
You Are My Shining Diamond

Mina basically pulled Soonyoung down the stairs as girls tried to keep up with them. She didn't want to here them asking him why he was walking with her.

She felt someone run past her with a number of girls following him.

"Wait up Jungkook-oppa!!!" "I want to walk with you!!!" "Come back!!"


Thanks to Jungkook, a few of the girls following Soonyoung and Mina broke off to follow him. After a while, The rest of the girls broke off as they saw Jeonghan walk down the stairs. It was just Mina and Soonyoung.

"I'm gonna have to thank Jeonghan hyung and Jungkook later." Soonyoung remarked. "Those girls were killing me."

Mina sighed and let go of him. They slowed down their pace. 'I still don't know how you guys deal with this everyday single day." she said.

"I don't actually know either." he laughed.


He looked down at her leg; It was still bruised up. " did your leg get bruised so badly??" he murmured.

Mina looked down. "Oh that? It was probably from yesterday.."

"But you had bruises on the bus before that happened.." Soonyoung wondered.

Mina sighed again. "Then it was probably from my parents."

"Wait..your parents did this to you?? Like your mom and dad??"


Soonyoung was in awe. He wanted to ask more questions but he couldn't. He was afraid he would hurt her.



At this time, they were walking out the front door and heard chanting



"We need to stop them!!" Mina yelled as she walked faster.

Soonyoung pulled out his phone as they rushed in the direction of the cheers.

"It's coming from the Math Building." he told Mina.

"How'd you know?!" she said as she picked up her pace.

"It's on the school chat room blog thingy." he said as he handed her his phone.


::[There's a fight between a girl and Jaewon!!]

::[She's a scholarship student!]

::[Let her be. We don't need those people here.]


Mina frowned as the page refreshed. More comments from students appeared.


::[Yah! Don't say that. That's rude.]

::{But true.]

::[Omo! BTS is here!!]

::[Jungkook is holding back the girl!!!]

::[The girl is Jungmin!! The one from yesterday!!!]




Jungmin's POV:

As Taeyeong and the other girls were taken away by Jeonghan and that girl was carried by Soonyoung and Jihoon to the clinic, I continued to eat my food. I didn't really care about what was going on. I finished my food and left.

When I got back to my dorm, I changed into running clothes and went on a quick jog before people were done eating so I could avoid them. I've always loved to do any type of physical activity: track, tennis, Taekwondo, Hapkido, anything. I was a small girl so I had to do something to prove I can do other things. After running for an hour, I stopped for a ten minute break. I sat down on a bench near the headmaster's building as a took a big gulp of water. I looked down at my phone and got a text from my brother.

From: Annoying Idiotㅠㅠ

"Where'd you go?? You didn't get into another fight did you??"


I texted back:


"No you idiot. not yet."


"What's that supposed to mean??!"


I didn't answer. Instead, I stood up and got ready to run again. I cooled down enough. I was taking another drink of water when a hand knocked the bottle from my hand onto the ground.

"Aish." I complained I went to go pick it up. I didn't even bother looking at the culprit; It was blatantly obvious. "You're wasting water again, Miyeon."

I felt the girl flinch as I said her name behind her were Taeyeong, Nara, Seona, and Yewon: Taeyeong's group, YG. I picked up my water bottle and screwed the cap on. "What do you want?" I asked.


"Look here little brat, just because I like your cousin, doesn't mean I like you." she gritted.

I sighed. Once my older cousin was forced to be partners with her for their 8th grade school project so she went over to our house everyday, not to work on the project, but to flirt with him; He and I were grossed out about it. I was in 7th grade at the time and after she left out house, I had to do her part of the project for her; He would offer to do it for me, but I'd insist on doing it. Okay, he legally was my brother; His family took me in after my parents died in a car accident when I was in 6th grade, but it felt weird to call him my brother. The day the project was due, I "accidentally" kept her part of the project he turned in his part of it. I had told my teacher I needed to use the bathroom and rushed over to their class to hear:

"Park Miyeon!! Where is your half of the project??"

"I'm..I'm sorry, I forgot it at his house. I'll bring it tomorrow!!"


"It's here." I said as I opened the classroom door and walked over to the teacher. "Hi, I'm his little sister." I said. "Here's the papers."

The teacher smiled at me and said "Thank you-"

I interrupted him and said "That I wrote." and walked out of the class.


She ended up failing the class and had to retake it the next year.

I smiled as I remembered that distant memory. "Do you want me do do your homework or something?? Again??"

"You little!!" she screamed as she lunged for me.

"Too slow!!" I said back and dodged her attack. Before she could do anything else, I punched her in the face and ran toward the other girls with her. There was a crowd gathering but I could recognize the 4 girls. Still holding my water bottle, I kicked the girl's leg, making her fall and wince with pain. "Weak." I laughed. I turned to the other three that were so scared, they ran away.

I put my hands in my pockets and started to walk away when "snap". A rush of pain flow over me as I look down at my arm. It wasn't broken, but a sizable bruise was forming and swelling. I looked up and saw a guy with a broken-in-half stick. "Don't..don't you dare mess with Miyeon, you scholarship student."

'What's wrong with this dude??" I wonder. "And what if I do, Jaewon??"

"How..How do you know my name??" Jaewon stuttered.

"I know everyone's name in this school. and because I'm better than you." I say trying to make him mad. It worked.

He came at me with another stick and received a punch in the face from yours truly. "Don't touch me." I said and walked off.


//End of Flashback//

Narrator's POV:

By the time Mina and Soonyoung got to the scene, it had already ended. Jungkook was still holding the girl so she wouldn't throw another punch. Mina recognized her. "It was the girl from this morning when Seungkwan and I were stopped by that fangirl this morning!!" she thought.


"Excuse me!!" a voice shouted. Mina caught a glimpse of silky brown hair before-

"Ahhhh!!!!!! It's Jeonghan oppa!!!" "Omo!!!"

Jeonghan glanced at the scene. "What happened??" he questioned the two fighters.


"She..She started it!!" the guy shouted as he pointed to the girl.

"Yeah right." she said as she rolled her eyes.

Jungkook tightened his hold on her. "Jungmin."

"What?" Jungmin teased.

"..Never mind."

Jeonghan looked at Jungmin. "Did you start it??"

She squinted at Jeonghan. "If this idiot puts me down, I'll explain what happened."

Jeonghan looked at Jungkook and nodded. He put her down.

Jungmin rubbed her arm. "Damn, Jungkook, you just had to hold my injured arm."


"Now tell." Jeonghan commanded. "Tell the truth."

She sighed. "Basically, I got in a fight with an idiot yesterday and this guy, Jaewon-I think-, is in love with her or something. I don't know. So he hit me for being "rude" to her and I punched him in the face. Today, I was minding my own business and he tackled me and started fighting me again."

Jeonghan looked at Jaewon. "Is this true?" He fidgeted and said "She was bullying Miyeon yesterday and punched her in the face and-"

"Oh, was bullying your beloved, oh I'm sorry she hit me with a water bottle first." Jungmin countered.

"She was bleeding, you weren't." the now fuming boy said.

"Whatever, she can just book an appointment to the plastic surgery center she goes to every two weeks to get liposuction. I'm sure they can make her hideous face into something decent for once." she said.

The crowd's reaction was a mix of laughter and anger.

"What did you say??!?" Jaewon screamed. He sprinted toward Jungmin only to be stabbed in the stomach with her sharp elbow.

"I said Don't touch me!!" she yelled.

"Both of you stop it now!" a pink haired guy stepped into the scene.


"Omo!!!! Is that Namjoon??!?" "It is!!! Rapmon, I love you!!!"


"Aish, you guys are too loud. It's annoying." said a mint colored hair guy. The girls squealed louder: "Yoongi ah~!!"

He rolled his eyes and turned to the two people fighting. "But really, stop it you two."

Jungmin pouted "Yoongi, why you gotta be so mean?" she walked over to him and flicked him.

"This is your first day of high school and you're already getting into fights?!" he asked.

"I-" she started.


"Okay guys!! Get moving, hurry to your next class." Mina turned around and saw Seungcheol breaking up the crowd. "You." he said as he pointed to Jaewon. "You get five demerit points and come in during lunch to write an apology letter. And you." he pointed to Jungmin. "Come write one after school." He said and walked off.

Soonyoung tugged your sleeve. "Let's go." he whispered. And you guys left the scene.




Once you guys entered the math classroom, the bell rang. You quickly found two empty seats near the back end of the stair steps and sat down just before the teacher walked in.



The class nodded.

"Good. My voice isn't really that loud, I just wanted to wake up that sleeping person over there. Tell him to wake up." Heads turned and faced in Mina's direction as Dr. Lee said that. A couple of girls squealed. Mina turned around and saw a sleeping Yoongi behind her.

She tapped his shoulder. "Oi. Wake up." He sat up with an annoyed face. Mina turned back around to face the front.

"Now everyone, I have a box with a couple of index cards with a row and seat number written on it. I'll going to pass this box around and pick out a card and find that seat. That seat will be yours for the rest of the year. As you can see, each row is higher than the other. so if you get the 7th row, you'll have to climb seven steps to reach your spot. Seat 1 is the window seat and Seat 8 is the seat next to the doors. Understood?

He passed the box around until everyone had an index card. "Now find your seats!!"

Mina opened her card; It read: Row 6, Seat 1. "Hoshi, what did you get? she asked.

"Row 3, Seat 9."

"Oh." she showed him her card. "I guess we won't be sitting next to each other then." she pouted.


"Well, see ya after class??"

"Sure."he responded.

Mina grabbed her bag and found her seat: another window seat. "Today must be my lucky day!" she thought cheerfully.


"Do you have some water?" a voice behind her murmured.

Mina looked back and saw a mint green head. "Oh! You're sitting behind me. And yeah I do." She pulled out her white water bottle and handed it to him.

"Hmm. White huh?" Yoongi asked before taking a big gulp of her water.

"Yep. It's my favorite color."

"Mine too." he said. "Here." he handed the water bottle back to Mina.



The classroom became quiet as a short girl with long black hair and a bandaged arm kicked opened the door and walked into the classroom. "Jungmin??! I thought she was just a 1st year." Mina thought.

The silence was broken when Jungmin said to the class "What?! This is my class. Stop staring at me like I'm an alien." People started talking to each other after that and Jungmin walked up to Dr. Lee and explained why she was late.


"Isn't she a first year??" Mina asked Yoongi.

"Ya. But she's really really smart. I mean super smart. I mean, I'm 5 years older than her and I still at math compared to her."

"Wait..You're 5 years older than her??"

"Ya. I started school 2 years late so..I'm 20."





After he handed the tests out, he sat back down at his desk near the giant podium in the middle of the room. Not five minutes later, Mina saw Jungmin get up and hand in her completed test. The class stared at her for the second time as she sat in her seat and pulled out her phone.

Around the 7 minute mark, Mina walked up to turn in her test. She felt death glares being thrown at her as she got back to her seat and pulled out her phone. Another ten minutes passed when Soonyoung and Yoongi both stood up to turn their tests in. About 15 people have turned in their tests by now.

Mina looked down and saw that Soonyoung had texted her.

From: Hoshi>~<

Well aren't you smartㅇ.ㅇ 


She texted back:

Why? You jealous?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


From: Hoshi>~<

lol as if.


To: Hoshi>~<


btw..what was that school blog thing? Can I post things too?


From: Hoshi>~<

Ya hold on, I'll send you a link.


From: Hoshi>~<



To: Hoshi>~<



Mina opened the link which took her to an app. She downloaded and installed it and tapped it open.

It was a pretty neat app. It asked for your school and ID #. Mina typed in Seoul International School of Arts and her ID#: 07176131352615. It then read: 'Do you want to receive notifications when school staff and student council post?' she hit "Yes" and tapped the Go  button and she entered her chat room as Student #7173. The chat room was being updated every 2 seconds. "There are a lot of students here."

::[I'm dying already.]

::[I'm so happy! I'm sitting next to Suga oppa!!]

::[Are you serious?!]

::[You have Yoongi in your class??]

::[Yes!! I'm sitting to the left of him!!]


You laughed in your head. "He has a window seat. he doesn't have a left seat."


::[Yoongi has a window seat. So that means you're sitting outside??]


Someone already typed that: Student #6137 You look down at Jungmin who's smiling at her phone. "Ahh. It was her." Mina thought. She looked back at the chat.

::[Ooh!! Burned!!!]

::[I..I mean..I'm sitting to the right of Yoongi oppa]


Mina looked behind her. There was a guy sitting there working on his test.

::[What oppa? The person sitting next to him is a dude. Just give up.]

::[I mean, unless you're gay, which I'm cool about #LGBTQrights]

She tapped the messages: Student #6137 again. 



::[[email protected] Don't cry XD]


Mina typed a message:

::[@6137 what class do you have right now??]


::[Calc with Dr. Lee. I can see you. Look down @7173]


Mina looked at Jungmin who was staring at her. She gave Mina a little wave.

::[I knew it.] Jungmin typed.


Mina decided to have a little fun.

::[@4061 I'm sitting within reach of Yoongi oppa. You jealous??]


She heard a sneer near the front of the class: Jungmin.


::[No you aren't you liar. I'm not going to follow your lies. You have no proof.] the girl typed.


Jungmin's shoulders shook from trying to hold in her laughter.

::[She is] she typed.


Mina spent the rest of the class period reading the blog and writing messages to people.

Once the bell rang, Dr. Lee told everyone who still wasn't finished to put their tests in the pile on his desk. Mina got up and stretched her back. She saw Soonyoung and Jungmin walking up to her with a knowing look. "We totally trolled that girl didn't we." she said with a smirk. "Yes we did." Mina replied.

"Ohh. So that was you guys??" 

The two girls looked at the drowsy Yoongi still sitting at his desk looking at phone.

"Yep." they both said.


"Mina, are you #7173??" Soonyoung asked as he sat on her desk. He outstretched his hand to shake hands with Yoongi.

"Hoshi, SVT."

"Suga, BTS."

"You guys are weird." Jungmin remarked.

She looked at Mina and said "Hey, could I get your number??"

"Uh, sure?"

"Thanks! It's just that when I meet people that don't piss me off, I want to get their number."

Mina and Jungmin switched their phones and typed in their numbers.

"Quick question." Mina said as she handed the phone back to Jungmin. "Who's Annoying Idiotㅠㅠ in your contacts?"

"Oh that's-" she was cut off.


"Yah!! Minie-ah! Let's go!"

The four of them looked near the door to see Jungkook walking toward them.

"Hey." he said as he got closer to you guys. "You're sleeping girl."

"Hi." Mina replied.

"Wait, you two know each other??" Soonyoung questioned.

"Ya. We have the same homeroom." They said.


"Anyway..That's Annoying Idiotㅠㅠ." Jungmin said as she pointed to Jungkook.

"Hey! I told you to change my contact name!" he complained.

"I did turn it into Annoying Brotherㅠㅠ for a day but that looked too weird."


" two are siblings??" Mina pointed at the two. "You look nothing alike."

"Well ya but we-"


She was interrupted from the ringtone of 5 different phones. They all unlocked their phones to see a student council blog update. It read:


::{Student Council #1: 2016.08.03: BTS and SVT have formed an alliance!!!}



"What??!?" the five of them shouted.










Author's Note: I finally updated!! I really wanted to incorporate BTS in the story so I hope you don't mind!!!

I wrote another fanfic called One of Us. It's about mages and magic and stuff. I hope you'll like it.

And wow! 20 subscribers already!!! Thank you so much!!



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Beatriche #1
Chapter 6: Wow!! It's really good. I don't know if you had give up or somethingh, but I hope you will update more chapters. (Sorry for my bad english)
Yeol177 #2
Chapter 6: Good job :-)
Yeol177 #3
Chapter 4: Update plz it's soooooo good
Chapter 3: This is a great story :) good job!! Concerning the subscriber-only part.....I am currently writing a story also, and I made mine open to the public. It is my first fanfiction and I didn't want to force people to subscribe just to be able to read it. However, when people do subscribe, you know that they actually like it and want to read it.
Chapter 1: OMO!!! So good so far...keep up the hard work authoring!!! Fighting!!!