
Little Maknae

"Okay so we're done with all the tests." The doctor said as he entered the waiting room. Everyone stood up at the same time. It had been about two hours already and they were all close to going mad.

"And we saw that his amnesia was pretty bad. Jeon Jungkook remembers himself as a five year old." The doctor seriously explained. He was suprised when no one gave a reaction.

"Did you boys hear me?" He had to ask, learning how they have a lack of listening to him.

"Oh yeah, we already knew that. We found out right before we were taken out." Rap Monster clarified and the doctor sighed.

"It would have been easier if you boys would have told us. It would have saved us lots of time." The doctor said as he started walking the boys down the hallway. They all apologized with sheepishly looks.

"As I was saying, he lost a large amount of memory than most of our cases we've had which means he is going to take a longer time to remember." The doctor continued explaining.

"How long?" Yoongi hesitantly asked, not really wanting to know the answer. The doctor gave another sigh.

"We're not sure. It could either be a few weeks or a few months." The doctor sincerely told them and they all got a cold shudder.

"A few months?" The thought ran over everyone's head. Rap Monster silently thanked god when he remembered that they just entered into a break from their songs and performances. They weren't going to have a comeback in a while.

"But the good news besides everything else, is that he suprisingly didn't get any permanent injuries and only amnesia, which is very lucky, since that camera hit him very bad." The doctor explained, trying to give a smile. Everyone just nodded.

"Since everything else is fine, you guys can take him home right now. Just come back in a week so we can see how he's doing." The doctor finally finished when they were inches away from the door. They just nodded, half paying attention, and quickly went inside the room.

Jungkook was sitting on the edge of his bed, fully dressed with a hoodie and jeans. He even had his normal beanie on and Jungkook looked perfectly normal, but they knew he wasn't.

Jin walked first over to him whose eyes were glued to the television in the room. Everyone had let Jin go first since he was the most panicked one.

"Jungkook." Jin whispered as he crouched down to be Jungkook's eye level.

Jungkook snapped his head to the voice, slightly confused in when did he come in, but then his whole face lit up as he realized who it was.

"Jimin hyung!" He yelled as he jumped on Jin and wrapped his hands around his neck. Jin didn't even seem fazed by the confusion in names as he was too happy for Jungkook looking fine.

"At least he remembered hyung." Rap Monster stated to the rest of the members.

"Jungkook." Jimin said over to Jungkook, who was still hugging Jin tightly. Jungkook looked up. "I'm Jimin. That's Jin." He informed him.

"Oh. Sorry Jin hyung." Jungkook told him when they finally let go.

"It's okay Kookie. It's hard remembering six names." Jin answered with a smile and Jungkook returned it.

After a few minutes they were already outside the hospital, everyone wanting to get out of the building as fast as possible.

"I called our Manager and he said he was still in his meeting but he was able to call someone to take us home." Rap Monster said as they waited outside for their van. The maknae like and Hoseok had taken over a nearby bench while the rest had to stand up.

"My head hurts....hyung." Jungkook said after a while, not remembering Hoseok's name.

"We're almost going to go home Kookie." Taehyung informed him but it was too late as Jungkook had already layed his head down on Hoseok's lap and fallen asleep.

"Aish, now we know this kid never listens to anyone even since he was small." J hope says but the boy's hair either way with a smile.

After about fifteen minutes, their van finally pulled out and everyone was more than exhausted.

"Are we going to wake him up or let him continue sleeping." Yoongi asked but everyone knew what was the right thing.

"Not it!" Everyone yelled except Yoongi, confused in why they yelled. Then he got it and they all started entering the van.

"Yah! Next time we're doing rock, paper, scissors!" He yelled back at them before he sighed. Tired Suga picked up Jungkook who was still sleeping on the bench and carried him inside the van, using a lot of his energy.

"So kind hyung." Jimin giggled as he let Jungkook rest his head and continue to sleep on his lap. Yoongi let out a scowl before he shut the van and passed out in his seat.

They still have a long way to get home.

"Are we home yet?" Jungkook groggily asked as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. He just woke up and his head ache was gone for now.

"Not yet Jungkook. But we'll be there in five minutes." Jin answered from up front. They've been in the van for 30 minutes and they were glad as they started to see their familiar streets.

The mv shooting location was 20 minutes away from their dorm and the hospital was 10 more minutes farther from there, but soon the five minutes passed and they were in front of their dorm. Yoongi was actually glad that Jungkook was awake, he would have probably lost rock, paper, scissors too.

One by one, each member got out of the van until Jungkook was the last one sitting inside.

"Come on Jungkook, let's go home." V said with a smile from outside and held out his hand for him to take. Everyone stopped and turned around when they realized Jungkook was still in the van. But what shocked them the most was the terrified expression on the maknae's face as he shook his head.

"Th- That's not my house." Jungkook said with a shaky voice, moving farther away from them.

They all froze for the billionth time that day. The next sentence made it worse.

"I want to go home to my Mommy and Daddy." Jungkook said next. They didnt know how to explain how his parents are hundreds of miles away and that he lives with six guys.

The maknae's lip began to tremble as they realized how long they were taking to answer. But they only had one thought in their mind as they traded looks.

We're screwed.


Hey! Sorry for the sort of cliffhanger. I promise I'll update through out the week! Anyone else thing little Kookie is adorable?? Nope, just me..?? Anyways, I think I might be doing this a series where each member gets to interact with little Kookie and see the cuteness so if you guys tell me which member you want to see first then I'll gladly do it! Anyways, have a great day!

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Lilyrosieee #1
Chapter 3: I'm three nearly six
blink_army_luv #2
Chapter 7: pls update
Ayutasha_ #3
Chapter 1: Update more
Mijieesan #4
Chapter 7: Dear Lord I'be been looking for BTS FF like this (non-romance) but brotherhood and friendship FOR AGES ! Thanks God I found this OMG . God blessed you authornim. Ouh I cant wait for update . I'll be rooting for you authornim
Chapter 7: Wow!! This story is amazing. The way they take care of little kookie is just too cute!! It would be cool to see kookie and yoongi. Maybe some people want to do something bad to kookie or just messing with him or maybe they want to beat him and yoongi gets the beating instead. I don't know I just love angst I know this scenario is kinda stupid but just a little request. Of course this is your story you are going to write what you want. I hope I am not rude or anything with this comment. Love your story!!!! And again this story is amazing!!!! Love it!!!
dddddd123 #6
Chapter 7: i really love your story..Jungkook look so cute in this story..hopefully I can see how BTS handle a five years old boy..as you know it's quite challeging for baby sitting 5 years old boy.... http://m.raisingchildren.net.au/articles/child_development_5-6_years.html
KaidaShiroLuu #7
Chapter 7: My heartu can't. Oh my god this is so cute! ✧*。( ´∩இωஇ∩`)✧*。
I can't wait for the next update author-nim.
Thank you!
kulitlang08 #8
Chapter 7: this is really cute...hehehe...:D

the maknae line making a run for it, no one wants to do the dishes...hehehe... :D
Naawww i love this story! I was already hooked up from the 2nd chapter :D please update soon, i enjoy it so much ^^
Chapter 6: kekeke, members take a good care of Jungkook :D I like it~ i want story where jungkook got a new friend and the hyungs were jealous toward jungkook's new friend, coz jungkook keep palying with his new friend. kekeke. But, of course its up to you author-nim~ <3 :)