Chapter 20

The Imperfect Me

After a long day, class finally ended. Oh, how I hate long days like this. Today was filled with classes that I hate and time passed really slow because of that. I am so glad tomorrow is a weekend. Can't wait to wake up late tomorrow! I saw the others still packing their bags. Since I was done, I decided to wait for them outside. 

"Seems like you are excited to leave class early?" I heard a chuckle.

"Yeah, today's classes were totally boring. I almost wanted to leave halfway through," I replied Luhan.

"Omg, me too! Maybe we should ditch class on Monday," he said with a mischievious grin. Oh man, he looks really handsome when he grins. Why didn't I notice this before? I shook that thought off my head.

"You can afford to miss class since you're really smart. Unlike you though, I am doing just average and I have to study hard just to get the marks that I have now. Your offer sounds tempting but nah, I'm going to be a good student and stay in class no matter how boring it is."

"I have an idea. How about we study together tomorrow at my house? With the rest, of course. Maybe I can help you with some of the stuff that you have difficulties in," he asked.

"Uh, yeah sure. I don't mind. Let's ask the rest later," I agreed. Well, there goes my dream of waking up late tomorrow. But it's okay, it's for school.


You have a new message.

Unknown number: Hey, you owe me frozen yoghurt today.

Me: Omg, Kris. How the hell did you get my number?

Kris: Oh you knew it's me!

Me: Durh, who else bothers me about frozen yoghurt all the time apart from you.

Kris: Haha, yeah. I guess you are right. 

Me: You still haven't answer my question, ya know.

Kris: Oh, SECRET~

Me: Whatever.

Kris: Okay, meet at the school gate in 5 minutes. See ya!


"Who was that?" Luhan asked.

"Just someone annoying," I shrugged as I kept my phone in my pocket.

"That person is not bothering you right? If that person is, tell me. I will give him a good warning," Luhan said.

"Don't worry Luhan. He is not bothering me that much."

"Wait, that person is a HE?" Oops.

"Haha, did I say he? I mean, she. Uh, I got to go. Tell the others I said bye," I said as I ran off to the school gate.


When I reached, I saw Kris leaning against the school gate while focusing on his phone. He did not seem to realise that there were girls giggling and fawning over him. Well, he is good-looking after all. I have to admit that I find him good-looking as well. Okay, now I am kind of scared to approach him after seeing the number of girls around him. How am I suppose to approach him now? Walking towards him now is like walking towards a death trap. I can imagine how the other girls are going to give me death glares. Thinking about it just makes me scared. Should I think of some other reason to not go? Yeah, maybe I can say that I cannot make it because I have made a promise with my friends. But before I could whip out my phone to text him, I heard Kris calling my name. Seems like I was spotted by him. Urgh! I should have hid and not stand in his line of sight like an idiot. And now, I feel all the heated glares at me. My fears have come true. Oh no, what am I going to do now? 

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Hey! I hope you enjoy my first fanfic~


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Chapter 29: Please update soon!! It's so good so far!!
Chapter 28: Please update soon!!..
Chapter 20: Please update soon!!!...
qinmad #5
Chapter 19: Waah I'm so glad you updated! Kris is being weird but it's good to see how he's getting close to her. But he should stop saying things outta blue, it ain't helping anybody :c I hope she'll feel better and won't be crying :(