Are You Okay?

Little Maknae

3 weeks later

The boys walked through the hallway, following their huried manager who was leading the way. The boys could tell they were getting closer to their mv shooting location when they kept on seeing men with cameras and equipment. 

"Okay were here." Their manager said as they all took in the sighting of the room. They had been led to an old gym and half the room was well set up but the other side was filled with equipment on the ceiling.

"What's up with all the equipment? It looks more dangerous than usual." Namjoon curiously asked as the crew kept on working with the ceiling.

"The director was curious in working with a different method for this music video. I guess we can say he's experimenting." Their manager answered as they continued walking deeper into the gym.

"Stop!" A voice yelled, making all the boys jump from the sudden scream. It had been a crew member who stopped in front of them.

"We still aren't done making sure the equipment is well put. I think you should alll wait for a few minutes here before we are sure everything is fine. So please, don't move towards the other side of the room." The man pleaded and left running back to his crew as soon as he received a nod from everyone.

The boys would be lying if they said they weren't scared. They knew their manager wanted this music video to be the best one of their album but they kept on getting a bad feeling.

"Okay, I guess we should just stay here." Their manager said and for the first time since they met up, he looked back at the group.

"Is everyone here? Where's Jungkook?"  He asked as he didn't spot the maknae around them.

"Jungkook had said he left his phone in the van so he went back to go get it. I texted him that we were in the gym and he said he'll be able to find it." Jin answered politely. Their manager gave a brief nod.

"Well I'm going to go find the director, he must be around here. You boys stay here and don't go goofing around or you could get seriously hurt." The manager warned, staring right at Taehyung when he said the last sentence. They all mumbled a 'Yes' and their Manger left.

"Ugh..." Taehyung immediately whined. "This is so boring. They just can't tell me to sit still." He continued and the others rolled their eyes.

 "They'll probably be done soon. Just stop whining Tae and sit down." Yoongi said as he saw the boy pacing around.

 "Can I at least go explore around I won't- " Taehyung started again.

 "No!" They all said and Taehyung gave a pout. 

 They continued in silence and the only noise made was Taehyung's occasional pout.

 "Hey!" He all of a sudden said again and they all sighed.

 "What Tae?" Jimin asked, exhausted of the boy.

 "Why is Kookie allowed to go over there and we're not?" Taehyung asked. 

 They all stared at him confused but quickly turned around and received horrified looks.

 Jungkook had been lost trying to find the gym and was finally able to find a door that led to one side of it. Jin's color drained from his face when he noticed the equipment dangling above the maknae's head.

 "Jungkook! Get out of there!" Hoseok was the first to come back to his senses.

Jungkook was walking right under the heavy equipment and was looking around when he spotted his hyungs practically at the other side of the building. He only saw them waving and shaking their heads.

 "Huh? I can't hear you?" Jungkook yelled. He knew they were shouting something at him but he couldn't make out any words. That's when he finally understood when J hope continued pointing up to the ceiling. As soon as he looked up, he wished he hadn't because right after came a sharp stab on his head and the world turned black.


All the boys jumped when they finally saw the large dangling camera land on Jungkook's head.

 "Jungkook!" Taehyung cried out, bringing back the rest of the boys to life. They all ran to the maknae and Jin was the first to kneel down to him.

 "Kookie! Kookie! Can you hear me?" Jin worriedly asked as he got no response. The crew men got off the latter in confusement in why the boys were yelling when they spotted the unconscious boy on the ground.

"What happened? Did it hit him? I thought we told you boys to stay as far as way as possible!" One of the men scolded them but the boys were too busy to pay attention.

"Jungkookie! Wake up!" Jimin pried, hoping in some way Jungkook could hear him.

"He's knocked out cold. We should take him to the hospital." Yoongi suggested after a few minutes of struggling to wake up the youngest.

"What were you boys doing?! Let's hurry and get him to hospital!" They heard their manager coming from the door. He had been informed by one of the crew members of the incident. Namjoon quickly volunteered and picked up the maknae from the ground who was still unconscious. They drove to the hospital as fast as possible. 


Hello again! I got so many views overnight it's makes me so happy. Well I at least hope 100 views are good. This chapter was originally part of a REALLY long chapter so I decided to post the first half first. I hope you like it, I'll be posting another chapter later today. :)


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Lilyrosieee #1
Chapter 3: I'm three nearly six
blink_army_luv #2
Chapter 7: pls update
Ayutasha_ #3
Chapter 1: Update more
Mijieesan #4
Chapter 7: Dear Lord I'be been looking for BTS FF like this (non-romance) but brotherhood and friendship FOR AGES ! Thanks God I found this OMG . God blessed you authornim. Ouh I cant wait for update . I'll be rooting for you authornim
Chapter 7: Wow!! This story is amazing. The way they take care of little kookie is just too cute!! It would be cool to see kookie and yoongi. Maybe some people want to do something bad to kookie or just messing with him or maybe they want to beat him and yoongi gets the beating instead. I don't know I just love angst I know this scenario is kinda stupid but just a little request. Of course this is your story you are going to write what you want. I hope I am not rude or anything with this comment. Love your story!!!! And again this story is amazing!!!! Love it!!!
dddddd123 #6
Chapter 7: i really love your story..Jungkook look so cute in this story..hopefully I can see how BTS handle a five years old you know it's quite challeging for baby sitting 5 years old boy....
KaidaShiroLuu #7
Chapter 7: My heartu can't. Oh my god this is so cute! ✧*。( ´∩இωஇ∩`)✧*。
I can't wait for the next update author-nim.
Thank you!
kulitlang08 #8
Chapter 7: this is really cute...hehehe...:D

the maknae line making a run for it, no one wants to do the dishes...hehehe... :D
Naawww i love this story! I was already hooked up from the 2nd chapter :D please update soon, i enjoy it so much ^^
Chapter 6: kekeke, members take a good care of Jungkook :D I like it~ i want story where jungkook got a new friend and the hyungs were jealous toward jungkook's new friend, coz jungkook keep palying with his new friend. kekeke. But, of course its up to you author-nim~ <3 :)