Sleeping Girl

You Are My Shining Diamond

Mina looked up as she rinse the leftover toothpaste out of her toothbrush. She had a thought stuck in her head while she was brushing her teeth. She couldn't seem to get it out of her head.

She walked back to her room and looked at the clock: 7:17. "I should probably look for my homeroom.." She grabbed her bag and looked at her phone. "2nd floor, Room 211 of the main building. The registration building??" she thought as she walked to the front door.

Mina put her phone back in the water bottle pocket on the side of her backpack as she walked out the door. She locked it and turned around to find Seungkwan leaning against the wall across from her door, waiting for her.

"Hey! You're done!! Are you surprised??" he exclaimed as he walked toward Mina. "Jihoon asked me to walk you to our homeroom's room. Let's go!!"

Mina looked confused. "How did you know where my dorm was it Seungkwan-ssi?" she asked as she followed him.

"Nah, just Seungkwan" he smiled as he walked toward the stairs. "Jihoon told me."



As they walked down the stairs, Seungkwan commented "You're dorm is really empty. I like it."

"Why?" Mina teased. "Don't you love being toppled by girls everywhere you go?"

"Haha that's funny." Seungkwan said sarcastically.


"Hey Mina?" Seungkwan asked a moment later.

"What?" Mina replied.

"When's your birthday?"


"Because..I have a feeling you're older than me. I started school a year early so I'm only 15."

"Woah you're young." Mina commented.

Seungkwan pouted. "My mom wanted me to okay? So when's your birthday?? Mine's January 16, 1998."

"June 17, 1997."

"Ohh...I thought it'd be something like that. Sorry..." he said.


"Because I've been talking informally this entire time..Mina sunbae"

" it's fine. I don't mind." she explained. "You can call me noona it's fine I promise."

"Are you sure??" Seungkwan asked.

Mina nodded.

He smiled. "Ok noona because I don't think I can get used to calling you sunbae."he chuckled.

"Ya me too." she added.



They walked a down more stairs and Seungkwan complained "Why does your room have to be on the 5th floor??"

"You got a problem with it?" she jokingly asked.

"Not really but this is a pain in my muscles." He complained

Mina laughed.



They went down the third flight of stairs when Mina remembered the thought that was stuck in her head. She started "Hey Seungkwan...?"

He turned "Ya?"

"Am I...friends with you guys?"she asked.

Seungkwan looked at her and sarcastically said "No. We aren't friends. Hoshi saved you, you ate breakfast with us, and I'm walking to homeroom partially because I want to and partially because of Jihoon's request so no you aren't friends with us." He laughed "Of course you're friends with us, you silly noona." he smiled.

"You scared me for a second there." Mina chuckled. "Friends, huh?"




They almost got to the exit when: "Seungkwan!!!!" a voice called. Mina looked back, a girl was running up to them.

Mina looked at Seungkwan and he muttered "Walk faster." as he took Mina's hand and held it as he sped up and pulled her along. Mina blushed.

"Seungkwan wait!!!" the girl said and ran in front of the two, stopping them in their tracks. "Is she your girlfriend??" she asked as pointing to Mina. She smirked and said "Aww are you blushing??" Seungkwan looked at Mina: her face was like a tomato again.

"Seungkwannie, you could do better than her." the girl continued, "There are plenty better girls girls than...her." she scoffed. "Like me-"

"Can you guys move??..."

The three turned to see a short girl with her hands in her pockets looking at her feet. She had really long (like down to her ) black hair. She had a simple black backpack with her and glasses that were almost too big on her.

"Sorry.." Mina said quietly realizing the three of them took up all of the hallway.

"Oh. It's you again." the girl flirting with Seungkwan gritted.

Mina and Seungkwan moved out of the way and the girl with glasses walked passed them.

The flirting girl stuck her foot out to trip her but the girl jumped over it. When she jumped, her feet were in the same level as the girl's head and Mina thought she was going to start flying or something but she gently landed about 2 feet away from them and she just kept walking with her hands nonchalantly resting in her pockets. (sorry, my anime-ness was coming out). She took one hand out to push the front door open and Mina saw that her hand was bandaged. She walked out the door and left the three of them watching her.

Mina watched in awe as the girl walked away but Seungkwan took the opportunity to escape the girl who had been bothering them. He started speed walking as he pulled Mina with him and the girl who'd been flirting with him said "Hmph, whatever, Mingyu was always better than you anyway." She flipped her hair and walked off.


Once Mina and Seungkwan were out the front door, he let go of Mina's hand and sighed "Huuhhh..I hate it when girls do that."

"What?" Mina asked.

"That!" He pointed in the direction the girl walked. "They think just guess they're rich, they can say and do whatever they want." He scratched his neck. "I don't get it."

"Me either." Mina laughed.

Seungkwan pulled out his phone. "It's only 7:31?" he questioned. "Thought she flirted with me for at least half an hour. It seemed to never end."

"That means you thought you held my hand for over half an hour." Mina teased.

Seungkwan almost tripped and Mina laughed. "What're you doing??" Mina asked.

"Why're you so mean to me.." He sarcastically said and squinted at Mina as he continued walking.

"Hey," she commented, "I'm not complaining, your hands are pretty soft."

Seungkwan made a gagging noise as Mina held in her laughter.



They walked in comfortable silence until they reached main building.

"It's a miracle that we didn't bump any-" Seungkwan started. He was interrupted by many squeals.

"You were saying?" Mina asked.

Seungkwan sighed. "Let's just go." as he entered the building.

"No Seungkwan wait~~." the group of about 20 girls complained. They started following them up the stairs onto the second floor.


Seungkwan explained to Mina "Each floor represents a year. The first years' homeroom are on the first floor, etc. Our clas-" He was interrupted again by another group of girls coming down from the 3rd floor.


"Oh! Seungkwannie!!" they exclaimed. "How ar-"


"Run." Seungkwan gritted and they ran to one of the classrooms.

"This is our homeroom." He panted and pointed to the sign next to the door: R211.


"OMG Seungkwan?!? You're here so early!" the girls in the classroom screamed.

"This must get very annoying doesn't it?" Mina whispered.

"You're speaking the obvious." He sighed.


"Seungkwan.." the girls asked "Why're you with...her??" they asked while pointing at Mina. Mina could tell they added resenting tone to their voices.

Seungkwan put on his best poker face and shrugged "Someone." he answered as he walked into the classroom. Mina walked in after him and was stared by the guys in her class. "Yo, she cute or what?" "Dude, she that poor scholarship transfer student from yesterday." "So? She's still hot." "Ughh! Gross!" they whispered.

"...umm...Ew?." Mina thought. She did not need to here that. She watched Seungkwan go up to the board. It had a seating chart taped on it. She went up and found her name: Lee Mina (이 민아): a window seat, second from the back. There was another guy sitting in the chair behind hers. There were a couple of girls flirting with him as he tried his best to ignore them. "Great." she said as she walked to her seat. She sat on the other side of Seungkwan. Two guys walked over to her. "Hey, what's your name? Why'd you transfer here?"

Mina just looked at her desk and shrunk down in her chair. They kept bombarding her questions and she kept trying to ignore them. Until they started touching her hair. Anytime anyone touched her hair, they would be pulling it. So by reflex, she immediately bundled her hair to protect it and ducked her head down. "Ooh, someone's sensitive." one of the guys said. "Can you leave??" Mina wondered. "Ughhh..go to your seats for Pete's sake."


"Ahhhh!!!! He's here!!!!"

The boys were interrupted and knocked into by a wave of screaming girls rushing to the classroom door. Mina looked up and saw Mingyu in her direction from the blackboard. Their faces stared turning pale.

"Is Mingyu really that scary??"

Mingyu stared at them and scowled "Move". The boys instantly rushed to their seats and Mingyu sat down at the desk they were sitting on: the one next to Mina's. Girls crowded around him almost immediately and started complimenting him again. "I can't believe you're sitting next to me. It's a dream come true." "Wow Mingyu, you're so fierce and strong and handsome and-"

"Can you move?" Mingyu asked, annoyed. He rested his head on his hand and looked up at the girls. "Please?"

"He's probably having a bad day. Ya that's it."

"Omg!!! I can't believe Kim Mingyu actually talked to me. Omg omg omg ahhh!!!" The girls kept fangirling as they walked away per Mingyu's request and to Seungkwan's desk.

"Oh God." Seungkwan murmured when he saw the wave of girls heading his direction. His seat was on the other side of the classroom- right next to the door and the windows leading to the hall- he looked out it and saw their homeroom teacher walking toward the classroom.


The classroom door slid open and the teacher walked in. She looked at the girls and yelled "SIT DOWN CLASS IS STARTING!!" Mina looked up, surprised. "Woah...our teacher is...great.." she remarked. "Not."

"Okay class listen up!!!" she barked. "I'm Ms. Jung and all of you will address me as Jung-seonsaengnim. Got it!!!?!" She waited for the kids to nod. "Good. I'm one of the sports coaches at this school so pardon my Loud voice okay??! I don't care if I cuss or swear while I'm talking so I'm not about to change a damn thing about it, Do any of you have a problem with that??!" She emphasized 'loud'.

The class shook their heads.

"Okay!! Let's start with introductions starting from you." She pointed at Seungkwan.

He stood up and girls started squealing. "Yah!" Jung-seonsaengnim yelled. "Be quiet!" The clatter stopped.

Seungkwan sighed, scratched the back of his neck and said "My name is Boo Seungkwan, I'm 15, I like to sing and ya..."


The teacher looked at him. "Is that all?" she questioned.

"I mean, pretty much...Seonsaengnim" he answered.


One of the girls yelled "He's also in the really popular group here!!! she squealed. Seungkwan shot her an annoyed look and turned back to the teacher. "Yep. That's it Jung-seonsaengnim"

The teacher sighed. "Fine." She turned to the class and instructed "When you introduce yourself, give your name, age, hobby, favorite subject, and group you're in at school." She looked at Seungkwan again and he replied "My favorite subject is English." he said and sat down.



One by one, each student introduced themselves and told the class what group they were in. Mina's mind was blank. She didn't know literally everyone in her class was in a group. "What do I say?"


"Hi~ my name is Choi Taeyeong-"


Mina looked up. She didn't notice Taeyeong, the girl who beat her up, was in her homeroom. "Oh goodness..This is great." She muttered sarcastically. "How did I not see her when I walked in??"



"I'm 16, turning 17 next week; I like to hang out with my friends from Cheer and I'm part of YG (Young Girls) We love SVT. Oh, and BTS. Call me anytime~~" She said as she looked at Mina "Let's have a good year." she smirked at her and sat down.



Taeyeong looked over at Mina and gave her a death glare. Mina rolled her eyes and put her head down again.


"Mina?? Mina!!? Oi, MINA!!"


Mina looked up and saw everyone looking at her. The boy behind her gave a small laugh and muttered "Sleeping girl."

"It's time for you to introduce yourself." the teacher said. The class chuckled at the fact that Mina fell asleep. She ignored their insults they were whispering and sighed. She stood up and said "I'm Lee Mina, I'm 16, I really like to dance and I'm not in a group."

The students around her asked "How are you not in a group?? Everyone is."

"I'm a transfer student, duh" Mina gritted.


The class stared at her until Jung-seonsaengnim yelled "NEXT!!"

There was only one person left. Mina turned around to see. The boy stood up. "My name is Jeon Jungkook, I just turned 16, I sing, I'm in BTS." His introduction was followed by a wave of squeals. He rolled his eyes and sit down. He looked at Mina who was still looking at him. "What??" he asked in an annoyed tone. "Wha..nothing.." she said as she turned back around.



Jung-seonsaengnim cleared and started "talking" (more like yelling) to the class about clubs, their schedule, their grades, etc.

"Try to be active in clubs and all that stuff to make school fun. Clubs are the best things to join during your free time.We have everything from Acting to Rapping to Math club (no thanks), to Volleyball. All of you best join at least two clubs by next week!!"


"..Your grades are the most important thing to worry about!! I'm a teacher I should know!! Don't just try to get good grades to get the money the school offered!!!! That's not what grades are ing about. Your future relies on your grades. Got it??!?"

"Well that's all I have to say to yo-"


"Yah!! Jeon Jungkook!! Wake up!!" the Jung-seonsaengnim yelled. He looked up and rubbed his eyes. "What?" he groaned.

"Do you even know what I was talking about?!?!" she barked.

"No...I was sleeping." he murmured.

"Clearly!!??" she yelled. Jung-seonsaengnim huffed. "I'm not going to repeat myself so if you missed what I said, then too bad. And I said some damn important stuff when I was talking."

"Anyway," she said as she addressed the class, "That's about it."


Mina felt Jungkook lay his head back down as she continued writing what the teacher said down. She folded the sheet of paper and put it on his desk behind her. "You owe me." she thought as she turned back around and pulled out her phone as it vibrated in her skirt pocket- she got one message.



From: Hoshi >v<

"What's your homeroom??"


Mina smiled and replied:

"R211. ^^"


Her phone buzzed again.


From: Hoshi>v<

"Ok. I'll be there. Just wait for me. You'll know when I'm there."


She put up her phone and sighed. She had just put her head down when the bell rang. She looked up; people were blocking the doorways. "I'm just gonna wait here and-"

"Hey what's this??"

She turned around to find sleepy Jungkook awake.

"Oh, that's-" Her voice was interrupted by squeals


"Soonyoung oppa!!!!!" "Why're you here??!?!?" "Oppa~~~~you're soooo pretty"

"Sorry" Mina apologized. "I have to go. See ya!" She grabbed her bag and waved goodbye to Jungkook before she walked off and disappeared in the crowd.

He unfolded the sheet of paper; It read: "Hey, here are the notes of what Jung-seonsaengnim yelled at us about ㅋㅋㅋ. Hope it's useful! From, Sleeping Girl:P




Mina squeezed through the crowd and finally found Hoshi who was surrounded by squealing girls. "I found you!!" Mina shouted over the commotion as she walked in his direction. Soonyoung saw her and his face brightened. "I knew you could find me!" he shouted as he pushed his way through the girls. "Omg, Hoshi just touched my arm." one of the girls squealed.

Hoshi finally got to Mina and said "Let's go?" She replied "Sure let's-"


"Not so fast!" a girl's voice yelled. Hoshi and Mina turned around and saw Choi Taeyeong stomping over to them.

"Oh God." Mina heard Hoshi say "Ya let's go.." he said as he grabbed her arm and turned around only to see 4 other girls blocking their way: Taeyeong's friends.

Hoshi turned back around and gave Taeyeong an annoyed look. "What do you want."

"What do I want?!" she barked. "I want to know why you're with...with that??!" she pointed at Mina, her finger almost touching her face.

By now, everyone in the hallway was staring at you guys. Mina felt her kept-away-badass personality start to seep through the glare she was shooting at Taeyeong.

Hoshi realized Mina looked dangerous so he interrupted the brief pause, sighed as he scratched his neck and said "You know, if you keep asking me dumb questions we all know the answer to, I'm just gonna walk away." to Taeyeong.

Taeyeong's mouth dropped and Mina grinned a sly grin. Taeyeong was fuming again and she spat "Wh-What do you mean dumb!!! She's dumber than me!!! At least I don't sleep in class. How are my questions dumb??!"

Hoshi sighed and Mina opened to retort but Hoshi gave her a look so she would stay quiet. She did. He turned back to Taeyeong "It's stupid because you already know the answer. I told you the answer to every question you've asked me this year!!" He was getting irritated.

"Wh-What's the answer??!?"

Hoshi grunted. He looked down at Mina, she looked pissed.

"Because he wants to." "Because I want to." They said at the same time.

Mina had enough. Usually, she'd wait for it to blow over but she had a thought "I don't have to always have a fake personality anymore." To be honest, all the times she'd ever cried in her room or anywhere was to alleviate some pressure. She would and could throw things and start shouting profanities but she always chose crying because it didn't really break anything but her. And she didn't need two things broken.

She had enough of Taeyeong so she pulled Soonyoung through Taeyeong's friends' wall, muttered a "Let's go.", turned back to Taeyeong and smirked as they walked down the steps.














Author's Note: Hiiiii!!! Sorry for the late update, I'm not the free-est person in the world. I still don't know when the next chapter will come out but I promise it will sometime lol.

I added Jungkook in here!!!!!!!!! I'm starting to have more BTS scenes now!!

I only made subtle hints about Mina's badass personality in the beginning of the story so I hope this chapter doesn't hit you like a brick.

I'm still thinking about making another fanfic when I have the time but I still don't know.

Tell me what you think about this chapter!! I tried to make it longer to make up for the time you guys had to wait!! Byyeeeee.



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Beatriche #1
Chapter 6: Wow!! It's really good. I don't know if you had give up or somethingh, but I hope you will update more chapters. (Sorry for my bad english)
Yeol177 #2
Chapter 6: Good job :-)
Yeol177 #3
Chapter 4: Update plz it's soooooo good
Chapter 3: This is a great story :) good job!! Concerning the subscriber-only part.....I am currently writing a story also, and I made mine open to the public. It is my first fanfiction and I didn't want to force people to subscribe just to be able to read it. However, when people do subscribe, you know that they actually like it and want to read it.
Chapter 1: OMO!!! So good so far...keep up the hard work authoring!!! Fighting!!!