A Little Thing Called Love


When Jin got back to the room, Jungkook was already awake with his head full of thought. Apparently Jin was clueless about the talk Jungkook had with Yoongi, so he jumped to Jungkook's side with his exciting voice.

"It's 9 now. You wanna join Eat Jin? Hurry!"

Jin's act made Jungkook mad. Jungkook just wanted to say it all, tell Jin that he was the one Jungkook like, and he got mad due to Jin's lack of affection to him. Jungkook wished his hyung know that Jungkook was not that childish, only upset because he wasn't able to be in Jin's show.

"What's wrong? Everything's okay?"

But when Jungkook looked into Jin's innocent eyes, his heart melted. The excitement in Jin's eyes was something Jungkook always wanted to see, and he didn't expect his hyung's happiness to disappear. Therefore, Jungkook turned his mouth into a grin, fondly answered Jin:

"Hyung, what are you saying now? It's Eat Kook."


Jin turned the camera off when Jungkook was showering in his room. Jungkook looked like an angel sent to Jin, and his smile always made Jin's day.

"Hyung, you go." Jungkook got out of the bathroom. With his towel. Only with his towel.

"What are you doing? Where's your clothes?" shouted Jin.

"I don't want to wear the same clothes for 2 days, … and usually I sleep like this. I left the key in my room, hyung. It's 10 now, we shouldn't bother the receptionist to open the door for me. I know my hyung will let me sleep here one night. Right?"

Jungkook's puppy eyes was always Jin's weakness. He sighed when Jungkook jumped to his bed, comfortably lying there and crawling over. Jin, everything will be alright. Jungkook is your group member.

After hearing the sound of water flow, Jungkook immediately got out of the bed, finding the place to hide his room's key. He needed to talk to Jin today, so maybe lying wasn't very bad.

Jungkook already turned off the light before Jin got out, pretending to be asleep. He heard Jin's light footsteps, obviously trying not to wake Jungkook up. Jungkook heard the sound of someone sliding down and saw his hyung's silhouette. Not missing the chance, Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jin's warm body right away. He heard someone's sound like a gasp.

"What the…?"

"Hyung, I want to ask you something. Listen carefully and answer me clearly, okay?"

 Jungkook's serious voice made Jin concern.


"If a member in our group confesses that he likes you, but you don't like him, what will you do?"

Jin merely laughed at the odd question. However, he could feel Jungkook's fast heartbeat right beside him, he felt responsible for answering it sincerely.

"I will reject him, of course."

"So what if you like him?"

Jin never imagined the day Jungkook would confess him, so he didn't really know what to do. He took a while to think before saying:

"I will reject him too."

"Why?" Jungkook surprisingly asked.

"If I receive that confession, we will become a couple. It may affect our group activities and promotion, especially when the fans realized the truth. No one could accept the fact that their idols are gay. By accepting his love, I might ruin his dream and future, and our group may get disbanded too. After all, seven of us came here with the dream becoming singers, so I will do whatever to protect our dreams, even I need to reject my love."

Jin was always right, Jungkook sighed deeply. Everything was right, and it made him really sad. That meant Jungkook never knew whether Jin liked him or not, because whoever confesses to him, Jin would decline the proposal.

"But it doesn't mean, that's the end of our love. Even I couldn't tell him what I truly feel, I'm still able to show my affection somehow. Like, I only kiss the one I love…"

Jungkook's question reminded Jin of the fact they couldn't be together, even though they liked each other. The sadness made Jin tell his true feeling - and it was just a slip of his tongue. He didn't realize he just said about the kiss he gave Jungkook yesterday.

Jungkook's eyes widen, his heart beat like crazy. Did Jin really mean what he just said? Jungkook subtly smiled, his face was still buried in Jin's wide shoulder.

"It's late, hyung. Shouldn't we sleep?" fake yawned Jungkook.

"Right." Jin let Jungkook lay his head on Jin's arms, comfortably cuddling Jungkook close and inhaling his smell.

"Hyung, among all the hyungs, I like you the best." Jungkook whispered against Jin's skin.

It was not something like commitment, but to Jin, it was the best ever confession he had ever heard. Jin smiled brightly, cooed to the maknae.

"Among all the dongsaengs, I like you the best, Jungkookie."

It was enough to satisfy Jungkook. He just then realized something, maybe he didn't need to confess his love to Jin or show it in front of the camera to claim his lover.

Jungkook wanted all the best for Jin. So, to protect Jin from all the criticism and hatred, he could keep his affection as a secret until he died. They couldn't be together, but perhaps they had already been together for a long time ago.

As long as you're with me, I wouldn't need anything else in this world.

I love you, hyung.

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rosellaselarose #1
Chapter 10: Oh no.... It is really sad. You made me cry author-nim. I mean, you narate it well therefore it touched my deepest heart. I really love it even though I'm devastated by the ending. Good job. You are a great writer
adri4n4 #2
Chapter 10: Whatta ending ???
It's sad ??
Chapter 10: The ending is clever but bittersweet. Once bts retires they can move to Europe or America and get married and b together freely hahah
Nhatchimai #4
Thank you. I really like it.
Chapter 10: Oh my God ! This is beautiful but a little dad too T.T
Chapter 9: I would be happy if JinKook was real 7u7
Chapter 7: Oh my God I like it
eqiinkz #8
Chapter 10: THIS IS NOT THE END RIGHT?! ohmygod. my heart. is. ripped. out.
it makes. so much sense but at the same time it's so gutting and i love this and it hurts and i'm yelling!! this hooked me from the v beginning and now i can't believe this is over and aAaHH i'm clutching my heart RIP ME. thank you so much for writing this. i love it. save me. i'm so glad i read it! brB, weeping into my stockpile of jinkook