
Earbuds and Spilled Coffee

When Yoongi walks into the cafeteria the next day, Jungkook is by the microwave, and him and Jimin are gushing about something. 

"He looked so good, though," says Jimin, beaming. "Even in those really ugly outfits. He can pull off anything." 

"Who?" Yoongi asks, looking at the pair curiously. 

"Kim Taehyung," Jungkook answers promptly. "You know, the supermodel?"

"Oh," Yoongi says, smiling. "You know, one of my friends-" He stops. Would Hoseok and him still be considered friends? They hadn't met in over two months. "Uh," he continues, giving his head a little shake, "well, a friend that I used to know knew him." 

"You had a friend that knew Kim Taehyung?" Jungkook practically screams. "Like- the Kim Taehyung? The supermodel? Personally?"

"Uh, yeah," Yoongi replies, laughing. "He said that they were friends." 


"Calm down, you guys look like your eyes are going to fall out of your heads." 


"Hi, Namjoon-ssi," Yoongi says, bowing. 

"I've told you before, hyung, don't call me that," Namjoon says, crossing his arms. "Just Namjoon is fine. I still don't get why you insist on using honorifics just because I'm an idol." 

Yoongi sighs. "I can't help it." 

Shaking his head, Namjoon says,"Well, let's get recording, shall we?" 

Several hours go by, and the two finally exit the studio together, side by side. 

"You know," Namjoon says, glancing at the shorter male, "I wrote a song for this album, and while we were recording, I got an idea for it. What if you rapped the whole thing? You'd get recognition as an up and coming rapper, I'd get an amazing song for my album-" Yoongi grins bashfully. "-it's a win-win situation. What do you say?" 

Yoongi nods, trying not to let his excitement show. "Um, yeah," he says, pretending to think it over. "That sounds pretty good." 

Namjoon smiles, his dimples showing. "Great. We can talk it over with the directors tomorrow." Yoongi nods again, and the two shake hands before parting ways. 


"You know, Yoongi hyung, you are a very talented rapper." 

Flustered, Yoongi laughs. "Me?" 

"Yeah," Namjoon says with a nod. "Better than me." 

"No," scoffs Yoongi. "How could I be better than you? You're the one with millions of fans. I'm just a nobody." 

"Well, you won't be once my album is released. People will go crazy for your rapping. Your popularity will increase in days, I tell you." 

Yoongi can't help but blush at Namjoon's words of praise, but at that moment, a notification from his phone pops up. 

Hobi ☼: hi, hyung! 

Yoongi swears his heart rate picks up when he sees that it's from Hoseok. He swallows, staring at the text message, unable to think of what to reply. 

"Hyung?" Said boy's head snaps up to catch Namjoon staring at him. "Uh, you okay?" Namjoon asks. 

"Um," Yoongi says slowly, standing up, "excuse me for a moment, please." Without another word, he rushes out of the recording studio and leans against the wall outside, eyes stuck to the message. Hesitantly, he begins typing back a message. 

Yoongi: hey, hobi

Hobi ☼: you're free!!! 

Yoongi: barely

Hobi ☼:  are you free later this week?

Yoongi: I don't know yet, this week is going to be pretty busy, sorry

Yoongi: I might be able to make space 

Yoongi: why? did you want to meet up? 

Hobi ☼: yeah :(

Yoongi: well I'll be sure to make time for you

Hobi ☼: aww, you're sweet 

Hobi ☼: sweet like sugar

"Yoongi hyung?" The pale boy looks up, startled, and sees that Namjoon is peeking out of the recording studio. "Everything okay?" 

"Uh, yeah. Just have to get this real quick." He glances back down at his phone. "I'll be inside in just a second." 


Yoongi: I gotta go now, sorry

Hobi ☼: oh

Yoongi: sorry, bye, talk to you later!

Hobi ☼:


Hoseok and Yoongi end up not being able to talk due to their extremely hectic and busy schedules, and Yoongi falls into a slump. Even Jimin notices. 

"Hyung," he says one morning as Yoongi enters the building, "you having a rough week?" 

Yoongi sighs. "Yeah." 


"It's a long story." 

"I'm willing to listen."

Something in Yoongi breaks, like a dam, and he spills everything to the younger boy. "I just really want to talk to him, but I'm always exhausted by the time I have time to text him." 

"Text him now," Jimin suggests. "You have time." 

Yoongi: hey, hobi!

The two stare at the message for several seconds before a familiar voice calls Yoongi's name. 

"Oh, hi, Namjoon," Yoongi says politely, waving. Jimin hurriedly bows, eyes widening. 

"Hey, hyung," Namjoon greets. He turns to the younger boy. "Uh, Jimin, right?" 

Jimin looks shocked that Namjoon knows his name. "Uh- Yeah. Park Jimin." 

Namjoon nods. "Nice to meet you."  

"You, too," breathes Jimin, awestruck. 


I'll be posting a few more parts later today as compensation!! 

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Chapter 7: Woow I'm impressed by how completed this fic is! Like there is not one thing that would have left uncertain at the end, also it was sososo nice to read~ !
trying to figure out why more people haven't up-voted this it was super cute. I want a part two
Chapter 7: this was super cute :D
Chapter 7: Awww, I need a namjin sequel! Loved this!
doyce228 #5
Chapter 7: I was a giggling mess throughout this bunch of fluff. Gawd you have a knack for sweet things don't ya?
Chapter 7: ohhh u shldnt end it like this now im curious xD it was a really cute story :)
Chapter 7: yaaasss namjin. ok im glad namjoon got seokjin. yaaaaa this ending was nice. jikook is hilarious af hahhaha
magicbananas #8
Chapter 6: Aww poor joonie~ lovely story! <3<3<3
Chapter 6: oh no namjoon :((
love_EXOfany #10
Chapter 3: Poor Yoongi. I love your story.
Please update soon