Minho #imagine 1


Minho #Imagine You are a sophomore at Konkuk University. You've gotten to know the school pretty well, and have met quite a few nice people. One day, while walking to class, you see some cameras and a crowd of girls. You roll your eyes. You know that the school's ambassador is on campus today and is supposed to give a little speech and whatnot. You pass by the cameras in time to hear the ambassador finish up his speech and glance over. You'd seen the television and the music videos, but blushed a bit at how handsome Minho was in person. You thought about stopping for a minute, but you didn't want to be late for class, so you kept walking. 
Reaching the classroom, you groaned. Your spacey professor had managed to forget to e-mail everyone that class had been canceled for the day, and instead left a note on the door. You roll your eyes, copy down the homework assignment pages, and turn around to go back to the dorm, as this was your last class of the day. Dropping your stuff off at the dorm, you look out the window. Still early afternoon, you decide to go for a walk outside. 
You walk for a while, smiling at the cherry blossoms and the fresh spring breeze when you see the same group of girls from earlier wandering about. Seeing you, they rush over.
"Have you seen Minho-oppa?"
You frown a bit. "Not since his speech earlier. Is he missing?"
One of the girls shakes her head. "No, but he's supposed to be wandering on campus."
You shake your head. "I haven't seen him, but, if I do, I'll send him toward the auditorium, ok?"
They nod and move off. You continue your walk.
A few minutes later, you hear something odd.
Stopping, you look around. A hand beckons you from behind some bushes next to one of the class buildings. Cautiously, you walk over and peek into the bushes. Your eyes widen. Minho is crouched there, his suit from earlier exchanged for more casual clothing. 
"Um...is the coast clear?" He asks.
You look around. There's no one in sight. "Yeah," you say, nodding. 
He sighs in relief and moves out of the bushes, stretching. "Thank goodness. I thought I'd never lose them."
You raise an eyebrow and he stutters a bit. "Well, it's not that I don't love my fans, but...I'm supposed to be meeting students here and such, but with them surrounding me, it's kinda hard to do that."
You shrug. "I'd avoid going anywhere near the auditorium then." When he looks at you questioningly, you continue. "I told them that if I saw you, I'd send you that way."
He smiles. "Thanks for the warning."
Suddenly, you shove him hard back into the bushes and sit down on the bench casually. "Don't...move," you whisper.
The group of girls wanders over again. "Did you find him?" you ask. They shake their heads. "I haven't seen him either." You tilt your head, acting as though you're thinking, before snapping your fingers. "Wait...isn't there that big meeting in the union? If he's the ambassador and all, he might be there." Their eyes light up and they hurry off toward the union. Once they're out of eyesight, you turn to the bushes and pull a stunned Minho out. "Sorry about that."
He brushes off some leaves and cherry petals. "That's ok. You saved me some running." He smiles.
Thinking for a second, you snap your fingers again. "Come on." You grab his hand without thinking and start hurrying off.
He follows you, confused. "Where are we going?"
You smile. "Somewhere they CAN'T find you."

Minho wanders around, entranced by the flowers. You smile.
"Only people with a key can get in here, and since it's on the roof, no one will see you."
He turns to you. "How do you have a key?"
You giggle. "I'm double majoring in Horticulture and Holistic Healing with a focus on Herbology." You lead him over to a section of the greenhouse. "This, actually, is my personal section. I'm in charge of, and take care of, all the plants here."
He walks around, smiling at the greenery around him. He points to one of the plants. "What's this one do?"
You smile. "That's St. John's Wort. It helps with your immune system and your mental balance."
He points toward another. And another.
The two of you spend the rest of the day in the greenhouse, you teaching Minho some of the finer points of horticulture. After a while, you realize it's almost nighttime.
"I suppose you should get back."
He nods. "But...this was really nice. Thank you."
You smile. "You're more than welcome."
He turns to leave, before turning back. "Wait. We've spent all day here talking, and I just realized, I never got your name."
Your eyes widen. "That's right! I'm sorry! I'm ______." You bow.
He smiles and turns to leave again. You turn back to the plants. A couple minutes later, you hear the greenhouse door open and shut. You spend a few more minutes with the plants, then grab your stuff and head to your dorm. Suddenly, your phone goes off.

'Eereol ddaereul bomyeon na origineun hangabwa nun ape dugodo ojji hal jul molla'

You frown. "That's weird. I don't remember having 'Hello' as a ringtone for anyone..." You fish your phone from your pocket and almost drop it in surprise. 

'Text message from Minho'

You blink and tilt your head in confusion. Opening the message, you start to read:

'_____-ah, sorry to probably have startled you, but I found you extremely interesting. So, I put my number in your phone and your's in mine. I hope you're not upset, but...I'd like to get to know you more, if that's alright.'

You blush a bit and smile.

'Minho-ssi, I'd love to get to know you too.'

You press send, and a few seconds later, 'Hello' starts again.

'Yah! Don't call me ssi!'

You laugh.

'What should I call you then?'

This time it took a minute to get a response.


You laughed again. You could just imagine the effort it took to ask you that.

'Alright. Minho-oppa it is, then.'

You got back to your dorm in one piece, managing to not run into anything. Your head was still down, focused on your phone when you got into your room and dropped your backpack by your desk under your loft bed. Your roommate looked over boredly, surrounded by her language flashcards. 
"You look happy."
You glance over and are momentarily brought back to the reality outside your phone. "You look like crap."
Your roommate shrugs. "I just got off of work, what do you expect?"
You shudder a bit. Your roommate's arms have bruises and what looks like a small burn mark on them. "This job had better be worth it."
She smiles. "It's more than worth it. You HAVE to come see the musical when it opens. I'm SO glad they're doing it again." She starts humming a song from the musical and goes back to her flashcards. You giggle a bit, then focus on your phone again as 'Hello' floats through the air.

A couple weeks later, you're sitting in the greenhouse, your emotions a mix between happy and depressed. You were happy because the department head had just given you a larger space due to your incredible dedication to your work. The depressed was because Minho had been strangely quiet today. You'd texted him as soon as you woke up, as usual, but today, there was no answering text with a cheerful good morning wish. You look at your phone again, for the millionth time, before sighing and setting it aside. You focus on your work, your hands soon dirty and covered in soil. Brushing some hair from your cheek left a small streak of dirt there as well. After a half an hour, both your worry about Minho and the phone are forgotten as you work hard transferring your bigger plants to larger pots in the new space. You are so busy and focused, you don't hear the greenhouse door open and close. After a few minutes, someone clears their throat behind you, making you jump in surprise. You whip around only to find Minho standing there, looking equal parts nervous and amused.
"Minho-oppa!" You suddenly remember you were covered in dirt and potting soil and puff your cheeks out in embarrassment. "You could have warned me. I'm all dirty..."
He smiles. "You look beautiful."
You blush. "Minho-oppa, how'd you get in here? You need a key..."
He holds up a key ring. "I borrowed it from the department head."
You tilt your head, now thoroughly confused. "Minho-oppa, what are you doing here?"
He went back to looking nervous. "I wanted to ask you something. In person. Not over text." He played with his hands for a minute. "______-ah, will...will you go out with me?"
Your jaw drops. "Wha...?"
He takes your amazement as hesitation and continues. "Well, we've been talking a lot, and, the more I talk to you, the more I like you, and..."
"The more I...wait...what?" He stops, staring at you.
You smile, still blushing. "I said yes."
He smiles and hugs you.
"Minho-oppa!! I'm covered in potting soil!! You'll get all dirty!"
He looks down at you and smiles. "Doesn't matter." Then, shyly, he leans down toward your lips, hesitating for a second just above them, before pressing his lips softly against yours. "Only this moment does..."

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Chapter 4: awwwww so cute!!!!!!!
mybananamilk #2
oh cool, i love imagines! i'm gonna read this as soon as i have time :)