Spicing Things Up


Answering the unfamilar voice I confirmed I was, infact Kim Heejin.

"Yes... This is her." I said wearily.

"We just want to inform you that Kim Jongdae's bag was left here at XX Karaoke. You were number one in the speed dial so we called you."

"Oh! Thank you! We're actually headed on our way back to get it now. Thank you for calling!"

"Ofcourse. We'll hold it at the front desk." 

Hanging up the phone Jongdae stepped back.

"Ehh~ The look you gave me had me worried." He growled at me.

"They sounded suspicious I got nervous!" I whined as we began to walk back. Jongdae walked on the outside of the sidewalk as usual, he always yelled at me if we walked other wise. Baekhyun never seemed to really care where I walked as long as it was by his side. I smiled lightly thinking about him. I was really lucky to be honest. He was two years my senior and really popular in school too. 

"I wonder why he picked me..." I thought aloud. Jongdae turned to look at me.

"Huh? Did you say something?" 

I shook my head. " No, just thinking outloud." I swung my arms as we walked still deep in thought. Maybe Jongdae would know. They're best friends after all.

"Hey Jongdae. I got a question."

"Mmm. Go ahead." he said not taking his eyes off from the sidewalk ahead of him.

"You know everything about Baekhyun, right? You guys are best friends after all..."

He laughed loudly as he shook his head.

"I like to think that I do. Or at least I know I used to. But recently I don't know anymore..."

I was shocked. Were they fighting and I had no idea about it? It would explain that tense atmosphere from earlier.

"What do you mean?" I found myself asking. He was quiet for a moment before he answered.

"Baekhyun has always been mysterious. Ever since I first met him. But it seems now a days he's more elusive. I can usually figure him out pretty quickly but lately he's been making no sense at all..." Jongdae rambled on as I listened carefully. I was surprised to hear his opinion, Baekhyun seemed all the same to me, grant it he has been more popular lately with his phone calls and family matters but thats just normal isnt it? Jongdae peeked at me as I was stuck in my own thoughts for the moment. I suddenly felt his hand on my head petting my hair.

"I wouldn't think much of it Heejin. I think I'm just over thinking. You know how I get." He smiled calmly. I nodded assured by his words as we reached the bar once again. Entering through the glass doors we approached the front desk.

"Hi, I left my bag here." 

I looked around wondering if Baekhyun was still here. He couldn't be right? We left a little over an hour ago. It wouldn't take that long to talk about prices... Suddenly the waitress from earlier came out of a room with a tray of empty soju bottles. I locked eyes with her and bowed. She smiled upon seeing me.

"Oh you're back! Your friend ordered another round. He said you felt sick and went home. I'm glad you feel better."

"Huh?" I said dumbly. Jongdae walked up behind me, his bag over his shoulder as he bowed to the waitress.

"You're friend. The blonde one? He's in here with his girlfriend." She pointed towards the door she just came out of.

"You must be mistaken.." I laughed lightly. Jongdae pulled on my arm.

"Let's go home Heejin."

I quickly shook him off as a knot formed in my stomach.

"No it's okay, Jongdae. She said Baekhyun's in there with his girlfriend. That's funny right?" I laughed hysterically as I tried to make my way to the door.

"Heejin, it's probably not him." Jongdae tried to convince me.

"You're right. It's probably not. So I have nothing to worry about if I open this door." I said logically trying to keep my heart from beating out of my chest. I quickly pulled the door open as Jongdae came up right behind me. I slammed the door shut and turned around.

"You're right. We should go home."

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Please leave some constructive feed back. I'm new at writing and this is the first one ive done publicly. Tell me what you think :)


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I really like this one! Good job!
Rycauss #2
Chapter 1: This is my first story that I'm publishing on here... i hope you guys like it... Sorry the first chapter is so short. It'll get better once I add the next few chapters. Please give me feed back !