
Earbuds and Spilled Coffee

"See," Yoongi says, pointing to the screen, "the percussion here just seems too out of place. If you replace it with one like this-"

The door suddenly swings open, and the Yoongi and Jungkook jump in surprise. 

"My shift's over, I'm going home now," Jimin says with a glance at Jungkook. 

Yoongi frowns. "So?" Jimin has never told him when he's going home before. What's so special today?

Jimin walks over to Jungkook. "I'm leaving," he repeats, throwing an arm around the younger's shoulder. 

"Okay. Um, bye," Jungkook mumbles, his face reddening as he stares at his feet. 

Jimin snorts. "What do you mean, bye? That's it?" He places his free hand on the side of Jungkook's face and turns him towards himself, quickly pecking his lips. "Jeez, you don't need to be all shy just because Yoongi hyung is here. See you tomorrow, Jungkookie!" 

Jimin leaves, and there's a long moment of silence before Yoongi asks, "How long has that been going on?"

Jungkook just covers his face with his hands, letting out a whine of embarrassment. 


A month passes, and Jimin moves into the apartment next to Yoongi's. Since Jimin has a car, the two of them decide to carpool to work. This, unfortunately, means that Yoongi can't meet Hoseok on the subway anymore. And, of course, Yoongi's workload increases as more artists request for him to produce songs for them, so communication between Yoongi and Hoseok eventually fizzles out. 

Yoongi misses Hoseok. 


Another month passes, and Yoongi and Hoseok make plans to meet up at a coffee shop the following weekend, and Yoongi can barely contain his excitement. He's in an insanely good mood for the whole week, and many of his coworkers genuinely worry if he's okay. 

The day rolls by eventually, and Yoongi practically jumps out of bed. He spends a ridiculously long time choosing what to wear and styling his hair. He wants to impress Hoseok. 

After a short bus ride and a couple of minutes of walking, Yoongi arrives at the coffee shop. As he sits down at a table, he examines the place that Hoseok has picked out. There's a lot of pink, he notices. The name of the shop is written above the counter. "Seokjin's Delicacies," it reads in elegant pink letters. Yoongi nervously taps his feet; he can't wait for Hoseok to get here. 

His phone starts ringing; it's Hoseok. He must be close. 

"Hey, Hobi! Are you almost here?"

There's hesitation from Hoseok. "Well," he begins, and Yoongi gets an uneasy feeling in his stomach. "I'm really sorry, Yoongi hyung, but I can't make it today. I have a ton of work I need to get done. The fashion show is coming up- I'm sorry." 

Yoongi's heart sinks. "Oh." 

"I really wanted to meet up with you, hyung, but-"

"Yeah," Yoongi says harshly. "I get it. You're busy." 

"I'm so sorry, I wanted to come, I really did-"

"It's okay." 

"...Okay. Well, see you later." 


Yoongi stands up quickly, his chair screeching as the metal legs scrape across the cold floor, and exits the cozy little coffee shop. As he walks to the bus stop, the cold wind stings his face. He's not sure if it's the wind that's making his eyes sting with tears or not. 

He'd really wanted to see Hoseok. 


"You ready for this, Jungkookie?"

"Not really."

"Yeah, me neither," Jimin confesses with a laugh, taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling. "But I think we can do this."

"I'm probably going to have several-"

"-heart attacks."


Jimin stares at Jungkook, eyes widening. "J- Jungkook!" he stammers, face slowly turning a bright red. "What-What the heck! s?" 

Jungkook laughs sheepishly. "Well, he's hot." He glances away nervously before looking back at Jimin before his smile turns into a smirk. "What, are you jealous?"

Jimin scoffs. "Why would I be jealous, Kookie? He's a supermodel that, to be honest, you're probably never going to meet. There's no chance-"

"You don't need to crush my dreams!" Jungkook exclaims, pouting. "I will meet him someday!"

Jimin giggles, pressing his lips to his boyfriend's temple. "Okay, fine," he agrees. "You're going to meet him someday." 

Jungkook nods. "I will." 

"Okay," Jimin murmurs, nuzzling his face into Jungkook's neck. "Bring me with you, though. I want to see if he's as hot in real life as he is through the screen." 

"He's probably hotter." 

Jimin then quickly pulls away from the younger boy, grabbing the TV remote. "Okay, let's do this!" 

The two watch the fashion show eagerly, excitement building up as it goes on. 

"It's this one!" shrieks Jungkook. "He's coming! He- AGH!" The two boys cling to each other, eyes glued to the TV. 

And there, strutting down the catwalk with flawless makeup and gorgeous clothes, is supermodel Kim Taehyung. 

Jimin squeals loudly when Taehyung stares intensely at the camera before turning around dramatically and walking back, hips swaying sensually. "Look at him!" he cries. "He's so beautiful!"

Jungkook falls back into the sofa. "How is it even possible for someone to be that attractive?" he whines, clutching his chest.

"I don't know!"


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Chapter 7: Woow I'm impressed by how completed this fic is! Like there is not one thing that would have left uncertain at the end, also it was sososo nice to read~ !
trying to figure out why more people haven't up-voted this it was super cute. I want a part two
Chapter 7: this was super cute :D
Chapter 7: Awww, I need a namjin sequel! Loved this!
doyce228 #5
Chapter 7: I was a giggling mess throughout this bunch of fluff. Gawd you have a knack for sweet things don't ya?
Chapter 7: ohhh u shldnt end it like this now im curious xD it was a really cute story :)
Chapter 7: yaaasss namjin. ok im glad namjoon got seokjin. yaaaaa this ending was nice. jikook is hilarious af hahhaha
magicbananas #8
Chapter 6: Aww poor joonie~ lovely story! <3<3<3
Chapter 6: oh no namjoon :((
love_EXOfany #10
Chapter 3: Poor Yoongi. I love your story.
Please update soon