The Gang

I Missed You
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She tapped the bed for a few times, looking for a figure that used to lay on it. Dara slowly opened her eyes when she couldn't find what she looked for.

She sighed.

The figure of her boyfriend wasn't there and the running water couldn't be heard means Jiyong went out for something. However, the sound she heard from the kitchen calmed her a bit. Even though she knew it was Suhyun since Jiyong almost didn't cook-he can't, at least there was someone at the penthouse.

"Suhyunnie," she called with her barely opened eyes. But that wasn't the figure of a young girl she met at the kitchen.

That person turned his head with a smile painted on his face. He held a knife and carrots laid just below him, with his other hand holding a ladle. The smell of soup met Dara's nose.

"Wh.." the surprise made Dara completely woke up, "what are you doing here? Where's Jiyong?"

"Ah! Him. He's busy right now," the smile he gave was the same smile Dara saw two years ago when she safely crossed the road, "anyway! Good morning,"

Actually she was the type of person who easily trust people, moreover if that person smiling sincerely at her. But that wasn't the case here. She couldn't easily trust him right now. Not because she never met him again these whole two years, but Jiyong never likes him. Not once. Not a second. She deserves to know the reason why Jiyong hates him so much but she never asked.

It happened after Jiyong confessed to her. Donghae abruptly came to her parents' house. He got mad immediately when he knew Dara slept at Jiyong's. It wasn't normal. She just knew him for a day but he dared to throw things at her parents' house. It was definitely not normal.

So she talked to her mother to move. One of the reason why she never met him again, yet now.

"Jiyong sent you here?" She asked still standing feeling insecure.

"Yes, he wants me to cook you something,"

"Yeah? I thought he knows that I like Suhyun's cuisines more than anyone besides eomma," she stepped back when she realized that Donghae stopped cutting carrots.

The atmosphere suddenly changed into darker, she realized that Jiyong only has three cards for this place. The cards which allowed elevator users to reach this place. One with Jiyong, one with her, and the last one with Suhyun.

"How did you get in?"

"Are you not believing me that Jiyong sent me here?" He chuckled and that was pretty creepy, "our last meeting two years ago seems less exciting, should I clear it up?"

The knife in his hand made Dara wasn't at her best shape. She was trembling at the thought of the knife touching her skin, torturing her.

"You are cute with that big sized pajamas," he smiled. But not a smile he painted on his face a while ago, it was somehow intimidating, "I bet you 'did' something last night with him?"

He stepped forward. Obviously towards her.

"Your messy hair said it all,"

He stepped again.

"I didn't," she replied, also stepping back.

"No? Good girl,"

He stepped again.

"Want one?"

That was it. Dara ran towards her shared room when she sensed Donghae's wild stare. She rushly locked the door leaving Donghae banging on the door.

"Open the door, Dara!" He shouted like an animal. Wild.

She squatted at the other side of the bed, covering her ears. She couldn't call Jiyong nor the police since she left her cellphone in the living room. She couldn't jump from the window since Jiyong's place was in the highest floor.

She couldn't runaway.

"Open. The. Door!" He shouted between the bangs.

"I swear if you didn't open it, I will go to Jiyong!"


"Open the door!"

She sobbed.

She cried.

She just saw a wild side of the person she just met two years ago.

Now she knew why Jiyong never let her meet him again.


Please Jiyong please.. she whispered between sobs.

The bangs were louder making the wooden door was no longer so strong as before.

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Chapter 5: I want more
Chapter 4: Hmm. I'm a bit confused :D Anyways, welcome back authornim. Hope you keep on updating and update soon ^^
Chapter 3: Please double update
Chapter 2: Omg.... very romantic