Key #Imagine 2



Key#Imagine You wake up, excited, and hurry to your diary. You want to make sure you get this entire journey down. You start writing:

Diary entry: Day 1

Today is going to be a great day at work. It’s the day that Key from SHINee is going to show up to start work on his first ever fashion show. And I’M going to be part of it. No, not as a model.  I’m not a 5’8” clothes hanger. As a makeup artist. I can’t wait!!

Finishing your diary writing, you get dressed and hurry downstairs. You’ve always admired Key, his style and his attitude, and now you were finally going to meet him. You take a deep breath and run to catch the bus.

You arrive early, but that wasn’t uncommon for you. You bow to the security guard and the receptionist before walking briskly to your station, your most comfortable heels clicking softly on the floor. You round the corner and stop, stunned. Key is already there, and is moving from station to station, examining the makeup and brushes.

“Ugh, so old. This won’t do.”

“This is HIDEOUS. Why does she even HAVE this?”

“What a meager selection.”

So far, he’s visited every station, and didn’t seem pleased at all. You can see your boss following him, wringing his hands in despair. Your heart starts beating double time as he approaches your station, the very last one. Unlike the others, who clean their stations sparkling all the time, you prefer to leave yours with the lipstick smudges, glitter spray, and eyeshadow marks on it. You think it makes it unique and cheerful. You start wondering if that was a mistake as Key approaches. He doesn’t mention the smudges, but goes directly to the drawers, hauling out your makeup and brushes. He examines the brushes thoroughly, then starts on the makeup. He doesn’t say anything until he reaches the bottom and finds the paintbrushes.

“Paintbrushes?” He turns to your boss, confused. Your boss looks as though he’s about to have a , so you decide to haul up your courage and step forward.

“Yes, for detail work.” Key turns and you point to your own eyes, showing your intricate rainbow ‘eyeliner’. “Most makeup brushes clump up and make it impossible to do work like this. Paintbrushes are designed for that.”

Key looks at you for a second before nodding and putting away your things. When he finishes, he looks at you again. “What’s your name?”

You bow deeply. “I’m _______. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Key-ssi.”

Key smiles at you and then turns to your boss. “She’s my lead.” With that, he walks away, leaving you staring at your boss, confused and elated at the same time.

Your boss turns to you, a look of relief on his face. “I don’t envy you in the slightest.” He hands you a thick pile of file folders. “You now have three weeks to come up with makeup ideas for these and get them all approved by Key-ssi.” Your eyes widen. “The hair lead has already started, and you’ll get approved looks as they come in, so you can adjust if need be.” He turns and walks away, leaving you staring at his back, agape. You look at the folders in your hands. You KNOW he’s not using all these in this show, which means that you’ll be making looks that will be used for that outfit at ANY fashion show they appear in. The realization hits you. Key, the Almighty Key, has just entrusted you with creating looks for ALL of his shows. You stand there for a second, unsure whether to jump for joy or scream. Your boss makes the decision for you when he peeks his head around the corner and informs you that you don’t have to stay for the meetings, seeing as you have an INSANE amount of work to do. You nod and hurry off.


Diary entry: Day 5

150. THAT’S how many outfits I have to come up with looks for. I’ve sent 45 to Key-ssi already, and he accepted 2. Out of 45. TWO. The hair lead is apparently doing worse than I am, considering she called me an hour ago, sobbing, talking about how Key-ssi is a demon and how he hasn’t accepted any of hers. She’s sent out over 100, too. I’m beginning to worry just a bit. But, I’ve never been one to back down from a challenge and I’m CERTAINLY not backing down from this one.


Two days later, you walk into work, tired, but happy. Key’s accepted 29 of your looks, meaning you only have 121 left to go. As you round the corner into the ready room, your name for the makeup and hair area, you hear familiar voices. And they’re screaming. You sigh. The hair lead and Key are arguing again. You wonder how this one’s going to go as you walk toward your station.

“No. Screw you! I quit!” That would be the hair lead. You raise an eyebrow and head that direction, wondering what happened that would make her quit. She’s more stubborn than you are, usually.

“Fine. So be it then. You weren’t working hard enough anyway.” Key’s voice.

You round the corner in time to see Key turn away from the hair lead. Suddenly, she grabs a wave curler and screams at him.


He turns back, only to see the wave curler hurling at his face. You move without thinking, batting the curler away with your forearm, earning you a nice burn. You grab your arm as security leads her away. Biting your lip, you turn to go back to your station when someone grabs your wrist. You look up into Key’s worried eyes.

“We need to take care of that.” Without speaking anymore he hauls you toward one of the large changing rooms and holds your burned arm under cold water. You gasp at the pain, but grit your teeth and deal with it. While it’s being cooled down, he moves off and comes back with a well-stocked first aid kit. He turns off the water and pulls you to one of the couches, sitting you down next to him as he starts drying your arm carefully.

“You didn’t have to do that, you know.”

You shrug. “Hey, it was headed toward your face. And your face needs to be burn-free more than my arm.”

He looks up at you and smiles sweetly. “Thank you. That…could have been bad.”

You sigh. “I’m sorry about her. We’re not all like that, I promise.”

He laughs as he puts burn ointment on the wound carefully. “Oh, I know that. You, for example.” You look at him, confused. “You haven’t disappointed once with your work. They’ve all been beautiful, it’s just that…they weren’t exactly what I was imagining.”

You laugh as he wraps your arm. “You know, you can TELL me what you’re thinking. Colors, particular looks. I’m not against working WITH you so that you’ll be happy with what you’re putting on the catwalk.”

He finishes wrapping your arm and looks up at you. “Really? But I thought you all hated that kind of thing.”

You laugh again. “Generally, yeah. But that’s usually because the designer knows CLOTHES and that’s all. But if you have an idea, I’m more than willing to work with it. I will tell you if it’s going to look horrible though, but, in the end, it’s really your decision.” You look around conspiratorially. “But don’t tell the other designers. We like them thinking we have the final say.”

Now it’s his turn to laugh. “Alright. When do you want to start, then?”

You smile. “How about now? I have more looks done, and we can go over what you like and don’t like.”

He nods and the two of you go out to your station. The other girls give you jealous looks, with some thumbs up thrown in. You concentrate on your work.


Diary entry: Day 21

Today’s the day!! Key and I have been working really close these past couple weeks. He’s even come over to my house, but we got everything done to his satisfaction. And today, THE SHOW!!! I can’t WAIT!!


You rush into the ready room. Everyone was in a frenzy. The models haven’t arrived yet, but everyone was getting ready for them. A few at a time, they wandered in. You look at them, slightly jealous as always, but shake your head and focus on your work. You have to oversee everyone to make sure that they’re doing the makeup properly. Luckily, you have a good team, and there are only a few mistakes for you to touch up. A little ways into the show, and you sigh. Your favorite dress isn’t going to be in this show, it appears.

Halfway through the show, Key pops out of nowhere and grabs your wrist. “I need you.” He pulls you to a changing room not currently in use. “You need to put on the dress in there.” Before you can say anything, he throws you inside and shuts the door. The new hair lead is in there, an odd smile on her face, as is one of your assistants, also smiling knowingly.

“Come on!! You have to get ready.” She pulls the dress out of the bag and you gasp. It’s your favorite one! You’re surprised, but the surprised deepens when you realize that the dress has been made to fit you specifically. It hugs you in all the proper places and you smile serenely. Suddenly, a cape is thrown on you and you’re shoved into a chair. The makeup and hair girls work quickly, with you turned away from the mirror. When they turn you around, you gasp. You look INCREDIBLE. The hair lead goes to the door and opens it. Key steps in, his suit impeccable, and he just stares for a second as you stand up, blushing. He shakes his head and reaches out for your hand.

“It’s almost time.”

You’re still confused, but you take his hand and follow him. After a minute, the show is over and you’re even more confused than before. The MC starts talking about Key and his work when Key leans toward you.

“I forgot. I have a question to ask you.”

You turn to him and he kisses you, softly and sweetly. When he pulls back, you blush and stare at him.

“Will you go out with me?”

You’re stunned, but manage to smile and nod. Then, the MC introduces Key.

“Well, that’s our cue, beautiful.” He takes your hand, and pulls you with him onstage. The two of you stand, cameras flashing, smiling at the crowd, before he takes your chin and kisses you again. You can tell the paparazzi are having a field day with this picture. You don’t care. When the kiss breaks, the two of you lean into each other, smiling happily as Key begins his speech.

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Chapter 4: awwwww so cute!!!!!!!
mybananamilk #2
oh cool, i love imagines! i'm gonna read this as soon as i have time :)