Chapter 2

When Hate Become Love



I HATE MY LIFE RIGHT NOW! I was thinking what the hell this guy is doing right now? What if someone think something happen between us? What if someone thought that I and this stupid boy are couple right now? Please! I’m not interested with this guy.


            “Let go of me!”. I’m going to punch him right at his face! I push him away and give him a death glare while he grinned at me.


            “You know, you are playing with fire right now. Tooth for tooth and I will give you payback for what you’re doing to me yesterday”. I was about to chocked hearing to the words spoken by him. What the hell? Did he know about what I was doing to him yesterday? My eyes showed that I can’t believe to whatever he just said just now.


             “Well, I’m not stupid to guess who was the one that flat my tires yesterday. It was your doing right? It easy to guessed”. He folded his arms as he looked at me sarcastically.


             “You!!”. I lift my fist toward him. My eyes rounded in shock when he hold my fist and pulled me toward him.


              “Let go of me, you stupid playboy!”.


              “People are looking at us right now. You know right about my status at here? Ah~ the girls must be full of jealous over you right now. I will leave everything to you and please handle it carefully. Don’t leave a scratch over your face”. I was dumbfounded when I listen to his word.

                He leave me and walk toward his friend. Jihoon approached me while the other female students keep glaring at me. I’m not afraid at them since they are girls but I’m afraid about that crocodile. I really hate him. Seriously hate him.


                “What happen, Wonu? It looked like you were the center of attention right now. It was Mingyu just now, right? What he want? It very rare to see that Mingyu speak with people other than his friend and the girls”. Jihoon spoke out his curiousity. It not like I’m popular with good way.


                “I don’t know. His brain might be not working perfectly today. He must mistake me for someone else. I hate the fact that I’m getting an attention and it not even in a good way. Just forget about him. It make me feel sick”. Jihoon nodded and started to walking with me but our step stopped when someone are blocking our way.


                  Aha! The Diva of campus is here now. I just thought where the caterpillar goes when I’m seeing Mingyu not with her this morning. It was the same girl that pick a fight with me. The one who called as Min Ah.


                 “Don’t get ahead of yourself just because you get attention from Mingyu. You think Mingyu will looked at people like you? Not even pretty nor cute. With that lame glasses on”. She laughed as witch laughed.


                 “Caterpillar”. I said that word out of nowhere and I get a slapped from this Diva that make my glasses fall. He shocked looking at me. Jihoon also shocked.


                 “Is that Wonwoo? Is he that handsome? I never know about that. He pretty handsome. His face pure without that glasses”. People start talking and I’m getting annoyed.

                “Satisfied? Are you trying to take a look at my face or what? I hate the fact I’m getting attention and I hate being popular like that crocodile. I’m glad that he doesn’t look at me without my glasses. I’m hiding it from you guys who always approached people because of face and money. Stupid people. Let go Jihoon”. I started walking off and leave that Diva with dumbfounded on her face. I’m not in the mood to happy because they now know about me without my glasses on and I hate it.


              “Wah Wonu-ah! Deo wanjeong daebak! Your face without glasses is totally gominam-ah”. Now Jihoon also talked about that.


               “If you’re going to talked like that, forget it or you will never be my friend ever again”. I will turn into ice prince later, huh!


                “I’m sorry. Where are you going, Wonu. The class will start soon”. Jihoon pointed toward the class.


                 “Please take the attendant for me. I don’t have feeling to go for the class today. Let meet up after school. I fetch you up. There’s someone want to meet you”.


                 “If it Seungcheol hyung, I don’t want to. You can just go on date with him if you want”. His word make me giggle. I’m glad that Jihoon is my friend who is always understand me.


                   “Well, Seungcheol hyung sincere in loving you. Why just don’t you accept him already. I’ll be waiting you at the actual place”. I started to run and jump over the gate. When I’m outside the school I will feel free.


                  “Wonwoo-ah!”. Oh? Who called me? I turn around and search for that voice.


                  “Ah? Jun-ah! When you arrived at Korea? I thought you still having your shooting at Taiwan right now”. This is my old friend and I love being friend with him since we’re kid.


                  “I’m done my shooting yesterday and now I’m here. Are you skipping you’re school. I’m waiting for someone who is also skipping hi school right now”. Eh? Who? Other than me, he waiting for who? He had another friend than me in Korea? Who?


                   “Yah Jun-ah!”,


                   “There he is!”. That voice! It really familiar with me. I’m turned around to confirmed what my ear listen to and my nightmare just started.



I'm a bit afraid to continue it but I still continue it. Well I hope it turned out to be okay. Sorry for many gramatically error.

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Chapter 2: thnx you ^^
chanmaina #2
Chapter 2: I like it!!!! hoping for a update