Something Has Changed


"Come on, Jungkook ah. It is the third time you answer this kind of question in a year". Namjoon shouted out loud, complaining about the youngest.

"Just do whatever he wants. Hurry, stand in a line". Not bothered by Jungkook at all, Yoongi tried to make other members do Jungkook's request.

They were in the room which was stuck of question notes all over the wall, doing a self-interview by choosing the question.  A few minutes ago, Jungkook tried his best to find his favourite question.

"Ranking the members base on their looks". Jungkook read it out loud. "I will start with number two".

He could feel Jin and Jimin's gaze all the time, this question was always important to them. But as usual, he avoided all their hopeful stare.

"V hyung". With the grin from ear to ear, he did high-five with Taehyung. Taehyung simply laughed back as usual. Jungkook's eyes wandered around his hyung.

Hoseok started to lobby Jungkook.

"Hyung bought some food for you recently. Remember?"

"I didn't care about it. Do it quick.", complained Yoongi.

Jungkook finished the third, fourth, fifth and sixth rank easily, with Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi and himself. After all, it was not his purpose to choose this question.

A curious look appeared in Namjoon's face.

"You're not going to tell me the rankings isn't change, are you?". It wouldn't make any sense if Jungkook chose Jin hyung as first place, thought Namjoon. What was the reason for doing the same thing? It was kind of odd, because Jungkook did not seem to like doing something again and again.

Jungkook naturally came to Jin and Jimin to hold their hands.

"I would choose the number one".

"I don't think I would like the result", mumbled Jimin.

"Don't worry, your rank might change." Hoseok smiled at Jimin.

Jimin still made a fuss about Jungkook's choice. He knew very well that Jin hyung was Jungkook's favourite one, especially compared to him.

"It will be embarrassing if I'm chosen"

"Really?" Jungkook's voice suddenly raised. "So I will choose Jin hyung".

He immediately turned to Jin hyung and embrace his hyung tightly to celebrate. Jimin was really frustrated at the fact that Jungkook was playing him around. No, playing his feeling around. Taking this situation as the advantage, Hoseok tried to give Jimin a pacifying hug, which didn't catch much attention from Jimin.

While Taehyung was joking at Jimin, Jin caressed his little dongsaeng's hair as usual, firmly confirmed.

"Hyung will cook whatever you want for tonight's dinner."

As the interview finished, Yoongi frowned a little bit. Did he think too much or Jungkookie acted strangely these days? Yoongi kept his eyes on Jungkook, hugging Jin hyung from the back while walking toward their cars right then. Recently, the way Jungkook treated Jin hyung was kind of subtle, apparently different from what he used to before. That was weird, because Jin hyung was too kind and sweet, so he got teased by them a lot, especially Jungkook. What had gotten to Jungkook recently?

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rosellaselarose #1
Chapter 10: Oh no.... It is really sad. You made me cry author-nim. I mean, you narate it well therefore it touched my deepest heart. I really love it even though I'm devastated by the ending. Good job. You are a great writer
adri4n4 #2
Chapter 10: Whatta ending ???
It's sad ??
Chapter 10: The ending is clever but bittersweet. Once bts retires they can move to Europe or America and get married and b together freely hahah
Nhatchimai #4
Thank you. I really like it.
Chapter 10: Oh my God ! This is beautiful but a little dad too T.T
Chapter 9: I would be happy if JinKook was real 7u7
Chapter 7: Oh my God I like it
eqiinkz #8
Chapter 10: THIS IS NOT THE END RIGHT?! ohmygod. my heart. is. ripped. out.
it makes. so much sense but at the same time it's so gutting and i love this and it hurts and i'm yelling!! this hooked me from the v beginning and now i can't believe this is over and aAaHH i'm clutching my heart RIP ME. thank you so much for writing this. i love it. save me. i'm so glad i read it! brB, weeping into my stockpile of jinkook