
Earbuds and Spilled Coffee

Yoongi settles down into a seat across from another young man sipping some coffee, and reaches into his pocket to pull out his earbuds. Much to his disappointment, they're not there. He must have left them at home. 


With a disgruntled mumble, he leans back and looks up at the dirty ceiling of the subway car. After a few stops and several minutes of staring off into space, Yoongi glances around the bus. It's getting full.  

Of course it is. It's eight in the morning. Adults are going to their workplaces, some doing their makeup while squinting at a tiny reflection of themselves in their phone camera, others talking on their cell phones. High schoolers are, hopefully, going to school, some chatting animatedly to their friends ("I was up until three in the morning working on that stupid English project!), some leaning back in their seats or against metal poles and dozing off with earbuds in their ears, blasting some ty music that's been ridiculously overplayed on the radio and in stores for the past two months.

Between jostling bodies and shifting bags, Yoongi catches occasional glimpses of the young man sitting across from him. He seems to be forcing his tired eyes open as he takes sips from his paper coffee cup. He's a new guy, Yoongi notes. He hasn't been here before. The way the young man keeps glancing up at the subway map on the wall at every stop completely gives it away. 

The new guy gets off at the stop right before Yoongi's, and he can't help but wonder if the guy's destination is near his. 

Yoongi arrives at the studio a bit later, and is greeted enthusiastically by Jimin, the receptionist.

"Hi, Yoongi hyung!"

"Hey. Nice hair." 

Jimin runs a hair through his glossy red locks, grinning bashfully. "Ah, thanks."

Yoongi reciprocates his smile and nods at him, saying a quick "bye" before walking off to his personal little room. Once inside, he peels off his jacket and rummages through the drawers to try and find his extra pair of earbuds. To his utter dismay, they're not there. Of course they're not. Yoongi really needs to be more careful and stop losing all of his earbuds. He's already bought three pairs in the last two weeks. 

The day flies by relatively quickly, with the highlight of Yoongi's day being him buying yet another cheap pair of earbuds during his lunch break. 

The subway ride back home is slightly less crowded, and Yoongi notices that the new guy from the morning is sitting across from him again. After brief eye contact several times, the guy offers a small smile to Yoongi, which he returns half heartedly. 


A week goes by quickly, and Yoongi finds himself sitting next to the new guy; it's the only empty seat. It's more crowded than usual this morning. As Yoongi mentally gripes about his lost earbuds, the young man sitting next to him taps him on the shoulder. 

"Yes?" Yoongi asks, startled. 

"Uh," the young man begins awkwardly, "sorry to bother you, but where did you get that watch?" He points to the black watch adorning Yoongi's slim wrist. 

Yoongi answers after a moment of thinking, and then asks, "By the way, I was a bit curious, do you work near the Big Hit Entertainment company building?" 

"I think," the man says slowly, tilting his head. "Er, where is the building exactly?"

"Do you know Kim's Jewelers? It's just across the street from there." 

"Ah. Then, yes. I work not too far from there, at Vogue. I'm a fashion designer."

Yoongi raises his eyebrows, impressed. "Really?"

"Yeah," the young man says excitedly, nodding. "It's great."

Yoongi listens with amusement as the man explains about his job, about his friend Taehyung who happens to be a model there (who also helped him get a job there), and about a y secretary. He notices how the man's eyes light up when he talks about his new designs, and how one of his sunbaes had been extremely impressed with them. And then the man abruptly stops talking, embarrassment clearly expressed on his handsome face, and apologizes for rambling as his cheeks redden. 

Yoongi merely laughs, shaking his head and telling him it was fine, he enjoyed listening to his job. In turn, he begins telling the man about his job, about Jimin, the cheerful receptionist, some artists that he's worked with (the man's eyes nearly pop out of his skull when he mentions Namjoon. "Oh my god, you wrote a song for Kim Namjoon? Like- like- Rap Monster Kim Namjoon? Oh my god, I'm so jealous!"), and Jungkook, a younger boy who's recently become a producer alongside Yoongi who turns into an adorable flustered mess whenever he's around Jimin. 

And then suddenly the doors open, and the man is getting up. "I need to go now, see you tomorrow. Oh, and my name's Jung Hoseok, by the way. What's yours?"

"Min Yoongi." 


A/N: highkey jikook and yoonseok trash
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Chapter 7: Woow I'm impressed by how completed this fic is! Like there is not one thing that would have left uncertain at the end, also it was sososo nice to read~ !
trying to figure out why more people haven't up-voted this it was super cute. I want a part two
Chapter 7: this was super cute :D
Chapter 7: Awww, I need a namjin sequel! Loved this!
doyce228 #5
Chapter 7: I was a giggling mess throughout this bunch of fluff. Gawd you have a knack for sweet things don't ya?
Chapter 7: ohhh u shldnt end it like this now im curious xD it was a really cute story :)
Chapter 7: yaaasss namjin. ok im glad namjoon got seokjin. yaaaaa this ending was nice. jikook is hilarious af hahhaha
magicbananas #8
Chapter 6: Aww poor joonie~ lovely story! <3<3<3
Chapter 6: oh no namjoon :((
love_EXOfany #10
Chapter 3: Poor Yoongi. I love your story.
Please update soon