The Pauper Heiress

A Woman's Worth

Jai was laided out in her new white mono-kini on the private penthouse balcony, she and few friends rented for the week. Freshly coifed curls fanner ,new Alon Reid sunglasses on her perfect nose. She was blissed out after weeks of hardcore studying for university exams. 

Getting into the best school in Australia was all she really had to worry about these days. High school was over and summer was nearly here. After cramming a mini Vacation seemed ideal.

 To be honest she didn't care much about school, it was an act to keep with her father's appearance of being a good and trusted politician. She played the part of a loving loyal daughter.
Which bored her to no end.

Everything was going well for Jai and her friends. It was last night in Milan and would be going home early tomorrow, tonight was going to be their last of shenanigans, before they returned to their boring lives.

Jai was gonna turn up.

           The night blurreThe night blurred into the morning, Jai woke up sandwiched between her best friend and a guy she didn't recognize. Her head ponder fiercely from last night of underage binge drinking. She tried to piece together what had happened the night before but it was all a blur, she figured she must have had fun because the house they had rented was jacked up and littered with food and alcohol bottles.

Pulling her self out the heap of people she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, on her way she glanced at the digital clock on the wall. lt surprised her by telling her she was 2 hours late for her flight. She rushed to find her purse to make sure the time was right.

Her eyes widen when she finally unlocked her phone. The clock was right. She was due back for her father's TV spot at Noon Australia time. The flight would take about 5 or 6 hours.

Jai does really tried to keep it together but it was no use. Jai rushed to Penelope's side of the bed and shook her friend awake.

Penelope grumbled in her sleep as she tried to turn over, but Jai didn't ease off. "Girl we have to go."

Penelope looked up at Jai with a cranky face, not wanting to get up she pushed away. Jai ran to the next room to wake up Sarah as well, thankfully Sarah got up after been gently shoken awake.

The girls quickly dressed, foregoing makeup and heels. They they their belonging sloppily in their suitcases not caring how exactly if it fit or not as long as it got packed.

They were almost tempted to leave Penelope behind in Paris but they tried one more time to wake her up. They saw it was pointless to even continue to wake her, so they had no choice bit in the end.

Jai felt uneasy with doing this but she really needed to get home and Penelope was a big girl she can get home by yourself..Right?

Once bored on the plane leaving for Australia the soonest Jai sent her deserted friend a text message. Saying sorry and to call her when she work up. She tired her best to explain why they had left her, hoping Penelope would understand.

Sarah assured her everything would be okay but that still didn't ease Jai's mind, until Sarah offered her last sleeping pill to shut her up. Sarah was becoming irritated with her obsessive worrying, she just wanted to get home and book a session with her esthetician. Her face getting dry from back to back drinking.

When they landed back home there was a large commotion near the gates. Tons of people with cameras around their necks wer tons of people with cameras around their necks were waiting and talking to each other very loudly. Making the girls nervous, Sarah asked the exiting stewardess what was going on, the woman shrugged and said. Something about a celebrity being on our flight.

Sarah and Jai looked at each other with shock, the only celebs they knew that was in first class with them was the writer of the Newest Young adult series 'Dragon's Blade' and..them selves.

"Act natural" Sarah whispered her usual thick accent was thicker than usual.

Jai nodded but her head raced with many what if questions. It was nearly 2pm, she knew she missed her fathers campaign TV spot but she didn't think the press would go looking for her. Her public image was squeeky clean, any rumor of wrong doing was always put to rest before it sparked nosey qossip mags.

Many scenarios played in her mind as she looped arms with Sarah. As they got closer, they hoped the press would ignore them and were only here for the writer, yet something in Jai's gut told her otherwise.

Ms. Langston how do you feel about your Father's bank failing ?Do you think it'll go on foreclosure?" A woman reporter stuck a grey microphones in her face.

As if on cue all the reporters did the same, yelling their questions over each other. All hoping Jai or Sarah responded. They each wanted a juicy story to bring to their editors.

"No comment" Jai pushed her way through the crowd of greedy reporters.

When they finally made it the parking lot, Sarah turned to Jai. "What the Frick was that? Did your father get caught with a or something?"

"I'm not sure, I heard a lot of questions about money"

"Oh well I'm sure my dad can get him off, a little embezzlement isn't that bad. Have you dad call mine. I'll see tomorrow at Missy's" Sarah blew Milan style air kisses and gracefully slid into her town car just as Jai's family driver pulled up.

Jai decided she was too stressed, maybe she should go with Sarah to the spa for a facial but she mostly wanted to ask her parents what was going on.

           Nothing seemed out of order at home, no reports parked outside or anything. Jai felt relieved, maybe it was just a internet rumor that got too much attention. Her family were public figures and everyone tries at least a few times to knock them down a peg.

"Mom" Jai called out as she placed her Berlin bag on the table that held her mother's favorite flower. "Dad? Is anyone home?"

A small voice came from the study, her mother was calling her in. As Jai walked pass the cleaning staff they greeted her with a concerned look. Almost if they were taking pity on her. Jai suddenly felt a knot in her stomach.

"Mooom" she practically whined on her way to the study.

Her parents stood up to greet her, Jai noticed another couple sitting across from them. Very sharply dressed, She shrugged it off as business partners.

"Jaid have a seat and meet our friends form college." Her mother said sat down next to father. 

Jai winced at her real name, she hated when she was called Jaid. Jai's sounded so stuck up and snooty.

Jai sat on the only available chair next to her mom, the lady across from her seemed friendly, her smile was warm and pleasant so Jai politely returned her smile.

"We heard so much about you" the woman's husband said nodding.

Jai felt so awkward so she just smiled weakly, hoping her parent's just wanted her to meet them and ask her to leave so they could talk privately. Usually she would just leave but she had a feeling her family and guest would feel insulted so she just sat and waited to be excused. 

These people were probably very important.

As they talked Jai did her best not to look like she was bored, but she was losing her patience with all the boring talk of money and borrowing money. It had nothing to do with her, so she had no idea why she had to be presence.

So she took the pause to drink coffee to excuse herself. "I'm going to get more, I'll be back" she lied.

"Okay sweetie but please come back" her mother smiled sweetly.

Jai looked surprise, why did she have come back for?, surely they could continue without her.

 She took her time making her ginger tea, she figured they would forget she was coming back by time she pooped in to see if they needed her. She'd offer everyone cookies for their coffee like a good daughter.
Jai laugher at that thought. She was hardly any of that.

Her tea was done and she spent enough time pretending to be busy making treats. Jai loaded up the tray with the cookies and her tea and returned to the studies 

At the door she could hear the woman speaking, she was talking about her.

"She seems perfect, we won't have too much trouble teaching her the skills she needs back home"

"I'm so glad, Jaid is a good girl, she always had the best grades. And she can pick up on languages with ease. She taught herself French" Jai's mother spoke as if she was making a sale.

Jai opened the door with tray and politely made her presence known. 

"I can already see her hosting skills are perfected." The woman's husband said with a smile.

Jai giggled like it was expected of her, when she sat down again everyone turned to her.

Her mother put her hand on Jai's shoulder. "Honey we have something important to discuss with you." Her mother paused to look her husband. "Daddy's company, mostly the bank are struggling for a while. The Haung family is going bail is out but we have to um..send you to um live with them and their son. Until we recover."

"That makes no sense, why do I have to live with them. Can't they just bail us out "

"The media knows now and they'll hound all of us to get more information. It gonna be a rough year. We rather you go some where safe until it safe enough to come back"

"Is this because I maxed out my AMEX?"  This had to be a punishment of some kind.

When she was little and she messed up in school her parents would threaten to send her to military or boarding school. Seems like they were making good.

No, Honey were being serious. Please listen to us, we telling you this for your own good"

"Fine" Jai pouted "when do I leave?"

"Next Tuesday" her father answered.He looked relieved, Jai felt like she had failed him. Maybe it was best she got out of her parents hair for a little while they settled their money problems.

"Then it's agreed." The woman sounded excited, her husband opened the leather folder that sat on his lap. He clicked open his pen, setting it on the folder. He slid the folder across the coffee table " sign here and it'll be official. "

Jai watched her parents sign on the dotted line, their business was saved . Jai felt proud of herself for not being a bigger brat then she could of been.

She decided to look on the bright side. She figured it was a win, her family was going to be ruined and she got to travel and party in a different country twice in one month. 

'Besides,' she thought 'how bad could living with a rich family and their son be?'

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One more chapter left!


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CarelessMindless #1
Meridith #2
Chapter 19: Omg I have so many emotions that I literally can't omg omg omg I neeeeeeed an update please
Chapter 15: Also, she don't have to give into any favors to Sehun because he didn't save Tao's life nor did he do anything heroic by posting bail which could have been done by Tao or his friends or family. He probably had Tao arrested anyway. You don't owe him anything.
Chapter 15: jai is one stupid girl stuck on stupid. Sehun is not your friend but the enemy. He just want to stick it Tao. He wants you also. Little girl, time to grow up and act like you got some smarts about you. Sehun is playing u like a fiddle. You don't listen to Tao to stay away from him. Spoiled and dumb princess is more like it. Now u are in a situation that could have been avoided. Characters like this makes me shake my head. I like the story idea but she can be little more smart with some wits about her.
834 streak #5
Good couple of chapters. I don't trust Sehun, can't wait to see what happens with his character. The newlyweds also have some obstacles to overcome.
chanti01234 #6
Chapter 14: Love your story.
this chapter is too short, but still nice.
Meridith #7
Chapter 13: Omg I didn't know this would happen
834 streak #8
Chapter 12: I hope he finally comes clean, it seems like he really cares. Poor Jai should be running for the hills. lol
834 streak #9
Chapter 11: Hmm...what will tomorrow bring? I can't help, but wonder if he wants to rush to get married before Jai finds out the specifics about the accident. I'm surprised that Sehun didn't just tell her about his sister outright.
Chapter 11: I love this story so much! I just read all of the chapters. I can't, I really hope Tao doesn't change his mind by tomorrow, and poor Jai. I'm honestly really enjoying this story.