A Night To Remember

I Missed You
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She was standing after a huge aquarium looking at some fish. But there was only one tiny clown fish that caught her eyes ever since she reached the place. Her eyes followed whenever it swam -and it often hid.

"Thankyou thankyou thankyou!" She smooched my cheeks with a transparent box in her hands. I smiled. She liked it.

A week ago she lost her one and only clown fish pet after her maid feed it wrong. She wasn't mad at her -she couldn't get mad to people easily actually. But it was almost two days of lack of sleep for her, she was crying until there was no tear left.

And today is her birthday.

Spending my whole childhood with her, even until now, making me know her all to well. She doesn't like too many flowers like other girls ever wanted from their lovers, she doesn't like big surprises as it'll be boring in the end -she said, she doesn't like to be the center of attention.

So this was the best simple thing that I think I could make her feel blissful.

"Don't think too much about your pride. The more you wait for nothing important, the more you'll lose your bound," Youngbae warned me before I picked her up this afternoon.

Do I really care about my pride? I do said it to Youngbae before but somehow there was something more awful than losing my pride if she doesn't like me back. But what is that?

"Feel better?" I ruffled her hair pulling her head lightly to my shoulder, making her completely leaned on me as we were sitting on a bench in front of an ice cream shop. Her clown fish was swimming back and forth inside a transparet box she was holding. She looked like a little girl I used to know somehow.

She nodded making my shoulder a bit tickled by her brown wavy hair.

"Are you still mad?"

This afternoon when I picked her up, I saw her talking with the same black coat guy from last night. And even when I walked out from my car with frown, he still dared to introduce himself. He managed to hand me his right hand for me to shake, Lee Donghae.

She lifted her head a bit to face me, her lips almost touched my chin.

"No," I smiled with nonchalance almost looked like smirking, "but there is no more excuse, Dara-ah. I don't like him from the first meeting and you know what's that mean,"

Curls appeared on her lips, "okay,"

It was the most precious three hours in every valentine I've ever been through. Eventhough my plan didn't work completely, as I was about to confess besides buying her a fish. But spending her birthday -which also valentine's day, was actually amazing. And I even spent it with nonchalance without having to smoke.

She stood up after finishing her ice cream, "I think we should go home now," she pulled my sleeve, "I'm tired,"

No kind of things about dinner that ever crossed my mind in the whole day but now. I abruptly thought about it as soon as I looked at my watch, finding it showed me 5 pm.

"Are you not hungry?" I tried to start eventhough I didn't know what kind of reason would I put up if she resists. Though I encouraged myself.

"Yeah, but I'm tired,"

"Come with me for dinner,"

She didn't reply. She was just standing still on her spot. I really wanted some kinds of romantic dinner for my loved one if I don't have enough courage to ask her for date or any kinds like that. It wasn't a right time to think about how to ask her to be mine though.


"I ask you for dinner," I repeated, "would you like it?"

At first she hesitated to answer, yet her lips opened a bit. Her eyebrows narrowed like it was strange for me to ask her something like that. And she has rights to do it since I've never asked her for one even once.

This was my very first time.

"I.." she hesitated, "I'm sorry but I'm really tired for that. Next time, perhaps?"

I know she would say no for this kind of thing. It was too soon and abrupt.

I was taking her to her apartment since it's nearer than her parents' house. I looked sideways and found a sleepy cute face leaned on the passanger seat, making me wanted to pinched her chubby cheeks.

"," I cursed as I saw traffic ahead. Yes, how dumb I am. Today is valentine's. Every shop I passed was filled with crowded. Couples were everywhere.

"Oh my," a sleepy voice uttered. She looked at the traffic ahead, felt more tired than before.

"I only have one bed but I can take the couch," I said.

She looked at me in confusion, "what?"

"My apartment is nearer," I raised one of my eyebrows trying to look calm.

I'm blessed. She nodded weakly trying to keep her eyes open.

God is in my side today. Usually the road to my apartmen

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Chapter 5: I want more
Chapter 4: Hmm. I'm a bit confused :D Anyways, welcome back authornim. Hope you keep on updating and update soon ^^
Chapter 3: Please double update
Chapter 2: Omg.... very romantic