Chapter 7

of youtube and infatuations

The weekend flew by pretty quickly, in Jeonghan’s opinion. He had spent the Saturday just moping around, reading Joshua x OC fanfics (aka Joshua x Jeonghan, as Jeonghan likes to say), updating on his fan account, and watching (and fanboying, because who can just normally watch Joshua’s video) Joshua’s weekly vlog that was uploaded on Saturday night.


On Sunday? Like any other student, Jeonghan spent it rushing through his assignments. Time usually goes unfairly fast on Sundays, as Jeonghan like to complain.


When Monday arrived, Jeonghan made sure to himself countlessly times that he is going to be cool and calm this time, and he would not embarrass himself in front of Joshua. If he can succeed the first time, then the next few times would be no tough feat for him.


He went ahead, without Seungcheol by his side, again, because that idiot decided to wait for Jihoon to walk that pink-haired kid to school. What kind of friend is he, Jeonghan sighs and entered the classroom, only to be surprised that Joshua is already there, sitting at his original seat, away from Jeonghan.


Away from Jeonghan.


Did I do something wrong?


Jeonghan thought, crestfallen. He had hoped, anticipated actually, that Joshua may choose to sit next to him again. But he guessed not.


Putting on a fake smile, he half-heartedly waved at the oblivious Joshua, who initiated the wave first, before heading over to his seat. He puts his headphones on, blast some music in his ears before putting his head on the table and taking a nap, hoping to run away from the disappointment and sadness filling his heart.


Well, I guess I was too greedy.


When he woke up, majority of the students had already entered the classroom. Seungcheol was right next to him, looking at the white board with a dazed look in his eyes. That never happened before, Jeonghan thought as his curiosity got the better of him and he tapped Seungcheol’s shoulder, snapping Seungcheol out of his daze.


“What happened to you? You look…lovesick.”


“That’s because I am.”


Seungcheol immediately replied, his cheeks dusting a slight pink. Jeonghan raised an eyebrow.


“Oh really?”


Apparently, Jihoon have finally acknowledged Seungcheol’s existence.


“Wow, I see.”


Jeonghan commented, impressed. Seeing as to how Jihoon is playing hard to get, this is considered a huge accomplishment, especially for someone as idiotic as Seungcheol.


Before Seungcheol can rant about how adorable and perfect Jihoon is to Jeonghan, Ms. Kim decided to enter the class, cutting Seungcheol off before he even has a chance to open his mouth.


Nice timing, Ms. Kim, even though I still hate you for embarrassing me.


“Settle down class! Today we will be reviewing what we have learnt so far, and at the end of the class, there will be a project for you all to do!”


The whole class (except Joshua, who legit look excited at the mentioning of project) groaned, and Ms. Kim looks satisfied at the response.


I always knew she is a devil on the inside, finding pleasure in seeing her students suffer.


Jeonghan grumbled under his breath.


“Now let’s start the lesson, shall we?”


Now that’s the start of daydreaming for Jeonghan. For the rest of the lesson, Jeonghan zoned out, looked out of the window for gods know how long, drawn little stick figures on his notebook, and write Joshua’s name all over his notes (not to mention that there were hearts drawn all over each ‘Joshua’ written in his notes).


It seems like an eternity before the teacher finally finishes her boring, monotone lesson reviews, and she looked at the state of the class, observing how Joshua, the new student, is the only one diligently writing down notes.


Typical new student attitude, she noted, as she bets with herself that, latest, by the end of the second month, he would stop taking down notes, because that’s how every student is.


“Alright class, moving on to your project.”


High-pitched groans can be heard from every corner of the class.


“You guys will be pairing up to do a presentation about global warming, and lists and elaborate at least one way we can reduce global warning, but as you know, with every solution comes with side effects or consequences, so you guys have to touch on that as well. You all have three weeks to complete this project, and before I forget, this project will be added into your final grade for this semester.”


More groans can be heard once she said her last sentence. The teacher smirked and motioned them to get started with choosing their partners.


Seungcheol turned over to Jeonghan and lazily gestured to be partners.


“Hey, want to be partners for this project?”


Jeonghan stared at Seungcheol and sighs, since when he wasn’t partners with Seungcheol anyways?


Before he could open his mouth, a soft voice piped out from behind.


“Jeonghan, do you want to be partners with me?”


Jeonghan shot out from his seat at the sudden voice behind him and turned to find Joshua tilting his head, waiting patiently for his answer. He looks at Seungcheol, then looked back at Joshua, then looked back at Seungcheol, then once again looked back at Joshua.


Damn it.


“S-sure, I will be partners with you, …”


Why is my resistance level so low?




He ignores Seungcheol’s offended look and smiles at Joshua, who excitedly smiles back, and they exchanged phone numbers.


Yoon Jeonghan officially have Joshua’s number in his phone.


Me, Yoon Jeonghan. Joshua. Phone number. Oh my god.


“I just want to let you know that I officially hate you now, Yoon Jeonghan.”


“Oh stop being childish, Seungcheol, if Jihoon were to ask you to be partners for a project, you would legit forget that I’m even your friend and say yes, am I right?”


“…Yeah, you are right.”


“Now, be a good boy and go find your partner before you have to do the project by yourself.”


“Oh !”


(Spoiler alert: Seungcheol did end up being the odd one out and have to do the project alone.)


(Spoiler alert part 2: Jeonghan ended up scoring a date with Joshua after school that day, it’s actually a study date for their project. But it’s still a date in Jeonghan’s mind.)


Author's note:

Hello~ hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Regarding Jicheol's side story, the next chapter will focus on them so stay tuned~

Anyways, thank you for subscribing, commenting and upvoting!

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BLoved_97 #1
Chapter 7: thank you for this ㅠㅠㅠㅠ but I want more
I can relate to Jeonghan xD
Chapter 7: Omg i love this so much ugh my top2 otp is here wow and the story is interesting!!
Chapter 7: Asdfghjkl I really really like your story! Hahaha Jeonghan's such a fool, so cute. Jihan really makes me squeal XD Poor cheol, but not really haha
ImAWeirdMonkey00 #5
Chapter 7: Jicheol side story?! YAS PLEASE!! I've been so JiCheol deprived lately so I need more JiCheol like seriously. Anyway, this was ADORABLE!!! I cant wait for the side story and the next chapters after it! I'll be looking forward to the next chapters so update soon :D
Exo_Hunhan_Fangirl #6
Chapter 7: This story filled with fluffy good romance juicy goodness has now made my boringly sick life officially ing nice.
Exo_Hunhan_Fangirl #7
Chapter 7: IM SO ING HAPPY NOW! OH MY ING TY HECK! my life is officially over~ *faints on the ground with red hearts flying all over her*