
You Are My Shining Diamond

Lee Mina woke up in a not-so-good mood. Why? you ask. The first thing she felt when she woke up was her mom pulling her hair yelling "Wake up you useless thing or you'll be late!!!". Her mom proceeded to let go of her hair when she saw her eyes open in fear, smirk, and storm out of her room. "What a great way to wake up on the first day of school" Mina sarcastically thought and rolled out of bed. She looked out her window: the sun wasn't even out; She looked back at her clock that read 5:30, registration starts at 8:00. "This is ridiculous" she thought and entered the bathroom for a quick shower. Once she got out of the shower, she looked in the mirror. "How the hell am I supposed to go to school like this?!" she practically screamed in her head. You could see bruises on her arms and legs from her drunk mom beating the out of her yesterday.



"Yah Mina!!!" her mom yelled, "Do you have any money?!??? I'm going out!!

She barged in her room knocking her backpack with tomorrow's school supplies in it down.

"YAH Lee Mina!!" 

She was at her desk organizing her notebooks.

"No I don't mother." Mina gritted.


"I...I used all of it."


She searched her room and found her wallet under your bed and opened it.

"YOU FCKING LIAR!!!" she hollered as she pushed Mina out of her chair. "THE 10,000WON IS STILL IN HERE!!!"

She then shoved all the things Mina was organizing off of her desk.

Mina just stood there in shock.


She grabbed Mina, hurled her against her bedpost. Mina screamed and she was repeatedly kicked and punched by her already drunk mom.

"YOU STUPID IDIOT!!" she screamed before kicking Mina in the head one last time and walking out her now messy room.

After she heard her front door slam, Mina burst into tears.

"I hate you.." she gritted and made a fist.

//End of Flashback//



"Screw it." she muttered as she dried her hair. She looked at it. "Why is my hair like this??" she wondered. Having silver blue streaks in her already weird colored dark auburn hair was definitely not normal and it was definitely not hereditary with her parent's jet black "normal colored" hair.


"Whatever." she thought and stepped on her scale. It read "49.3kg". Mina sighed. She lost weight again. Why was she suprised? The only thing she ate last week was cup ramen for dinner at their local convenient store. There was no way her parents would ever let them eat at the same table as them. Mina didn't understand why but she never asked- too afraid of make them mad.


Mina walked back to her room and opened her closet. She took out her uniform and looked at it. It was an average preppy school uniform: dark blue blazer with a white-ish cream-ish colored collared shirt with a dark red tie. The skirt was just a plain dark blue skirt with a thick white line near the bottom. They even provided shoes: plain dark brown leather casual shoes. She looked at the tag. She sighed. It read "XXS Girls Uniform". She's too skinny, having barely enough fat to aviod looking like a walking skeleton. Mina put the uniform on; Her first reaction was: "It has pockets!". She looked in her mirror. Her legs were all muscle and bone (the muscle coming from cross country). Some of her bruises were covered by her long sleeved blazer. Other than that, she found her right calf to be a nice shade of purple, brown, and black. "Great" she muttered in her teeth. She didn't put on any makeup because well, she didn't like to wear makeup, let alone own any. She brushed her wavy damp hair with her comb (not like she had a hairbrush because her mom wouldn't "pamper" her like that) and looked back at her mirror. "Good." she managed to say and looked back at her clock: "6:02". "Whatever" she mummured and grabbed her bag. Not that she needed to go this early but she didn't want to let her parents have an opportunity to yell at her.


She grabbed her phone that was hiding under her bed. Her only friend, Min Soyeon, gave Mina the iPhone 6 to her as a birthday present saying, "Here. Happy birthday. Don't worry, I convinced my parents to pay for the phone bill so you don't have to worry about it. They don't know your situation and no, I didn't tell them so relax. I don't know why you won't ask for help but I won't bother you about it." she smiled. "Just..if you need any help, feel free to call. I put mine and my parents' phone numbers in here if anything happens okay?" Mina couldn't help but cry and Soyeon pulled her into a hug.


"Why couldn't Soyeon have gone to my school??" Mina thought longingly. Her friend was back in Daegu but she promised to visit Mina as soon as possible. Mina missed her so much and even though she had moved, Soyeon's parents were kind enough to keep paying her monthly phone bill without complaining. She smiled a sad smile "If only my parents were half as nice and giving as hers." she thought. She put her phone in her skirt pocket. The top of the phone was barely visible. "Good." she thought; At least her parents wouldn't be able to see it.



She cracked open her door and peaked out. No one. She walked out in full uniform into the kitchen. No one. That's odd. "Oh well. At least they can't murder me now." Mina thought and walked out the front door. Their driveway was empty. "Maybe they left for a meeting.." she thought and walked to the bus stop down the block. "Let's hope I have a good day at school.." Mina thought doubtfully.


The bus was a privately owned by the school so there were students already there. The school had one bus per stop and also had a late bus rolling around at around 7:30. When the bus came, the students pushed and shoved each other to get on. By the time she got on, there were no more seats left and people were standing, holding onto the railing and the handles dangling in the air. Mina squeezed her way through the crowds of people and found an open railing with no one holding it. "It's mine." she gritted and reached for it. Once she got to it, the bus started moving. Mina could hear the students around her gossiping and having a good time while she was stuck holding a rail with everyone ignoring her.



"Did you here about SVT?? Apparently, they recruited a new member. A 1st year."

"Are you serious?? Is he cute?"

"Of course he's cute, why else would they recruit him?? His name is Lee Chan. I need to become friends with him to be close to Soonyoung."

"Then you'll be his noona since you're a 2nd year!"

*squeal squeal squeal*



Mina couldn't help but eavesdrop on the group of girl's conversation. "Who are they talking about?" she wondered, "Who's SVT? Who's Soonyoung??" The bus suddenly stopped and squeals and yelling echoed off the bus walls. Mina lost her grip and landed on the girl who was gossiping earlier.


"What the hell do you think you're doing?!?!the girl screamed.

"I...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..I'm sorry.." Mina said, trying to calm her down.


"What? No!!" Mina countered.

People around her gasped. "I can't believe she talked back to Taeyeong like that" "Does she not know who she is??"

Mina looked around, people staring and judging her. She just moved here, how the hell would she know who she was!?

"Yah" Taeyeong barked. "Really don't know who Choi Taeyeong is??!??!"

Mina shook her head.


"I..I" Mina stuttered

"Look!!" one of the other girls gossiping yelled, "Her bag isn't even designer!!! She's a poor ghetto person!!!!" Everyone in the bus started laughing hysterically. "It's almost worn out!!". They laughed. "You must be on a schalorship aren't you, you sick poor person!!!" they chorused. "There there, don't cry. Your tears are too cheap!!!!"

Mina started blushing because it was true. Her tears were cheap just like her dad said they were. She was on the verge of crying.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!!" Taeyeong screamed as the bus started moving again.



The bus suddenly stopped again. This time, the bus driver started shouting profanities out the window. The bus was dead silent for a few moments until the door opened and in came a boy. He had bleached blonde/white hair with his black roots showing and wore the same uniform everyone else was wearing. He was sweating and was bowing over and over again to the bus driver while the driver was yelling at him for running in front of the bus. The boy said he wouldn't do it ever again until the bus driver let him go and waited for him to find a place to sit. Mina noticed many girls blushed and even offered him to sit where they were sitting. but he said a soft "No" and the girls started squealing and saying "Omg he replied to you!!!! His voice is so dreamy!!" The boy continued to struggle to maneuver around the now squealing girls. He was halfway across the bus when he saw the railing Mina was holding onto was empty with space he smiled. As he got closer, he noticed 1) no one was standing with her. She was all alone. 2) that he's never seen her and she didn't look like a freshman. and 3) her legs were covered in bruises."What happened." he thought "I'll ask her when we get off this crowded bus." Mina stopped watching the boy and looked down. "He'll just pass by me with eyes full of judgement. Like everyone else." She sighed.


"Excuse me."


Mina looked up. It was the boy. He was right in front of her. They made eye contact; His dark brown eyes were so pretty and deep- not a trace of judgement. They were genuine. They matched perfectly with his hair and uniform. They stared at each other for a couple more seconds and she started to blush. Everyone was looking at her and staring at them. The boy realized that and cleared his throat.




"I was wondering if I could stand here.." he said.


People gasped. Mina heard Taeyeong say "Soonyoung oppa, you don't need to stand next to that low life. She's on a scholarship; She's poor. You shouldn't stand next to her. Instead, you should sit next to me" she said and smirked while pushing a girl out of the seat next to her. She patted down on the seat. "It's open." she smiled.


Mina looked down blushing knowing the boy now knows her secret and wouldn't want to stand anywhere near her. She didn't dare look up.


Soonyoung looked at her then at Taeyeong then back at her. He huffed and said to Taeyeong "It's fine I'll just stand next to her." while pointing at Mina. Mina looked up, shocked as she watched Soonyoung walking toward her. "You don't have to stand by me if you don't want to." she muttered. Soonyoung just looked at her and said after a moment "It's okay." he said with a soft smile. He continued to walk toward her and heard Taeyeong yell "W...Why would you stand there when I have an empty seat right next to me?!?" She turned to the girl she pushed out of the seat and glared at her. "RIGHT?!?!!" The girl jumped and nodded her head over and over again, flustered.


Taeyeong turned back to Soonyoung "See, even she agrees you should let yourself become filthy standing next to some poor girl over there." she said sweetly. "Come. Sit next to Choi Taeyeong. Why would you want stand next to some worthless thing like her?? Think about it." Soonyoung looked at Mina then at Taeyeong. He sighed. He calmly said with a stern look on his face "I want to stand next to her..." he smiled back at Mina.






"Because I want to."



Author's Note:

Hi readers!!!! I'm writing my first fanfic ever!!! I'm just gonna warn you that I don't have a set schedule to update- Just letting you know. Btw if you don't want me using profanities in the story just let me know and I'll minimize it the best I can.

Make sure to leave comments about what you think and you can give suggestions too!! (I'm sorry I'm not usually near this hyper).

okay bye!


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Beatriche #1
Chapter 6: Wow!! It's really good. I don't know if you had give up or somethingh, but I hope you will update more chapters. (Sorry for my bad english)
Yeol177 #2
Chapter 6: Good job :-)
Yeol177 #3
Chapter 4: Update plz it's soooooo good
Chapter 3: This is a great story :) good job!! Concerning the subscriber-only part.....I am currently writing a story also, and I made mine open to the public. It is my first fanfiction and I didn't want to force people to subscribe just to be able to read it. However, when people do subscribe, you know that they actually like it and want to read it.
Chapter 1: OMO!!! So good so far...keep up the hard work authoring!!! Fighting!!!