The Beginning


"Yah! Kim Heejin! Byun Baekhyun! Where do you two think you're going?" Jongdae called out to the to of us as Baekhyun had his arm slung around my shoulder.

"Ehh~ Jongdae. Can't we go anywhere with out you? I'm dating just Heejin not Heejin and you!" Baekhyun stopped to playfully poke his friend in the chest.

"You two can be all couple like later! Do you know what today is?!" Jongdae wiggled with excitment as anticipated our replies. I looked at baekhyun looked at me just as clueless.

"What's today, Jongdae?" I asked groing nervous he might explode if we didn't answer quickly. But my silly worry was quickly dismissed as all the excitment vanished from his face.

"You seriously don't know?" He asked dissappoinment obvious in his eyes. I felt bad as I looked at Baekhyun hoping he would suddenly remember something about what he was talking about. baekhyun scratched the back of his head.

"I don't know what you're talking about... Sorry Jongdae..." 

Jongdae sighed as he dragged his hand down his face in a suddenly annoyed manner.

"Yah... Some kind of friends you guys are. Exactly six years ago today we all met."

"Ah!" I shouted out quickly. " That's right! I didn't know it was today! I knew it was coming up though! Wah~ Six years." I marveled at how long we all knew each other. It didn't feel like that long ago that the three of us met at the small karaoke bar just in downtown Seoul. Baekhyun was 18. Jongdae 17 and I myself a mere 16 year old. I was invited with my sister and her friends, well more like our mom forced her to take me with. I was awkward and stuck in the corner as everyone else was singing and socializing. It wasn't until Jongdae asked me to sing a song with him that I actually got to enjoy myself. Thinking back it was all thanks to Jongdae that I even had fun and was able to meet Baekhyun whom I didn't start dating til three years after. Jongdae and Baekhyun actually didn't know each other at the time. But they began to talk as they were the only boys to show up, the rest bailed on my sister. Apparently she wasn't really liked. Which makes sense, having her as my sister I can fully vouch that she is the devil. 

"Yah. Kim Heejin what are you spacing out for? Did you even hear what we said?" Jongdae snapped me out of memory lane as Baekhyun laughed at me.

"S-Sorry. I was just thinking back to when we first met." I laughed apologetically.

"Nevermind that! Let's go relive it! Asa! To the Karaoke bar!" Jongdae cried out as his entire being exerted excitment and positive energy. Baekhyun and I laughed as we held hands following the exuberant Kim Jongdae.

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Please leave some constructive feed back. I'm new at writing and this is the first one ive done publicly. Tell me what you think :)


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I really like this one! Good job!
Rycauss #2
Chapter 1: This is my first story that I'm publishing on here... i hope you guys like it... Sorry the first chapter is so short. It'll get better once I add the next few chapters. Please give me feed back !