Runaway You

“Hyung, will you ever come back?” Mingyu asked the older guy next to him. He stared blankly at the river when suddenly the idea of it came.

He shrugged and looked mixed up a bit, “I haven’t decided yet. Probably will.”

“Then, what keeps you staying here?” the latter noticed Seungcheol’s eyes wandering, the guy was contemplating something serious, “if it’s about the incident a few weeks ago, I think you shouldn’t be bothered because it’s past and it doesn’t cause you any damage, hyung. Even if it does, you’re not that guilty. Someone is trying to hurt you, it’s their crime.”

Seungcheol wanted him to think likely too that’s why he meekly nodded. But to be honest, it didn’t happen like that inside his head.

“And aren’t you going to report to police?” Mingyu bluntly said the latter shook his head in disapproval.

“Not in the near future.”

“Or at least let me take care of it for you, hyung.”

“I really do want you to help, Mingyu. I’m at rock bottom right now.” He trailed, completely wanted to end things so bad, “But I got too distracted. It’s not going as I planned.”

“Are you probably worry about her?” Mingyu asked subtly and as he thought, Seungcheol got speechless as if he knew what’s in his mind.

“She will be fine, hyung. You said you are assured she won’t report you or bring up about it.”

“No, actually she didn’t know anything.”

“Well, you have to keep her ignorant, before things get more complicated. End things here and leave immediately, hyung.”

Seungcheol took a deep breath as he started to feel pressured by Mingyu, “Get out from this hideout before Kwon Soonyoung found you first.”

Seungcheol suddenly clenched his fists as he heard the names. Nothing burned his hatred worse than thinking about Kwon Soonyoung, that who ruined his family.

“I have been thinking all of this incident was also that ’s plan but it’s hard to get the proof, that’s why I waited for a bigger possibility.” Seungcheol sneered dangerously.

“Lately, Wonwoo figured out about him purchasing a big amount of stocks. He’s planning warfare against us and he has started.”

“Does he know that I’m here?”

Mingyu shrugged hesitantly, “I hope not hyung. His subordinates can be everywhere; I might agree that all of this happening to you was his scenario.”

“Then, I’ll get myself ready for the entertainment.” Seungcheol narrowed his eyes to Mingyu as he hesitantly said, “Mingyu, will you do me a favor?”

“shoot away, hyung.” The younger scooted closer.



Your routine went back to normal after your grandmother had discharged from the hospital. You came to work on the next day, was given extra shift after your short break. You had agreed with your boss and had to obey it for a week.

Besides taking orders, you started to help with early shift before the store opens. It was when you were mopping on the floor, suddenly Yunmi barged into the restaurant running and rushed in stormy.

“Eunhee! My brother found out!”

You were swinging the mop strongly and hit your hand accidentally against the table as Yunmi cried into the restaurant. You stopped spontaneously.

“Okay, what did your brother find?”

“He found out about him.”

“He found himself…??? How?”


You chuckled in the process, but Yunmi didn’t give any clue about telling her joke. She only breathed heavily as she talked.

“My brother is investigating something about an assault recently, I once overheard him mentioned the date when you saw Seungch—,” You couldn’t help but pulled her to the kitchen before anyone could hear her blaring voice.

“Yunmi, please lower your voice. I don’t want anyone to hear about this.” You begged.

Oops. Sorry.” Yunmi covered and followed your gaze outside the room assuring there were no one around, when it’s confirmed she continued, “So my brother is a cop. I was delivering his lunch yesterday at the precinct when he was meeting this guy.”

You listened intently at Yunmi’s explanation, somehow your heart couldn’t beat normally as you getting nervous.

“I didn’t really see his face since his back was facing me. But I heard him explaining to my brother he had been assaulted by a guy. He even mentioned the exact date and place where you met Seungcheol, I was trembling when I listened to the report.”

“And then…”

“But my brother saw me and I couldn’t listen anymore.”

You couldn’t hide your uneasiness, you started to bite your fingernails and went panic. “Are you sure he said the same information?”

Yunmi nodded vigorously, “Yes, you know that I always get curious about the cases my brother’s investigated and so I sat with him last night when he was typing a report on his laptop. It’s precisely same cases, the date, the crime scene. Unluckily I didn’t see the culprit’s profile.”

“I need to tell Seungcheol, he will be in danger.”

Yunmi grabbed your arm before you could leave and give you a serious look, “what is it, Yunmi?”

“Eunhee, if you’re planning to warn him about this, stop immediately. Stop protecting him.” you gulped your saliva, “You can’t hide him forever like this. He did a crime and has been taking advantage from you. Please take the justice side,”

“It’s not like that. I swear. He will handle it.”

“Stop being denial for him. I see that you actually like him, but please… think again.” Yunmi’s voice getting softer and you halted.

“All I want to do is helping him, he didn’t do anything wrong. He was attacked.”

“I know, I believe you.”

“And I never see him taking advantage from me even though I like him.”

“I think he is, Eunhee.”

“Yunmi please stop. I don’t want to talk about this.”

You let go of your hand but Yunmi obstructed your way, “Eunhee listen to me, please. I appreciate what you have been done, but I just want you to stop protecting him.”

“Seungcheol will take care of it himself and I’m not protecting anyone, Yunmi.” You asserted.

“No, he is definitely not.”

“You don’t know him, Yunmi.”

“I know, he is a coward because he runs from his own problem and hides in your house.”

“He probably is in the process of solving the problem. I know because he called his friends to help him.”

“Then why I never heard my brother writing report from him? It’s because he never has the intention to report in the first place.”

“Eunhee. If you really want to help him getting out of the situation you should encourage him to tell the truth. If what my brother’s client said was wrong, convinced Seungcheol to speak up before it’s too late. Because evidence can be erased.”

Your head hung low. All this time you realized he never try to disclose his own problem and chose to hide behind your door. You realized he never utter his real purpose and intention for keep waiting. You realized you had put too much trust to him when all he needed was your contribution to encourage him to do the right. And that happened when you already care only for his safety and not the other way around.

Your eyes started to get teary, you were disappointed, angry, confused at everything; at you.

“Eunhee, I’m sorry I was too harsh to you.”

“No, Yunmi. You are not wrong. I just feel like…” you paused, your sob refrained you from speaking, “I don’t know why I’m like this. I think it’s fate to meet him and I was so preoccupied by the fantasy I made myself. I feel like… oh no, what have I done…”

At this state Yunmi embraced you into her arms. Trying her best to understand and comforted you. “I understand, I know you have been trying so hard and no one can blame you for being kind, even yourself, Eunhee.”

You were thinking, were you selfish for wanting him stay? That’s why you were protecting and shut your voice for his wrong doing. You felt you started hating yourself. But fortunately for you, Yunmi was there.




I revamped the plan. Like changed everything I wrote long time ago. I wish it will work.

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GUys! Wish me luck todayy. My college exam result is up on 2 pm. 8 hours to go TT_TT


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Beatriche #1
Chapter 13: Chapter 12: nice fic! I like it a lot and I hope this is not the end, pleasee
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting here, yay! keep up the good work, i'm looking forward to the upcoming chapters:)
Whitebread312 #3
Chapter 10: I liked the story a lot actually, keep on writing! Fighting !!