

"Yeah so that you can continue your make out session?" he said as anger start to bubble in his tone

Jisoo dropped her head down before she looked up at him again and smirked "so what? what are you going to do about it? huh? tell Hoseok?"

"watch me doing it then!"

As he was about to leave the room, he heard her laugh loudly and she spoke "and why do you think he'll ever believe you?"

He stopped walking and turned around ready to face this shameful "because I'm his friend, of course he will, why would I lie to him?"

Her laugh grew louder as she approached Taehyung with the other guy's hand around her waist, she putted a finger under Tae's chin and lifted his head up so he can meet her eyes "you're pathetic Kim Taehyung, do you know that? what makes you think that Hoseok, MY straight as boyfriend, would ever believe a disgusting gay stupid boy, who, oh by the way, happens to have the biggest crush on him? huh? tell me Taetae, would he be able to believe you sweetheart?"

Taehyung couldn't register what the girl was doing, long gone the innocent sweet Jisoo everybody loved, but what shocked him the most was her knowing about his feelings toward Hoseok, he was in shock when she spoke again

"What? don't tell me you thought he didn't know?" she bursted out laughing as the guy next to her pressed wet kisses down her neck and laughed along with her "Tae sweetie, every body knows about your dirty little secret, the whole school is aware of your weird looks toward Hoseok, that's why no one wants to be friend with you, except that stupid friend of yours, Jimin or something"

Taehyung wasn't able to say anything back, he just stood there watching as Jisoo kissed the guy next to her and whispered into his ears "you can leave now babe, Hoseok will be here anytime soon, I don't want him to see me like this, I'll call you later handsome"

Right when the guy was leaving, Hoseok came into the locker room and what was seconds ago a full time , turned into the innocent Jisoo all over again, knowing that Taehyung will immediately tell Hoseok what he saw, she rubbed her eyes harshly to make them look red with tears as she run over to her boyfriend and hugged him tightly crying into his chest

"Jisoo? why are you crying? what's wrong?" Hoseok hugged her back as he looked at a still shocked Taehyung frozen in place "Tae? what's going on? someone please tell me what the hell in happening?!!"

Taehyung was about to speak when Jisoo pulled away and looked up at her boyfriend with teary eyes "Baby, I don't know what to say… I don't want to start any problems"

"what do you mean Jis baby? what problems are you talking about?"

"I was waiting here alone for you guys to come as we agreed, when Taehyung got into here…" she sniffled and dropped her head on Hoseok's shoulder again crying before she continued "we were talking like usual when he approached me and caged me on a locker, he started kissing me roughly and calling me bad names, saying that I'm the one that took you away from him so he's going to take me away from you" she cried even louder as Taehyung shouted


Hoseok was looking at Taehyung with a hurt look on his face "I can't believe you Tae, how can you do this to me"

"Oh my God hyung!!! please don't say that, I swear I didn't do that!!! I just walked in and saw her making out with the guy that just left against that locker!! hyung believe me I didn't do any of it!!"

Hoseok laughed with hurt all over his voice "you mean Bambam? Jisoo's best friend? are you out of your mind!! are you expecting me to believe this bull!!" Hoseok's voice grew louder as he approached Taehyung "I can't believe you Tae for real!! why would you do that!! I knew there were something off with you since I started dating Jisoo but I never thought you'll go this far!"

Jisoo was now standing behind her boyfriend smirking at Tae and wiping away her fake tears and Taehyung couldn't register what was happening, Hoseok wasn't believing him, he was accusing him, he was hurting him. Taehyung felt a cut go through his heart as he heard Hoseok's next words

"I can never believe I trusted a guy like you, how pathetic…" before he turned around, grabbed Jisoo's hand, pulled her closer to his chest and exit the room, leaving Taehyung standing there shocked, hurt and feeling betrayed. He slid down the wall, looking straight at the door when Jimin pushed it open and run to where his friend was sitting

"Tae? what's going on? why was Jisoo crying? and why did Hoseok refuse to talk to me?!!"

Taehyung couldn't answer, he was still shocked, he looked at Jimin, wiped his tears and whispered

"Take me home Jimini please"



As he walked by the side of the river, Taehyung slipped his hand in his pocket, pulled out his phone and checked for the time. His eyes widened when he noticed that it's almost 9PM and that he's been wondering around for almost six hours. He unlocked his phones and was immediately hit by the number of calls and texts he got. His screen read:

43 missed calls

25 unread SMS


He sighed as he checked them all, 11 missed calls from his mother, he frowned a little knowing how worried she must've been. 19 calls from Jimin and the rest 13 are from Jungkook. He opened his messaging app, 25 unread SMS with half of them from Jungkook, few are from Yoongi asking him to call Jimin and few more from Jimin panicking and begging him to answer his phone. Taehyung sighed as he thought about how he got everyone he loves worried about him for six hours. The first thing he did was text his mother


To Mom:

Sunshine, I'm so sorry for worrying you, it got really busy at work and my phone was silent, I just made it out of there, I'm fine don't worry about me, I'll stay the night at Jimin's. Sorry princess I'll come kiss you tomorrow morning before work, good night love.


He felt really bad about lying to his mother but he couldn't tell her anything now over texts or phones calls. He looked up and continued walking as he checked Jimin's texts


From Soulmate:

Tae are you okay??

From Soulmate:

Pick up the phone please!

From Soulmate:

At least answer my msg

where r u I'll come to you

plz answer me

From Soulmate:

Your mother is so worried

call her at least!!!


He didn't read the rest of them as he typed a respond to Jimin


To Soulmate:

You know where to find me


And the respond came in right away


From Soulmate:

okay stay there I'm coming


He was sitting by a large window in a small cosy coffee shop downtown, a place almost nobody comes to, a quite little shop owned by an old sweet lady, this place is where Taehyung and Jimin spends all of their hard times. Tae was staring out of the window trying really hard not to check Jungkook's texts knowing damn well he won't be able to resist and he will immediately call him. Right when he was having this crisis, his phone buzzed with an upcoming call from no one else but Jeon Jungkook. He hesitated for a moment before sliding his finger across the screen and answering the call.


*oh my God Hyung finally!!!! where have you been? where are you now? I was so worried about you!! why didn't you answer my calls or texts!!*

*hey kook, calm down please, breath for me*

*how can I calm down Taehyung!!! do you know how much I was worried!! tell me where are you now!! I'll come to you!*

*No Jungkook, go home plea--*

*don't tell me to go home! I've been looking for you all over the city from the moment to got out of the restaurant until now, and I won't stop until you tell me where are you!!*

Taehyung's heart dropped knowing that the younger was looking for him for almost six hours, he sighed and whispered through the phone


*yes hyung* came Jungkook soft voice, it's like hearing that nickname coming out of Taehyung's mouth could calm storms.

*kookie I'm so sorry for making you worry about me, I really am*

*hyung plea--*

*no kook wait listen to me please* Taehyung hesitated before continuing with a soft voice *we'll hung up now, you'll drive your car safely back to your place, have a nice dinner, take a hot bath, go to sleep and we'll talk tomorrow, alright?*

*but hyung I wa--*

*kook please… just listen to me this time and do as I say please*

*I always listen to you hyung, nothing good ever came out of that…I don't even know what happened back there*

*Jungkook please listen to me, I really can't talk about it right now, but I'm okay don't worry, yeah?*

*are you sure hyung?*

*I'm sure kook, also I might need you to do me a favour, is that okay?*

*anything for you Tae*

*can you please check on my mother? tell her that you talked to me and that I'm fine and I'm with Jimin, I texted her but she didn't answer and I'm starting to worry*

*alright hyung, don't worry I'll check up on her and text you, how does that sound?*

*yeah that'd be great kook, thanks a lot, go now, it's getting late*


*yes kook*

*I'm sorry I somehow caused you this, I don't even know what is this... But I'm really sorry*

*It's okay Jungkook-ah, it really is, don't worry*

*also...hyung I'm here for you, you know that right? you can tell me anything, yeah?*

*I know kook, I really know, thank you, good night handsome*

*good night hyung*


And right when they hang up, Jimin made it through the door, rushed to the table and sat down next to Taehyung bringing him in a tight hug.

"come here baby" came Jimin's soft voice as he buried his best friend's head in his chest.

As soon as he heard Jimin's voice and felt his warmth, Taehyung bursted out crying and grabbing tightly at his friend's shirt

"I know tae, I know it hurts… you can cry as much as you want, I'll be here for you, it's okay cry, things will get better soon love, don't worry"

Those words whispered into his ear made Taehyung cry harder as Jimin drew comforting circles on his back and played with the back of his hair softly, not stopping his whispering sweet words. After a few minutes like that, Taehyung pulled back from Jimin's chest and looked back at him with sad eyes. Jimin reached forward and cupped Tae's cheeks, wiping away the rest of the tears staining his beautiful face

"how're feeling ?" he asked softly

"better, thanks chim" came Taehyung's raspy voice

"you wanna talk about it?" his friend hesitated before he asked "about Hoseok hyung…"

"I don't know Jimini… it just hurt seeing him again like that… and what a good timing" Taehyung let out a sarcastic laugh before gaining control over his emotions and sitting straight facing his friend "I really regret running out like that though… I should've faced him, after what he did, he's the one who's supposed to be running from me"

"It's okay taetae, if I were you, I'll do the exact same thing, it's just a reflex babe, nothing to regret"

"what did the guys say?"

"well as you may already know Jungkook freaked the hell out, I didn't even notice when he got out looking for you"

"yeah... he called me earlier… I felt so bad Jimini, he was driving around looking for me for almost six hours and when he called he was still outside looking"

"poor whipped young man" Jimin said back chuckling and teasing his friend, trying to cheer him up a little

"yah chim stop it, I'm serious" Taehyung answered with a little smile on him lips

"see? he's the only one who can make you smile tae" he crossed his arms over his chest and acted angry "I'm jealous now"

Taehyung poked his friend's side making him hiss in surprise "no one can compete with you don't worry" he smiled back at Jimin and continued "but seriously chim… there is something I need to tell you about, but please, for the sake of our brotherhood, don't panic, okay?"

"I can't promise you anything, but yeah I'll try, go ahead"

"alright so, I actually wasn't planning on telling you but… you remember yesterday when Yoongi hyung told kook that Mina was going to meet him later in the night at his house?"

"yeah I totally forgot about that? I wonder what happened with that "

"well… I kind of forgot too… you know I stayed the night with mom yesterday and after dinner I was returning with plates to the Jeon's kitchen and I happened to walk in on kook and Mina making out on the kitchen counter…"

"HOLLY ING THAT GIRL IS A MOTHER ER SHAMEFUL CHEATING !!!!"Jimin screamed as he stood up and brought his hand down on the table harshly making the few costumers stare at him in shock. Taehyung pulled him down by his hand and looked around apologizing to the old lady at the counter and the people staring at them

"yah chim what the ! calm down man!"

"calm down? no way in hell I'm calming down, I need to slap that girl's face so hard that her lips would shutter  in pieces so she can never make out with anyone else"

"listen Jimini I know what you're going to tell me, but please hear me out first, okay?"

"there is no way you're convincing me about not showing the video to Jungkook, but go ahead I'm listening"

"I can't show him anything for now, I need to know what happened exactly, maybe she told him everything and he decided to forgive her, because you know…" he hesitated for a while "as I thought about it yesterday, you know he kind of did the same thing to her… well… with me…"

Jimin seemed to be taken back by his friend's words, they sounded convincing somehow "oh tae… I've never thought about it like that, now that you mentioned it… it looks like something she could do… "

"yeah that's why I wanted to hear him first, or I don't know maybe Yoongi hyung could talk to you about it"

"if you don't want to talk to kook about it, I'll ask Yoongi don't worry"

"thanks chim, really thanks a lot…"

"don't tae, don't thank me, you know we're all we got right? even if thousands of boyfriends came into our lives, we will forever be each other's one and only, yeah?"

"yeah baby"

And like that the two best friends stayed the rest of the night at the coffee shop chatting and laughing, trying to change the mood, Jungkook sent Tae a text telling him that his mother was okay and that she wants him to come visit tomorrow first thing in the morning, he thanked Jungkook and then they were finally kicked out of the shop by the old lady saying "you're always welcome here sweeties but we're closing now and I have to kick you, unless you wanted to stay and clean the shop". Both of them laughed with the lady as they made their way out of the shop after saying their goodnight.


It's already way past midnight and Taehyung was now showered, changed into soft pyjamas and laying in bed with Jimin hugging him tightly. He was drifting to sleep when his phones buzzed, he unlocked it to welcome a text from Jungkook


From handsome kookie:

Tae hyung?


To Handsome kookie:

why are you sill up kook?


From Handsome kookie:

I couldn't sleep hyung

wait, did I woke u up?

I'm sorry I woke u up hyung

go back to sleep


To Handsome kookie:

you really need to stop freaking out kook hahaha

and no u didn't woke me up, relax


From Handsome kookie:

can I call you hyung? it's okay if you don't want to, really


Taehyung sighed as he turned around to find Jimin already sleeping, he pressed a soft kiss on his forehead and pulled out of the bed carefully not to wake him up. He settled on the couch in the living room, unlocked his phone and dialled Jungkook's number


*tae* the younger's soft sweet voice sent shivers to Taehyung's body as he felt himself melt into the couch

*hi there*

*you okay hyung?*

*I'm fine kook, don't worry, but are you okay? it's been hours since you got home, why are you still awake, it's so late*

*I don't know hyung…* Jungkook hesitated before clearing his throat and continuing *I'm still worried and I... I was thinking about calling you but I didn't know if I should… so that kept my mind busy enough to prevent me from falling asleep*

Taehyung chuckled before answering *then I guess I'm sorry I kept your mind busy?*

*no don't hyung* Jungkook chuckled back and both of them fell into deep confortable silence, enjoying each other breathing sound. Jungkook swears he could fall asleep just from hearing Taehyung breath.

*so…* came Tae's whispering voice, knowing very well that Jungkook is dying to ask him about Hoseok *you're not the patient type, aren't you?*

*someone would think you knew me since forever*

*is that so Jeon Jungkook*

*yeah it is Kim Taehyung, do you expect me to see you panicking, running out like that and disappearing for that long and not to worry or ask questions?*

*that's stupid of me isn't it now?*

*yeah it kind of is hyung*

They both laughed softly and Jungkook was the one to speak first

*what happened hyung? how do you know Hoseok hyung?*

*it's a long story kook believe me* Taehyung sighed, memories crashing down on him again sending shivers down his whole body *let's just say, we used to be very close… like very very very close… almost like me and Jimin*

*wow hyung! what a weird coincidence… but seriously, if you were that close, why did you act like that when you saw him?*


*yes tae*

*can we please not talk about it now… I promise I'll tell you one day, whenever I feel ready, you'll be the first one to know, okay?*

*I... * the younger sighed defeated before continuing *alright hyung, I'll be waiting*

*thanks kook, I really appreciate it*

they fell into silence again, minutes that seemed like hours, it was getting so late and they both have work to go to the next day, so staying up this late wasn't a good idea. This time, Jungkook was the one to break the silence

*hyung* he whispered in case Taehyung was already sleeping but then he heard a soft *ummm* and he chuckled to himself before continuing *you should go to sleep, it's late*

*noooooo don't go kookie, stay with me for a little longer please baby* Jungkook knew very well that those are words Taehyung was saying because he was half a sleep, he knew if he was awake, he would never say things like that to him, but Jungkook's heart couldn't help but drop at the sweet nickname getting out of Tae's mouth with a soft tone. Jungkook suddenly felt the urge to have Taehyung wrapped up in his arms as he whispers sweet things to the elder's ears and erase every sad thought he could have. But deep down he knew it will never happen so he took a deep breath and said

*I'm right here hyung, I'm not going anywhere, I'll never leave you*

*yes kookie p...please… he… left me… already… aaaaaaaahhh…* Taehyung yawned and continued mumbling *don't… ummm… leave m…*

*shhhhhhh hyung, I won't leave you, go to sleep, I'm right here, you're safe with me, just close your eyes, I'm here with you baby, I'll always be here with you, yeah?*.


Deeper breathing and a soft snoring sound was all Jungkook heard then before he hung up and stared at the ceiling wondering what was Taehyung talking about.




When he woke up the next day and was getting ready to go to work, Jungkook was surprised by his mother's appearance behind him, he sighed, remembering her words the other night, he shook his head trying to forget about it as he turned around, approached his mother and said as he plants kisses on her forehead

"Good morning mother"

Despite her annoyed face, his mother hugged him tightly as she said back

"good morning kookie"

Jungkook pulled away and turned back facing the mirror so he can continue getting ready

"I see you're getting up early now and going to work in time, not missing anything"

"I hope you're proud of me mom" he said winking at his mother's reflection in the mirror

"of course I am baby, I'm always proud of you, no matter what you do"

"are you sure? because you didn't seem that way few days ago"

"yeah about that baby" she looked down and sighed "I'm sorry I acted that way, I really am, you know that's not how I act normally"

Jungkook turned around as he adjusted his tie and took his mother's hand in his "that's why I was so shocked mom, all I did was help a person out and make a new nice friends"

"I know kookie I know and I'm deeply sorry, It's just a mother thing baby, you know I get worried easily, I can't help it"

"I know princess I know it's okay" he said as he kissed his mother's hand softly "but please don't worry about me, Taehyung is a very sweet guy and he's a really good friend"

"Alright son, just be careful" she hugged tightly before she continued "come on baby, breakfast is ready, also your father said he wanted for you two to go to work together"

"alright mom, I'll be there, give me a minute"


When his mother left, Jungkook looked back at himself in the mirror for one last check before he sat down on the bed to put his shoes on. Right when he was about to get up his phone buzzed with an upcoming call from Mina, he frowned a little, wondering why she's calling him before he picked up

*Good morning handsome* came Mina's voice

*Good morning Minni*

*where are you? what's taking you so long? I've been waiting down here for a long time now*

*what? what do you mean?*

*I'm at your house kook, come on, you'll be late for work"

Jungkook couldn't quite get what was going on, why was Mina here and why was she acting this friendly, he sighed before he spoke "alright Mina I'll be there in a minute, just putting my shoes on"

"actually kook don't, stay there, I wanted to talk to you for a bit, I'm coming up" that was all she said before she hang up and as Jungkook stared confused at his phone, he heard footsteps getting closer to his door and then a soft knock before Mina walked in wearing a red tinted smiling lips with her hair tied up, a black peplum bodycon bandage dress, hugging her body tightly in all the perfect places, and a pair of black high heels. She leaned on the door looking at Jungkook as she chuckled and approached him

"stop staring at me like that Jeon, I might give up and try to close that hanging mouth of yours with mine" she winked before she threw her arms around Jungkook's neck and kisses his cheeks. All this time and Jungkook was standing there staring at her not having a clue about what the hell was happening. He hugged Mina back slightly before he pulled away and asked her

"what's all of this about Mina? I thought you said we'll be just friends"

Mina stepped back, stared at her ex for a while, before, she grabbed his hand in her and said softly "I think I couldn't stand being away from you after all"

"wh... what do you mean?"

"this why I wanted to talk to you here" she sighed and moved closer to Jungkook, who's now standing there speechless, confused and shocked by the girl's words. She looked up at him, smiled innocently before continuing "I thought about it for a while and I came to a conclusion that I can't broke up with you oppa, you're all I have"

Jungkook's eyes grew bigger as he spoke "but... Mina… what about what happened with Ta--"

"Taehyung? it's okay kook, we all make mistakes and" she stopped, wrapped Jungkook's arms around her waist and threw her hands around his neck before whispering closely to his lips "our biggest mistake was believing we could be friends babe" that's all she said before she closed the gap between them as she kissed a shocked Jungkook softly on the lips. She pulled away when she noticed that Jungkook wasn't kissing her back "what's wrong kookie? do you not want this?" she whispered as she brought her thumb over the elder's lips cleaning her remaining lipstick there.

Jungkook didn't know what to answer, he was confused, shocked and lost. He wanted for Mina to give him a second chance but at the same time, a certain handsome beautiful boxy smile came to his mind. Would he be able to start a new with Mina while still thinking about Taehyung. He sighed, dropping his hands from Mina's waist and stepping back a little, looking at the girl staring back at him, his mind wondered to the day where Taehyung told him that they will never be together and then to his mother's words about not accepting a gay friend. He thought about what would it cause to Taehyung if they ever got together. He'll be hurt and Jungkook hated seeing Taehyung hurting. So he took a deep breath, held his hand out for Mina and said while she came closer to him

"Thank you for giving me a chance to make things right again Minni" and he kissed her soft hand. He watched as her eyes grew bigger and she threw her self hugging him tightly and pressing soft kisses on his neck, chuckling before pulling away and smiling brightly at him saying

"we will make it right again together baby, we will".

Their kiss was now soft and delicate, as Mina held Jungkook's face in her hands while he held her waist and brought her body closer to his. They pulled back when they heard a knock on the door and a voice saying "Jungkook sir, your father is waiting for you to go to work".

The newly recovered couple looked back at each other while Jungkook fixed Mina's slightly smudged lipstick, she smiled at him before they regained their control and got out of the room and headed down stairs to the garden where breakfast was waiting for them.


Taehyung got up earlier than usual, he promised his mother to go visit her before work so he needed to go out earlier. When he was getting ready, Jimin rubbed his eyes, moved slowly in bed as he stretched his arms and said

"Good morning soulmate"

Taehyung chuckled as he turned to look at his friend "Good morning sunshine"

"what time is it? why didn't you wake me up?"

"you can go back to sleep chim, it's still early for you, I just promised mom I'll drop by the house before work so"

"why didn't you tell me?" Jimin said as he stood up and pointed a judging finger toward his friend "wait for me stupid little , I'll come with you, I know what you're doing here, you're trying to get rid of me so you can meet your new friend huh?!"

Taehyung bursted out laughing as he pulled Jimin in a hug "come here you overdramatic , it's like I could ever replace you, I just didn't want you to get up early, we slept late last night so"

Jimin pushed Tae away from him as he kept acting mad "let go of me you unfaithful , I'm coming with you to see her highness Mrs. Kim and not for your sake, move now let me go get ready" he walked away before turning around and pointing a finger to his friend "don't you dare think about leaving without me"

Taehyung kept laughing as he saluted Jimin while saying "Sir yes sir!". The two of them laughed as they continued getting ready and Jimin swears if he can ever keep his friend here, in their house, not going anywhere and not meeting anyone, just so he can be this happy, he will never hesitate.


When they made it to the Jeon's, Taehyung's mother was in the kitchen, getting breakfast ready for the people living there. When she saw her son coming into the kitchen, her smile widen and she ran to him, hugged him tightly and dropped kisses all over his face. "Oh Taehyung-ah my baby boy I was so worried about you, thank God you're here"

"Good morning mom" Taehyung said as he hugged his mother harder "I'm sorry for worrying you but I'm fine don't worry beautiful"

"I'm happy to see you son, really I am" she looked behind him and her face lit up more as the sight of Jimin "Jimini! son I missed you! how come you never visit me" and when they were still talking, a maid came to the kitchen, smiled at Taehyung and spoke

"excuse me Mrs. Kim, they are all there and I have to take their coffee now, is it ready? also what about Mrs. Jeon's fresh jus?"

"They are all ready, just give me a minute to transfer the jus to the glass and then you can take it"

As they were talking, the maid's phone rung and when she checked the caller ID, she looked up at Taehyung's mother with pleading eyes and said "I'm so sorry Mrs. Kim, I left my mother alone today at home and she was a little sick, can I answer this call from her while you take these to the garden, I'm so sorry"

"It's okay darling, go ahead, I'll finish putting the cake in the plate and take them all out"

When the maid left the kitchen, Taehyung came closer to his mother, took the tray of coffee and jus and said "mom let me take this to the garden and you can follow me with the cake"

"no son don't" His mother stopped him as her eyes grew bigger "I'll do it, now that I've seen your face, you can leave to work, come on go"

"wow mom! are you kicking us out! we made sure to come early so we can stay with you for a while, we're not going to be late" Taehyung said smiling at his mother "come on let me help you, it's nothing, it'll also be a chance to say hi the Mr. and Mrs. Jeon" he continued as he grabbed the tray and walked out of the kitchen ignoring his mother telling him not to go there.

Just when he made it out to the garden, Taehyung caught a familiar voice laughing out loud. He continued walking to the table as the sight of the girl he hated the most started getting clearer. He stopped right in front of the table and looked up to find no one else but Mina, sitting close next to Jungkook, leaning on his chest as he pulled her closer to him. They were laughing at something with Jungkook's parent sharing it with them. When they noticed his presence, Jungkook was the first to speak as his eyes grew wider for some reason, he pulled away from Mina and started

"Tae?..." he hesitated, not knowing what to say "what are you doing here?

Taehyung tried so hard to ignore the stub he felt through his chest and he bowed to everyone sitting on the table

"Good morning everyone, I'm sorry for this sudden appearance " he was surprised in himself for finding coherent words "I was just helping my mother" he continued as he placed Mrs. Jeon's jus in front of her "here is your fresh jus, also here is your hot coffee." he bowed again while he heard a soft *thank you* from both Jungkook's parent. He turned around to leave when Mina stopped him by saying "excuse me Taehyung-shi". He looked back at her trying to control himself "can you please bring me a cup of tea" she said not even bothering to look at him as she turned back to lean again against Jungkook's chest and continue before kissing Jungkook exposed neck "coffee was never my thing, also I'm trying to stay in shape for my man here"

Jungkook's eyes widen at that, he snapped his head back at Taehyung noticing the look of hurt on his face as he bowed again. Right when Taehyung was about to leave, Jungkook stood up "Taehyung wait" he looked down at Mina "he's not the one you should ask Mina"

Taehyung's look soften at Jungkook's nice gesture "it's okay Sir, I'll tell them to bring Ms. Mina's tea in a minute" he said before he bowed again and turned around leaving before Jungkook could say anything back.

"That was not nice Mina, you shouldn't have done that" came Jungkook's annoyed voice

"I'm sorry, did I say something wrong? he's the one who brought your coffee here so I though he could--

"No he can't, it's not his job to do, he was just helping his mother"

"Okay baby I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it"

"Jungkook son, it's okay, it's not a big deal"

When they were still arguing, a maid came in with Mina's tea and Jungkook glared at her "where have you been? and why are you giving your job to other people to do? do we pay you for this?!"

"Jungkook enough!!" came Mr. Jeon's angry voice "it's not that deep, stop already calm down!"

Jungkook shrugged as he stood up "whatever" he said before looking down at Mina "come on let's go, I'll drive you to your work" and they left with Mina's smirk going unnoticed by Jungkook.



Taehyung came rushing to the kitchen, he threw the empty tray on the table angerly before he looked up at the maid who just made it in "Ms. Mina want to have some freaking tea"

"oh... Alright I'm on my way"

Jimin snapped his head up to meet Taehyung's hurt look "wait who?"

Taehyung sighed as he looked down, before hugging his mother, grabbing Jimin's arm and heading out the door mumbling "I really should start to listen more when people tell me not to do something…"



"THAT ING STUPID SHAMEFULL UGLY !!!!! HOW DARE SHE!!!!!!" that was Jimin's reaction when Taehyung told him about what happened. He barely held his friend back, Jimin was so angry he was about to go back in the house and kick Mina's if Taehyung didn't held him back.

"I don't really care about her Chim, we both know she's a so…"

"But Tae, what was she doing there?"

"well by the look of it… I think they are back together… she was leaning against his chest and when she saw me she started kissing him and mumbling something about staying in shape for her man"

"wow tae… I'm sorry you had to witness that… I just don't get this, how can they get back together after all this"

"well we don't know, maybe Yoongi hyung will tell you about it, but please Chim, if he ever tell you about it, don't mention it to me, I don't want to know anything about them from now on"

"but tae--"

"no Jimini please, they seem good and like they settled things so, no I'm not showing that video to kook"

"what?! are you out of your mind? what if she never told him! at least wait until we understand things better"

Taehyung stopped walking, looked back at his friend, he pulled his phone out of his pocket, slid his fingers across some apps before turning it towards Jimin, where the video of Mina cheating on Jungkook appears. Jimin jumped over to stop him but it was too late, Taehyung pressed the bin icon and deleted the video, the only evidence he have, the one thing that could save Jungkook from that witch of a girlfriend "there, it's gone, there is no more video, happy now?"

"Tae why did you do that!!! it was the only thing you ha--"

"and now it's gone Jimin! just like Jungkook is gone! Not going back and I'm done hurting myself over it! it was my decision in the first place and I should accept what comes from it, end of discussion." Taehyung was almost shouting and Jimin noticed the hurt in his friend's eyes so he did the only thing he's good at, he pulled Taehyung in a tight hug and whispered

"alright tae, both of them can go to hell, you don't need Jungkook and you sure as hell don't deserve to be treated this way. them!"

"those were supposed to be sweet comforting words Chim not curses" Taehyung chuckled as he pulled away from Jimin's hug "I'll get over it Chim, I always do anyway"

"yes you will Tae and I'll be here with you like I always were."



Jungkook dropped Mina at her work place and headed to the company. The first thing he does was going directly to Yoongi's office, he knocked and without waiting for him to answer, he pushed the door open, made it inside and threw himself on Yoongi's office couch. Luckily Yoongi was alone so he stood up and sat on the couch facing his cousin

"well good morning to you too dear cousin"

"I'm still wondering whether it's a good morning or not"

"now what kook?" Yoongi stopped before snapping his head up quickly "wait! you didn't tell me what happened with Mina the other night!"

"yeah hyung I know, that's why I'm here, you know how things were yesterday"

"yeah yesterday was weird"

"wait until you hear about today hyung"

"spill it already"

When Jungkook was done telling his cousin about everything that happened those two days, Yoongi was speechless, don't blame him, Jungkook himself is still speechless.

"wait so you're telling that now you're officially back in a relationship with Mina" came Yoongi's confused voice

"yeah... I guess… you know I already wanted to make things right so..." Jungkook answered as he dropped his head back on the couch and sighed

"kook, what about Tae"

"what about him hyung? he was the one who didn't want us to be together and as long as I knew, his decision is not changing any time soon" the younger groaned as he looked back at his cousin "as much as I care for him hyung, am I supposed to keep chasing him and being rejected every time?"

"I guess… I guess not kook…"

"yeah that's what I thought too… seriously hyung when did my life became this messed up"

"the moment you fell in love with a certain Kim Taehyung kook…" Jungkook was about to answer but Yoongi cut him before he stood up and sat back down behind his desk "yeah you're not, alright, now leave, I have tons of work to finish!"

"what?! hyung you're not even going to tell me what to do?!! what kind of a cousin best friend are you!"

"you don't need my advice kook, you already decided for yourself, there is nothing you can do… just stay away as much as you could from Taehyung, spare the kid more humiliation, will you?"

"you know what hyung? it's my fault for coming to you in the first place; I'm going, see ya"

"yeah go, go do as you wish but don't forget, we're meeting Seokjin Hyung and Hobi later"

"yeah whatever" Jungkook said before slamming the door shut behind him as he left his cousin's office.


When Jungkook left, Yoongi quickly dialled Jimin's number

*G'morning hyung*

*good morning baby, how are you? you at work?*

*I just got in babe, how are you ?*

*I don't know Jimin, I'll a little worried…*

*why is my handsome man worried? who do I need to fight?*

*you mean so much to me Jimini, I don't want to see you lose…*

*what did that kid do again?*

*he got back with Mina… like nothing happened and like Taehyung doesn't exist*

*oh, yeah this I know hyung… I was with Tae at the house earlier…*

*how is he?*

*he's acting strong but I know him… he's not okay hyung and I'm so worried, like he's convinced that a part of this is his fault, he's the one who didn't accept Jungkook in the first place, so he doesn't have the right to complain… but I can see he's hurting hyung, really bad*

*I promise Jimini, I will never let Jungkook hurt him again, I'll make sure he never gets close to Tae,  not him and not Mina, don't worry babe*

*I hope so hyung I really hope so… Taehyung suffered so much already, he doesn't deserve any of this…*

*hey babe, I know it's not the right time, but what happened yesterday at the restaurant? how does Tae know Hoseok?*

*Yoongi baby please don't ask me… it's not my place to talk about this… at least not until Tae allows me to… I'm sorry*

*Don't be Jimini I understand really…*

*all I can say is that, Tae used to be very much close to Hoseok hyung… the three of us were actually… you can say Hoseok was a second version of me, more upgraded one*

*wow for real!!*

*yeah babe for real… alright Min Yoongi-shi I'm going to hang up now, got to work you know, are we meeting later?*

*yes babe of course, I'll be there for lunch, tell Taehyung and let's have lunch together, the three of us*

*okay baby thank you, see ya later then*


When he got to his work place, Taehyung immediately pulled his apron over his head and started working, keeping his phone in silent on purpose in case a certain someone tried calling him. He was preparing sweets for the breakfast menu when a waiter came in the kitchen and told him that some guy is asking for him outside in the private area of the restaurant. He didn't think so much about it, he thought it could be Jungkook, so without a second thought, he pulled off his apron and headed out, ready to face Jungkook. He was walking rather fast in order to get thing over with and go back to work but to his surprise, the guy sitting in the back of the private area of the restaurant, under the sunlight and staring deeply at the open sky in front, was not Jungkook, it was no one else but Jung Hoseok. Taehyung stopped walking, not knowing what to do. There he is, the reason behind all of his sadness and law self estime, the guy who crushed him to million pieces, who broke his heart and left him alone in a dark change room, collecting his own broken pieces. Here he is the guy who surprisingly but not still give Taehyung shivers down his body, the guy who radiate the ray of the sun even when he looks guilty staring back at Taehyung right now. Taehyung wasn't sure what was going to happen, he wasn't sure what would Hoseok tell him, he knew that he'll apologize but Taehyung didn't know if he'll be able to forgive him, because when his Hobi hyung walked away from him that one day and left him alone, he took with him, a hyung, a brother, a best friend, a crush, a lover… he took Taehyung's everything leaving him empty and broken into thousands of pieces that Park Jimin had to collect after. Taehyung didn't know if he will ever forgive the guy behind the past year of sadness and misery in his life. So determinate on asking Hoseok politely to leave and not try to come meet him again, Taehyung took few more steps until he was face to face with the other.


"Taehyung-ah..." there it is, that bright smile, that could melt mountains "long time no see…"



Hello my few beautiful readers ^_^
this was the longest chapter in this fic, I kind of love how it turned out. It's a bit messy but  it's my favorite chapter so far so I really hope you liked it too.
Also don't hate me for what I did with Hoseok up there, I sure know he's a sweet heart and I love him so freaking much.
Thanx so much for reading I really appreciate it.

PS. uni is starting soon so I'll try my best to finish this fic before the start of October. At least I hope so... hihihihi again thanks a lot to those who are reading this mess, you really don't know how much it means to me.
See ya next time and don't forget,
Taekook is love, Taekook is life ;))))

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BpDdududdudu #1
For some reason it isn't loading on my browser. But I will read this soon!!! I have it bookmarked :D
Ehpark #2
Chapter 10: I need an update pleaseeee
Chapter 9: Im so excited for next chapter love u :*
kookieofmylife #5
Author-nim please update or at least tell us that u didn't give up the story. I really like the plot so fighting!
lianaidayu #6
Chapter 7: OMG, I love this!!!! Please update please.. i cant waitttt... great storyline authornim :')
hourourou #7
#1 fan
Bae <3 <3 <3
keep goinggggggggg !!!!!!!!
Tikaii #8
Chapter 3:'s really cuteee ^.^
Fighting author_nim...
Can't wait for you to update...