Occupy Myself

At Least I'll Always Have You


Na Hyun- >.< My, my cutie pie! (pinches Dong Woon’s cheek). Good night! ^^ Let’s do our best in tomorrow’s test! God is good? ^^

Dong Woon- All the time! ^^ (Yes; she agreed to go to the contest. Thanks Lord! ^^ You are indeed good!)

-Next Morning-

-Day of the Test-

-As Na Hyun and Dong Woon walk through the hallways, the surrounding students couldn’t help but feel as though there was something quite different about the two… like, they were heading off to war or something O.O… There was a strong aura… and they had such intense looks… at one point, the students even heard an exchange of evil laughter between the two…-

-The day went by like a breeze for Na Hyun and Dong Woon; both of them finished ahead of class for each test they had taken. Everyone was completely shocked; this, of course, includes Gi Kwang, Doo Joon and Hyun Seung…-

-End of the day-

-Na Hyun and Dong Woon at home…-


Dong Woon- WHOOOHH! Did you see the look on their faces Na Hyun? ^_^ We were so awesome today! I felt the answers surging through the veins of my brain! You felt it too right?

Na Hyun- Definitely! This is the power of prayer! ^0^ Let’s thank our commander right now!

-Na Hyun and Dong Woon prayed a prayer of thanksgiving- 

Na Hyun- (stretches) >.< WAAAHH! I feel so good! So refreshed! I’m really glad that the tests are over^^… Oh! Why don’t we go eat ice cream Dong Woon? =) My treat. I’ll take you to the ice cream shop where Gi Kwang and I went to.

Dong Woon- Really?

Na Hyun- Yup! ^^ You’ve been taking care of me really well, so I’d liketo treat you even if it’s just for ice cream.

Dong Woon- Alright! ^^ I’ll go get changed.

-Dong Woon changes clothes (Dong Woon usually sleeps on the couch in the living room, but Na Hyun gave him permission to change in her room)-

-While Dong Woon changes-


Dong Woon- (picks up phone) Nuguseyo? (Who’s this?/ Hello?)

Doo Joon- Hey there Dong Woon^^

Dong Woon- Oh! Hyung!

Doo Joon- Did you get to ask Na Hyun about the baking contest?

Dong Woon- Yeah; she agreed^^

Doo Joon- Good job! ^^ We’re just about to ask Yo Seob. By the way, you and Na Hyun were on fire today =) At least, that’s what I heard. Hyun Seung’s in Na Hyun’s section and said that she finished earlier than the class for each test we took today. Gi Kwang also said the same thing about you. What was up?^^

Dong Woon- We studied really hard last night hyung ^^ We prayed to God and everything! We even brought first aid!

Doo Joon- (First aid??...)

Dong Woon- But before that, I was really worried about Na Hyun… She cried because she missed her appa (father), and she missed Jun Hyung and of course she missed Yo Seob hyung… I was really dazed at the moment; all I could do was hug her and cry with her.

Doo Joon- ! Really!? She cried!? O.O But she still agreed to go to the contest?

Dong Woon- Ah; she stopped crying after gathering strength from God ^^ Plus, when she heard the 2 gallons of chocolate milk…

Doo Joon- I gotcha^^ I’ll just watch that scene get replayed when I tell Yo Seob. I know that guy’s probably not feeling too well too… but I’m sure that the chocolate milk will turn his frown upside down in no time^^

Dong Woon- You know hyung, Na Hyun almost wanted me to enter the competition with her^^ That would’ve ruined the plan, haha =) I got out by saying that you guys were taking me to see the dentist.

Doo Joon- Enter the comptetion with you?… !


Haha ^^ That would drive Yo Seob nuts


Doo Joon- Dong Woon, you just gave me an idea! Do you and Na Hyun have any plans for today by any chance?

Dong Woon- Well, since the tests are done we’re going to the ice cream shop.

Doo Joon- Where’s that?

Dong Woon- I don’t know where it is, but Na Hyun said she went there with Gi Kwang hyung. Why hyung? What is it?

Doo Joon- I’ll tell you later on =) It’s best for now that you have innocence ^^ Bye! (puts down phone)

Dong Woon- ??Hmm… I wonder what the plan could be.

Na Hyun- (calls from outside) Dong Woon! Are you ready to go?

Dong Woon- Ah! Coming!

-While Na Hyun and Dong Woon go to the ice cream shop, Doo Joon, Hyun Seung ang Gi Kwang prepare their plan to meet up with Yo Seob-

Hyun Seung- Your plan sounds awesome hyung; it will irritate him to the bones ^^ But what if he doesn’t have free time today?

Doo Joon- Well, it’s alright^^ I just wanted to mess with him anyway. I’m sure the chocolate milk bait alone is enough to lure him. If he doesn’t have free time today, I’ll tell him about the contest via phone.

Gi Kwang- Yeah; but letting him see Na Hyun and Dong Woon eating ice cream together would really be exciting to watch ^^ I want to see the reaction on his face!

-While the 3 are about to call him, Yo Seob happens to visit a familiar place…-

-Play ground-


Yo Seob- (Wow… I… only have a week left until the big move… (chuckles) I remember how I used to push Na Hyun on this swing… and how we used to have our dates here… I’m going to leave this all behind once I get on the plane to Japan… (sigh) I can’t even let my friends know that I only have one week left with them… I can’t even tell them I’ll be moving so far away… It’s all because of that stupid army leader… I wonder how Na Hyun’s dad is… has Jun Hyung been found yet?…>_< AAAGGGHH!! I don’t want to think about these things! What do you think I should do Lord?… Maybe… I’ll call up the guys. I want to spend some time with them before I leave… (reaches for phone) I actually also… want to spend some time with Na Hyun…)

-Suddenly, Yo Seob’s phone rings-

Yo Seob- Oh! Nuguseyo? (Who’s this?/ Hello?)

Doo Joon- Hey there Yo Seob! =)

Yo Seob- Oh! Hyung! I was just about to call you up!

Doo Joon- Really? Why?

Yo Seob- I just wanted to know if you guys want to hang-out ^^

Doo Joon- Haha! ^^ That’s exactly why I called you! Let’s meet up at our dance practice place. We’re all here except for Dong Woon; seems like he has other plans.

Yo Seob- Right; he’s supposed to be taking care of Na Hyun. Maybe we should visit them ^^

Doo Joon- Sure; it’s all good.

Yo Seob- That’s great! ^^ Anyway, it wouldn’t feel right without our beloved maknae (youngest) around =) And of course… seeing Na Hyun would be good too. I would really like to see all of you! I feel like it’s been so long! I’m on my way there!

-Yo Seob puts down phone-

Hyun Seung- How’d it go hyung?

Doo Joon- The Lord practically arranged everything! ^^ Would you believe that Yo Seob was planning to meet up with us? The timing is perfect! It’s totally fate!

Gi Kwang- Now, the fish only needs to bite the bait =)

Doo Joon- Exactly.

-Later on, Yo Seob arrives and they go to Na Hyun’s house-


-No answer-

-After a few more tries, the guys decide to stop-

Doo Joon- (acts as if surprised) Wow, I wonder where they went… and how come Dong Woon didn’t say anything.

Hyun Seung- Well, maybe we should come back here later. I’m sure they’ll be back by then ^^ In the mean time, Gi Kwang’s going to bring us to an ice cream shop to pass the time =)

Gi Kwang- Yup ^^ Let’s go!

Yo Seob- Ah… ok… but we should contact Dong Woon and Na Hyun later… I really want to see them… (since it’s going to be my last week and all…)

-As these guys make their way to the ice cream shop, Dong Woon and Na Hyun arrives earlier-

Dong Woon- (^o^) WAAHH~ This place looks nice Na Hyun.

Na Hyun- Yeah =)

-The 2 sit down-

Dong Woon- (Looking at menu) Whoah (O.O) This place has a lot of flavors! And toppings! And the cones are huge!

Na Hyun- Yeah; it sure has improved since the last time I’ve been here ^^ I never really noticed the toppings and everything during that time…

Dong Woon- Oh? Why?

Na Hyun- Hehe… Gi Kwang brought me here when Yo Seob and I broke up… this is where we talked about it… I asked Gi Kwang to just pick the flavor for me… we both ate plain ice cream, forgetting about the toppings and such^^ I think it was because of the serious matter that we acted like that… forget it^^

Dong Woon- Oh (starts to look worried)… if you want, we don’t have to eat here. There are many places to buy ice cream.

Na Hyun- No =) I would love to eat here Dong Woon ^^ Seeing you excited about the variety of ice cream and toppings makes me really happy ^^ I came here before to ease some pain; but I’m here now to enjoy with you ^^

Dong Woon- Na Hyun…

-Dong Woon stands up and hugs Na Hyun-

Dong Woon- You’re a very strong person… Hang-in there ^^ God really loves you. Let’s enjoy some ice cream ^^

Na Hyun- Yeah ^o^

Dong Woon- (goes back to his seat) Excuse me, waitress!

Waitress- Yes? Have you picked your order?

Dong Woon- You first Na Hyun ^^

Na Hyun- You choose for me =)

Dong Woon- Ok then (searches menu)… Oh! What’s this? “Customize your own ice cream”?

Waitress – Yes sir ^^ We’ve only started that recently, but it’s getting much positive feed back =) By choosing this, you may grab a glass on the table over there and choose whatever you like from the 10 different ice cream flavors and toppings, and from strawberry and chocolate syrup =) Your glass must only have 5 scoops of ice cream, but the amount of toppings and syrup are up to you ^^ Do you and your girlfriend want to try it?

Na Hyun- !

Dong Woon- Ah! She’s not my girlfriend; she’s (looks at Na Hyun) a very good friend of mine, and she also happens to be the girlfriend of my other best friend ^^ Her boyfriend’s been busy lately, (winks at Na Hyun) so I’m taking her out for a spin until he returns ^^

Na Hyun- (chuckles) ^o^

Waitress- Well then, please enjoy the ice cream ^^ And be sure to bring your boy friend here =)

Na Hyun- Hehe ^^ Yes; I’ll definitely enjoy myself. (Bring Yo Seob here? :p Haha! ^^ I’d sure love that)

-Dong Woon and Na Hyun stand up to create their ice cream, while the other guys are on their way-

Doo Joon- (opens video camera) Hello everyone ^^ This is our rooky group once again =) We won’t be dancing but we will be talking about a special event for tomorrow ^^. Hey Yo Seob, you said you were planning to call us, right? How come?

Yo Seob- I just wanted to hang-out ^^ That’s all. I’ve been missing you guys. How about you? Why did you guys suddenly want to meet up?

Hyun Seung- Because we wanted to tell you about a contest taking place tomorrow ^^

Yo Seob- Oooh ^^ Dance contest?

Gi Kwang- Nope; baking contest ^^

Yo Seob- O.O Baking contest? Hmm… that’s new ^^ Are we going to enter as a group? Does Dong Woon already know?

Doo Joon- We’ll discuss the details once we get to the ice cream shop =) (faces camera) you heard it everyone! The contest isn’t about dancing, but about baking! We’ll talk about it in the ice cream shop. (closes camera)

-The ice cream shop comes to sight-

Doo Joon- (It’s show time ^^) (opens camera) Whoah! O.O Look there in the window! (zooms) Isn’t that Na hyun and Dong Woon?

-Everyone looks at the camera, they see Na Hyun and Dong Woon sitting together laughing-

Hyun Seung- Ah! Na Hyun and Dong Woon!

Gi Kwang- So this is where they went… it’s a bit weird Dong Woon didn’t tell us.

Yo Seob- Maybe he just forgot ^^ I’m sure he has his reasons ^^ But anyway, I’m really glad we found them! =) We should hurry!

Doo Joon- You’re just going to leave it at that? Aren’t you even suspicious?

Yo Seob- Oh please hyung; Dong Woon wouldn’t hurt a fly, and Na Hyun would probably even nurse the fly =) If they’re that nice, they wouldn’t go out with each other behind our backs, let alone at a time like this.

Gi Kwang- How can you be so sure? The 2 of them in one house and Dong Woon taking care of her; whether you admit it or not, something’s bound to develop between those two.

Hyun Seung- He’s got a point there you know.

Yo Seob- Aish… I’m not listening to this.


You guys shouldn’t doubt Dong Woon and Na Hyun like that!


Doo Joon- (still looking at the camera) (O.O)! HUH!? Hey guys, look!

-Dong Woon makes a heart with his hand towards Na Hyun, making Na Hyun burst out in laughter-




Others- OOOHHHH!! ~ (Looks at Yo Seob)

Yo Seob- O.O (Mouth wide open)… (I… I shouldn’t jump to conclusions…)

Gi Kwang- I told you something would happen ^^ Maybe you were so over-confident that you got jinxed.

Doo Joon- (faces camera) What is this we are seeing!!?? Yo Seob’s ex with our Dong Woon!? Yo Seob, how do you react to this? (faces the camera at Yo Seob)

Yo Seob- O.O… (cricket noises)

Hyun Seung- My, my! What has this world come to!? What happened to our Dong Woon!? Could that heart possibly mean a confession?

Yo Seob- (Dazed) @.@ … (EH … CONFESSION?)

Gi Kwang- Ah! I remembered something you said Yo Seob; since Na Hyun was taking your break-up a lot easier than you thought, didn’t you say you’d forget about girls and just go out with Dong Woon?

Hyun Seung- Did you really say that? (O.O) Does that mean you’re being dumped twice now? By both es?

Doo Joon- (faces camera at Yo Seob) Yeah, tell us!

Yo Seob- (O.O) Eh… I… I…



Yo Seob- (>.<) I’ll definitely take care of this!

-Yo Seob hurries towards the ice cream shop-

Doo Joon- (shuts off camera and starts running) O.O !! Someone catch him! Seriously! Who knows what that guy would do in this situation!

-Hyun Seung, Gi Kwang and Doo Joon chase after Yo Seob-

-Meanwhile, this is what really happened about what Yo Seob and the others saw-

-a few minutes ago inside the ice cream shop, Na Hyun and Dong Woon sit down laughing-

Na Hyun- Hahaha! ^^ YOUR GLASS IS OVERFLOWING WITH TOPPINGS AND SYRUP! You know Dong Woon, since this is my treat and the price for this is reasonable, you can just ask me to buy for you again^^ You don’t have to put so much of the toppings and syrup!

Dong Woon- Hahaha! ^^ I just wanted to get the most out of what you’re paying for! Actually, I forgot that you’re treating me; honestly, you don’t have to =) I can pay for it myself.

Na Hyun- After the war we’ve been through? No way dude! ^o^ You deserve a good reward; you fought like a true soldier. In fact, you can buy 5 more ice creams if you want; all on me ^^

Dong Woon- Really!? Well… (scratches his head sheepishly) (BLUSH) I don’t want to leech money off of you, but would buying 2 more be alright?

Na Hyun- ^^ No problem!

Dong Woon- Yay! =) I love Na Hyun!

Na Hyun- Hahaha! I’d do anything for Dong Woony! ^o^

-Dong Woon suddenly notices 2 girls looking at him and Na Hyun-

Dong Woon- (whisper) (Na Hyun, do you see those girls at the table beside us?)

Na Hyun- Yeah; why?… Hey! Didn’t they ask to take a picture with you and Gi Kwang Oppa at the…

Dong Woon- (whisper) (SHHHHH! Yes; that’s right ^^ They wanted to take a picture with us at the “hang-out” place where you brought us. Let’s play a trick on them ^^ Let’s pretend to be all lovey-dovey! Hahaha^^They’ll be so jealous!)

Na Hyun- (whisper) (HAHAHA~!^^… sounds fun =) But I don’t think I can surpress my laughter Woony >_< ! Let’s get this over with!)

Dong Woon- (Ok; action, start!)

-That was the moment Dong Woon made a heart with his hand towards Na Hyun, causing her to completely laugh out loud-

Na Hyun- HAHAHAHA!! >.< My, My! I think I’ll die! HAHAHA! ^o^

Dong Woon- Na Hyun, o my Na Hyun, you laugh like a howling wolf in a summer’s night! ^^ It’s music to my ears; but I don’t know what other people would think ^^

Na Hyun- >_< WHAT!? Hahaha! Is that supposed to be romantic!? Hahaha! ^^ I’m seriously running out of breath! Let’s take a break!

-Dong Woon notices the two girls whispering to each other while taking glances at him and Na Hyun; the two girls had already finished eating and were on their way out, but still couldn’t take their eyes off him and Na Hyun. Feeling satisfaction from his little prank, Dong Woon gave the girls a playful wink causing them to turn red as they exit the shop-

Dong Woon- Heehee ^^ It’s ok now Na Hyun; I’ll stop now =) Our trick was successful ^^ I’m a real cassanova aren’t I? ^^ A real player =)

Na Hyun- Ya; Son Dong Woon (pinches his cheek) ^^ That’s bad you know; stay loyal to only one. Don’t go messing with girls!

Dong Woon- Of course ^^ I’m just playing around after all.

-Just then, Yo Seob enters the shop-

Yo Seob- H-hello you two (forces a smile); fancy meeting you guys here ^^

Na Hyun- Yo Seob!? Hey, you want to join us? ^^

Dong Woon- Yeah; please join us hyung ^^ We’re having a lot of fun, plus the ice cream’s great!

Yo Seob- (Yo Seob’s face twitches) A-a lot of fun?Just the two of you?

Na Hyun- Yeah ^^ Dong Woon’s been really great company =) He always finds a way to cheer me up ^^ I forget all the sadness because if I have Dong Woon around, all I can do is smile ^^ You should’ve heard his lousy pick-up line about the way I laugh ^^, it’s guaranteed to knock your socks off.

Dong Woon- (BLUSH) You don’t have to say all those nice things Na Hyun… This is embarrassing… You know I’d do these things for you, of course ^^ You’re our Na Hyun.

Na Hyun- ^^ WAAHH! And I can never resist it when Woony blushes ^^ (pinches his cheek again)

Yo Seob-… WOONY? (starts to raise his voice) WHO IN THE WORLD IS…

-Doo Joon, Gi Kwang and Hyun Seung enter the shop-

Na Hyun, Dong Woon - ?? Everyone’s here?

Doo Joon- Na Hyun, Dong Woon ^^ Having a good time you two? Well, we wouldn’t want to be a disturbance, so we’ll be leaving now ^^

-Gi Kwang and Hyun Seung grab hold of Yo Seob and drag him with them on their way out-

Gi Kwang- Keep enjoying you guys =)

Hyun Seung- We’ll see you guys later =)

Yo Seob- (struggles) Ya! Wait a second! I’m not done talking to them!

Na Hyun- Yeah; can’t we all just sit down and hang-out?

Dong Woon- We definitely don’t mind.

Doo Joon- Haha^^ We’re a bit busy ourselves; see you guys ^^

-Doo Joon, Gi Kwang, Hyun Seung and Yo Seob left the shop-

Na Hyun- Hmm… I wonder what that was about… Do you know anything about this Dong Woon?

Dong Woon- Don’t look at me; this time, I have absolutely no clue.

-Later on, in a convenient store eating Melona ice cream-



Yo Seob- (-_-) … ( ice cream)… you guys shouldn’t have interfered; I only wanted to find out if they were dating or something…

Doo Joon- ^^ And then what would you do? You’re in an irrational state right now; you could’ve done something without thinking. And even if they were on a date, you think they’d openly admit it to you? Of course not! Because there’s no way that would happen in the first place! You said it yourself, didn’t you? Those 2 are really nice people^^ They wouldn’t date each other without first thinking about your feelings bro ^^ So just chill; like you said, we shouldn’t doubt them =) Although, to be honest, I was also being a bit suspicious of the 2 ^^ 

Gi Kwang- You know what guys?

Others- yeah?

Gi Kwang- Isn’t it ironic for us to be eating ice cream considering that Na Hyun and Dong Woon are TOGTHER, ALONE and ALSO EATING ICE CREAM? ^^

Hyun Seung- ^o^ Hahaha! It is ironic!

Doo Joon- Hahaha^^ Sure is! Right, Yo Seo…

Yo Seob- (TT__TT)…(sniff) (sniff)… ( ice cream furiously)… GAAAHH!! (>_<) Brain freeze! Why is this happening!?

-Other guys chuckle-

Hyun Seung- (Hahaha ^^ Look at the poor man!)

Gi Kwang- (I know right? ^^ The plan’s a complete success)

Doo Joon- (We owe it all to Dong Woon ^^ And he didn’t even know what was going on! =) If it’s now, I think we can ask about the contest.) Ya; Yang yo Seob.


What? What do you want?


Doo Joon- I think that the baking contest would definitely help you out right now ^^

Yo Seob- (T_T) Just how, hyung? How does it help? You think that in the way I am right now, I’m in the mood to enter a contest?

Hyun Seung- Exactly ^^ You need to occupy yourself; get your mind off of what you saw today.

Yo Seob- But… what if they were secretly dating behing our backs?… behind my back…

Gi Kwang- Ya; don’t think about that anymore ^^ We’ll interrogate them for you if you want =)

Yo Seob- Is that… really ok?

Doo Joon- Sure.

Hyun Seung- Of course; we’re curious too ^^ But… it seems as though you don’t trust Na Hyun… You really think she’d go out with him, without having thoughts of how you’d feel?

Yo Seob- Well, of course not… I do trust her… but, when I went in the shop, she was complimenting Dong Woon so much… stuff like when Dong Woon’s around, she can only smile… Oh, and get this; she calls him WOONY now (T_T).

Doo Joon- Really? O.O

Hyun Seung- Well, people do become closer after spending 2 weeks with each other.

Gi Kwang- Hahaha^^ That must really annoy you Yo Seob ^^ Don’t forget, she called me “AJ” =)

Yo Seob- (-_-) Ya; you seriously want me to hit you?

Doo Joon- But anyway, we’ll take care of finding out if anything’s between them =) You should really join the contest Yo Seob ^^ It’s just downtown and will be from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. There’s a prize of 2 gallons of chocolate milk.

-Upon hearing that, Yo Seob’s eyes shine-



Yo Seob- What did you say? About the prize?

Doo Joon- 2 ^o^

Hyun Seung- GALLONs ^o^


Yo Seob- (>o<) It’s just as I thought! I’m definitely joining! How about you guys?

Doo Joon- We’re busy that day ^^

Hyun Seung- Since Dong Woon’s parents are on a business trip, he asked us to bring him to the dentist =)

Gi Kwang- But don’t worry ^^, we’ll at least bring you to the venue.

Yo Seob- YEAH!! WHOOOO! ^o^

Doo Joon- Hmm… Ah! Oh yeah; I already told Dong Woon about the contest. But he hasn’t said anything about cancelling the dentist appointment. I’ll call him later ^^

Hyun Seung- Hmm… you know how to make sure if they’re dating Yo Seob?

Yo Seob- Eh?

Hyun Seung- If you see them enter the contest together. Since hyung said he already told Dong Woon, he might ask Na Hyun to join him, turning the contest into one big date for them.

Gi Kwang- Yeah; that definitely draws the line. Check to see if the two of them enter the contest together. We’ll try to find out as well when Doo Joon hyung calls him up later ^^

Yo Seob- Oh…

-Later, they head for home-

Yo Seob- (The contest… sounds really interesting^^… I’m going to enter it Lord =) I’ll have fun to forget all that’s happening… I’ll forget what I saw today… and that I’m moving away soon… and that the girl I love is someone I can’t reach anymore… I’ll forget everything and occupy myself… I’ll pretend everything’s fine… And… if I see those 2 together… well…)


(Maybe it’s for the better… Na Hyun’s really lonely right now… she needs someone to comfort her and care for her… If I can’t be there… I’m glad to hear that it’s at least Dong Woon who can make her smile and not some other random guy… If it’s Dong Woon… I can trust him to take good care of her…)


-Yo Seob stops walking-

Doo Joon- ?? What’s wrong?

Yo Seob- Haha^^ Nothing. Don’t interrogate them anymore^^

Hyun Seung- ?? (worried) Why?

Yo Seob- Well, I don’t really have to care so much ^^ They should go out if they want to; after all, Na Hyun and I are single now. Things are already done between us, so they should do what they want.

Gi Kwang- ?? (worried) Yo Seob, are you really alright with this?

Yo Seob- Of course ^^ I’ll just occupy myself with tomorrow’s contest! See you guys tomorrow!

-Yo Seob runs-

-Gi Kwang and Hyun Seung try to run after him, but Doo Joon stops them-

Doo Joon- Let him go; he’ll be alright. Let him think on his own for now.

Gi Kwang- Hyung (worried), I think we went too far.

Hyun Seung- (worried) Yeah, that guy worries me.

Doo Joon- It’ll be alright; Yo Seob’s a strong guy. And anyway, don’t forget the main plan: to get him and Na Hyun to enter the contest together tomorrow. Both of them have said yes, so tomorrow will make up for all the hurt he’s feeling right now^^ And I’m sure he’ll even ask Na Hyun if she and Dong Woon are dating^^ He’ll hear it straight from her, that there’s nothing going on and she still loves him.

Gi Kwang- How are you sure hyung? I mean, even we don’t know what Na Hyun and Dong Woon were talking about in the shop; and the whole heart thing with his hand, what was that about?

Hyun Seung- Yeah hyung; will things really be ok tomorrow?

Doo Joon- Of course; we’ve done our best and will continue doing our best, and then we’ll let God do rest. Don’t worry. When I call up Dong Woon later, we’ll ask him everything, and you’ll see that everything’s alright.

-While running home-

Yo Seob- (Tears start to form) (Everything’s alright… I have to believe that… I’ll just pretend that way… and I’ll just ocuppy myself tomorrow… (a tear rolls down his cheek) … I’ll just occupy myself…)





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aimz_c #1
Chapter 37: i FINALLY got to finish it omgggg you are an amazing writer and i loved this and im so glad you brought back (what im going to call) a mini junhyung hahaha loved it
aimz_c #2
Chapter 33: hahahahah do you think i should bring the lamp and cockroach too haha
Chapter 37: It such a good story ever! So sad JunHyung had to died even he just a robot.. But i like the epilogue! Song JunHyung.. I bet they will be a really good friend! It's really awesome! ^^
Chapter 36: Awww~~ that was the sweetest ending ever!!!
Thank for this lovely story I will definitely reread again!!

Lol to be honest I wish nahyun would like junhyung too and so she could hav those two guys at the end~~ lol so selfish but lol!!

You are very welcome~ thank you for mentioning me, u deserve all this support for your stories :)

Hwaiting! !♡♡♡♡
yumimitsuki #6
Chapter 36: Poor Junhyung!!TT^TT
i miss zis story sooooooo mmmmuuuuucccchhh pls update
i miss zis story sooooooo mmmmuuuuucccchhh pls update
miss this story
peipei_bigbadgirl #10
Chapter 34: I want her to be with junhyung