chapter 4

of youtube and infatuations

It turns out, that Jeonghan do have another class with Joshua later that week, the same module, just on another day. Jeonghan doesn’t know if that is good or bad, because he is pretty sure that Ms. Kim is out to destroy his potential love life.


He sat down, alone, with no one to bother him this time, because a certain Seungcheol is trying to woo this adorable grumpy pink-haired kid who is a musical genius.


I hope he fails, Jeonghan thought, a pout forming on his face.


Since he just ruined my love life.


He was so busy in cursing Seungcheol with his mind that he didn’t realise that someone sat down next to him, someone who is not Choi Seungcheol, but someone who goes by the name of Joshua Hong. Joshua Hong. Joshua. Hong.


“H-hi, do you mind if I sit here?”


Jeonghan jumped at the sudden voice. He turned to his left, mind blank, as he stares at Joshua with hearts in his eyes for a good three second before shyly nodding. Joshua offered him a smile before going back to his own business. Jeonghan (not at all subtle) glanced at Joshua’s side view, mentally drawing out Joshua’s sharp jawline, Adam’s apple (oh Jeonghan love that Adam’s apple so much), collarbones (Jeonghan felt a heart attack coming), and that body –


Stop, Jeonghan, stop.


Jeonghan shook out of his thoughts, fanning himself (even though it’s not even that hot outside), and a sudden realization dawned upon him. He looked around the classroom with wide eyes.


There is literally no one except him and Joshua, since it is still early before the next class starts.


And that means that there are empty seats all around, but Joshua decides to sit in the particular seat. Next to him. Next to Yoon Jeonghan.


Jeonghan felt all giddily at the thought.


Oh my gosh, does he like me? He must like me right? Because he decides to sit next to me, that means he likes me right? Right? He better like me.


“Sorry to bother you, but could you lend me a pen? Mine ran out of ink.”


Jeonghan nodded a bit too quickly at Joshua’s request, and took out his pencil case from his bag, only to realise that he had hanged a huge, outstanding keychain, which had ‘Joshua’s no.1 fan’ written in big, blue font. Not to mention, Joshua’s face is the background of the keychain.


But what’s been done is already done, for he had placed the pencil case right in front of Joshua himself.


my life.


Jeonghan mentally slapped himself multiple times as he watches Joshua’s eyes scanned the keychain with raised eyebrows.


Oh my gosh, he probably hates me now. Yes, he probably hates me. What did I do to deserve this? I think my heart is break –


“So…I take it as you are one of my fans?”


Joshua turned and grinned at Jeonghan, who looked startled at how Joshua seemed genuine happy, and not creeped out about the sudden revelation. Jeonghan blushed and nodded shyly, nervously tucked a stray of hair behind his ear as he waited for Joshua’s response.


“Cool! I always wanted to meet my fans!”


Joshua exclaimed, excitement gleaming in his eyes as he, out of the blue, took Jeonghan’s hand in his, shaking it. It was an awkward moment before Joshua realised how dazed Jeonghan was reacting towards the handshake that he abruptly released his hand from Jeonghan’s.


Bad move, Joshua, you made this awkward, how are you going to save yourself now?


“Wha – don’t – I like your – “


Jeonghan shook out of his daze, stumbling over his words as he blindly made grabby gestures at Joshua, whose tensed shoulders seems to be at ease now that he realised that he hadn’t made things awkward after all.


“What were you saying?”


Joshua teased. He knew that Jeonghan liked that handshake (wouldn’t any fan though), but seeing Jeonghan being all flustered over it made him experience butterflies in his stomach. To know that he is the cause of flustered Jeonghan made him feel…light and fluffy.


“I-I … I-I like y-your h-hand i-in m-mine…”


Jeonghan whispered, head down, as he fidgeted in his seat. He can’t believe that he just willingly embarrassed himself in front of Joshua, he gave in too easily. But it’s Joshua, who can resist?


But Jeonghan still feel the urge to dig a hole and hide himself from the world when he heard Joshua chuckle.


However, the next thing that happened would be the greatest moment in Jeonghan’s life.


Because he felt an all too familiar hand slipped back loosely into his own.


He looked up and stared wide-eyed at Joshua, who went back to his work, hand gently holding Jeonghan’s.


His hand is holding Jeonghan’s.


He is holding my hand, Jeonghan thought dreamily.


My hand, me, Yoon Jeonghan’s hand…I…I can’t anymore! Someone kill me!


Jeonghan screamed in his hand, his body shaking in excitement as he took in what is happening right now. It seems so surreal, so unbelievable, Jeonghan needs to take a picture, he needs to pinch himself to make sure this isn’t one of those dreams he keeps on having.


He also needs to keep his body in check, because…is that blood coming out of his nose?


Oh no.


The last thing Jeonghan remembers is him falling against Joshua and the faint ‘Hey, are you okay?!’ coming from Joshua before he blacks out.


Damn it Jeonghan, when are you going to stop embarrassing yourself in front of senpai?


Author's note:

Hello~ here is the fourth chapter! Hope everyone enjoyed reading this! ^^


So regarding the chapters being rewritten in Joshua's pov, I've decided I will write the entire story based on Joshua's pov in another fanfic once I am done with this story because I feel it will be more organised this way? But I will still leave the third chapter here, just because. :P


Anyways, thank you for subscribing, commenting and upvoting! I will see you guys in the next chapter c:

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BLoved_97 #1
Chapter 7: thank you for this ㅠㅠㅠㅠ but I want more
I can relate to Jeonghan xD
Chapter 7: Omg i love this so much ugh my top2 otp is here wow and the story is interesting!!
Chapter 7: Asdfghjkl I really really like your story! Hahaha Jeonghan's such a fool, so cute. Jihan really makes me squeal XD Poor cheol, but not really haha
ImAWeirdMonkey00 #5
Chapter 7: Jicheol side story?! YAS PLEASE!! I've been so JiCheol deprived lately so I need more JiCheol like seriously. Anyway, this was ADORABLE!!! I cant wait for the side story and the next chapters after it! I'll be looking forward to the next chapters so update soon :D
Exo_Hunhan_Fangirl #6
Chapter 7: This story filled with fluffy good romance juicy goodness has now made my boringly sick life officially ing nice.
Exo_Hunhan_Fangirl #7
Chapter 7: IM SO ING HAPPY NOW! OH MY ING TY HECK! my life is officially over~ *faints on the ground with red hearts flying all over her*