
불분명 (Obscurity)

     Pinch me, I must be dreaming. I was still standing in the porch where Donghae dropped me off, trying to make sense whether it was all real or just some vivid dream. I had pinched myself a couple of times, but I still did not believe the sudden turn of events. His jacket was still with me, coating me with his musky scent mixed with the scent of the rain. It was real after all. For some reason, my anger completely evaporated and was immediately replaced with a feeling of extreme euphoria. It was real, it was real! The voice in my head chanted. Yes, it was real! And it was going to stay that way! Still smiling, I rang the doorbell and the door was opened almost immediately by my fretful-faced mother. No words were needed, she hugged me immediately. “Oh dear, I was so worried about you!”

I gave my mother a reassuring smile. “It’s okay mom. I’m okay. I kept my word. I didn’t stay long.”

She gave a relieved sigh. “I knew I could count on you, Yoona. Come in, I was on the process of making some hot chocolate. Plus, there’s someone here who wants to see you.”

How surprised was I to find Kyuhyun sitting on our living room couch waiting for me. “Hey,” he said.

“Kyu? How did you get here?”

“I rode on the bus you were supposed to get on. But you didn’t. I needed to make sure you were safe.” He said, slightly embarrassed.

“Oh Kyu, you know you didn’t need to do that. I can take care of myself.”

“Yeah, I know, Yoona. It’s just that,” he paused. “You’re like a little sister to me. I just can’t stand her become hurt or worse.”

I laughed. “You’re becoming more like my mother every day. It’s fine big bro. Your little sister isn’t hurt. She’s perfectly fine. Unscathed.”

“That’s good to hear. So, that’s the reason I came here – to check on you. Are you feeling better?” he said, referring to my heated walk-out earlier.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I cooled down. Wait, where’s your car?”

“I left it at Jessica’s place.”

“You what? So that means you have to go back there and get it back!”

“Something like that.” He smiled.

“Great, I made you miss the party, and now, I made you spend money by riding a bus back and forth just so you can check on me.”

“It’s no big deal, Yoona. It’s the least I can do to assure your safety.”

“Yeah, but it’s too much of a hassle on your part.”

He laughed. “What can I say? I’ve been through lots of parties, but I have only one Yoona.” He looked straight in the eye and smiled. “And one party to sacrifice is nothing compared to saving a lifetime of friendship.”

Letting his words sink in, I couldn’t help but smile.


     Kyuhyun stayed for the hot chocolate, and then said his goodbyes to me and my mother. My mother returned the gesture, thanked him for his concern towards me and wished him safety of his way back. It was not surprising though. Of all the boys in our school, Kyuhyun is the only guy who got my mother’s approval; not only because of his personality, but also because of his steadfast loyalty to his friends, especially me. Sipping the last traces of hot chocolate in my cup, I bade goodnight to my mother and headed to my room. I undressed, took a quick shower, dried my hair, changed into my nightgown then tucked into my covers. Staring at the silver moon from my bedside window, I gave a sigh of contentment, said my prayers and finally drifted off to sleep, smiling.

*                                                                             *                                                                             *

If we go on top of a hill and gaze down,

You are the one I see and only you

Amidst the wide, broad and majestic world


The entrancing melody filled the air and in an instant, I was on top of a hill, lush green and filled with the intoxicating scent of flowers. Marigolds, Daffodils, Carnations, Irises, you name it and it was present. But perhaps the most beautiful flower of them all was the Rose of Sharon, South Korea’s national flower, the flower symbolizing eternity, which towered above the rest. My eyes had to adjust frequently to the paradise in front of me. Truly, such beauty could only be present in heaven itself. Suddenly, there was a light tap on my shoulder. It was Lee Donghae. Words couldn’t describe it, but he was beautiful. He was heaven-sent. He was looking at me.

“Yoona,” he said in a majestic voice, “you’ve been looking for me?”

“Yes,” came make meek reply. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”

“Well I’m here now. Nowhere else to go.” He flashed his teeth and I was immediately blinded by his smile.

“Look at all these flowers Donghae, those skies, and the greenery! Aren’t they all so beautiful?” I said, admiring every leaf, every color in the heavenly surroundings.

“I don’t know,” he said, “I’ve got more beautiful things in mind.”

I raised my eyebrow. “What could be more beautiful than this? What could possibly compare to the splendor of this place?”

“Words can’t express it Miss Yoona.” He winked. “But perhaps, if you’ll look in a mirror you’ll see what I mean.”

I blushed, flattered by his indirect compliment.

“I love you Yoona. I always did. All the beauty in the world would rot and spoil without you. You’re the only color I need in my rainbow.” He said.

“Oh Hae, I love you too. I’ve wanted you tell this – to express how I felt for you, to tell you I loved you from the moment I first laid my eyes on you. But I feared that you won’t feel the same.” I said, my voice tender with emotion.

“Well, you know now. And nothing could ruin this moment for us.”

He reached out to kiss me, then before our lips touched, I saw a bright light, a sound of alarm and when I opened my eyes, nothing was there except for a pool of crimson blood.

*                                                                             *                                                                              *

     I woke up with a start, alarmed of a repetitive sound that kept reverberating from my side. It was the same sound of alarm as the one in my dream. Turning around, I realized it was my cellphone, ringing angrily on my lampstand. Someone was calling. Looking at the screen, a name flashed: Cho Kyuhyun. Answering the call, I began to speak.

“Hello Kyu? What are you calling me for do you know what time it –“

“Yoona, is that you?! Oh God, please tell me it’s you.” He began; his voice urgent.

“Of course it’s me. Why did you wake me up at…” I glanced at my wristwatch, “twelve-thirty? Is there something wrong? Do you need help?”

“Yoona, on my way home I saw a black Mercedes. I guess I didn’t see it on the bus, but I see it clearly now from my convertible.”

I was confused. Sure, Donghae drove me home with a Mercedes, but I didn’t see the connection. “Why? What’s wrong with it?”

“Yoona, it’s Donghae’s car. A ten-wheeler pickup truck rammed his car from the side and sent it hurtling across the street.”

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I really liked the story... I'm a musketeer so I want kyuhyun to yoona hehehehe but still I'm ur biggest fan author nim
Chapter 1: please update soon
tiarashinyoora #3
Chapter 37: just hope you'll update this story again,, ;(
Chapter 37: is this story still alive? I would be so excited to know that you still have the intention to continue this story. Its so interesting. But sad to realize that the last time u updated is year ago. Seems you dont want to continue again, but please prove me wrong.
YoonYulsnsd #5
It really is hard to be blind. on the bright side, it looks like donghae is gonna be able to see again. :) so happy for them hehehe.
Chapter 37: You updated, yay! :D
TheHonestOne #7
Chapter 37: Aww yoong trying to understand hae~ she's an angel <3 I really do hope hae gets his eye sight back
lovingyoonhae #8
Chapter 37: Hello I think you know me but, I'm really busy this week and I'm dying to know what happen to so can you message it to me. I subscribe already. Thishad been lovingyoonhae.. Kekeke..
Aragoy #9
Hi thanks for the invites. I started reading the foreword and find it interesting. Please update soon.
tell_and_talk #10
aissh of all why must Seo? aissh