2: Chung Jae Cafe

Mismatched Lovers

"Oh it's pretty cute here." I said.
"Right! Oh here's a seat" 
"What do you want? My treat." I said.
"No its ok. You're not from here. I should be treating!"
"How about this. I treat you today and you can treat me next time. I'll probably be studying here a lot anyway. I can't focus at home"
"Oh is it noisy where you live?"
"You can say that".


"Hi, I'd like 2 ice americanos" I said. I was trying to be more korean. Especially if I'm probably going to be living here for at least 5 years. I also need to loose about 4 more pounds before sajangnim kills me. 
"Here's your change. We'll call you when your drink is ready" 
I sat down and put the change in my wallet.
"Oh sorry, I never asked. Why did you come here"
                                    -------to be a trainee--------
"my older brother wanted to open a restaurant here" I answered
"Oh that seems weird"
"Yeah well, my brother is weird. My parents died when I was young so I don't remember them. My brother is all I have"
"Oh I'm sorry....."
"It's ok. I've gotten use to it"
"By the way, your korean is really good"
                             --------it's because I've been sort of training for 2 years now but finally came to korea--------- 
"my brother speaks it to me and I took classes."
"Here's your drinks" the worker put down our drinks. "Can I get you anything else?"
"No thanks" I said and he walked away.
"OMG I think he likes you" Soeun said.
"What are you talking about?"
"Why didn't he just call out the order number. Also, he's only supose to take orders. Omg he's so cute. He's a model. I saw him in a fashion show during Seoul Fashion Week."
"I think this is all in your head. Speaking of which. You're really into fashion huh? I can tell by just how your bag is"
"Sort of. I'm more into graphic design but my parents want me to be a doctor."
"Like all the other asian parents"
"Pretty much."
"Here, service" the waiter said as he put down a cake.
"Oh, thanks" we said.
We both looked at each other and giggled as he walked away.
"I told you he likes you." Soeun said.
"He is cute. But I don't think I'm ready for a relationship. Let's just finish this cake and leave"
"At least give him your number"
"How do you know he if he want mine. What if he wants your number."
"You're funny. I'm out of his league."
"So am I! Whatever. We're probably too young for him anyway."
"You're right. Come on, I want to show you my favorite tteukbokki place"

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dayn20 #1
Chapter 2: Oow hahaha this chapter was cute. I like Soeun, she seems very matute!
dayn20 #2
Chapter 1: I love both Mamamoo and Hyukoh!! I hope you keep writing, I looking forward it <33