city lights entertainment.
jung minsoo
//// ceo & shareholder ////
At the age of 26, Minsoo is the youngest CEO of a talent agency in South Korea. He never thought that he could be a CEO, in fact, he has a bright job ahead, a marketing director in H&M. Due to an old friend's call of help, he quitted the job and helped her to manage City Lights Entertainment, a newly born company with nothing but Sidereal, the "legend" girl group. 
Although there are a few staffs in the company, Minsoo leads them well, which allows City Lights to grow from a small company to having a few subsidairies. He doesn't treat the staffs as his followers, he treats them as friends and partners, since he is not the boss himself. He works together with the team and together they work on how to make their artists famous. 
zachary joo
//// coo & pr director ////
This American-born korean is famous even before he became the COO of City Lights Entertainment. Zachary first debuted as a model in 2008 in New York, walking the runway for many fashion brands. As a model, he is quite clever too. Graduated in Harvard Business School having a MBA and most importantly, his talking characteristic making him the best candidate for a COO and PR Director. 
No doubt it was Nana who asked him for help since they are both model and Nana is known for knowing most of the models. Zachary was reluctant at first because he never really work in an office before. After Nana's persuaded him, he agreed. He is like the moodmaker of the crews and everyone like him because he will never be awkward to anyone. Therefore he is known as "the comedian".
im hana
//// cmo & creative director ////
Hana is the only person that interviewed offically to the job in City Lights Entertainment. She graduated in Ewha Women University majoring in International Business. Although her papers look normal and dull, she has a creative mind. Her porposal in how to promote a girl group impressed Minsoo and Sidereal. Therefore, she is chosen to be the CMO and Creative Director of City Lights Entertainment. 
During discussion, Hana is always the first one to propose an idea. This is because her brain process an idea very fast. After she told everyone, they will then elaborate it and become a better proposal. When the staffs went out to have a drink or having a party, she often got hooked up because she is pretty. That is where Zachary is there to help her. Therefore, she and Zachary are known as the "fake couple".
lee yeon
//// cfo ////
Graduating at Seoul National University and having a great background in Finance and Accounting, Lee Yeon is the best candidates to be the CFO of City Lights Entertainment. With only three staffs including her in the finance department, she will make sure that the money are calculated correctly and is invested in the correct way, so that the company could earn more money. 
She was recruited by best friend Goeun when she called for help. Being best friends since middle school, Lee Yeon did not reject her offer and helped her out. Lee Yeon always wanted to be involved in the entertainment industry because she is a k-pop fan herself. She is a big fan of EXO and her dream is finally fullfilled when Goeun took her to Music Back backstage where she greeted all the idols present. 
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