

Seven rounds of soju and the three of us were rosy cheeked and we were more than tipsy. Jongdae and Baekhyun had their arms slung around each other as they howled to a love song. i couldn't breath I was laughing so hard. Tears ran down my cheeks as my sides began to hurt. They finally called it quits once they too couldnt stop themselves from laughing. The lights suddenly grew dim and that was our indication that our time was up. The screen to the tv flashed a sign saying " Why stop now?! Pay for another round!" with a little singing panda. I sighed relieved I was able to catch my breath as I felt I was going to die from that laughing fit. I stood up quickly only to fall into Baekhyun's arms with a chuckle.

"Careful there Heejin! People might think youre drunk!" He teased. I laughed as i poked him in the chest.

"I am!" I called out carelessly while leaning against him. He patted down my hair while he laughed at my clumsiness.

"Yah. Jongdae, can you take Heejin home for me?" He asked as he passed me over to Jongdae. I hiccupped while landing in Jongdaes arms messily. 

"Sure but where arre you going?" Jongdae asked while trying to straighten me out. I grabbed onto Jongdae's shoulder as I tried to point at Baekhyun accusingly but ended up pointing at the couch.

"Yeah! Where are you going?!" I called out. He laughed at my sloppiness while glanced at his phone.

"My little sister's birthday is coming up. You know this Heejin. I want to see what rates are here to see if she can have her birthday party here." He talked casually as he helped me put on my jacket. I nodded not actually knowing when his sister's birthday is but I'd feel bad if I told him that.

"Besides, I think it's time Heejin went to bed." He chuckled while handing me back to Jongdae. I nodded knowing I was a light weight when it came to alcohol, he was right. I needed to get home.

"Okay. Call me when you get home." i slurred as I held on tightly to Jongdae. He escorted me out as Baekhyun waved. 

"Oh! Jongdae! Don't worry about the bill, I got it. Just get Heejin home, kay?" he called out before Jongdae could close the door.

"Oh Okay..." Jongdae said with a weird tone in his voice. I had one arm around Jongdae's shoulder while he had one around my waist. It was the only way to support me and help me walk a straight enough line to not look completely wasted. Exiting the bar I felt the crisp cool air meet my face and instantly felt alot more awake. I looked up at Jongdae trying to focus my double vision on his face. Was he just as drunk as I was? Finally focusing in he had a stern look on her face as he looked straigh ahead. Was he angry at something? I suddenly figured it was probably me. I looked down embarassed.

" I'm sorry Jongdae.... I always forget my limit and end up getting sloppy drunk.."

"Huh?" Jongdae looked down at me surprised as he smiled a goofy smile.

"I'm not angry at you Heejin. I'm just trying to focus on the sidewalk. I'm a little drunk myself." he admitted. I felt relieved knowing he wasn't angry. We walked a little bit further as my apartment wasnt that far away. Getting distracted by the bright street lights and street vendors I begged Jongdae to buy me some Tteokkbokki as I had a sudden craving for it. Caving, he set me down on the benchand reached into his pockets. His face suddenly went blank when he riffled through his pants pockets then his vest pockets and then his jacket pockets.

"Did you lose your wallet?" I asked concerned. He suddenly chuckled as he sat don beside me.

"I forgot my bag at the bar in our room. I'll call Baekhyun and tell him to pick it up." He reached into his pocket only to pull out an empty hand. 

"My phones in my bag..." He laughed as I reached into my purse handing him mine.

"Here, just dial 3." I told him as he rolled his eyes at my bedazzled flip phone. He held the phone up to his ear as he turned to me.

"Who's number one?" He asked curiously.

"My eomma." 

"And two?"

"You." I laughed, he began to laugh with me.

"Well I finally beat Baekhyun at something." He chuckled. He suddenly pulled the phone from his ear surprised.

"He didn't answer..."

"Maybe he's still talking to one of the Karaoke people about prices. Let's head back before someone takes your bag." I stretched my arms out as I put my phone back into my purse.

"Are you sure? You should get home it's really late." He started.

"I'm fine now. Still a little tipsy.." I admitted " But I can walk on my own. Kaja~" I called out reaching my hand for him. He held onto it while I dramatically pulled him up from the bench. Right as he got up my phone began to ring.

"Oh, maybe it's Baekhyun." I scavanged through my purse looking for the ringing device. Pulling it out I answered it quickly.


"Is this Kim Heejin?" An unfamiliar voice asked over the phone. I was surprised as I was expecting it to be Baekhyun. I looked towards Jongdae confused as he closed in putting his ear on the other side.


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Please leave some constructive feed back. I'm new at writing and this is the first one ive done publicly. Tell me what you think :)


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I really like this one! Good job!
Rycauss #2
Chapter 1: This is my first story that I'm publishing on here... i hope you guys like it... Sorry the first chapter is so short. It'll get better once I add the next few chapters. Please give me feed back !