
You Are My Shining Diamond

Soonyoung's POV:




just put down my food when I heard glass breaking. I looked up, curious, wondering if someone broke another vase or something.


"What the hell is going on??" Jihoon whispered. He stood up. "I can't see anything over these people standing around me."

"Here. Let me look." I offered and stood up on the chair I was about to sit in.



I looked over to the scene and saw the top of a girl's head looking down at someone. The girl then kicked someone in front of her and a thud was heard.

"Made her look stupid??" I thought "When..." He stopped his thoughts in horror.


The girl (which I now know is Taeyeong) kept kicking the person in front of her.


"Jeonghan..." I turned back and he was already walking away "Ya. It's that girl."



After I ran off the bus, I walked around school campus looking for my fellow SVT members. I couldn't see any of them until I heard:


"OMG Jeonghan!!!" "Your hair is so beautiful!!!!" "I hope we can be in the same classes!!!!!!"


"JEONGHAN!!" Soonyoung waved while running up to the senior.

"Hoshi!!" Jeonghan yelled and ran up to him and pulled him into a friendly hug "How was your summer??"


By now, girls were practically fainting "I wish Jeonghan could hug me too!!"


"Hyung, you saw me yesterday..."

"Oh ya oops." Jeonghan grinned "How's your day been??"

"It was okay...well this morning, I missed the bus, almost got run over, got in an argument with this girl on the bus, and now I'm here so ya, what a great day I've had." he looked at his watch "And it's only 10:10. More bad things are bound to happen. I'm having an unlucky day."

"Wait, our little Hoshi got in a fight!?" Jeonghan questioned "How?? With who??"

"It wasn't technically a fight. I don't call it a fight if it doesn't involve this." he holds up a fist. "It was just a petty argument with this one girl. Oh, her!" he said while pointing at Taeyeong.

"Wait, you got in a fight with Taeyeong?? What'd she do? You never get in fights unless it's with a guy." Jeonghan asked.

"Oh that's her name. And it wasn't a fight, just an argument."

"You don't know her name? I know it because I'm part of the student council but I thought she was in your math class last year."

"Didn't care enough to remember" Soonyoung shrugged.

Jeonghan sighed "And?"


"How'd you get in an argument this early. As student council vice president, I want to know."

Hoshi sighed "That girl, Taeyeong, was bullying this one girl for 'attempting to steal her Gucci purse'. Turns out the girl was a scholarship student and she started making fun of her for it." he sighed again. "Then I got on the bus and stood next to 'thief girl' and apparently made things worse but I..there.." he trailed off.

"What??" Jeonghan asked.

"The girl...she said something like she was 'used to' getting bullied and their were bruises all over her legs and I don't know..."

Jeonghan looked at Hoshi "You worry for her don't you~" he said with a playful smile.

"Shut up" Hoshi grinned "I just don't like seeing people get hurt."

"Uh huh..sure.." he elbowed Hoshi. "No need to lie."

"Whatever. Just if something happens to her again, I need to help her because I need to ask her a few questions." he said while walking toward the registration building.

//End of Flashback//


I looked back at my group that have already stood up and started following Jeonghan. I ran through the crowd.

When I reached the scene, I saw Taeyeong and her group of friends hovering over the girl on the bus. They had been kicking and hitting her. The girl's arm was bleeding and her leg was cut. It was horrific. I wondered why people were just watching. As Taeyeong prepared to throw another punch, adrenaline kicked in and I ran out in front of the girl, back facing Taeyeong and felt the air get knocked out of my lungs forcing a low growl to escape my mouth. 

Taeyeong and her friends backed up realizing what had happened. My eyes met her scared ones as I stepped in front of 'thief girl'.



"What do you think you're doing to her?!?" I asked angrily. The punches really hurt. How did thief girl do it??. "Yah!! Answer me!!"


Taeyeong was flustered. She tried to act smug and smirked then said "What are you doing here? We're obviously saving this school from it's impurities." in a matter-of-fact voice.

I could feel blood rush to my head. "Calm down Soonyoung. Calm down." I tried to keep a poker face on, trying to not let her get the best of me when I saw her and her friends giggling.

That was the last straw.



"Because I Want To. Didn't I already say that??"


Taeyeong's ringing voice was interrupted when Jeonghan stepped in front of the saying "Calm down. Calm down. Good. Now All. Of. You. Follow Me." as he pointed at Taeyeong and her group of friends.

"But..but." Taeyeong complained as she followed Jeonghan out of the lounge.


I looked back at the girl right behind me to  see her trying to get up. I turned to help her.

"Are you okay??" I asked in a worried tone. I didn't know what to say. "I mean...I know you aren't really okay but I...well. Never mind." I kneeled down to help her up and lifted her okay arm and put my arm behind her back for support.

She looked up and we made eye contact again for a few seconds before her body suddenly slumped down and she almost fell out of my arms.


"Yah. YAH. YAH!!!!"





 Narrator's POV:

Mina woke up in what she guess was a nurse's clinic. There was a curtain dividing her bed and others. When she tried to sit up, she found no strength in her arms and she fell back onto the bed she was laying on. She looked at her arm; It was neatly bandaged and wrapped. She winced and looked out the window next to her bed; It was dark. "How long have I been out for??" she wondered. She recalled what had happened to her.


"Who's Hoshi?? When did I...oh never mind." she murmured 

She closed her eyes.

"What do you think you're doing to her?!?" "Are you okay??"


"Kwon Soonyoung huh?" she thought. "You're the first person to stand up for me. Ever." She smiled.


She saw a silhouette of someone behind the curtain. No. Two people.


"I think she's awake." said the taller person.

"Should we check on her?" asked the other.


The curtain opened and in came walking Soonyoung and another guy with pink hair. "What's up with people dyeing their hair?? Do they know how uncomfortable it is to have hair that's basically permanently dyed??"


"Look like thief girl's awake." Soonyoung said with a grin on his face. "How are you feeling?"

"Who are you calling thief girl??" Mina blurted.

The pink boy sighed. "Well, you are the only girl in here." he replied. "Oww.."


Soonyoung elbowed him and walked over to Mina. He helped her sit up. He look the chair next to the bed, pulled it, and sat in the seat. He looked at her.


"Now explain." he demanded.

"What is there to explain??" Mina questioned. "I got my food, found a chair, was about to eat it before Taeyeong came and beat the living out of me."

"No. I mean how did you get Taeyeong to hate you so much." Soonyoung asked "I know she's snobby and can be rude, actually very, but she usually doesn't take the effort to target a specific person."

"Well..." Mina said. "She said I was a useless poor"

The pink haired boy sighed again. "She always calls people that but she still doesn't find the time to target them." He walked over to the bed and pointed at it. "Can I sit here?"

Mina nodded and he sat.

"Hey! Why do you get to sit there and I have to sit on this hard wooden chair??" Soonyoung complained.

The pink boy slyly smiled and replied "Because I asked and my legs were getting tired from standing."

"Yah Jihoon!" Soonyoung barked.

Jihoon shrugged and turned back to Mina. "So why is she targeting you??"

Mina thought about it. "YOU MADE ME LOOK STUPID IN FRONT OF HOSHI AND YOU'RE GONNA PAY!!!!" She looked up. "Who's Hoshi??"


There was a pause.

Jihoon burst out laughing "HAhahahahah Ow!!" he started rubbing his arm.

Soonyoung had elbowed Jihoon again and said "Hoshi is my nickname.."

"Ohhhh. That makes sense." Mina commented.

"Wait..Did she get mad at you because of me?" Soonyoung asked, worried.

"I mean...Ya did cause a scene on the bus this morning..." she muttered.

"Wait..what happened on the bus??" Jihoon asked.

Soonyoung turned to look at Jihoon and said "I don't know..go ask Jeonghan." with a smile.

"Hyung..just tell me..please~."

"Maybe later." Soonyoung said and turned back to Mina.

"So it's my fault that Taeyeong almost killed you."

"No I well...ya..Pretty much." Mina admitted


Soonyoung sighed "I'm...sorry." he softly said.

"Huh?" Mina looked flustered "No..It's okay!! Your fine!! I'm used to it....already..anyway..." Mina's voice trailed off and the room became silent once again.



"If..if you don't mind..can..Can I ask you why you're used to this." Soonyoung said in a worried tone and directed his gaze toward her wrapped up arm.

"I..well..I haven't had...umm..Let's just say my life isn't the best.." Mina quietly said.

"Don't your parents care about what happens to you at school?!" Soonyoung questioned.

Mina just smiled a sad smile and adverted her gaze to the window. There was nothing she could say. A single tear rolled down her cheek but she quickly wiped it with her good hand hoping the two now concerned boys didn't notice.


They did.

They looked at each other, then at her, then at each other. They speechless. They didn't know what to say.


"I..I'm-" Soonyoung started when the nurse came to check on her. When see saw she was awake and well, she said " Well now that you're awake, you can either stay in here and have me check on you every so often or go back to your dorm and sleep."

Mina replied "Thank you, I'll go back to my dorm."

"Okay but make sure water doesn't get on the bandages or your cuts may get infected." The nurse handed her a roll of bandage wrap. "Make sure you change your bandages every other day starting from tomorrow. So you'll change today's bandages tomorrow but from there, every other day. Okay?"

Mina nodded.

"Okay and if you have a roommate, feel free to ask them to help you wrap your arm. Oh! One last thing." She reached inside her pocket and pulled out a small container. "This is ointment. It'll help your wounds heal faster. Make sure you wash your arm to wash off the ointment every time you take switch your bandages and reapply the cream." She looked down at her watch. "Once you get back to your dorm, go right to sleep okay? It's already 10:04pm!! Make sure you sleep well because tomorrow will be the first day of school.Take care!"

And with that, the nurse walked out of the room.


"Do you need help getting up??" Jihoon asked.

"No I think I'm fine." Mina said while slowly getting out of the bed. She looked down at her leg and frowned. Her jeans had been rolled up to expose her right leg it was covered in bruises. She tried to stand but almost fell. "Ahh-"

Soonyoung noticed she was having difficulties so he grabbed her good arm to keep her from falling. "What're you talking about? You can even walk." he commented.


Mina pouted as the two boys pulled her up. "She's awfully light.." they thought.Soonyoung let Mina drape her good arm over his shoulder while Jihoon held the bandages, ointment, and her dorm keys for her.

When they got up the stairs in her dorm building and got to her front door, they asked if she needed help getting inside. She said a soft "No. Thank you." and unlocked her door. Before she could close say good bye to them, Jihoon blurted "If you don't mind, could you tell us your name? I never seemed to catch it.."


Mina smiled and said "My name is Lee Mina." and closed her door.



After that, she clumsy walked to her bedroom, slowly took off her dance clothes, and put on her pajamas: a giant t-shirt. She smiled, stumbled to the bathroom to brush her teeth, brush her hair, etc. She then walked out to her bed and flopped down on it.

The last thing she remembered seeing was her clock reading 10:22pm before she passed out.



Back in Soonyoung and Jihoon's dorm, they sat down in the living room in silence. They couldn't get over the sight on Mina crying.

Jihoon looked at Soonyoung's completely mortified face and quietly choked out "You really do care about her do you?" When Soonyoung didn't answer, Jihoon sighed and said "When you come to, freshen up and go to bed. You have school tomorrow. And aren't you going on a run with Dino tomorrow morning?" Still no answer. Jihoon then got up and went to his room.



Soonyoung sat there for a couple more minutes after Jihoon left. His emotions were so mixed. He was mad at Taeyeong and Mina's parents for making her suffer; He was sad for Mina because of her situation; He was excited for the first day of school and he was also tired and needed to go to bed. Then he got up and went to his room.





While he was taking his shower, he only had one thing on his mind: Mina. He didn't know why but he just kept thinking about how horrible it must be to go through all that so much to get used to it.

Before he went to bed, he already made up his mind. He vowed:




"No matter what happens to Lee Mina, I, Kwon Soonyoung, will protect her by all means necessary." He smiled a little before crawling into his covers and closing his eyes. "I promise."










Author's Note: This was so hard to write...I was cringing the entire time omg what's wrong with me. I hoped you guys liked it though.

Just wondering..should I make this subscribers only or should I keep it open to the public?? I've seen a lot of other authors put subscribers and members only on their story but idk.. Let me know in the comments ok???



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Beatriche #1
Chapter 6: Wow!! It's really good. I don't know if you had give up or somethingh, but I hope you will update more chapters. (Sorry for my bad english)
Yeol177 #2
Chapter 6: Good job :-)
Yeol177 #3
Chapter 4: Update plz it's soooooo good
Chapter 3: This is a great story :) good job!! Concerning the subscriber-only part.....I am currently writing a story also, and I made mine open to the public. It is my first fanfiction and I didn't want to force people to subscribe just to be able to read it. However, when people do subscribe, you know that they actually like it and want to read it.
Chapter 1: OMO!!! So good so far...keep up the hard work authoring!!! Fighting!!!