Chapter 12

The Imperfect Me

OMG, CAN LUHAN GET ANY MORE ANNOYING? He's been bugging me since the start of class till the end of school. He would find every single free time to pester me about what Luna have said.

"Ara, what did Luna tease you about? Are you really not going to tell me?" Urgh, here he goes again.

"It's nothing, Luhan," I said for the nth time.

"It can't be nothing. You face was super red just now. You were definitely blushing. It cannot be nothing," Luhan insisted.

"Luhan, enough. Don't pester Ara anymore," Victoria came to my rescue. Thank you Vic for always saving me!

"Fine, fine," Luhan finally surrendered.

It was already the end of school and we were now outside buying materials to decorate our classroom. Victoria, Luhan, Chen, Luna and I were tasked to buy the materials needed. The rest were assigned to clean up and rearranged the stuff in the classroom so that it wasn't messy. Honestly, our classroom was so dirty. The empty locker at the back of our classroom was really dusty since nobody really used it. There were materials left behind by the previous batch on the teacher's table and we could practically see a layer of dust on the materials. Now I wonder how did we manage to survive studying in such an environment yesterday without getting asthma? 


Message from "CHEN IS FABULOUS"

Sulli : Urgent peeps! I need some of you back in the classroom to help the rest of us. Tao has to leave halfway because his club decided to have an emergency meeting.  So there is only left with Lay and I. And it seems we have to clean up more than I thought. This classroom is hell! So sorry for informing you guys so late!


"Hey guys! Sulli needs some of us to go back to school to help her. Tao has to leave halfway for his club meeting. And the class is in a horrible state," I infomed the rest.

"Okay, so who wants to go back?" Victoria asked.

"I don't mind going back," I volunteered.

"If Ara is going back, then I'll accompany her as well," Luna told Victoria as well.

"Okay, then it is settled. Luna and Ara will go back to school to help the rest out with the classroom."

"Awww! Can I go back with Ara as well?" Luhan whined.

"No. You've been teasing Ara since morning. She needs a break. Besides, you need to help Chen and I carry the materials. There will be quite a lot of materials to buy, you know," Victoria told him.

Luhan pouted. I almost vomited when he did that. Why does he love to pout so much? It was cute at first. But after seeing so many times, NAH...

I saw Victoria practically dragged Luhan away since he was being so stubborn. Oh my, what a KID. I silently chuckled as it looked like a scene that would occur in a drama where the mom would drag his stubborn son who is throwing a tantrum because he did not get the toy that he wanted. After the commotion, Luna and I then walked back to school.

"Ara. What do you think of Xiumin?" Luna asked me all of a sudden while we were walking. I was taken aback quite a bit.

"Oh wow, you got me there for a moment."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just curious," Luna told me while looking at me with an apologetic look.

"It's okay. What I think of Xiumin, huh? Well, he is a very nice person overall. He was the first one to approach me after you so he is comfortable to be with. I haven't known him for long and he already made me comfortable around him. And I think he is quite a gentleman and he is cute too," I gave her my opinion. She nodded and didn't say anything for quite a while. She looked like she was contemplating about something. 

"Hey, Ara. I want to tell you something but you must promise to keep this a secret okay? You can't even tell the group," Luna told me.

"Okay, sure. You can trust me," I assured her. For some reason, I don't feel good about this. Oh wait, please don't tell me...

"Ara, I think I have feelings for Xiumin."

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Hey! I hope you enjoy my first fanfic~


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Chapter 29: Please update soon!! It's so good so far!!
Chapter 28: Please update soon!!..
Chapter 20: Please update soon!!!...
qinmad #5
Chapter 19: Waah I'm so glad you updated! Kris is being weird but it's good to see how he's getting close to her. But he should stop saying things outta blue, it ain't helping anybody :c I hope she'll feel better and won't be crying :(