
Earbuds and Spilled Coffee

"Hi, hyung!" 

Yoongi looks up, quickly shaking away any thoughts of Hoseok's eyes, or smile, or lips-

"What's up?"

"Ah, nothing much," Yoongi says, shrugging. He glances at his shoes before back at Namjoon. "Did they like the album?"

Namjoon nods eagerly. "Yeah. They really liked the songs you rapped in. I think they liked the one where you rapped the whole thing better than the one you were featured in, though." 

Yoongi beams, any thought of Hoseok quickly vanishing from his mind. "Really?"

"Yeah," the younger boy says happily. "I heard them talking about you. They said that you might be able to release an album." 

Yoongi's eyes widen at the possibility. Him? An idol? "Oh my god." 

"Right?" Namjoon practically squeals. "It's great! We should go out later, to celebrate."

"Yeah, sure," Yoongi agrees absentmindedly, still amazed at the idea of him being an idol. 


It's almost midnight, and Yoongi and Namjoon walking back home from a small restaurant-slash-bar, the latter wearing a pair of large sunglasses to obscure his face and not attract too much attention for being the famous Rap Monster.

"I'm stuffed," Yoongi says, lightly patting his stomach. "Thanks for paying." 

Namjoon smiles. "No problem, hyung." He glances at Yoongi, who's struggling with the zipper of his sweater, which is stuck because a bit of fabric got wedged in between the teeth. 

Namjoon wets his lips and slowly opens his mouth to speak. "Um, hyu-"

"Hey, Yoongi hyung!" 

Both males turn to see a boy jogging towards them, mouth open to reveal a hundred-watt smile. 


The smiley boy catches up to them, smiling at Yoongi. "What are you doing here, hyung?"

"I just had dinner with Namjoon," Yoongi says, gesturing to the other male, who waves feebly. 

Hoseok gasps. "Oh my god- Namjoon! Like-"

"Keep it down!" Yoongi hisses. "Do you want everyone to hear?"

"I-" Hoseok's eyes are as wide as saucers. "You're-?"

"Yeah, I'm Rap Monster." 

"Wow- Oh my god- I can't believe it-"

Hoseok continues to fanboy over Namjoon for the next couple of minutes, much to the other two males' amusement. He even gets Namjoon to sign the bottom of his SnapBack. 

Hoseok sticks with the two males for a few minutes before saying he has to leave. He gives Yoongi a quick hug before calling out a quick "bye!" and leaving. 

Namjoon doesn't miss the light dusting of pink on Yoongi's cheeks. 

So the words "I like you, hyung" stay lodged in Namjoon's throat. 

Maybe now wouldn't be a good time to confess to him. 

Maybe there wouldn't ever be a good time. 



"Hi, hyung!" 

Yoongi slides into the seat across from the other boy, swallowing nervously because , Hoseok looks fantastic in that dress shirt. "How've you been?" he asks, taking a small sip from the tall glass of water in front of him. 

"Not bad," Hoseok says, shrugging. "You?" 

"Pretty good." 

A waiter comes to their table and takes their orders, and the two boys lapse into a gentle silence. "So," Hoseok says as Yoongi takes another sip of his water, "this is our first official date." 

Yoongi chokes on his water. "Date?" 

"Why do you look so surprised?" Hoseok asks. "Is this not a date? We're at a fancy restaurant for dinner. I spent time on this-" He gestures to himself. "-to impress you." 

Yoongi feels his cheeks heat up. To impress him? He wipes his clammy palms on his slacks and says, in a small burst of courage, "You don't have to spend time on your appearance to impress me." 

Hoseok beams, and his smile nearly blinds Yoongi, it's so bright. "Aww, hyung," he coos, "you're so sweet."

Yoongi swears he's going to have a heart attack by the end of this date. 


"I live here," Hoseok says, pausing in front of a somewhat run-down apartment building. "Up on the third floor." He points at a balcony with a bright blue lawn chair on it. "See that chair? That's mine." 


"Thanks." Hoseok smiles at Yoongi, his eyes forming little crescents. "I'm going to go now. See you later?"

Yoongi nods, eyes flickering up to Hoseok's wind-tousled hair. His hair looks great. Yoongi's probably looks like . "Yeah. See you." 

Hoseok suddenly leans in- Yoongi is this ing close to having a heart attack- and presses his lips to Yoongi's cheek. A bat of an eye later, he's skipping away, calling out, "Bye, hyung!"

Yoongi stands there, stunned. Hoseok kissed him again. 

He needs to do something about this. 


"Did you see Taehyung's new hair color?"

"He got his hair re-dyed?" Jimin asks, eyes widening. "What color?" 

Jungkook pulls out his phone. "See for yourself."

"Blonde?" the elder shrieks. "He looks amazing, holy ." 

"I know!"

"Fanboying over Kim Taehyung again?" Yoongi asks, sauntering over to the desk. "Jungkook, let Jimin do his job. He's going to get fired if you keep distracting him with news on that supermodel." 

"This is Kim Taehyung we're talking about," Jungkook deadpans. "This is a serious matter." 

Yoongi snorts. "You guys wouldn't know serious if it slapped you across the face." 

Frowning, Jungkook crosses his arms and walks back to his personal office, and Yoongi doesn't miss the slight limp he's walking with. With a bark of laughter, he calls, "Oh, you two got busy, too?" 



A/N: one more chapter left! It will be up next week, I promise! 

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Chapter 7: Woow I'm impressed by how completed this fic is! Like there is not one thing that would have left uncertain at the end, also it was sososo nice to read~ !
trying to figure out why more people haven't up-voted this it was super cute. I want a part two
Chapter 7: this was super cute :D
Chapter 7: Awww, I need a namjin sequel! Loved this!
doyce228 #5
Chapter 7: I was a giggling mess throughout this bunch of fluff. Gawd you have a knack for sweet things don't ya?
Chapter 7: ohhh u shldnt end it like this now im curious xD it was a really cute story :)
Chapter 7: yaaasss namjin. ok im glad namjoon got seokjin. yaaaaa this ending was nice. jikook is hilarious af hahhaha
magicbananas #8
Chapter 6: Aww poor joonie~ lovely story! <3<3<3
Chapter 6: oh no namjoon :((
love_EXOfany #10
Chapter 3: Poor Yoongi. I love your story.
Please update soon