Taemin #Imagine 1


Taemin #Imagine You sighed, looking out the window. Study period was always boring, especially since your classes before study hall never seemed to give out homework. You looked back down at your book. Suddenly, the door opened and the usually quiet study hall was no longer quiet. Through the door stepped Lee Taemin, SHINee's maknae dancer, and the girls in the room went nuts. You rolled your eyes. While you respected him, one dancer to another, you weren't one of his screaming fans. Sighing, you pulled on your headphones. The screams were replaced with a soft waltz tune, and you went back to your book, your feet making patterns on the floor unconsciously. You glanced up when a change in the air pressure indicated the door had opened again. You pulled off your headphones as the teacher stalked into the room, sending girls flitting back to their desks and Taemin standing in front of the room, looking nervous.
"Alright, calm down. You all probably know Lee Taemin by now, and if you don't, I'm sure one of the ladies in class can broaden your horizons." The teacher looked around. "Please take the seat by _______."
You raise your hand to help Taemin figure out which one you were and he placed his things next to you at the table and smiled. "Hi, I'm Taemin."
You returned the smile. "I'm ______."
The two of you chatted a bit as study hall was coming to an end soon. When the bell rang, you noticed he looked quite nervous. You tilted your head. "What's wrong?"
He looked up. "I...I just transferred here and I don't know my way around yet." He fished his schedule out of his backpack. "Do...do you think you could point me the way to my next class?" He scratched the back of his head embarrassed.
You took his schedule from him, looked it over and giggled. "I can do you one better. We have the same class. We can go there together."
He smiled. "Alright."
The two of you chatted off and on for the rest of the day. When your schedules didn't match, you made sure to walk him to his class and meet him afterward. When your final class ended, which you shared, you stood up and faced him.
"Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, but I have to run. I have practice." Just as the words were out of your mouth, the door opened and your brother poked his head in.
"_________." You bowed to Taemin quickly before running off. Throwing your backpack at your brother, the two of you hurry through the halls, making it to his car in record time. He deftly weaved through traffic, pulling up in front of a worn-down building. Despite the outside, you smiled. This was your favorite place in the world. Hurrying up the stairs, you grabbed your practice bag from your brother and hurried into the changing room. Your school uniform was replaced by a black leotard, knee length black flared skirt, tight black three-quarter sleeve sweater, tights, leg warmers, and two inch skin tone heels. You quickly tied your hair up into a bun before rushing out of the room. Your brother smiled as he pulled his homework from his backpack. You moved to the barre and began warming up. You warmed up for a bit, then turned to your brother. 
"Where's Mrs. Lee?"
He pointed toward the balcony, where Mrs. Lee's office was. "Said something about a meeting." 
He looked like he was going to say more, but the door across the floor opened and you smiled. "You're late."
DaeHyun sighed and walked over. "Sorry. Mom can't drive to save her life."
His mother walked in behind him. "I heard that." She laughed.
DaeHyun looked at you. "Should we start then?" You nodded. 
Your brother took his cue and hit a button on a remote near him. A soft waltz song started playing and you and DaeHyun began to dance. You had decided to go straight through your performance CD, so after the waltz came the foxtrot, then the rhumba, the chacha, the paso doble. You danced for hours, going back through the CD at least five times, making sure every foot placement, every arm movement, every facial expression was right on point. About half way through your fourth run, Mrs. Lee had finished her meeting and came downstairs, nodding here, and fixing there. Finally, you finished. You changed back into regular clothes, said goodbye to DaeHyun and his mother and went home. 

A week later, you were in school when your phone vibrated in study hall. You'd been helping Taemin with his English work and looked down at your phone. There was a text message there, and the news was not good. You sat there, staring at your phone in disbelief until Taemin finally poked you in the shoulder. You looked up at him, eyes huge.
"What's wrong?"
You blinked. "It's two weeks before our big performance at Nationals. DaeHyun...DaeHyun just broke his leg..." You didn't realize it, but you were crying. 
Taemin reached up and wiped away your tears. "What?"
You shook your head a bit to clear it. "DaeHyun is my dance partner. I'm a semi-professional ballroom dancer." His eyes widened a bit, but he nodded for you to go on. "We're supposed to be competing in Nationals in two weeks, but..."
"But he broke his leg." Taemin finished. You nodded.
The bell rang and you picked up your bag. Taemin grabbed your hand and squeezed it. "I'm sure things will work out."
You nodded, but didn't want him to know that you didn't believe him.

After school, you rushed to the school, still hoping that it might have been a joke. Mrs. Lee stood there, but she didn't look too upset. In fact, she looked elated.
"__________-ah! Great timing. I was just talking with your new partner."
You blinked. "New partner? But...how is he going to learn all the move so fast? And what if we don't connect?" Your words were all fears.
Mrs. Lee shook her head. "Now go get dressed."
You got dressed, not knowing what was coming next. When you came out of the dressing room, you saw Mrs. Lee and a guy whirling around the room. You had to admit, he seemed to have the waltz routine down already. When the song was done, Mrs. Lee saw you. 
"Oh good. _________-ah, meet your new partner."
When she stepped aside, your jaw dropped. "T...Taemin?!"
Taemin smiled self-consciously. "Sorry about not telling you earlier."
You blinked. "Wait? YOU can BALLROOM DANCE?!?"
He nodded. "My mom taught me when I was little, and I took classes until I got into SM."
Mrs. Lee pushed you two together. "Now. Practice!"

And so it was. For two weeks, you spent your days AND evenings with Taemin. He wasn't lying about knowing what he was doing, and picked up on the dance routines easily. Too soon, though, came the night of Nationals.

"Nervous?" You jumped about three feet in the air as Taemin slid behind you. You nodded, looking out at the floor. "Don't be. You'll do great."
You smiled, but didn't have time to answer him as the two of you were announced onto the floor. You took position and looked up at Taemin for a second. He grinned and winked. Your heart beat double-time as you projected and smiled. The music started and you flew.

"Couple number 158!"
You turned and looked at Taemin in astonishment. "We...we did it!"
Taemin smiled and you jumped at him, hugging him. When he set you down, he leaned forward. "Only one thing would make this night better." You tilted your head. "If...if you would agree to be my girlfriend."
Your jaw dropped. "Are...are you sure? I mean, with practice and your schedule..."
He silenced you with a quick kiss. "We'll work it out."
You smiled, blushing furiously, before nodding. "Alright. I'd like that."
He smiled again, before leaning forward and putting a soft kiss on your lips.

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Chapter 4: awwwww so cute!!!!!!!
mybananamilk #2
oh cool, i love imagines! i'm gonna read this as soon as i have time :)