Are You Okay??

You Are My Shining Diamond



The boy looked up from his phone, a bit annoyed. "What." he plainly answered.


Taeyeong pointed toward Mina. "W..WHY WOULD YOU STAND NEXT TO HER INSTEAD OF ME?!?!?" she -almost- yelled. (there was no way she could get away for yelling at an SVT).

People around her stopped talking around her and looked at the situation. It hadn't been a mere 3 minutes after Soonyoung decided to stand next to Mina. 


Soonyoung asked "What do you mean??"

"WHY WOULD...HOW COULD YOU STAND NEXT TO SUCH A BTCH LIKE HER???!!" Taeyeong spat as she pointed, shakingly, at Mina.

Soonyoung sighed, rubbing his temples said "I told you already. Because. I. Want. To."

Mina almost fainted from embarrassment. She was blushing so hard; Her face was so red, it looked like a tomato.


On the other hand, Soonyoung could see Taeyeong's also tomato head becoming ripe with anger as she screamed "WHAT DOES SHE HAVE THAT I DON'T??!? LOOK AT HER!! SHE'S JUST SOME LOW LIFE POOR THING THAT HAS NOTHING GOOD ABOUT HER. SHE PROBABLY AT EVERYTHING SHE DOES, GETS BAD GRADES, DOES DRUGS, AND STEALS. 

WHILE I HAVE BETTER GRADES, A NICE CAR, A NICE HOUSE, BETTER LOOKS, I'M TALENTED, I DON'T FAIL MATH, AND I'M RICH." she smirked at Mina knowing she could never be compared to someone like her.


Everyone stared at her in awe that she had the nerve to yell at an SVT. They couldn't say anything though because they were all on Taeyeong's side. No way were that going to side with a poor person!


Mina shrunk even lower on the railing full of embarrassment. "This is what happens when I'm poor."she thought "I'll never make friends with her around.." She wasn't type that would cry in public, only alone with no one around. But she could feel tears welling up about to overflow. She said "Get back in there." to the tears and they went away.


She looked up once again and from her point of view, Soonyoung had a poker face on but his eyes looked mad he looked like he could beat the out of Taeyeong right now if Mina didn't stop him.


She tugged on his sleeve. "It's okay" she practically whispered, "You don't have to defend me. I'm used to this.."


Soonyoung looked back at Mina with concerned eyes. He thought "What do you mean by 'used to it'?? What have you been through to-?" He looked down at her badly bruise leg. " Oh my god.." He met eyes with her again and she sent him a "Don't ask right now. Maybe later. Maybe..but not now." look. He smiled while putting his hand on Mina's shoulder then faced the fuming Taeyeong. He opened his mouth to say something but the bus stopped and the doors opened: They were at school.


Soonyoung stayed in the bus with Mina to make sure Taeyeong wouldn't do anything to her. When everyone had left the bus ezcept them, he waved a "See you later?" wave and ran off the bus.


Once Mina left the bus and thanked the bus driver, the bus drove away. Mina turned around and faced the school. It was the biggest school campus she'd ever seen. There were giant tall white buildings everywhere with fountains and sidewalk in between them and many other small buildings in the distance. The white marble four story building in front of her was huge, it was beautiful, it was...just so big. It had a giant banner near the top fo it marked: "Registration!". Flocks of students were heading toward the building's main doors so Mina decided to head in that direction too. Once she squeezed through the main doors, there were students everywhere; It was as crowded as the bus. Then a woman in her 30s or 40s stepped onto this giant podium so everyone could see her. She waited for everyone to stop talking and face the front. Affter she got everyone's attention, she started her speech.


"Welcome to Seoul International School of Arts!!" she said, loudly. "I am Headmaster Jung of SISOA. As the head master of this school, I would like to say Thank You for choosing to apply and go to this school. It really means a lot to us. As you all know, getting into this school is not a small feat. Your parents have paid loads of tuition to get you here so you should be grateful for them!!" students nodded and agreed. "Although most of your parents already own large businesses and corporations, most." Mina's heart dropped as the students around her chuckled. "Your academics are still this school's #1 Priority; You need to have a fit mind to suceed in your parents' companies. 'Great minds think alike.'; If your parents studied hard and went to college to become successful, you must also do that to follow in their footsteps. In return of your hard work, the #1 student in each class will each recieve 10,000,000KRW of spending money. Understood? Good. And remember to wear your uniform everyday to class- no exceptions. But you can wear anything you like when classes end. Got it? Breakfast is at 7, lunch is at noon, and dinner is served at 7:30pm. Well that's all for today but remember. This school is now our school okay? Okay now that I'm done with my speech, you all will find the booth with your name on it and register as an official SISOA student!!" With that, she walked off the podium.


"That was it?" Mina thought "All she talked about was money and all she did was bribe the students to do well with money. I can't believe it."



After Mina registered, the person at the booth told her her dorm building and room number. She wasn't forced to be roomates with anyone, thank goodness, so she felt better about her day when she walked to dorm. 

Luckily her dorm didn't have any sign of Choi Taeyeong or her group which was good but holy, the halls of the dorms were so crowded The headmaster never said anything about dorms so she was confused on why their were guys in a girl dorm building. Then she remembered: The handbook said that guys could be roommates with girls but if anyone reported foul play, the couple could be suspended or expelled. She scrambled across the hall and up the stairs to find her room: Room 526. She took the key she recieved from the lady at the booth and unlocked her room door.


The dorm was so pretty and big, it didn't seem like a dorm but more like an apartment, a big one in fact. Mina took her suitcase, her backpack, and violin and put them in her room. Her room had completely bare white walls with a king sized bed with white sheets, a fluffy matress, and a white headrest. Across from the bed was a ceiling to floor window that would lead to a balcony that overlooked a sunrise. Right beside it was a walk-in closet with frosted glass doors and silver handles. She didn't care to look inside for very long. She didn't have much clothes. But the closet was white with just shelves over shelves over shelves. She slowly closed the frosted glass door and opened the door next to it. It was a huge bathroom with a marble hot tub in one corner and a giant counter on the other with two sinks. It was the most luxuriest bathroom she'd ever been in. Everything about her room seemed perfect.

She spent the rest of the day exploring her new home, setting things up, putting things in the right place, she even set an alarm on her phone to 6:30 for the next school day. SHe walked around her new home. There was a living room with fluffy white sofas, a kitchen with every type of kitchen-y equipment and supplies you could imagine, there was another bedroom, identical to the one Mina was staying in but with no balcony. There was also another bathroom, a room with ceiling to floor mirrors and a mirrored door for dance, and a small recording room. Everything was very white except for the polished tan wood floors in the dance room.

Mina looked at her phone. It read 2:18pm. She'd spent the entire day exploring her dorm, that she forgot to eat lunch. Not that she'd be hungry, she only gets hungry after not eating for 2 days. Habit, I guess. It's not like she could eat anything in front of her parents. She looked back at the empty dance room. ”Maybe I could have a short dance practice." she wondered and went to go change out of her uniform.


After she changed into her dance clothes, she looked in the mirror. It wasn't your typical atheltic wear; When Mina danced, she always danced in street clothes. Right now, she was wearing a loose, baggy white shirt, light blue skinny jeans that were also a little loose, white converse, and had a red, white, and black plaid flannel hanging around her thin waist. She had put her hair up in a high ponytail so her hair wouldn't fly in her face as much while she was dancing. She had put in her little gold studs her aunt gave for her fifth birthday (without her parents knowing of course). She smiled as she remembered that sweet memory. She liked the way they looked on her ear next to her auburn hair. She gave herself a small thumbs up and then went to the dance room.


She closed the door of the dance room and connected her phone to the bluetooth speaker already provided by the school. She had a few songs downloaded from a music app she installed. She tapped on her favorite playlist and started dancing.



"Slip into the diamond life uh~"

"Slip into the diamond life uh~"

"Slip into the diamond life uh, uh, uh everybody get up~"

"Slip in-"



 A voice over the intercom connecting all the dorms interrupted her music saying: "It is time for dinner. Everyone report to the lounge." Mina thought, "How did I miss lunch if they announce for you to go eat?? Did I not hear it?" Mina checked her phone: It was already 7:15! She'd been dancing for nearly 5 hours?! She turned off her music and didn't have time to change out of her sweaty clothes so she ran to her dorm door, took out her hair tie, made sure her hair was presentable, grabbed her keys and went out into the crowded dorm hallway. Everyone had already changed into casual clothing and was headed to the lounge to eat.


The lounge was huge with tables everywhere and couches and chairs scattered around them. "Where am I supposed to sit?!" Mina wondered, she knew no one here and no one knew her. "Oh well, I'll just find a place and eat alone like in junior high." she muttered under her breath. But first, Food.


The cafeteria was like a buffet, you'd wait in line and walk around the platters of food until they were satisfied and then found a place to sit and eat. Mina didn't get much: only a small serving of kimchi fried rice and two slices of kimbap. She then got a bottle of water and looked around to find a place to sit. Choi Taeyeong was no where to be seen, thank goodness, Mina heard people talking about how she and her group of friends get their food first and take it to Taeyeong's dorm room to eat. At least they weren't there.



Mina looked behind her and saw a group of guys walking around the lounge getting their food. "Ohhh. So SVT is a group. That's what they were talking about on the bus." Mina thought. Then she froze. Out of the group, in the very middle was Soonyoung. The guy on the bus. Her face started heating up and she turned back around and focused on looking for a place to eat. "Why did I get so embarrassed?? Why was I so excited to see him??" She couldn't figure out why she reacted that way but didn't really think about it.

She finally found a chair in the corner of the lounge that no one was around so she went and sat down. She'd only taken two bites of her meal when someone went up to her and slapped the plate out of her hand. The plate fell and shattered on the ground. The noise in the lounge died down and Mina could feel stares falling on her. Before she could do anything, she was slapped in the face. Mina winced rubbing her cheek. She looked up to meet the eyes of Choi Taeyeong.



"YAH" she screamed. "DON'T THINK I'D JUST FORGET ABOUT YOU, LOW LIFE!! YOU MADE ME LOOK STUPID IN FRONT OF HOSHI AND YOU'RE GONNA PAY!!!!" She kicked the chair Mina was sitting on and Mina feel to the floor right on the shattered glass. She winced taking in the pain. Her arm started bleeding and she tried to get up, but was kicked by Taeyeong again. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING AN UGLY POOR WIMP!!!" She was repeatedly punched and kicked by Taeyeong and her group. No one moved to help; Everyone just stood there watching.



Luckily, only her arm badly injured before someone ran up to Mina and took a punch for her. The person growled on impact and Taeyeong and her friends gasped and backed up in fear. Mina, still stunned by the sudden beating looked up, her vision was blurry and couldn't make out who the figure was.


"What do you think you're doing to her?!?" the person asked angrily. "Yah!! Answer me!!"


That voice was definitely a man's.

Mina  heard Taeyeong's voice blurt:

"What are you doing here? We're obviously saving this school from it's impurities."




"Because I Want To. Didn't I already say that??"


Another man's voice interrupted Taeyeong saying "Calm down. Calm down. Good. Now All. Of. You. Follow Me." as he pointed at Taeyeong and her group of friends.(she couldn't really tell with her blurry vision).

"But..but." Taeyeong complained as her voice became softer and softer.


Mina could barely sit up and winced when she tried to get up. Her vision was still blurry and she could see a small pool of blood next to her arm. She didn't want to look at her arm afraid of what she would see.


"Are you okay??" the man still guarding her asked in a soft tone. "I mean...I know you aren't really okay but I...well. Never mind." He crounched down eye level with her to help her up.

Mina wasn't sure if she was okay or not. She knew her arm was bleeding but the rest of her body was kind of numb from Taeyeong kicking her. She tried to get up and looked up to see who had saved her.



She caught herself staring into the eyes of Kwon Soonyoung.





Author's Note: The feellss!! I really tried to write another chapter right after the other. I think I'm done for today it's already 2:14am lol. I hoped you like the second chapter!!!

Should I keep the chapters this long or should a shorten them and make multiple chapters?? idk let me know what you think!! Thank youuu:))


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Beatriche #1
Chapter 6: Wow!! It's really good. I don't know if you had give up or somethingh, but I hope you will update more chapters. (Sorry for my bad english)
Yeol177 #2
Chapter 6: Good job :-)
Yeol177 #3
Chapter 4: Update plz it's soooooo good
Chapter 3: This is a great story :) good job!! Concerning the subscriber-only part.....I am currently writing a story also, and I made mine open to the public. It is my first fanfiction and I didn't want to force people to subscribe just to be able to read it. However, when people do subscribe, you know that they actually like it and want to read it.
Chapter 1: OMO!!! So good so far...keep up the hard work authoring!!! Fighting!!!