Don't Cry

Little Maknae

"We're already here? That was fast." Hoseok sarcastically said as he took out his keys. But the hyungs behind them, almost passing out in walking 27 flights of stairs, all gave Hoseok a death glare.

"Fast?! Why don't you try to carry someone thirty flights of stairs!" Namjoon yelled, angry. Everyone shushed him immediately to quiet down.

"Jungkook's asleep." Jin whispered. And he was right. The maknae must have fallen back asleep on the way up. Even Jimin and Taehyung almost passed out too, but they were now wide awake when they saw the front door.

"I think I rather have him asleep unless you want to take care of a five year old Jungkook tonight. And we know an 18 year old Jungkook is hard enough." Jin scolded him with a whisper. Namjoon didn't speak after that. They definitely knew how hyper the maknae line was.

After Hoseok purposely took long finding the right key, Jin put Jimin down as he followed Namjoon to Jungkook's and V's shared room.

But then Taehyung was still clinging hard to Yoongi's neck.

"Get off me." Yoongi sternly said. He was still slightly annoyed on how Taehyung tricked him. But Taehyung didn't mind, and continued his game by pretending to be asleep.

"Sleeping or not I don't care, actor. This will make it even." Yoongi snapped. Taehyung didn't understand for a second until he was dropped on the couch but landed on top of Jimin.

"Yah! Get off me!" Jimin pushed him away.

"Hyung!" Taehyung yelled annoyed to Yoongi, as he wasn't expecting it, but Suga just gave a smirk before he left to his room.

Meanwhile, Jin and Namjoon were in Jungkook's room, Jin eyeing Rap Monster carefully.

"Hyung. I'm not gonna wake him up while putting him down." Namjoon said annoyed as he layed Jungkook on the bed.

"Well I can't trust you. I have a feeling you would find a way to somehow hurt him." Jin responded but Namjoon rolled his eyes. He breaks a few things (a lot of things) and no one can trust him.

"Well I didn't break him, if that's what you were thinking. Now let's go back and make sure the kids aren't ruining anything outside." Rap Monster answered as he started heading towards the door. But Jin couldn't stop staring at Jungkook.

He looks so peaceful and normal, but he's not. How are we going to take care of a five year old? Half of these people are five years old themselves! Jin thought to himself as he continued staring at him sleep. Rap Monster walked behind him again.

"Let's go Hyung. We'll find a way to handle all of this, okay?" Namjoon tried to reassure him but it didn't seem to work. So he tried a different way.

"Do I smell fire?" Namjoon asked. That snapped Jin out of his gaze.

"Let's go." Jin said before he exited out the room. He laughed at his hyung and followed him out the door. Taking one last glance of the sleeping boy and then shutting the door.


Jungkook fluttered his eyes open and took in his surroundings when he woke. His heart pounded when he couldn't find any memory of this room.

Where am I? How did I get here? Jungkook panicked as he stared around the room. It wasn't his normal bright room, across from his parents room. There was another bed in his room too. And a digital clock. He had a hard time with numbers but he recognized a 9 and a 3.

"Is it morning? How did I even get here?" Jungkook thought again, not being able to think and recollect his thoughts when he was full of fear. Before he knew it, he let out a loud whimper.

No I can't cry. Mommy said I'm big and I shouldn't cry, Jungkook thought to himself. But just the thought of his Mother who was no where to be found made him let out a sob instead.

Fortunately, right at that moment Jimin had been walking past the boy's room when he heard the sob. As soon as he realized who's room it was, Jimin barged into the bedroom and saw a crying Jungkook on one of the beds.

"Jungkookie! What happened? Are you hurt?" Jimin yelled questions as he ran over to the bed. Jungkook took him into an embrace as the boy continued to sob on his chest.

Who was he? Wait. Hyung. Weren't there, six of them? The hospital. Yeah! I remember now! They said they would be taking care of me because mommy and daddy went to another one of their meetings! Jungkook excitedly thought as he was starting to remember. But unknowingly, he forgot that he was still crying in his hyung's arms.

"Kookie! Yah Jimin! What did you do to him?" V barged into the room a second later. He had also been walking by the room when he heard the sobs from outside. Taehyung took Jungkook out of Jimin's arms, and let him continue crying on his chest instead.

"Hey, Kookie, it's okay. Your safe. Don't cry." Taehyung whispered to him, comforting words. Taehyung was the oldest back at his home and missed his younger siblings so much, so when he heard that Jungkook was now five, he was more than excited.

"Yah! Why do you only get to comfort our Kookie? Huh?" Jimin said. Angry how he got taken away from the maknae, Jimin gave him a comforting side hug too.

At this point, Jungkook was now happy how he remembered why he was here, and was finding it funny how his hyungs were fighting for him so he let out a giggle.

"Feeling better Kookie?" Taehyung asked with his box smile. Jungkook eagerly nodded and hugged his hyung tighter, happy at how warm he felt.

"Why were you crying Jungkook?" Jimin asked first as he wiped the remaining tears on his face. Jungkook frowned at the memory.

"Because I was scared when I woke up. I didn't know where I was and I forgot all about yesterday. But then I saw hyung and I remembered why I was here! So I'm not sad anymore." Jungkook explained cutely and it took all Taehyung and Jimin's will to not pinch the maknae's cheek.

"Yah! What are you two doing? Your already making our poor Jungkookie cry?!" J hope came into the room. Before the 95 liners can process what J hope was doing, they were shoved off the bed and landed on the floor.

"Hyung!" They whined from the floor. Jungkook was giggling again as he was now hugged tightly against Hoseok's chest.

"Did those clumsy idiots hurt you already?" Hoseok asked as he noticed the dry tears on the maknae's face. All though Jungkook was giggling, he nodded, knowing it was bad to lie but liked teasing people.

"Yah! Kookie your on our side remember!" Jimin said as he brushed himself as the 95 liners stood up. Hoseok knew the maknae was lying so he grinned and didn't say anything. He was enjoying how much skinship Jungkook was letting on and wanted to enjoy every moment they had.

"Jin told me to call you guys over to the kitchen. Breakfast's ready." Hoseok explained as he still held Jungkook in his arms. He found it amazing how the three of the younger boys face lit up at the exact same time. As if they were reading each other's mind, the maknae line gave each other knowing looks.

"Last one to the kitchen has to wash all of the dishes!" Taehyung yelled and Hoseok was shocked how everyone dashed out of the room in less than a second. He was more suprised when he didn't even feel Jungkook slip out of his arms, thinking that wasn't going to be good for future situations. Hoseok jumped when the bedroom door got slammed shut and he groaned as he threw himself on Jungkook's bed.

Kids, J hope thought. But he couldn't stop the grin coming out of his mouth.

How much he missed these moments and now it's finally back.


Hello beautiful people! I am so, so, so, sorry for not updating sooner. I was having writer's block and I was stuck deeply but I'm back now. Sorry if it was too short for you but I didn't want their first day to be part of this chapter or it would have came out so long so instead I'm going to make it a seperate chapter. Thank you so much for 40 subscribers, 2 upvotes, and the comments! I love the comments so much! If you guys can tell me your thoughts about this or want to request a scenario you want Jungkook to be in or what member you want to see him with always feel free to tell me! Anyways, I'm not sure when I'll update but I promise it'll be soon. Have a great day!

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Lilyrosieee #1
Chapter 3: I'm three nearly six
blink_army_luv #2
Chapter 7: pls update
Ayutasha_ #3
Chapter 1: Update more
Mijieesan #4
Chapter 7: Dear Lord I'be been looking for BTS FF like this (non-romance) but brotherhood and friendship FOR AGES ! Thanks God I found this OMG . God blessed you authornim. Ouh I cant wait for update . I'll be rooting for you authornim
Chapter 7: Wow!! This story is amazing. The way they take care of little kookie is just too cute!! It would be cool to see kookie and yoongi. Maybe some people want to do something bad to kookie or just messing with him or maybe they want to beat him and yoongi gets the beating instead. I don't know I just love angst I know this scenario is kinda stupid but just a little request. Of course this is your story you are going to write what you want. I hope I am not rude or anything with this comment. Love your story!!!! And again this story is amazing!!!! Love it!!!
dddddd123 #6
Chapter 7: i really love your story..Jungkook look so cute in this story..hopefully I can see how BTS handle a five years old you know it's quite challeging for baby sitting 5 years old boy....
KaidaShiroLuu #7
Chapter 7: My heartu can't. Oh my god this is so cute! ✧*。( ´∩இωஇ∩`)✧*。
I can't wait for the next update author-nim.
Thank you!
kulitlang08 #8
Chapter 7: this is really cute...hehehe...:D

the maknae line making a run for it, no one wants to do the dishes...hehehe... :D
Naawww i love this story! I was already hooked up from the 2nd chapter :D please update soon, i enjoy it so much ^^
Chapter 6: kekeke, members take a good care of Jungkook :D I like it~ i want story where jungkook got a new friend and the hyungs were jealous toward jungkook's new friend, coz jungkook keep palying with his new friend. kekeke. But, of course its up to you author-nim~ <3 :)