
Earbuds and Spilled Coffee

It was a simple plan: invite Hoseok over to his house, ask him about his feelings, and maybe- maybe- kiss him. 

Yoongi isn't really sure how they ended up sprawled on the couch, empty Chinese takeout boxes on the coffee table, Inside Out playing on the TV and Hoseok snoring softly against Yoongi's chest. He thinks Hoseok might wake up by how hard his heart is pounding. 

He gently shakes the younger's shoulders until he stirs. Hoseok looks up sleepily, and Yoongi's heart rate accelerates for two reasons: Hoseok's face is incredibly close to his, and holy he looks adorable.

"Hi," Hoseok says, voice raspy. 

"Hi," Yoongi answers shakily. 

Hoseok sits up straight, lifting himself off Yoongi, and flattens his hair down, glancing at the TV. It's still playing the credits. 

Yoongi turns off the TV and faces Hoseok, legs crossed. "I have a question."


"Do you..." What Yoongi means to say is, "Do you like me?" but it comes out more like, "Do you kiss everyone?" 


Yoongi runs his tongue over his lips anxiously. "Because- You kissed me a few times, and I was wondering if-" He swallows, looking at his skinny legs. "If you liked me." When he looks up several seconds later, heart hammering, Hoseok is smiling that sunshiny smile of his again. 

"Of course I like you," Hoseok says. "It took you this long to figure that out?"

"It took me this long to confront you about it," Yoongi says defensively. "I'm just shy about these types of things." 

"Well, Mr. Shy Guy Min Yoongi," Hoseok asks, leaning in, "I'm assuming you like me, too?"

Yoongi nods slowly. 

"Can I kiss you, then?"

He nods again. 

The kiss is short and sweet, but nonetheless, it makes Yoongi feel like his heart is about to burst out of his ribcage. 

Hoseok kissed him. On the lips. 


Nothing can drag him down now. 


His happy mood continues until the next day, and is significantly improved when the director calls him inside his office to discuss some details about his new idol contract. 

"So, Yoongi-ssi," the director says, "would you like a stage name?" 

"Um, sure," Yoongi says, head giddy with excitement. 

"What would you like it to be?"

Yoongi thinks for a few moments, and then recalls a text from Hoseok.

Hobi ☼: aww, you're sweet

Hobi ☼: sweet like sugar

"How about Suga?" 

"Hm, that's interesting," the man says, nodding. "It'll be sure to attract attention." 


"Hey, no peeking!" 

"I'm not!" 

Jimin and Jungkook cling to each of Yoongi's arms as he walks, following Hoseok. 

"Are we almost there?" Jimin asks. 

"Almost," Hoseok says, with a glance back at them. "One more minute." 

They walk along the sidewalk for another minute and end up in the back parking lot of the Vogue building. Hoseok waves to his friend, who's leaning against the side of the building with a hand in his pocket. The young boy waves back and begins walking towards them. 

"Okay," Yoongi says slowly as the five males meet. "Jimin, Jungkook, you can open your eyes now." 

Jungkook nearly faints, and Jimin just stares at the attractive young man in front of them, mouth opening and closing like a fish. 

"Hi," the man says, his voice deep. "I'm Kim Taehyung." 

"," Jimin hisses, and hides behind Yoongi. "My hair looks so bad today!" 

"It's okay," Taehyung says consolingly. "You still look nice." 

Jungkook actually faints this time. 


Hoseok and Yoongi sit next to each other on the bus, Hoseok's head lolling onto Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi glances at the younger's phone screen as he plays a game. 

"I can't beat this stupid level," Hoseok complains, sitting up straight. "Can you try, Yoongi?" Yoongi gladly takes the phone and successfully beats the level, much to Hoseok's amazement. "How did you beat it that fast?" he asks, awed. 

"I beat level seventeen ages ago," Yoongi says simply, leaning back in his seat. 

"What level are you on now?" 


"What? Really?" 

"Yeah. I used to play a ton. I don't have too much time anymore." 

Hoseok's phone then buzzes with a message notification, and the two check the message. 



A/N: so yeah, that's pretty much it. I hope you (guys?) liked it!
any votes and comments are greatly appreciated, thank you! xx

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Chapter 7: Woow I'm impressed by how completed this fic is! Like there is not one thing that would have left uncertain at the end, also it was sososo nice to read~ !
trying to figure out why more people haven't up-voted this it was super cute. I want a part two
Chapter 7: this was super cute :D
Chapter 7: Awww, I need a namjin sequel! Loved this!
doyce228 #5
Chapter 7: I was a giggling mess throughout this bunch of fluff. Gawd you have a knack for sweet things don't ya?
Chapter 7: ohhh u shldnt end it like this now im curious xD it was a really cute story :)
Chapter 7: yaaasss namjin. ok im glad namjoon got seokjin. yaaaaa this ending was nice. jikook is hilarious af hahhaha
magicbananas #8
Chapter 6: Aww poor joonie~ lovely story! <3<3<3
Chapter 6: oh no namjoon :((
love_EXOfany #10
Chapter 3: Poor Yoongi. I love your story.
Please update soon