Key #Imagine 1


Key #Imagine You growl quietly at the man standing in front of you. He returns with a sneer of his own. Most girls would give their left arms to be in your position. You, however, would give yours to be anywhere BUT in your position. Both you and the man in front of you turned to the PD and yelled in unison.
"You CAN'T be serious!"
The PD hid a smile before getting his 'serious face' on. 
"I'm extremely serious. Key, you and ________ here will have to survive the week out here. And I recommend you start learning how to get along, or you're going to lose." He shrugged and walked away, leaving you and Key glaring at each other, and two cameramen who glanced at each other worriedly.
Finally, you throw up your hands. "Alright, look. We hate each other. We can both agree on that. BUT, we both hate losing more, ESPECIALLY to Mir and that whatever-her-name-is chick." Key stopped glaring at you at that point. "Look, we can either give up, kill each other, or put up with each other long enough to win this. Only thing is, if we lose, I'm just a nobody. I just won this chance in a random drawing. YOU'RE never going hear the end of it from Mir." You smirk. Honestly, you like Key. Quite a bit. But right now, his diva attitude is about to get him a beat down with a tent pole. 
He jumps up. "Not a chance," he growled. He grabs one of the tent poles and looks at it oddly. " do we do this?"
You sigh internally. You just remind yourself over and over what winning this means. University is expensive, and the 5,000,000 won prize would help IMMENSELY. You start showing Key how to put together his tent. It isn't too long before he's complaining though.
"Ugh...I'm getting so DIRTY."
You drop your head. A bit of a tomboy, you were kind of surprised at how Key had grabbed your attention when you were first introduced to SHINee. Now, however, you were starting to wonder...
"I am never going to get this dirt out of these pants..." He starts brushing dirt off of his what look to be rather expensive jeans. You finally snap.
"Well then I guess you should have put just a BIT of thought into what you were going to wear in the FOREST, huh?! Look, if all you're going to do is complain, just get out of my way!"
He stares at you in astonishment before standing up and backing away. You growl under your breath and finish setting up his tent. Opening the flap, you toss his stuff inside before going off to set up your own tent. He goes inside his tent and gets his stuff squared away. You finish setting up your tent, put your stuff inside, then storm off, hunting down firewood. A couple of trips later, you set up the firepit and get a fire started. Key finally decides to venture from his tent and sits a little away from you near the fire. You two sit there in silence for a bit before he finally speaks.
"Um...where did you learn how to do all this?"
You look over at him, but his eyes show only curiosity. You look back at the fire.
"My grandfather. He and I went camping all the time when I was a kid." You smile at the fire a bit.
He tilts his head. "Your grandfather?"
You nod. "My grandparents adopted me when I was a baby. They raised me."
He smiles a bit. "We have something in common. My grandmother raised me too."
You smile at him, then turn and poke through the bags containing the food. "So, what do you want to eat?"
He stands up and shoos you away from the bags. "You set up camp. I'll cook."
You smile. You've always wanted to try Key's cooking.
The night wears on. You and Key chat a bit before going to your separate tents.

The next morning, you wake up early and go out to start the fire. You look over at Key's tent. You're pretty sure he's still in there, but you shrug. You start the fire and get things ready for breakfast. After a little while, you go over and 'knock' on Key's tent.
"Key-ssi, are you coming out sometime this morning?"
You hear grumbling before the tent flap opens and he pokes his head out. 
"I could have sworn I didn't leave a wake-up call."
You giggle a bit. "Come on, you're wasting daylight."
He growls at you. "Look. YOU may get some days off to sleep. I don't. Go away and don't talk to me." He pulls his head back into his tent.
You sit there, stunned, before getting a bit annoyed. "Well, I apologize for not being famous like YOU." You huff and go back to the fire, making breakfast for yourself. When you're done, you go back to your tent and pull out a book. After a few hours, Key finally decides to grace the world with his presence. After he finishes his morning stuff, he pokes his head into your tent.
"Um, aren't you cooking breakfast?"
You look up from your book, glaring at him. "I already did. You decided you wanted to insult me instead. Feed your own self." You go back to your book.
Key glares at you for a second before huffing and standing up. You sigh. So much for not fighting.

The cameramen certainly got a lot of footage the next couple of days, although, after a little bit, the footage was unusable for the amount of insults and occasional swearing. On the morning of the fifth day, you were tired of it. You felt really bad that you and Key were fighting so much. You wake up early, as usual, and get things ready for breakfast. You hesitate for a minute, but stand up and knock on Key's tent. 
"Key-ssi, do you want to come out for breakfast?"
Key pokes his head out of the tent and glares at you. "I think it's best if we just ignore each other now, don't you think?" He pulls his head back in the tent. You sit back on your heels, looking kind of sad. You stand up and start heading into the forest. One of the cameramen start following after you. You shake your head.
"Just...give me a bit. Please."
He looks to his partner, who nods, then backs off. You keep walking into the woods.

You walk for a while, not really paying much attention to where you were going. Unfortunately, this isn't the type of place that rewards the unwary. You take a step and find yourself falling, rolling down a steep ravine you'd completely missed in your thoughts. You finally roll to a stop and groan.
"Great. I'm never going to live this down. Key's going to be laughing all day." You go to turn over when a sharp pain in your left leg makes you gasp. You look down and your eyes widen. Somehow, in your fall, your leg had gotten caught under a log that had come with you down the hill. You tried to angle yourself to be able to move the log, but to no avail. Sighing, you lean back and glare at the sky. "He's NEVER going to let me forget this...HELP!!" 
You keep calling every couple of minutes, one comes. You didn't bring your watch with you, so you don't know how much time has gone by. Your throat hurts, so you give up on yelling for the time and focus on trying to free yourself. After trying a bit more, you frown and stop for a second. You thought you heard something. You listen for a minute. Nothing. You continue trying to get your leg free when you stop again. No mistaking it this time. Someone's shouting. You listen again.
"__________-ah!!! _____________-ah, please answer me!!"
Your eyes widen. Was that...Key?
"Key!! Down here!!"
You hear footsteps running toward you and stopping at the top of the ravine. You look up and your eyes widen.
Key's standing at the top of the ravine, covered in dirt, sweaty and panting, a far cry from his usual self. His eyes were wide with fear, but they shrank a bit seeing you looking up at him. He slides his way down the hill. "What happened?"
You look down, embarrassed. "I...kinda got myself stuck." You point to your leg. 
He looks at your leg, then at the log before leaning against the log, bracing himself and lifting with his legs. You feel the pressure come off your leg and quickly pull it out. He drops the log and comes to look at your leg. "Are you alright?"
You nod. "Fine. It's just bruised." You go to stand up.
Suddenly, you feel yourself being picked up and settled onto Key's back. "You're not walking until we make sure it's fine."
You blink for a second and go to protest. "But I'm..."
Key turns to you and the look in his eyes makes you stop talking and nod. He turns back forward and carries you to camp.

When you get back to camp, Key sets you down and looks at your leg again. It's a little swollen, so he then refuses to let you move. He gets the fire ready, makes lunch, and cleans up afterward. You smile a bit, then look down.
"Key-ssi...I'm sorry."
He looks up at you, confused. "For what?"
"For being so stubborn. I mean, I know you're an idol and you never get to rest. I should have been more understanding."
He smiles a bit and moves closer to you, not saying anything. You're a bit flustered, but continue.
"And I wanted to say thank you, too. You didn't have to come find me..."
Suddenly, you find yourself unable to talk, seeing as there's now another pair of lips on yours. Your eyes widen as Key pulls back from the kiss.
"Of course I had to! I couldn't let the girl I'm falling in love with just stay lost in the woods!"
Your eyes widen further and you stare at him, unbelieving. He chuckles.
"What, you think this whole time I've hated you?" You nod, confused. "Just the opposite. I was mad at myself for making you angry. That's why I said we should ignore each other. That way, you wouldn't hate me."
You frown and shake your head a bit. "How could I hate you?"
He laughs a bit. "Well, I AM a diva, and you''re an amazing, down-to-earth, well-rounded intelligent girl. How could you NOT hate me?"
You giggle. "Look, I know that we got started on the very very wrong foot, but, I'd like to see if, maybe, that was actually the very RIGHT foot. Would you consider going on a date with me?"
You smile. "I'd be honored."
He returns the smile, leans forward a bit, and kisses you again. "I should be the one feeling honored." He leans his forehead against yours. "Thank you."

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Chapter 4: awwwww so cute!!!!!!!
mybananamilk #2
oh cool, i love imagines! i'm gonna read this as soon as i have time :)