His new self

His skinny jeans | Jikook

 Two months later. ( Sorry for starting out boring)


" Oh look, is that the nerd trying to be cool?" 

" I thought trendy clothes fits everybody but I guess not." 

" Didn't you guys notice he's been like this for two months? Acting like if he's all that but he clearly hasn't looked in the mirror not even once!" 

There they are these shameless girls talking trash about me again. They think that I'm trying to be like them, they think I'm here desperately wanting their attention and friendship but what they don't know is that I literally give no two s about their existence or their comments. I admit I have been changing and developing what I wear, how I act, and even my eye vision but I swear I'm not trying to be someone else, I am being re born. 

Lately because I want to change for Yoongi hyung, some people can't seem to get used to the fact that I am evolving so they keep talking trash about me. At first I must admit it was hard for me and it didn't help at all. I used to cry to myself at night but eventually I got used to it. Plus I have a little help. 

" Jimin hyung!" 

I turn around smiling at the mention of my name. ' Speaking of the devil' I think as I spot my new best friend running up to me with a lot of speed. His arms are raised in the air ready to fill me with hugs and he is with his usual excited personality. I open my own arms receiving the big hug as he crashes into me. He always seems to have such a good energy and positive vibes, Sometimes I wish I could be like him and stay positive all the time. It's because of him that I managed to stay strong and get past through all of the critics. 

" Morning Bubble Tae." I say after the hug. 

" Morning Jibooty." He responds calling me that awful nickname. Honestly I don't even remember how many times I told him to stop calling me that! My ain't even that big! 

" Bubble Tae I told you to stop calling me that~" I pout my lips and make a cute sad expression. I don't usually do this but because Taehyung does it a lot I ended up automatically acting cute without me noticing. 

" But it's so you. Can't you see that it fits you well?" He insist coping my pout. 

" When you hear the name Jimin, what do you think of first?" I ask. 

" Booty!" He replies loudly in a cheer and before I knew it he smacks my forcing a squeal out of me in surprise. 

" Taehyung!" 

" Bye Hyung!" He waves me off and runs away and disappears at the end of the corner. Unfortunately me and Tae don't share all of our classes. Only two but at least we hang out during lunch time. I sigh knowing I'm gonna have to join my own classroom soon. There is nobody else waiting for me in this hallway so I might as well go to class now. I enter the classroom, no one but the teacher here and I take my normal seat at the back. I sit next to the door just hoping I could sit by the window again like last year. The boy that sits there is so lucky, not only can he stare at the beautiful cherry blossoms tree and the scenery outside but he can also receive nice fresh air from that window. The same girls from earlier enter the room with a large amount of papers on their hands. They kept placing each and every paper on the desks of the students and because I am the only one here I just hope that they wouldn't pick a fight with me. 

Two papers are placed on my desk and the girls walk away with grins, smirks, and giggles. Those type of giggles that can make any moment seem wrong. I stare at the two blank papers on my desk feeling the worst out of everything and when I turned it around I wasn't even too surprised that these es would do this. It seems someone decided to be creative for once and make an image of my head stuck on a Gorilla's body. ' Ha ha so funny nice try.' I say sarcastically inside my head. I switch my gaze at the second paper laid neatly on my desk and I also choose to pick it up. It is just a simple picture of me at the school grounds and there are a lot of hurtful words written in red marker. My eyes were crossed out and one of the sentences mention something about me committing suicide. To me I take this to heart because they don't know I risked losing my life on suicide but then I was saved. I actually wonder what might happen if I actually killed myself? Would Taehyung have found another best friend? I bet he would. Will I be missed? Will they feel sorry for thinking lowly of me without getting to know me? What ever it is I am really curious, but not curious enough to find out. 

I stare at the paper feeling my tears wanting to come out and just stare as i read all these hateful comments. What did I ever do wrong? And if I did something awful then I'm really sorry but please don't torture me this way. 


" Jimin hyung! Jimin hyung!" I look up from my phone to see Taehyung running towards me with papers in his hand. I know exactly that those might be the stupid papers from earlier so I put on a fake smile just so that he doesn't try to comfort me in anyway because I promise myself, I promised Yoongi hyung that I won't focus on the people that do me harm. He also said to start loving myself but I'm gonna have to work on that, When I change then I will love my personality but as for looks....Let's say it'll take a long time before I believe that I'm at least pretty. 

" Hey Bubble Tae!" I wave putting away my phone back into my pockets. " Where were you I didn't see you in history class." I ask him. 

" That's not important right now, what's important is this!" He points at the paper in his hands. His concern look says it all but really I'm already fine. 

" Oh I saw that already. Today I cooked good food and I bought some desserts too." I try changing the topic but Taehyung unexpectedly grabs me tightly by my arm and forces me to look at him. 

" Hyung....You are my closest friend and I worry about you...It's really hard wanting to help you and worry about you when you don't even tell me what's wrong." Taehyung commences, his pained face expression nearly killing me. " Don't you dare think I don't notice that fake smile you always put on when you want hide something from me, Hyung I know you well!" Taehyung tightens his grip on my arm. 

" T-tae Please.."

" No hyung! I'm sick and tired of worrying for you! I want to help you now! Whatever it is even a little talk, You will feel so much better because at least you have dropped the burden off of your shoulders. You can't confide in me, That's fine. But at least let me know if you are talking to somebody else about your burdens-" 

" I am Tae. I am talking to somebody else about it." I lie interrupting him when I see that his eyes are getting teary. I don't like looking at Taehyung sad especially because of me because I know that he is really hurt. Bubble Tae never get's sad, he's like my bubble of Joy.

" Hyung...Why are you lying to me again?" Taehyung surprised me and loosens the grip on my arm. " Whatever, Nevermind." His tone turns dark and he stands up from the table to leave elsewhere but I grip on his arm feeling my heart drop to my stomach and My tears stinging my eyes. 

" T-Taehyung please not again!" I spill out remembering when Yoongi hyung left me. I don't want another person I care about leave me again especially when they are the only ones I've got. Taehyung turns around to look at me surprised and slowly sits on the table with me still clinging to him. By this point a few of my tears are rolling down my cheeks and I find it hard to speak or even look at him. 

" Hyung... are you?" 

" Taehyung I need you right now. You are right I have a lot of things going on with me and I don't tell you anything because I am afraid I am too much to handle and that you would run away! Even though you don't know, you should still understand that just by being with me is helping a whole lot. So please c-can you react like normal and wait until I feel the need to confess?" I am looking down at my lap sniffing and waiting for his response. 

" Okay." I hear him say and I look up to see Bubble Tae. My bubble Tae! His usual smile and happy eyes looking at me. This is all I need right here. I clear up my tears hesitantly showing him the food I've made for the both of us and like normal He opened it up in a swift movement and eats the first meat. 

。。。。xX Jungkook

" Jungkook you are so good at this." 

" I know I am baby." I smile and turn to look at my 94th Hoe sleeping on my bed. I don't really care if it's a guy or a girl as long as they impress my friends well , Then I am all in for it. I use them until I get bored of them or find another target that's even better than the one I have now. Today's target is a girl, Foreign, blonde and pretty, shiny blue eyes, a good er. Oh yeah she is gorgeous and my friends were so jealous they had to copy me again. 

We are laying on the bed from a hotel and she is happily laying her head on my chest. She uses her fingers to circle around my chest like she always does after and at first I used to like it...but now I don't find it amusing. This needs to be dropped soon but who the hell am I going to replace her with? There are hardly Any more pretty people around this area anymore, probably because I beat the beauty scale around here. 

" Baby we should go to the mall. The famous one in the center of here." She chuckles softly under me and I sigh giving her a short hum. 

" Tomorrow." I tell her and she nods. 


Author-nim: *Enters asianfanfics* 

Readers: *Shoots her down* Fudging bish updating late....

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Chapter 2: THIS IS SO CUTE
IheartKPopandJPop #2
Chapter 20: I'm mad Chanyeolll needs to stop... & he better not drop no BB b/c ya girl will personally fight him
276 streak #3
Chapter 20: I sense some serious drama coming. I've been played before too and it's really . Ugh. Chanyeol pleeease just go to Baekhyun!!
Chapter 20: What the actual ... I HATE playboys, I've been played before and i don't like how Jungkook and Chanyeol are targeting Jimin like... The ?! Leave poor Chim chim alone mfs!!! I'm so mad right now *growls*
276 streak #5
Chapter 19: Yay an update! Such a good start to my morning.
Can't wait to see what happens next! ^^
Chapter 12: In Answer to question 2: I would have crushed that "crush" and been on to the next like a Jay-Z song.
Chapter 7: Hello BubbleTae69 Authornim, i subbed you on Wattpad (Ninjara Kang) love your stories too, ciao!
Orenji-Senpai #8
Chapter 16: If the 35 K confuses you guys it was posted on wattpad where the 35 K is at XD but nonetheless thank you guys here for supporting as well
kulitlang08 #9
Chapter 16: wow...this is an update...well looks like kookie has anger management issues...anyway...where are they taking chimchim and taetae???

i hope nothing bad happens to both of them...
saganova_m #10
Chapter 15: I need a new chapter :( :) :3