Music and Memories


Arriving at the karaoke bar we got a room just like old times. Jongdae tossed his bag on the side of the couch while I sat down by Baekhyun. Occupying the other side of me Jongdae pulled out the large remote to start dailing the numbers for the songs.

"Slow down Jongdae, let's order something to eat first!" Beakhyun laughed as his best friend was anxious to get started and have fun. Jongdae let out a long exaggerated sigh as he swapped the remote for the menu.

"What are you getting Heejin? Seseme chicken?" Baekhyun asked knowing me all too well. I smiled as I didn't even pick up a menu yet.

"How'd you know?" i asked touched that he remembered.

"Because you've been ordering it the past six years." Jongdae interjected crushing my dreamy atmosphere while Baekhyun laughed.

"He's right. Don't you eat anything else?" 

I puffed out my cheeks in protest as I grabbed a menu. 

"Fine. I'll pick something else!" I huffed. Jongdae quickly snatchedmy menu and put it on top of his as he handed them to Baekhyun.

"No way, then it won't be like old times. I don't know why Baekhyun even looks at the menu when we always get the same thing." 

Baekhyun chuckled lightly as he took the menus while still looking over his.

"Sometimes a little change is good Jongdae. Sometimes you need something a little different. Spicen it up a bit." Baekhyun looked at Jongdae smuggly as he put the menus on the corner of the table. I laughed seeing Baekhyun challenge his friend, but something suddenly didn't sit right. Jongdae wasn't complaining. He simply just looked at Baekhyun with a look I couldn't describe. i suddenly felt imposing as it seemed like I had disappeared. I was no longer in the middle of them but it was just the two of them staring at each other intently. The door suddenly opened and our waitress came in.

"Are you ready to order?" 

"Yep!" Jongdae's serious expression suddenly broke into his normal playful smile as he bounced once on the couch to show his excitment. Baekhyun began to laugh as he handed the menus to the waitress.

"We'll have one order of seseme chicken, Jajamyeon and Tteokbokki. Can we also get three sojus to start of with?" 

"Yes. I'll get those for you right away." The waitress quickly took the menus with a smile as she left us alone in the quiet room. Jongdae quickly picked up the remote as he punched in some numbers. 

"Let's sing! Baekhyun you first! Should i put on a SNSD song?" Jongdae teased.

"Go ahead! I'll sing with all my heart!" Baekhyun retorted. The tense atmosphere from before had completely vanished. It was like the awkward stare down didn't happen. i smile feeling more at ease as baekhyun takes the mic and begins to sing " I Got A Boy " With full force causing both me and Jongdae to laugh hysterically as he throws in little dance moves. I suddenly feel a little bad as I can't believe I forgot it was our six year anniversary.We've been doing the same thing every year onthe same day everytime. How could it have slipped my mind. Jongdae must have noticed my sudden lack of exhilaration because he suddenly handed me a mic and pushed me up next to Baekhyun as we began to sing together. Right at the song ended our waitress came in with the try of soju. She set down on the table and promptly left again. Picking up a glass i took a swig and clanked glasses with my beloved boyfriend and best friend. Joining eachother by the couch again Jongdae pulled out the song list as we skimmed over it.

"Do you wanna sing next Heejin? What song do you like?" Jongdae leaned closer as we closely at the list suddenly Baekhyun's phone began to ring. He quickly stood up as he pulled it out.

"i have to take this. It's my eomma." he smiled his charming smile. 

"Tell her I said hi!" I said as I waved him off. I looked back down at the list.

"What about this Jongdae will you sing this with me?" I pointed to the paper but when I looked up at him he had they same look from earlier just staring at the door.

"Jongdae...?" i asked quietly. He quickly looked down and smiled at me with in a second his facial features had changed.

"Which one this one?" he asked cheerfully. 

"Is something the matter? Are you upset that we forgot about today?" i asked trying to figure out what kind of expression that was that he showed twice now.

"huh? No way, Heejin. I'm not mad! It's fine! I'm just glad we got to do what we always do. i would have been upset if you guys went off and did something with out me." He laughed lightly.

"No way would we do that, Jongdae! I'm sure we would have remembered eventually!" i cried out. Jongdae laughed as he ruffled my hair like a kid.

"I know, i know. Relax Heejin. Let's just have fun like old times!" He smiled his cheeky smiled. Baekhyun suddenly walked in and growled at us.

"ehh~ There better have not been any monkey business going on in here while i was gone."

"Yeah right." I laughed.

"Always so jealous, Baekhyun." Jongdae laughed while he punched in a few number roughly. I watched as he picked up the mic and began to sing. Both Jongdae and baekhyun had such beautiful singin voices they always blew me out of the water. I cuddled closer to Baekhyun as he sat down beside me. Jongdae had picked a balled and voice was carring so nicely in the room. 

When Jongdaae finished Baekhyun snatched the remote and quickly began to punch in numbers.

"No more ballads Jongdae youre going to put Heejin to sleep. Let's get this party started!" He was right. My eyes had become heavy and I suddenly didnt feel like moving, but Block B came on and i just had to get up and dance. With a few more rounds of soju and our meals finally arrived the night had just begun.

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I really like this one! Good job!
Rycauss #2
Chapter 1: This is my first story that I'm publishing on here... i hope you guys like it... Sorry the first chapter is so short. It'll get better once I add the next few chapters. Please give me feed back !