Revolution pt. 2

At Least I'll Always Have You

You sir, are heavily guarded. And anytime I’m not pleased with your work, your daughter will simply suffer for you (^_^).

Don’t Dissapoint me.


In the Safe Zone


Everyone was being given weapons for defense and being trained. The soldiers taught the citizens secret hiding places around the Safe zone, and the professors divided everyone in groups and taught them strategies. Meanwhile, Yo Seob and the others were given special training—to boost their stamina, strength, agility and also their accuracy. The remainder of the night was spent with all the families getting together and praying together—hugging each other as the army provided dinner using emergency food supply. Tomorrow would be a day full of all-out training. Then they will be required to get 2-3 hours of rest before going to there assigned positions—they had to be prepared by dawn the next day.

That night, Yo Seob lay on the cold ground in his sleeping bag. He couldn’t sleep. He sat up and looked around—everyone else, his family and friends included, were getting the needed rest. While some of the soldiers who were on night shift were busy patrolling outside.

He lied down again—closing his eyes. All this seemed so surreal… like being the main characters of an action-packed story or something like that. Who knew that one day, in his tender teen years, he would have to be a front-line fighter together with his buddies, on their mission to save his ex and the country as they knew it? In fact, just calling Na Hyun his ex was totally surreal—he never imagined that he would ever break up with someone he was so fond of… with someone he loved… but, he did. It was probably one of the biggest mistakes of his life, but he did it for his parents so it wasn’t such a bad thing. And now that they only have 24 hours left to prepare themselves for what may be the last day of South Korea to be run by humans, his parents willingly fight along side him and even approve of his relationship with his ex…


A lot of things have been going on…

What a crazy year it’s been…


“Hey Lord… thanks for bringing us all here safely and together… I miss Na Hyun…”

“please protect her…”

“please protect her father…”

“please give us the strength we need tomorrow to win the battle…”


“It has been a very wild ride Lord… I’m so honoured to be here right now, willing to die for my country… for the ones I love… and for the one I can’t bear to lose.”


“I’m scared, but you give me confidence. I’m small, but Lord you are even bigger than the universe. I’m weak, but you hold all the strength of the world in probably just your finger.”


“We ask for your guidance… we ask for your blessing… please save us.”


“And thank you again Lord, for a wonderful life. May the next generation still be able to see the light of day.”


“We love you Lord. Amen.”


In that short prayer, Yo Seob felt his shoulders got lighter—as if a heavy load was lifted from them. He was able to say everything to God… he voiced out what he wanted to say… he became peaceful after that, and slowly dozed off.


-Meanwhile, in Prof. Lee’s whereabouts-


Prof. Woo was busy attaching weaponry and adding programs to Prof. Lee’s army robots. He was being watched by all the robots there, but he didn’t look nervous or even a bit scared. No one saw the small smirk on his face.

Because he had to program and tune up every robot, he was exposed to the entire lab where Mr. Lee worked. Although heavily guarded and threatened numerous times about doing any funny business, Prof. Woo kept his poker face on… because now he was able to analyze the entirety of this hideout.

And of course, he made the original army robot didn’t he?

Surely, he knew exactly how all the replicas worked—especially, since they were less proficient compared to the original.

So he just contuned to do as he was told, hiding the fact that he can now leak information to the Army at the safe zone because he had a hidden communication device with him.


There was only one puzzle left to solve…


Jun Hyung.


Out of everything… if Prof. Lee still had Jun Hyung, there’s still the slight chance for him to escape again—to hide again and redo this stupid war for as many times as he wanted.


That wasn’t going to happen—Prof. Woo planned to finish this crazy man’s plots once and for all…


Just how was he going to get Jun Hyung on his side?...


- laboratory’s pantry-


Jun Hyung was guarding Na Hyun

The door was locked, and he was to stay with her to make sure she didn’t try to escape. Na Hyun’s torso was chained to the wall, and she even wondered why anyone thought she could escape at all—how was she going to do that?

She was just sitting there—looking at Jun Hyung.


Her second best friend after Yo Seob.

Someone as close to her as a brother.

Her lover.


All the beautiful memories she had about him were swiped away that one moment where he came to her house.


He shot Dong Woon on the leg.

He slashed Hyun Seung on the arm.

He kidnapped her and brought her here.

And now he’s more than ready to kill anyone that could get in his way.


His eyes were cold…

His face had no smile…

He wasn’t Jun Hyung at all…

He was just the Perfect Army Robot—A.R. #1

The first of his kind to be created.

He fell into the wrong hands, and now she’s locked up here

While here father is forced to do the madman’s bidding.


Na Hyun let out a tired sigh…

Hopefully everyone was able to make it to the safe zone…

She wasn’t able to see Yo Seob… was he safe? Him and his family?


Na Hyun felt her eyes water, and later a warm tear rolled down her cheek…

She’s here feeling helpless and useless.

She never liked damzels in distress—she admired the heroes who came to the rescue.

Damzels were weak, and she didn’t want to be like that—even though right now, she most certainly is.

And so she just prayed to God—the last thing she could do and the only help she could offer.

She prayed and prayed and prayed, begging for mercy mercy mercy to fall on them…

All the way until she fell asleep, a few tears staining her cheeks.


Jun Hyung noticed the small teardrops.

He approached the sleeping Na Hyun, kneeling on one knee to take a closer look at her face.

There was water coming out of her eyes—was that logical?

He decided to wipe the tears away.

He used his right hand to do so, and wiped too hard that Na Hyun woke up—an annoyed look on her face.

Then, her eyes widened—Jun Hyung was right in front of her.

Then she went back to her annoyed look—this wasn’t Jun Hyung, this guy’s just a robot with no emotion.

Then her eyes widened again as she remembered some words Prof. Lee mentioned earlier…


“…I want you to delete your robots memories of you and your daughter, plus his emotional program; an army robot has no use for such things.”


Jun hyung was looking at her strangely, with one eye brow raised due to the fact that she kept switching back from an annoyed look to wide eyes.

A smirk found its way across her face.



Appa hasn’t touched Jun Hyung yet; the emotional program and memories of us are still there.


I can still get him back.



She quickly pulled Jun Hyung into a hug, surprising the latter.

She heard him turn his arm to a gun, and hurriedly let go.

Jun hyung was now aiming his gun at her.

Any slight movement could lead to her last breath.

But she was going to try anyway—Na Hyun was going to take Jun Hyung out of that emotionless robot!


Lord, I can do this! Fighting!


“G-Girl’s Generation!” Na Hyun suddenly shouted.

She closed her eyes and prepared for any violent reaction from Jun Hyung.

But nothing came.

Slowly, she opened her eyes.

Jun Hyung was looking at her with a brow raised again—head slightly tilted to the side.

Bravely, Na Hyun tried again.


“D-do you remember that Jun Hyung? That was on our finaly day together before you went to the army… you said that Girl’s generation was either a feminist movement or a guerrilla movement for females…”


Again she closed her eyes and prepared for any attack.

And again nothing came.

Jun Hyung was just there, head tilted to the side with the gun still pointed at Na Hyun.

Na Hyun thanked God she was even able to say 3 sentences without getting shot.


This… is going to take a while…


But it’s not impossible, and that’s all that matters.

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aimz_c #1
Chapter 37: i FINALLY got to finish it omgggg you are an amazing writer and i loved this and im so glad you brought back (what im going to call) a mini junhyung hahaha loved it
aimz_c #2
Chapter 33: hahahahah do you think i should bring the lamp and cockroach too haha
Chapter 37: It such a good story ever! So sad JunHyung had to died even he just a robot.. But i like the epilogue! Song JunHyung.. I bet they will be a really good friend! It's really awesome! ^^
Chapter 36: Awww~~ that was the sweetest ending ever!!!
Thank for this lovely story I will definitely reread again!!

Lol to be honest I wish nahyun would like junhyung too and so she could hav those two guys at the end~~ lol so selfish but lol!!

You are very welcome~ thank you for mentioning me, u deserve all this support for your stories :)

Hwaiting! !♡♡♡♡
yumimitsuki #6
Chapter 36: Poor Junhyung!!TT^TT
i miss zis story sooooooo mmmmuuuuucccchhh pls update
i miss zis story sooooooo mmmmuuuuucccchhh pls update
miss this story
peipei_bigbadgirl #10
Chapter 34: I want her to be with junhyung