

Jongdae followed after me as the door suddenly swung open behind us.


I didn't dare to look behind me as I continued to walk. Jongdae stayed close behind me as his voice got louder.

"Heejin wait!" A sudden tug on my arm and I was face to face with the person I did not want to see right now. Baekhyun. Before he could even defend himself I spoke out harshly.

"Don't say ' it's not what it looks like'!It's exactly what it looks like!"

"I won't. You're right. What you saw was right." He said holding his hands up in surrender. This didn't soothe me.

"Just let me explain." He started as he looked at me with his puppy eyes that I would roll over and play dead for. But right now they make me want to vomit.

"Aren't you bored Heejin?" He suddenly said with a whine in his voice.

"What?" I said dumbstruck

"We do the same thing every day. Not to mention this silly thing we do every year.." he says this glancing at Jongdae.

"Don't you guys get bored of it? Heejin we never do anything but hold hands or cuddle while watching movies. I need somebody more adventourous. You're still just a little girl..."

Was he trying to explain himself or insult me. I couldn't figure it out but he suddenly turned to Jongdae.

"Jongdae you too. Why don't you find yourself a girlfriend? ...." Baekhyun paused as he looked back at me.

"Oh right... Because I won the bet."

Jongdae suddenly lurched forard pushing Baekhyun up against the wall. He held him by the collar as Baekhyun had his normal smug smirk plastered on his lips.

"Come one Jongdae-ah. Don't be like this. Not in front of Heejin.." Baekhyun crooned. I looked at him baffled.

"Who are you?" I asked as I shook my head. This was not the Baekhyun I knew. This was not the Baekhyun Jongdae knew. I pulled onto Jongdae's sleeve as my eyes stung. I didn't want to be here anymore.

"Jongdae let's go home.."

Jongdae slowly lowered his arms as he let go of Baekhyun. He glared at him as he followed closely behind me.

"Bye bye~" Baekhyun called out as we left through the glass doors.

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Please leave some constructive feed back. I'm new at writing and this is the first one ive done publicly. Tell me what you think :)


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I really like this one! Good job!
Rycauss #2
Chapter 1: This is my first story that I'm publishing on here... i hope you guys like it... Sorry the first chapter is so short. It'll get better once I add the next few chapters. Please give me feed back !