Maknae and Hyung Lines

Little Maknae

It felt like a billion years just happened as they stared at Jungkook but it hadn't been more than ten seconds of silence. Then at the eleventh second Jungkook was classified to scared to death in realizing that he still hadn't seen his parents and immediately started sobbing.

As they realized that the maknae was crying again, they stared at Jin to fix the situation but nothing could come to Jin's head for an explanation.

J hope couldn't take seeing his poor Kookie with fat tears rolling down his cheeks so he jumped back into the van and pulled Jungkook onto his lap.

He had thought Jungkook was going to pull away but instead he hugged Hoseok's waist and buried his face into the rapper's chest.

"It's okay Kookie. Calm down." J hope whispered as he rubbed circles on the boy's back.

"I want my Mommy and Daddy. I wanna go home." He sobbed into Hoseok's chest. J hope still hadn't thought of an explanation and glanced up to the rest of the members for help. Then everyone was happy with Jimin's quick thinking.

"Jungkook look at me." Jimin said as he got inside the van again. Jungkook looked up because it was the one of the most warm and caring voice's he had ever heard.

"You are really scared right now, aren't you? And your head hurts and you really want your Mommy and Daddy so they can make you feel better, right?" Jimin asked as he wiped the few tears off the maknae's face. Jungkook nodded into Hoseok's chest.

"Well you won't be able to see your parents, Jungkook, for a while." Jungkook's face fell at that sentence and he was about to begin to cry again when Jimin decided to finish his sentence faster.

"But, it's because your parents had an urgent trip and you know how busy they are that they couldn't take you. But because they couldn't take you they decided to leave you with us! And we are really fun. Well most of us are." Jimin joked and gave his beautiful eye smile. And it seemed contagious because Jungkook, and now everyone else, had a smile too.

"And the reason on why you have a head ache is because you got hurt Jungkook and that's why your having a hard time to remember. But now we're home and you can rest better in your room, okay? Are you feeling better now Jungkook?" Jimin smiled and poked Jungkook's side, making him give out a giggle but nodded either way. They were all impressed with Jimin's explanation, because it seemed so believable.

"Now Kookie, do you want Rap Monster to give you a piggy back ride?" J hope asked him, giving an evil smile towards Namjoon.

"What?" Namjoon asked, getting snapped back to reality from Jimin's speech. But Jungkook shot straight up on Hoseok's lap and nodded eagerly, his whole body lighting up. Namjoon sighed not wanting to disappoint the boy and stood in front of the van's door. Not even half a second had passed when Namjoon felt a huge weight land on his back.

"Yah! I'll get you back for this!" Namjoon scolded Hoseok but he just gave a shrug. Jungkook giggled at Namjoon and wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Ooh! Hyung! Can you give me a piggy back ride too!" V exciditetly yelled at Suga as they all walked towards the lobby. V jumped on Yoongi's back.

"Get off me Tae! I already had to carry Jungkook once already. I'm tired." Yoongi annoyingly answered as he shrugged Taehyung off him. Taehyung stopped walking and gave a pout. Then he got an idea.

Everyone stopped walking and looked back at Taehyung who had been left behind. Taehyung decided to test out his acting skills.

A second later, he let out a whimper and made his lip tremble like how he saw Jungkook do. He was even able to let out tears that even V was amazed with.

Then Taehyung rubbed his eyes as he was able to continue to cry in the middle of the street. Everyone stared at Yoongi because they had all heard their little discussion before. Suga rolled his eyes.

"Fine. I'm sorry Tae. Hurry and get on Taehyung but this is the last time I'm doing this!" He scolded before turning around. Somehow faster than Jungkook, V jumped on Suga and tightly wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Thank You! I love you so much hyung!" V giggled. Suga looked like he was going to explode as everyone else snickered.

"Yah! You little lier. This is why I don't like being friends with actors." Yoongi grumpily answered but V didn't mind and had a sneaky box smile. Jimin rolled his eyes but had a hint of jealousy on his face as he looked over to V and Jungkook. Jin caught it.

"What? You want a piggy back ride too?" Jin asked and Jimin blushed. But before he could answer Jin already crouched down for Jimin to get on. Jimin's face lit up exactly how Jungkook's face had and jumped on.

"Thank You hyung!" He giggled and Jin smiled at the younger boy.

"Well I'm only doing this because you saved us in making Jungkook scared of us. This is your reward." Jin smiled and Jimin returned it.

"Well it was easy hyung. I have a little brother too and Jungkook just reminded me of him when he was smaller." Jimin said as he wrapped his hands around Jin's neck.

J hope was leading the way towards the elevator when he turned around and for the first time saw everyone since they got out of the van. He gave a wide smile.

"What are we thinking? It's not going to be hard taking care of Jungkook! We've been taking care of three little kids for three years now." J hope exclaimed and the maknae line didn't even mind that comment since they didn't have to walk. Even though it was true, the hyung line didn't know if it would be easy taking caring of a five year old.

They arrived to the elevator and J hope was about to burst out laughing while the hyung line's heart dropped when they saw the sign.

Out of Order

"Well at least we live in the 27th floor. That's not a lot of stairs." J hope laughed as the hyung line all gave him death glares. There were only 30 floors in total. The hyungs groaned because they already felt tired and the boys on them just latched on tighter to them.

27 floors to go.


Hey! Thank you for the views, subscribers, comments, and the upvote! You guys have literally no idea how much you made my day. And pleaseee comment because that's honestly what keeps me updating faster and also, I'm getting a little bit of writers block so if you guys tell me down in the comments if you have a request in what fluff scenerio you want to see Jungkook and the other member(s) in then tell me and I'll make it happen! And also, I kniw this is my story, but did anyone else think the maknae line was adorable here?? Especially with Taehyung's mischevious plan?? Okay I'll stop now since it's weird how I'm talking about my own story, but tell me what you thought. Anyways, have a great day and until next time!

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Lilyrosieee #1
Chapter 3: I'm three nearly six
blink_army_luv #2
Chapter 7: pls update
Ayutasha_ #3
Chapter 1: Update more
Mijieesan #4
Chapter 7: Dear Lord I'be been looking for BTS FF like this (non-romance) but brotherhood and friendship FOR AGES ! Thanks God I found this OMG . God blessed you authornim. Ouh I cant wait for update . I'll be rooting for you authornim
Chapter 7: Wow!! This story is amazing. The way they take care of little kookie is just too cute!! It would be cool to see kookie and yoongi. Maybe some people want to do something bad to kookie or just messing with him or maybe they want to beat him and yoongi gets the beating instead. I don't know I just love angst I know this scenario is kinda stupid but just a little request. Of course this is your story you are going to write what you want. I hope I am not rude or anything with this comment. Love your story!!!! And again this story is amazing!!!! Love it!!!
dddddd123 #6
Chapter 7: i really love your story..Jungkook look so cute in this story..hopefully I can see how BTS handle a five years old you know it's quite challeging for baby sitting 5 years old boy....
KaidaShiroLuu #7
Chapter 7: My heartu can't. Oh my god this is so cute! ✧*。( ´∩இωஇ∩`)✧*。
I can't wait for the next update author-nim.
Thank you!
kulitlang08 #8
Chapter 7: this is really cute...hehehe...:D

the maknae line making a run for it, no one wants to do the dishes...hehehe... :D
Naawww i love this story! I was already hooked up from the 2nd chapter :D please update soon, i enjoy it so much ^^
Chapter 6: kekeke, members take a good care of Jungkook :D I like it~ i want story where jungkook got a new friend and the hyungs were jealous toward jungkook's new friend, coz jungkook keep palying with his new friend. kekeke. But, of course its up to you author-nim~ <3 :)