His chasing

His skinny jeans | Jikook

" Hoseok looks at chanyeol and then at Taehyung who still was offering his hand. Taehyung didn't say anymore, he already warned Hoseok and it's up to him to now choose what he wants. " 

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" You better figure out how to bring down those false rumors  Jungkook, Or else I'm in big trouble." Jimin warns him just when Jungkook began showing some kind of sympathy for him. After all Jungkook apologized and he might as well help Jimin since it is his fault for the new chaos that will happen due to the rumor. " Jungkook please." Jimin insist after hearing no answer from the boy that had him pinned against the wall. Jungkook's face turned grim expressing his reluctant feelings towards Jimin's request. 

" Jimin..." Jungkook smiles lightly to himself. " Even with all this.. Don't  think that I don't want you. I still do. I want to make you mine and I can be yours, and in my option taking those rumors down it won't help..." 

" Wait Jungkook are you serious right now? You're still stuck in that mindset that you will have me through force? I feel like a disk on repeat when I have yo tell you so many times that I don't want to do anything with you, I don't. " 

" Which is why I have no other option! You won't let me talk to you, you won't give me a chance! So this is the only way" Jungkook at the end of his sentence he slaps his hands on the wall soon feeling that burning itch from the impact and he moves even closer to Jimin who pushed him back. 

"Why do you want me so bad? Two months ago I remember you as the type to bring me down and push me away because I was considered ugly in your eyes. And that's okay I forgive you. Because I can't really force someone to fall in love with me when they don't find me attractive or their ideal type. But why are you coming for me now huh? Because I changed? Did I suddenly become what you are attracted to Jungkook?" The shorter male already feels like he's wasting his voice and time. Class has already began a long time ago and Jungkook still is persistent and won't let him go even despite now knowing why Jimin despises him so much. 

" Yes! Yes that's exactly why I want you, Happy now?! I won't sweet talk my way with you anymore, I want you because you changed. You aren't that nerd you were any more! I'm sorry for feeling this way and I don't know what made you change but I'm glad.." Hearing This from Jungkook even though it wasn't anything new and it was definitely expected; hurt Jimin to the point he became teary eyed again. Jungkook messed up yet again but he was being honest this time.

" What got me to change was.." Jimin bursted out, so close to talk about his every passionate feelings for Min Yoongi. So close to say that he changed for the one he truly loves, that he already has a boyfriend and wants to be left alone however while looking at Jungkook's desperate face, Jimin began to feel different with this new feeling of excitement towards Jungkook and he went quiet. Thinking and forming a strategic plan to force Jungkook to be the one that suffers this time! To force him onto his knees being the one that cries every night and day and has his heart feeling like it's being strangled or squeezed. Let him be the one believing that his existence is trash. ' Hurt him' Thought Jimin with new confidence and cruel imaginations. One of the most hurtful things is betrayel right? Lies and the artwork of acting like someone cares is all hurtful right? 

" Jungkook..." Jimin deletes his previous sentence to begin deceaving Jungkook but the moment the other male looked up at Jimin with those beaming eyes and slightly innocent face; Jimin's heart began to beat in fear. Fear of himself who doesn't have the heart to try something like what he just thought of. Who has he become that forced him to have those nasty thoughts? He wouldn't dare become a monster and sink to their level. Despite how much Jungkook deserves a lesson, he and  no one deserves to feel the way  Jimin has.  " What got me to change was pain...The need to be different and stronger....To own brick walls that protect me Jungkook..."

" I was a ....." Jungkook mutters with regret. 

" You were a ...But you didn't like me"

" I do now!" Quickly before Jimin sinks down to further depression, Jungkook holds him by the arms. " I'm really sorry Jimin, I regret what I did and I want you, Please. What can I do to make you love me again? What can I do to make that image you have of me disappear?" by the time Jungkook asked Jimin for this serious And mind breaking question leaving poor Jimin to gulp and stare at Jungkook slightly believing, that maybe....

Taehyung had appeared at the end of the hallway panting and exhausted from prowling for his best friend. 

" Hey! Get away from Jimin!" he pierces Jungkook with words as he approaches quickly. " Or I will personally drag your head on the floor if you don't do what I say!" 

" BubbleTae..."Jimin mutters happily when his eyes land on his best friend and right now, His rescuer and pulled himself out of Jungkook's grip to run and tackle Taehyung into a hug. His arms wrap around the taller boy's neck, Taehyung also wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist. 

" Jimin please..."Jungkook attempted to approach trying his best not to feel envy towards someone like Taehyung but Taehyung's glare stopped him cold and Jungkook really needs to get on Jimin's good side. Beating and fighting his best friend is not a good option. 

" Come on Jimin let's go. Late to class" says Taehyung already leading Jimin to his class. Jimin bites his lips nervously and often glanced behind at Jungkook who still stood where he was only watching them leave. The smaller male found himself worrying over Jungkook because he  has yet to respond to his question but at the same time he wished not to anger Taehyung, neither did he want those rumers to be accurate in his best friend's eyes. Not to mention, Jimin already decided and promised that Min Yoongi Is his only love therefore he musn't even render Jungkook false hope. 

" Jimin please." Jungkook repeats in a whisper, No one but himself heard. Now is the time where he asks himself why has he haven't  given up yet? Why not let Jimin be? 
Because he never loses a target? No it is more than that and he wouldn't even 'waste' time and effort if that were the case. 

" Am i obsessed with park jimin...?" Jungkook runs his fingers through his hair, breathless from the realization. It pained him to see them leave, but felt relieved when they did because it gave him time to think about what to do. If he really wanted Jimin as his new boyfriend then...He must put in effort out of his comfort zone, But how far is Jungkook willing to go?

Hoseok looks at chanyeol and then at Taehyung who still was offering his hand. Taehyung didn't say anymore, he already warned Hoseok and it's up to him to now choose what he wants. The male felt his lips squeeze together staring at Taehyung's hand and also worrying about the taller male, unsure of what and who to choose. Hoseok was stuck for a long while until he finally made his decision. He took Taehyung's hand, pulled the male closer to him and that made Taehyung surprised at the sudden movement especially when Hoseok leaned in and whispered something to his ear before leaving with Chanyeol. 

Taehyung rolled his eyes and looked at Hoseok walking happily away with Chanyeol, until they vanished at the end of the hallway. 
" Idiot I didn't even reply..." The male groans. 

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Chapter 2: THIS IS SO CUTE
IheartKPopandJPop #2
Chapter 20: I'm mad Chanyeolll needs to stop... & he better not drop no BB b/c ya girl will personally fight him
276 streak #3
Chapter 20: I sense some serious drama coming. I've been played before too and it's really . Ugh. Chanyeol pleeease just go to Baekhyun!!
Chapter 20: What the actual ... I HATE playboys, I've been played before and i don't like how Jungkook and Chanyeol are targeting Jimin like... The ?! Leave poor Chim chim alone mfs!!! I'm so mad right now *growls*
276 streak #5
Chapter 19: Yay an update! Such a good start to my morning.
Can't wait to see what happens next! ^^
Chapter 12: In Answer to question 2: I would have crushed that "crush" and been on to the next like a Jay-Z song.
Chapter 7: Hello BubbleTae69 Authornim, i subbed you on Wattpad (Ninjara Kang) love your stories too, ciao!
Orenji-Senpai #8
Chapter 16: If the 35 K confuses you guys it was posted on wattpad where the 35 K is at XD but nonetheless thank you guys here for supporting as well
kulitlang08 #9
Chapter 16: wow...this is an update...well looks like kookie has anger management issues...anyway...where are they taking chimchim and taetae???

i hope nothing bad happens to both of them...
saganova_m #10
Chapter 15: I need a new chapter :( :) :3