Before the Dawn

불분명 (Obscurity)

Listen to this while reading, guys :)

     I stared at the contemporary surroundings of the institute. For a school and training center, it strangely has a unique hospital feel. The surroundings were colored white, adding ambience to the simple interior of the school. The main circulating counter was managed by a middle-aged woman who told us that Donghae will meet us soon. She added, however, that the patient may see only one visitor at a time. Which means Kyuhyun and I need to take turns and he genially offered me to go first. Waiting patiently, I carefully eyed every possible detail there is to know about this place. I’ve seen the flyers about this place in the wooden table in front of us, and I got to say that this place got some good credentials. The facilities and the training here are good, and many “alumni” students from this school-slash-hospital, are now out in the world, living their lives. I smiled. Maybe Donghae’s life would not be a fiasco after all.

“Excuse me, miss?” a girl in a nurse attire called.

“Yes?” I said, looking up from the brochure that I was reading.

“Lee Donghae is now ready for your visit,” the girl said. “I must remind you that we follow one-visitor at a time policy here. The two of you may visit provided that one must go after the other, not simultaneously. Would that be okay?”

I gave her a smile. “That would be perfect. Thank you.”

She nodded. “If you would just follow me, I will lead the both of you to the visiting area.”

Following the girl, we walked past several rooms which were either classrooms or examination rooms. We stopped at a room whose walls were made of lightly tinted glass rather than concrete. There were several chairs outside the said room, which was obviously a waiting area.

“Now, who among the two of you will go first?” the nurse asked.

Kyuhyun said “she would” the same time I said “I would”.

“Very well,” the nurse said, smiling congenially. “This way, please.” She opened the glass door and said softly, “You have fifteen minutes.” Then she closed the door.

I entered the room and was immediately welcomed by the blow of the air-conditioning units. The room was empty except for one person, and I immediately recognized him as Donghae. Even in low light, his features were prominent, and they seemed to beckon at me.

“Who’s there?” Donghae asked uncertainly. Something told me he wasn’t expecting any visitors today.

“Hey, Donghae,” I called carefully, approaching the sitting person.

His face lit up upon recognition. “Yoona?”

I laughed lightly. “How can you tell?” I asked, somehow answering his question.

“Your voice.”

“Is my voice that recognizable?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.

“It stands out from the rest,” he said, smiling towards the direction of my voice.

Hearing him talk, it was just as if he never left.I had to fight back being emotional. I am being timed. I told myself. Now’s not the time. You can break down crying later, just not now.

“Thanks,” I managed to say. “Is everything okay in here? I haven’t heard from you from the past few months.”

He shrugged. “It’s okay, I guess; a lot tougher than I expected, but overall, it’s good. I’ve adapted a lot faster to the dark world in here rather than having to find out how to work it out while I’m blind on my own.”

“That’s good. At least you’re becoming accustomed to your new life here.”

“Tsk, new life,” he emphasized. “I’m not sure I like the sound of that.”

“I’m sorry,” I said immediately. “I only meant that–“

“No, it’s okay,” he cut in. “It’s just that, I don’t want to give this whole blindness,” he mentioned the word with great distaste, “much attention. To tell you the truth, it kinda pisses me off.”

“I’m sorry,” I said again. “I didn’t mean to open up on that topic.”

He nodded, and smiled at me. “So tell me, how are things back in Seoul?”

I smiled and told him everything he had missed, all the possible pieces of information he might want to know, and every basketball game he should’ve taken part with.

“Oh, by the way, they made Siwon Captain of the Tigers’ Basketball team.”

He seemed surprised with this idea. “Siwon? Choi Siwon?”

“Yep, the one and only.”

“Wow, Siwon,” he mumbled, staring into empty space. “I always knew he had it in him. He was one of the best teammates I ever had. If you don’t mind, Yoona, please extend my congratulations to him once you go back.”

“Of course I won’t mind.” I smiled. “Consider it done.”

The glass door opened and the nurse peeked inside and called, “Miss, you have seven minutes left.” She then reclosed the door.

I shifted awkwardly; I don’t know what else to say to him. I didn’t know where my words came from, but as soon as they came out, I immediately wished I could take them back. “I missed you, Donghae.” Both my hands immediately flew up to cover my mouth as soon as the words went out.

Donghae’s head snapped up after hearing my awkward statement. “You missed me?” he asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. I swear, if his eyes could see, they would be boring right through me at this very moment.

I casted my gaze downwards in embarrassment; “Yes,” I admitted.

I expected confusion, anger, resentment and even an outburst, but I didn’t receive any of that. If I were a fortune teller, I would’ve failed badly because what Donghae did was smile, snicker and say, “Shucks, that’s the first time I’ve heard those words in months.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I kept my mouth shut to prevent it from uttering more offhand statements. Donghae didn’t seem to notice my discomfort and continued smiling. “I don’t know what to say, Yoona,” he said. “But one thing’s for sure, Yoona.”

“What’s that?” I asked curiously.

“It’s that, I miss you too,” he said almost shyly.

I blinked, dazed with his words. “Come again?” I said, confused and unbelieving.

“I miss you too, Yoona, your face, your voice, your attitude, everything. I almost want to turn back the time when I met you, so I could treasure those times no matter how short they were.”

I was at loss of words. This was just so unreal I wanted to record them and permanently affix them in my mind.

“Yoona? You still there?” Donghae asked.

“Yeah, I am,” I blurted. “This feels so unreal; I think I’m dreaming again.”

“You want me to show you it’s real?” he asked, although I wasn’t sure what he meant.

“Wait, what?”

He outstretched his arms and invited me into an embrace. I didn’t want to frustrate him, and I couldn’t control myself from my innermost desires. So I willingly conceded his invitation and embraced him. It was amazing, both of our bodies radiated heat when our arms wrapped around each other. Uncertain but careful, Donghae planted a few kisses on my cheek. I flushed and froze in his arms. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I like it. If this is a dream, please don’t wake me up.

He kissed me a few more times before finding his way to my lips. He kissed me passionately, and I was thawed from my frozen state. I kissed him back, recalling every dream I had, every inert desire to have him, every time I wished for this moment to happen. Now here I was, reliving every moment I had in my dreams in reality. His lips, startlingly warm, moved with mine, rousing in perfect synchrony, it was as if we have done this a million times before. His masculine scent drew me in, my very existence. His lips, soft against mine, brushed ever so lightly on the base of my lips before we parted. I gasped. That was my very first kiss. I thought, wide-eyed.

Donghae’s unseeing eyes stared blindly into my own, and I sincerely wished that he had his sight back, just so we could commemorate this moment and capture it in time.

“That was–“

“Amazing.” He smiled, revealing his stark-white tenth.

I laughed melodiously, agreeing with his statement. I was glad he felt the same way about our kiss.

“You never told me you were an amazing kisser. How many guys have you kissed before?” he asked.

I blushed. “To be honest, you’re the first one.”

His eyes widened. “You’re kidding me. That was too intense for a first-timer.”

I shrugged. “I guess I have seen too many romantic movies.”

He laughed heartily. “Well, first time or not, that was outstanding.”

I sulked. Sure, it was my first time, but I’m sure it wasn’t HIS first time, I thought. “I know it isn’t your first time, though,” I said softly.

He raised his eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“You kissed Jessica.” The words came out like an accusation rather than a plain statement. “And I know she’s your girlfriend. Doesn’t that make you unfaithful?” I suddenly wished I realized that before I kissed him.

He mouthed out an “Oh,” then he scratched his head. I waited patiently for his response.

“Well, what can I say? During the party, she kissed me. Not the other way around. I didn’t know even how to react back then. I froze on the spot.”

I was perplexed. “Why? Don’t you like her? She’s your girlfriend, right?”

“No, she’s not. Sure, we’ve been hanging out for a couple of times to get to know each other better, but it was just like that. Hanging out. We never kissed before that party and I never proclaimed or asked her, for that matter, to be my girlfriend.”

I took in his explanation and I wasn’t sure if I should believe it. But I was young, naïve, and in love. So I let my heart judge if I should believe him. And in truth, it did.

“I believe you,” I said.

Donghae smiled. “You’re the one I like, Yoona. You’re caring, simple, and an overall nice girl. The world needs more people like you.”

I flushed. “Same here, Hae. I fell for you during the first time I saw you,” I admitted.

He leaned forward to kiss me again, but was interrupted when the glass doors opened revealing a surprised-looking Kyuhyun and the stern nurse who then shouted. “Time’s up! We’ll proceed with the next visitor!”


YoonHae finally has their moment! Please leave a comment on how you like the chapter so far! ^^

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I really liked the story... I'm a musketeer so I want kyuhyun to yoona hehehehe but still I'm ur biggest fan author nim
Chapter 1: please update soon
tiarashinyoora #3
Chapter 37: just hope you'll update this story again,, ;(
Chapter 37: is this story still alive? I would be so excited to know that you still have the intention to continue this story. Its so interesting. But sad to realize that the last time u updated is year ago. Seems you dont want to continue again, but please prove me wrong.
YoonYulsnsd #5
It really is hard to be blind. on the bright side, it looks like donghae is gonna be able to see again. :) so happy for them hehehe.
Chapter 37: You updated, yay! :D
TheHonestOne #7
Chapter 37: Aww yoong trying to understand hae~ she's an angel <3 I really do hope hae gets his eye sight back
lovingyoonhae #8
Chapter 37: Hello I think you know me but, I'm really busy this week and I'm dying to know what happen to so can you message it to me. I subscribe already. Thishad been lovingyoonhae.. Kekeke..
Aragoy #9
Hi thanks for the invites. I started reading the foreword and find it interesting. Please update soon.
tell_and_talk #10
aissh of all why must Seo? aissh